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Messages - ymeegod

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TalkBack / Re: Watch Dogs Delayed for Wii U
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:00:07 PM »
"The Wii U versions of Splinter Cell and Rayman sold better on Wii U"

? Love to see those numbers:

Both PS3 and Xbox 360 sold 10X+ for Splinter Cell: Black List which and Rayman Legends sold about the same aross all three platforms. 

Watchdogs WII preorders numbers were the lowest out of the consoles even the PC so dropping support for a game nobody was ordering isn't the developers fault--you have to want it first.

General Gaming / Re: What are you playing?
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:37:53 PM »
Throwing in the towel on Project X Zone.  I'm not even at the halfway point yet (but I'm at 20 playing hours) and the game is tiresome at best.  To many characters, little backstory, and there's really no strategy needed. 

Instead I'm finally getting around to playing Mario and Luigi Dream Team. 

General Gaming / Re: Biggest Gaming Regrets
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:42:53 PM »
No WILL POWER--keep buying games when I have an huge ass backlog that'll never be finished.  Very upset with an impulse buy which was Silent Hill: Book of Memories for the Vita.  Thinking I was buying an actually Silent Hill game and not an crappy diablo clone with silent hill name attached--urgh.

TalkBack / Re: Bravely Default Review
« on: January 31, 2014, 09:41:44 PM »
There are a few options about "combat".  First you can set it to auto (which only mimics your pervious attacks) to help grind for money/drops.  Also you can adjust your encounter rate so if you don't have to bother with minor battles at all--people actually beat the game will low level characters--just required more strategy and saving those special items for the final boss battles.

Me, loved the demo--got all 7 bonus sets from it and sadly couldn't didn't find to many villages (streetpasses).

No Mech Warrior no Crimson Skies. :(

*Grown man crying*

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Do you regret buying a Wii U?
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:23:43 PM »
I'm with Weetrick--I got an decent deal on the WII U and about 3 *free games* for only $180 so far.  For the most part I'm still playing more on my primary systems (360/ps3) but I do like Nintendo's exclusives.

At long as the system doesn't get discontinued then  2 or 3 exclusive/year is what I was expecting to play when I bought the system.

What I am disappointed with is the lack of good use of the gamepad.  It's a big part of the system yet most developers don't have clue on how to use it :(.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Would JRPGs Help Save the Wii U?
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:49:28 PM »
Two trailers show the same content = same trailer, we haven't seen anything since e3 and if they were closer to launching within a year I would expect to see more.

Also, besides Project X Zone, they been working with Nintendo on other projects as well--two zeldas titles, Mario kart series, animal crossing, ect. 

An open-world HD RPG is going take more than a few years to make especially when you factor in all new assets are going be used (engine/art) ect.

it's an safe bet that the game will be pushed back.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Would JRPGs Help Save the Wii U?
« on: January 26, 2014, 07:09:32 PM »
"Within a year isn't any time soon?"--

So far we haven't seen anything other than one trailer and Monolith  is developing other games at the same time (project X Capcom).

So yeah, I'm expecting to see major delays for X not to mention the usually 6+ months to localize it.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Would JRPGs Help Save the Wii U?
« on: January 26, 2014, 03:58:02 AM »
X will be an cult hit at best and it's not going be released anytime soon. 

And Dragon Warrior--*cries* hasn't made it stateside for two years now so I really doubt on future games coming neither.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U in Review (News & Rumor Consolidation)
« on: January 22, 2014, 07:42:08 PM »
Preorders matter--do you really think retailers don't look at those numbers to justify their orders? 

By the time Mass Effect Trilogy was announced the orders for the WII U version was already in (it takes a few weeks to print and ship) so it really didn't effect sales at all.

Just look at the latest sales for the recent games (which were all released at the same time):  Assassin's Creed 4 for example.  The WII U took like 5% of the total sales and about 1/5th of that of the Xbox One and 1/10th of the PS4.

Do you really think Ubisoft should invest more capital and man hours for an 5% of the market or focus that time and money on something else?

Ask yourself this question if it was your money on the table would you bother making an WII U port? 

TalkBack / Re: Bravely Default Impressions
« on: January 22, 2014, 07:08:39 PM »
"Do I get the same starting jobs in the full game?"

