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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1600 on: October 03, 2010, 01:42:07 AM »
Robocop 2: I started watching this one and Netflix took it down the very next day. Cheers, guys! 1 hour/ 2
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1601 on: October 04, 2010, 04:05:42 AM »
How To Train Your Dragon


Saw this movie again in Blu-ray. I missed the 3D (which was amazingly done), but it's still is breathtaking to watch. The story is simple, but great. Watch it if you haven't seen it.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1602 on: October 06, 2010, 02:28:49 AM »
Beauty & the Beast (via Blu-Ray) - 9/10 - This is probably my second-favorite Disney animated movie of all time, but I hadn't seen it in years.  As my folks didn't let me take their copy of the DVD with me when I left home, I eagerly scooped up the Blu-Ray of this movie today and it didn't disappoint.  Disney is quite possibly the best studio currently producing Blu-Ray movies, and this set seems to be up to their usual standards.  Simply put, there isn't a single flaw in this movie's Blu-Ray transfer.  I don't think the movie looked this lush, this detailed in the theaters.  It gives me a great deal of hope for the inevitable (hopefully soon) Blu-Ray for Lion King, my favorite Disney animated movie.

So where does the movie go wrong?  Well, it doesn't really.  This is one of those rare Disney movies I would truly describe with the cheesy description of "magical."  The music's great, the animation (particularly on the Beast) is amazing even by modern standards, and the pacing's pretty tight...or at least it would be if Disney didn't feel the need to keep shoving the Imax extended cut down our throats.  There are a lot of weird lighting, coloring, and detail changes made for the Imax version that crop up on both the theatrical and Special Edition cuts of the film on this disc.  It's fine in general, but there are scenes where you just "remember" scenes being a lot darker by intention that are now substantially brighter and more colorful.  My chief bone of contention with this cut of the film is the song "Human Again."  I subscribe to the notion that deleted scenes are cut for a reason, and "Human Again" is one song too many in a movie that is so stuffed with vocal numbers I'm not sure there's more than 5 minutes of actual dialogue in the whole film (it's really more of a Broadway musical that just happens to be animated than an animated movie).  Dialog in "Human Again" also makes the timeline of the movie even more alarmingly short than it seemed already (if you believe "Human Again", at most this entire movie took place over maybe a week).  Sure, if you want you can just watch the theatrical cut and the song won't be there, but the aftermath of that scene (where the castle is bright and shiny for the rest of the movie) is intact in both versions of the film.  So you can either watch a version that slams into a wall with a mediocre song, or you can watch a version with an annoying continuity error.  Huh.

Overall, a great movie that's among the best that Disney ever did, but of course you already knew that.  Now, if Disney will ever get around to releasing Lion King and Aladdin on Blu-Ray, I'll finally have all 3 of what I call the Holy Disney Trinity (yes yes...I know...I don't care much for Little Mermaid, though I respect what it did for Disney animation).

Oh, and Disney: thanks for having Lumiere babble at me incessantly while I'm trying to navigate yet another of your needlessly-complicated Blu-Ray menus.  Why can't you just put all your extras under one big "Extras" menu and call it a day rather than scattering them all around the frickin' place?   :@
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 02:32:49 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1603 on: October 06, 2010, 03:56:08 AM »
If I had a Blu-Ray player I would get this version of Beauty and the Beast.

'Human Again' is probably one of my least favorite deleted scenes from the Disney movies. 'Morning Report' in Lion King is also close up there as well.

Pocahontas had one of my favorite deleted scenes with the 'If I Never Knew You' love song.

Strange that they insist on using the modified version of the film. Theatrical should mean just that.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1604 on: October 06, 2010, 10:04:09 AM »
Oh, and Disney: thanks for having Lumiere babble at me incessantly while I'm trying to navigate yet another of your needlessly-complicated Blu-Ray menus.  Why can't you just put all your extras under one big "Extras" menu and call it a day rather than scattering them all around the frickin' place?   :@

This annoyed me with the Blu-ray Disc version of Cars. They had the extras split up into all these different menus, then made it hard to even figure out where stuff was by having unhelpful menu names and making it hard to even figure out where the different options were (by having stuff like license plates be menu options rather than just presenting them in a list). It's not enough to ruin the movie, but it does make me not want to watch the extras.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1605 on: October 06, 2010, 10:11:23 AM »
'Human Again' is probably one of my least favorite deleted scenes from the Disney movies. 'Morning Report' in Lion King is also close up there as well.

