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Messages - RarityGamer

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General Gaming / Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:39:08 PM »

Lost Horizon. Great game so far. The art style is really interesting too.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Bill Trinen is Director of Product Marketing
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:36:41 PM »
I don't think marketing is the problem with the Wii u. It simply just doesn't have what people want at the moment. They released it when they've and developers simply weren't ready.
they can't even get across the fact that it's a new system, come on...

But again, who's fault is that? Instead of calling it something new or even just the Wii 2, they called it the Wii U. Which sounds more like an attachment like the Wii Balance board and so on...

isn't that part of the point of marketing? To dispel those previous ideas... the 3DS had a very similar problem that it managed to overcome.

That's different though. The DS and 3DS are one unit. A console isn't. A lot of people thought the Wii U was just a touch screen pad for a while.

Didn't Nintendo also cut the marketing budget?

And to be completely honest, if a friend of mine came up to me and asked should he buy a Wii U. I'd probably struggle to give him a reason to. Yes, the games will come, but it was a bit daft of Nintendo to release a console with such a drought of 1st and third party games...

Just a thought. Out of all the great games Nintendo could have remade, they chose to remake Starfox 64 not long ago. Could that of been an attempt to get new people onboard and to gauge the interest in the series?

Either way, I really hope we get another Starfox game. I think they is a gap in the market for it. Think about it though, I can't think of a single 3d space shooter quite like Starfox 64 last or this gen.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Bill Trinen is Director of Product Marketing
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:32:17 PM »
I don't think marketing is the problem with the Wii u. It simply just doesn't have what people want at the moment. They released it when they've and developers simply weren't ready.
they can't even get across the fact that it's a new system, come on...

But again, who's fault is that? Instead of calling it something new or even just the Wii 2, they called it the Wii U. Which sounds more like an attachment like the Wii Balance board and so on...

Here in the UK another shop (ASDA) have just cut the price again and still, no-one is interested.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Bill Trinen is Director of Product Marketing
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:01:19 PM »
I don't think marketing is the problem with the Wii u. It simply just doesn't have what people want at the moment. They released it with very little and developers simply weren't ready.

I think its a good idea to create new IPs every generation(at least 3). The two reasons are to expand the catalog and to stay current. Nintendo usually adds 1-3 per generation into the fold. At one point Starfox, F-Zero, and Pikmin were all new IPs. Nintendo also has IP attrition issues thanks to Rare.

Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Conker, Jet Force Gemini would probably have wii and wii u sequels ready if they never let them go.

From all indications Nintendo still own Eternal Darkness. I honestly don't care if Nintendo brings back a long as its one that is due for a sequel. Things Like Mach Rider, Star Tropics, Eternal Darkness, Earthbound. Now granted it has been a while since there has been a proper Starfox game, but an unsatifactory release just came out on 3DS. F-Zero seems like a good candidate, but it also seems like something maybe that could be done by....SEGA?

I know it's a little off topic, but look at this:

It's a spiritual successor made by the same creator. He's planning to crowdfund it:

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Where is the love for the original Wii?
« on: May 02, 2013, 05:12:32 PM »
I know its a bit sneaky, but I'm surprised they didn't just fill the start of the Wii U's life with HD remakes. Certain games on the Dolphin look amazing.

Technically, Retro Studios is another developer. Few of the people from the Metroid days are currently there as far as we know. Granted they hired a bunch of top talent. Would I want them to make a Metroid game? Well yes, but I think they should make a Metroid game only after they've created a new franchise.

It's a shame when that happens. Teams make a name for themselves, then split up.
Long as they don't another Mario or Mario spin off...


I don't think another Metroid Prime is needed. The trilogy was good, but the last game wasn't that long ago really.

Would love a new starfox mind. It's been awhile since Nintendo really gave it any attention.

I'd like to see Nintendo look at more Western developers. They don't need to get loads, but there seems to be a gap since Rare went. Retro are great, but I think more is needed.

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