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Topics - UncleBob

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General Gaming / Need help from a Canadianite!
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:52:52 AM »
I need to order something - but it's only available from a Canadian website for shipping to a Canadian address and requires a credit card with a Canadian address tied to it.

Since moving to Canada seems like a lot of work for this, I was hoping someone might be able to help me out. :D

General Chat / Anyone at PAX?
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:31:03 PM »
I need a favor... :D

NWR Forums Discord / The pokepal148 x Lucariofan99 Mentorship thread
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:04:43 PM »
Lucariofan99 - pokepal148 is sticking his neck out for you, offering to be your guide to the wonderful somethingsomething world of NWR forums.

Any further disciplinary action taken against you will potentially be taken against pokepal148 as your official Mentor.

Please use this as a time of reflection and personal growth on interacting with others online.  You have received multiple warnings, have had multiple accounts banned and have had your personal account banned twice now.

Welcome back to the forums.

General Gaming / Early Nintendo Years...
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:09:54 PM »
Do me a favor - and help me determine if I'm just that much out of touch... Think of this like a contest, although there's no prize and it's pretty much on the honor system.

Without looking (although if you want to verify a spelling or such, I *suppose*), name early Nintendo (generally, Nintendo of America) employees that you can think of who shaped NoA into the company we all know and love.

You may name one person, but cannot name another until someone else has replied.

I'll start:
Minoru Arakawa

NWR Forums Discord / Financial Announcement
« on: August 09, 2014, 03:38:05 PM »
Here ShitFucker lies

General Gaming / GenCon?
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:59:33 PM »
Anyone going?


So, I downloaded Touch Solitaire back when I was messing with the memory limits of DSiWare on the 3DS (it's a really small title).

I was really bored, so I played it for the first time today.

Later, I noticed that the icon on the menu was reflecting how many games I had successfully finished.  That's amazing.  Are there any other games (DS, 3DS, DSiWare, whatever) where the save data changes the icon?

General Chat / New Nintendo figures out...
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:05:54 AM »

$15 each at TRU.  Shows Mario, Link, Yoshi and Wario as part of the set, but they're apparently smaller and part of a different assortment.

General Gaming / We escaped!
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:40:39 PM »
So, my wife and I ditched town and took a few days to kill in Nashville.

While down there, we hooked up with fellow forum member Ceric and checked out The Escape Game

It's a real-life version of point-and-click adventure.  You're given an hour to figure out the clues in the room and get out.  It's pretty freakin' amazing.

If you ever get the chance while in Nashville, do it. :D

Nintendo Gaming / Animal Crossing Idea
« on: July 13, 2014, 06:38:45 PM »
So, I have a physical copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf I've never played.

I have a 3DS I don't really use.

I have a fairly decent (most of the time) internet connection.

What would be the outcome if I gathered 100 people from the internets and left my gate open for a month?  Two months?  A year?

Obviously, I'd have to check it every so often, as I'm sure I'd drop the connection and need to re-open my gate... but would people come in and chop down all my trees?  Pitfalls everywhere?  Or would they build the community around me?

Is this worth doing?

This is interesting...

Apparently, in Germany, at least, the Wii version of Trap Team comes with a digital download code for the Wii U version?  Neat.

Quite some time ago, I remember reading an article that a guy put together where he took some of his most valuable games and did some price comparisons on what he could actually get for selling them. I don't remember much about the article, but I do specifically recall he took some of them to a Pawn shop who pretty much offered him complete crap. ;)

Anyway, I want someone to do this again - take 10 or so of your most precious games (do a mix of systems) and see what you can get from various places.  Check out some locally owned gaming stores (if you have any), a Pawn shop or two, then go on to GameStop, Walmart, Best Buy, Target, then go on eBay, search the completed auctions and find the auctions that are closest to your games and see what they sold for - but remember to take out the cost of selling on eBay, the PayPal fees and the shipping fees.

I'd love to see an article put together featuring a mix of older games and newer games (and I'm aware that the Trade-In-Value for, say, Chrono Trigger on the SNES is going to be $0 at the big box stores)... :D

NWR Forums Discord / So, I got this random Facebook message...
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:49:27 AM »

It was like an emotional rollercoaster for me.

NWR Forums Discord / The Sickness...
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:14:44 AM »
I still have some work to do, but it would appear that based on the following criteria:

1) The hardware has to be manufactured or officially licensed by Nintendo. (i.e.: An NES, Wii U, Panasonic Q)
2) The hardware must have a serial number (or was supposed to, in the case of some of the 2nd hand Game Boys - i.e.: not a Pokemon Mini or Game and Watch system).
3) The hardware must (reasonably) play games (i.e.: not the Game Boy Camera/Printer or a Game Boy Player)

If my estimate is correct... I have 70 Nintendo systems.  I could seriously build a fort.