Ugh..."Morning Report", I hate that song.  You can at least make an argument for why "Human Again" needs to be in the movie (it does explain how we suddenly have a spotless ballroom for the "Beauty & the Beast" music number.  "Morning Report" was just thrown into the movie "because", as it's just a collection of really terrible puns that feels really out-of-place in an otherwise well-paced movie.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 02:58:44 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1606 on: October 06, 2010, 01:32:22 PM »
You mean the Blu-Ray of Beauty and the Best doesn't even have the OPTION of watching the version we all know and love?
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1607 on: October 06, 2010, 01:37:56 PM »
You mean the Blu-Ray of Beauty and the Best doesn't even have the OPTION of watching the version we all know and love?

You do have the option. Both the theatrical version (at 85 minutes) and the special extended version (at 92 minutes) are available in the Classic Bonus Features section and both are in HD. Here is a review that also mentions the extras:
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1608 on: October 06, 2010, 01:39:01 PM »
You mean the Blu-Ray of Beauty and the Best doesn't even have the OPTION of watching the version we all know and love?

You have the ability to watch a version with "Human Again" that they call the "Special Edition" and a version without it that they call the "Theatrical Version".  Other than that, the two versions are identical as far as I know.  So yeah, if you didn't like the changes made for the Imax version, you can't get the original version of the film here.  My guess is that Disney didn't want to spend the money to fully restore both cuts of the film, so they picked one and just gave you the option to skip "Human Again" to approximate the original experience.  This review sums up the changes better than I could, so give it a read.
On the plus side, apparently Disney restored Beast's audio stutter when he says "You wanna-wanna stay in the Tower?".  In previous DVD versions, they had corrected this stutter.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 02:15:40 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1609 on: October 07, 2010, 12:17:45 AM »
The Wild Bunch One of the most cynical, violent movies I've ever seen. Very sad too. Two Stars

Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1610 on: October 07, 2010, 07:02:34 PM »
You mean the Blu-Ray of Beauty and the Best doesn't even have the OPTION of watching the version we all know and love?

You have the ability to watch a version with "Human Again" that they call the "Special Edition" and a version without it that they call the "Theatrical Version".  Other than that, the two versions are identical as far as I know.  So yeah, if you didn't like the changes made for the Imax version, you can't get the original version of the film here.  My guess is that Disney didn't want to spend the money to fully restore both cuts of the film, so they picked one and just gave you the option to skip "Human Again" to approximate the original experience.  This review sums up the changes better than I could, so give it a read.
On the plus side, apparently Disney restored Beast's audio stutter when he says "You wanna-wanna stay in the Tower?".  In previous DVD versions, they had corrected this stutter.

I've always been surprised that was altered. It fits better the original way. Disney's 'Han Shot First' moment? ;)
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1611 on: October 09, 2010, 05:48:05 PM »
The Fearless Vampire Killers A fun Vampire movie spoof made in the 60s. Great Gothic architecture. Three Stars

(On a sidenote, this film is oddly and sadly prescient of the future of its stars, Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate)

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1612 on: October 10, 2010, 01:50:26 PM »
Buried - Easily one of the best films of 2010 alongside Inception. Only this got NONE of the hype that Inception did.

A man, wakes up buried in a coffin underground. That's all i'll say. Go watch it.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1613 on: October 10, 2010, 02:14:13 PM »
The Social Network: 8/10 Good movie. I liked the way it was structured. Justin Timberlake was great in it. He made a good foil to the CFO guy. The twins were hilarious.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps: 8/10 It was an interesting sequel. There was a little bit trouble filling in the gap between the two movies, but it worked out. The movies are very different, and this one moves a little faster, maybe too fast at times. Kept me interested the entire time.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1614 on: October 10, 2010, 09:07:31 PM »
Let Me In: 8/10 Trailers are a lil misleading, making the movie seem like it'll fit more in a horror/suspense genre than it should be. It's actually a story about love/friendship w/vampires that doesn't only appeal to horny tweens. The actors were all great, especially the female lead (watch out for her, if she keeps her nose clean she'll be huge some day soon). The score was amazing, and something that made this version of the film much better than..

Låt den rätte komma in or "Let the right one in": 5/10. Appearantly follows the original book much more closely, but after reading the books synopsis its still lacking some intriguing parts that I felt would of given this original film version the edge over the American version. I won't get into it hear, just wikipedia it. Maybe something was lost in translation but the acting didn't wasn't as good as the American version. Maybe I just couldn't get passed the language (which sounded like mumbles) or the fact that both of the lead actors were fugly as sin, but I just wasn't feeling it. If I wasn't so hyped at what a good movie Let Me In was, I wouldn't of bothered watching this version and would've been so bored I wouldn't of bothered reading the subtitles, even if I had a basic idea of what they were saying.

