I don't think I ever used Miiverse at all so I don't really care about that. I'm a little more down on losing Streetpass. That was a fun concept, though one that didn't work as well in my area as it would in a big city.
The reasoning for excluding it to promote the Switch as a console is pretty dumb though. The whole hook of this is that it's a handheld and a console. Emphasizing it as a console just makes it look like a tweak on the failed Wii U concept with some more Wii style motion control getting renewed emphasis as well. I'm sure in Nintendo's warped mind doubling down on these concepts is the whole point. In other words they think the Wii U was a good concept that was just poorly executed but THIS time it will work out. If this is a console why should I pay $300 for this tablet screen if it's just going to stay in this dock the whole time when the other consoles are cheaper and have more games? As a console the Switch's screen concept is actually done shittier than the Wii U because the Wii U's screen is always available to compliment the TV screen. With the Switch it appears you're either using the TV by connecting to the dock or you're using the tablet screen on its own.
But this tablet screen stuff gets justified by the system being a console and a handheld. That's what, in theory, makes this worthwhile. So that should be the focus of the marketing. Play this fully featured console Zelda ANYWHERE!! That's a sales pitch!