Nintendo Gaming / Photos with Mario
« on: May 25, 2014, 07:33:53 PM »
Found the $10 eShop Cards featuring the Photos with Mario AR cards on them at Target today...

Nintendo Gaming / WiFi Connect without Nintendo
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:07:34 PM »

Haven't tried it yet - can't try the DS version at all - but the Wii version looks promising.

NWR Forums Discord / My Mario Kart 8 Review
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:11:04 PM »
Wow.  This game blows chunks, hard core.

There's like, no Mario, no karts, no nothing.  There's not even an icon on the Wii U menu to play this game.

Nintendo couldn't even be bothered to put artwork on the disc.  Or a disc.  Or a case for the disc.

This is the worst Mario Kart yet.  At least in previous Mario Karts, I could play something.  There's nothing to play here.  I can't play online, I can't play battle mode, I can't play online battle mode.  I can't chat with people I don't know while racing, I can't chat with people I do know while racing, I can't chat with people I don't know in lobbies, I can't chat with people I do know in lobbies.  None of my controllers seem to make Mario Kart play any better.  I have A Wii Remote, Wii Remote with Nunchuk, Wii Remote with Wii Wheel, Classic Controller, Pro Controller, Tablet Controller... yet no Mario and no Kart.  Not even a button on the middle of the tablet with a horn to honk.  Nothing.

These courses are so lame.  Hell, Nintendo, up-rez the courts from previous games and throw 'em on a disc... something!  This is a prime example of everything that's wrong with Nintendo.  They don't even try anymore.  This is the least amount of effort possible.  Throw up some marketing buzz about Mario Kart 8, then don't even give me a Mario Kart game to play.

I score this game a 0.5/10.  I mean, it *is* a Nintendo game, after all - so even if there's no game to play, I have to give it a few extra points for the sake of being a Nintendo title.

Someone submit this review to Metacritic now.

Nintendo Gaming / Mario Kart Wii Save File?
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:03:28 PM »
I know these exist, without the need to hack your system... I did it once before when my Wii died.

I'm looking for a Mario Kart Wii save file with everything unlocked and a clean WiFi ID.  Help?

NWR Forums Discord / Khush's Recent Ban
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:14:08 PM »
Franky, I am sick of the **** Khush has been posting lately.  Between the spammy BS he's been posting on the forum, his trolling "review" of the best Wii game ever, and, frankly, his pathetic attitude of superiority over other members of this forum, including long-standing members of this forum - I've had enough.

Khush has been perma-banned from the forum.  He will NOT be missed.  This is not up for discussion.

General Chat / Help me get a copy of Mario Kart 8 early.
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:53:35 PM »
Nintendo WiFi Connect ends on May 20th.
Mario Kart 8 doesn't come out until May 30th.
I want to have a StreetPass meet-up for the end of WiFi Connect - and having Mario Kart 8 to celebrate would be amazing.  Now, I'm not trying to get a free copy - I'm more than willing to pay full retail.  I just need it ten days early.

Who can pull some strings and help me out? :D

NWR Forums Discord / Help me rip it, sip it and win it!
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:46:00 PM »
I need help.

Someone combine this ad

With the Wong Burger Ad from the the Dickespode episode of Aqua Teen...

Every time I see this Chuck-e-Cheese ad, I always fill in the legalese at the end with "Some customers may have their dick ripped off..."  Someone needs to make this happen for me.

General Chat / Help me patent this idea...
« on: January 31, 2014, 10:51:12 PM »
Ad filtering at the ISP level that actually *replaces* ads with ads provided by the ISP.  Instead of the individual sites getting ad revenue, the ISP gets all the money and can do more targeted advertising based off the account (and based off the account's personalized browsing history).

I'll make a fortune.

NWR Forums Discord / Did Someone Say Hawg Rydar?!?
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:11:15 PM »
So, there's this TV ad for some lame looking cell phone game.  At one point, this character (whom I presume is a Hog Rider) jumps onto the screen yelling "Did someone say hog rider?"...  I *swear* this is the voice of Cyborg from Teen Titans/Teen Titans Go! - anyone confirm/deny this for me?

Nintendo Gaming / StreetPass Relay lowered to 3?
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:39:02 PM »
Has anyone been making use of the StreetPass Relay system lately?  It seems like I'm only getting three Miis whenever I visit one anymore....

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