On a side note, from my wikipedia readings, there's some controversy over the translations on certain dvd versions of the film. I'm not sure which version Netflix has up so I can't really judge either way, but I will say some of the lines were exactly the same as the American version of the film, so it very well may be the "dumbed down" translation ;) Whatever, they're 12-year olds, I wasn't expecting either of them to recite Shakespeare (in either version of the film). Incidentally.. what I found MUCH more controversial than simplified translations was a quick nude scene in this version of the film, absent from the American version, involving the main female character. I'm really hoping I didn't just see a minors pubic area and someone of age was used instead, but I don't feel like doing the research and getting in Pete Townshend type trouble..

The Omega Man 4/10 While interesting to see a different take on the I Am Legend story, this version felt extremely campy and not at all creepy. Yeah, Albino's can be creepy but those Halloween costumes they ran around in were way too cheesy. This flick made me want to check out some more of Charlton Heston's work and see how often he has these flamboyant mannerisms..

Thanks to Netflix Instant Streaming, I just watched Bicentennial Man. From what i've read, part of the reason it didn't do that well in theatres in because Disney basically made it look like a comedy in trailers and commercials. It's not a comedy, it's a sci-fi movie. I enjoyed it, I like watching Andrew grow over the 200 years and become more human (more externally and internally) and wanting companionship as he was basically an anomaly and there are no other robots like him.

Yeah, I thought it was so odd when I finally caught this movie on tv that it WASN'T a comedy based on the trailers I remembered for it. I really should go back and watch it without commercial interruption. Thanks for the reminder.
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EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1615 on: October 12, 2010, 03:38:02 AM »
its not a charlton heston movie until his shirts off ;)
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1616 on: October 12, 2010, 05:44:45 PM »
The Omega Man 4/10 While interesting to see a different take on the I Am Legend story, this version felt extremely campy and not at all creepy. Yeah, Albino's can be creepy but those Halloween costumes they ran around in were way too cheesy. This flick made me want to check out some more of Charlton Heston's work and see how often he has these flamboyant mannerisms.

I always thought that The Omega Man was a pretty good attempt at an adaptation. However, The Last Man on Earth is the easily best film version available. At least Richard Matheson actually had a hand in its screenplay at one time. Really though, you can't go wrong with either Charlton Heston nor Vincent Price. :)
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1617 on: October 13, 2010, 10:52:01 AM »
With no computer access at home, i've been watching a lot of Netflix on my PS3.

Zombieland: A interesting popcorn movie. Woody Harelson was great as Tallahassee, including going nuts when he found out the Hostess truck had snowballs, not Twinkies on it. If I were him in the mansion (for those who haven't seen the movie, I won't ruin who makes a surprise cameo in the movie as the owner of the mansion), I wouldn't have wasted bullets shooting the stuff there.

Pokemon 4Ever: Celebi: The Voice of the Forrest - The Pokemon movies are never as good as I hope they will be (although I did like the trilogy that made up the 9th, 10th, and 11th movies with them having their own storyline that connects them). This one is pretty good, and I liked the twist at the end when we find out who the kid was.

Beavis and Butt-head Do America: Very good movie, with the boys eventually making their way across America in the hopes of scoring with women and finding a new TV (after some guys broke into their house and stole theirs while they were sleeping).

Bio-Dome: I think this movie gets too much hate. It's not a great movie by any means, but it's a nice movie when you just want something to watch that doesn't require you to think (although you will wonder how the hell Bud and Doyle managed to get such hot girlfriends).
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1618 on: October 13, 2010, 01:43:29 PM »
Mila Jovavich regrets doing that movie

I agree Bio Dome does get too much hate. The fact that Safety Dance is on the soundtrack and yes the dwarf does appear gives it an extra 3+ points. I'm not going to give it an actual rating,  but since i was 11 or so when it came out I'm going to file it under classics of the 90s with Batman Forever. Oh, and apparently the movie was originally written as a Bill and Ted sequel, that wouldn't have worked out after the awesomeness of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey which is also filed under awesome for being an excellent version of Dante's Inferno with some 7th seal thrown in for good measure.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1619 on: October 14, 2010, 03:17:16 PM »
Case 39: 2/10.  Slow paced, not at all scary, and nothing more than a series of wind-ups with absolutely no pitch.  I literally fell asleep towards the end...

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1620 on: October 15, 2010, 01:58:06 AM »
The Other Guys

This movie is some fucked up surreal action comedy. There is not a single normal person in this movie. Everybody is insane one way or another. Jokes get milked in increasingly fucked up ways. Time and time again I would be left screaming WTF to what I just saw.

If you liked Talladega Nights, you will LOVE this.

8.5/10 Laughs
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1621 on: October 15, 2010, 03:44:54 AM »
My sister and baby nephew came over and so we watched a movie on netflix together (though it was more background noise while we ate and played with Hotwheels)...Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails.

4/10 is my rating of it. From a the perspective of it being a kids movie it was probably more a 6/10

It had a more active premise than the Thomas shows I remember as a kid. There was a rivaly between the engines and an old engine they were trying to secretly fix before he was found and scrapped. Not a terrible story but the lack of many human characters made their anonymous engineers seem out of place since they were only mentioned by the narrator randomly and never spoke. It was CGI instead of showing actual model trains for the characters like the classic shows. I started talking to my sister about how all of these modern kids shows and even some movies done in CGI just feel soulless. Studios like Pixar and others can make there be magic in CGI films, but pretty much every TV show done in CGI feels flat and lifeless. I remember the first CGI animated Disney Christmas special was so dull and cliched that I couldn't even watch the old thing. Especially when you compare it to the old Disney Christmas specials.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1622 on: October 18, 2010, 06:47:04 AM »
The Other Guys

This movie is some fucked up surreal action comedy. There is not a single normal person in this movie. Everybody is insane one way or another. Jokes get milked in increasingly fucked up ways. Time and time again I would be left screaming WTF to what I just saw.

If you liked Talladega Nights, you will LOVE this.

8.5/10 Laughs

I have to agree with this.

I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR HIP had me in fits. It didn't feel so much like blatantly milking a joke into the ground but just taking it "out there" and running with it for a bit without making it boring.

On that same note, what did you think of Cop Out?

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen Non-Euclidean geometry
« Reply #1623 on: October 18, 2010, 09:29:03 AM »
I haven't had the chance to see Cop Out. Neither did I want to go out of my way to see it when it came out like I did with The Other Guys. I love Kevin Smith Movies, but this just doesn't grab me on first impressions as some thing I must see.

A lot of it probably due to the fact I don't really like Tracy Morgan. I don't find him funny and his brand of comedy is very singular. The best way to describe it is that he does "Full Retard" comedy in reference to Tropic Thunder.

I love 30 Rock but not Morgan. That and I love Tina Fey.

Will Ferrel collapses reality with his comedy. There are so many moments that are insanely funny, but so fucked up that I was too stunned to laugh, it's so funny it goes off the mental scale. Everything insane is normal and normal is insane. His world is built upon this normal insanity.

I used milked in a positive fashion in that they keep bringing out the same joke but mess with it each time they do. At it's core it is the same joke most of the time, but it is non-Euclidean in direction.

The Other Guy does end on a little bit of a downer though. Both our world and theirs, the little guy/heroes wins those small victories, but the war was still lost.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #1624 on: October 18, 2010, 11:05:34 AM »
Some more movies i've watched in the last few days:

Left Behind: World at War: Mediocre at best. If you didn't know this was based on a religious book series, you will after watching the first movie in the series. Basically millions of people vanished from Earth, which led to all the countries of the world basically electing a world leader (who has a Russian accent) and gives all of their weapons to him, one of the first things he does is outlaw religion. The President of the US finds out that guy was putting a anthrax-esque disease on Bible's and then letting this Christian group steal them so that their members would be killed. The President also finds out that the guy is planning to attack the United States and attempts to stop him, only to find out that shooting him point-blank did nothing (Kirk Cameron's character had been trying to warn him that the guy was the anti-Christ and that weapons wouldn't stop him). Even if you get past the religious theme being shoved down your throat, and the movie's open attack against any world government, it's still not a good movie.

Angels & Demons: Pretty good movie, and I didn't have to worry about it not living up to the book (like I did when I watched The Da Vinci Code after reading the book). Robert Langdon is called by the Vatican Police to uncover a plot to kill the four cardinals expected to be elected Pope and then detonating a anti-matter device that would destroy all of Vatican City (effectively destroying the Roman Catholic Church). I think it may be better than the first movie, but it's been a few years since i've seen that one and Netflix doesn't have it for Instant Streaming.

2012: Really good action movie. Jackson has to be the luckiest man in the world considering how many times he almost died in the movie. I question the President's decision to stay in the White House instead of evacuating to one of the Arks though, and I would like to know how much of the world would end up being usable again (since the west coast would not be usable again).
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