I don't believe so.  The full version of the game starts off a bit easier and you'll have to unlock classes by beating bosses.

This Demo just kinda throws a lot of what the game has to offer straight off. 

Me, I'm off to face the Minotaur which really shouldn't give me much trouble since I have two full Black Mages at lvl 15 and he has a weakness. 

Really need more streetpasses, I played most of the demo without going to the "village" section so during my playtime I should have had the villages making shops. 

*enjoying* the hell out of this demo.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U in Review (News & Rumor Consolidation)
« on: January 22, 2014, 06:31:25 PM »
Doubt ME3 would have sold any better even if EA didn't release an bundle deal.  The preorders for WII U ME3 was sub-2000 with less than 3 weeks to go before EA announced the bundle deal.

What's funny is how people complained about an full priced late port yet these are the same people that purchased Zelda Wind Waker HD at full retail price *rolls eyes*.

Ubisoft went out of their way for Nintendo but ended up with subpar sales as well and I wouldn't be surprised if Emily Rogers was right about them pulling support from the WII U as well--think Watchdogs will be the breaking point--if it doesn't sell on the WII U then you'll only be getting Just Dance sequels.

Have to agree Oblivion with the disappointing Tales of Xillia.  Not sure what people saw in this game but what I played was a broken story (with twists that make little to no sense) and a lame combat system.  The new "link art" made the game in a spam fest of special arts which made the game all to easy (think I died once in the game).

Was so looking forward to another Tales game but this one was an failed attempt.  You're better off replaying the old Tale games if you really have an JRPG itch.

Actually Brandogg--that's only true for the 360--the Xbox 1 has sub-accounts just like Sony which means only one primary account needs live so the others can play online and with their own gametags.

MS changed it's policy early this year (march?) when it canceled the family plan.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: December 20, 2013, 02:36:26 AM »
ACIV? COD Ghosts? ect all released on the same damn day.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:41:51 AM »
Disagree with that.  The WII U had much better third party support, terms of quality especially, but nobody was buying any of it and that's why 3rd party was pulled from the WII U. 

Most third party sales are falling below the 100K mark which makes the WII U and that number is actually shirking instead of growing? 

Nintendo really wasted it's one year advantage and it's being pulled from retail space (like the vita) which is just going make things worse when you're not going be able to find much selection from your everyday Walmart store. 

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Official Sales Thread
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:45:33 PM »
Worst November for an Nintendo Home Console (WII U sub 250K sales for the month) on the other hand the best month for the 3DS. 

Vita continues to disappoint--sub 100K--might as well be dead. 

PS4 numbers/Xbox One would have been higher but supply was limited--which is surprising since there wasn't really that "must buy" title for the holidays for neither systems.   


Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo Optimism
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:33:57 AM »
Spring 2014?  No chance IMO for either title.  Most likely MK8 will launch first (there's already been hands on demo) and will launch beginning of summer.  Super Smash Bros will be the late 3rd quarter/x-mas title. 

Really beginning to doubt X will make it stateside in the US in 2014--be lucky if Japan gets it by fourth quarter which means we won't get it until 2015 if we get it at all.  Maybe we'll get lucky and Gamestop will publish the game again.


I'm kinda expecting one or two unannounced titles--like Pokémon WII U and WII U Sports.  Both of them are big sellers and Nintendo needs those types of sales. 

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U is the new PS3?
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:58:58 AM »

"Based on a bunch of old ports? That's a rigged game"

Assassin's Creed IV, Batman Origins, Injustice, and hell even freaking CoD Ghosts haven't sold worth a **** on the WII U.  Even the exclusives haven't done much, Zombiu barely breaking the 1/2 million mark and not to mention Wonderful 101. 


Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U is the new PS3?
« on: December 03, 2013, 10:56:53 PM »
"Vigil Games ported the assets for Darksiders 2 in a matter of weeks."

Actually they had another team working on just the WII U port.  When you factor in manhours vs copy sold do you really think it was profitable for them?

How many third party titles failed to sell 50K on the WII U?  That's your reason why 3rd parties left Nintendo, it was because the core WII U owners weren't buying the software to begin with and I really wouldn't be surprised if AC and the Batman series skip the WII U down the road in the future.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Amazing Deals for 3DS, DS & GBA
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:35:14 PM »
My order was scrapped--thanks BB :(.  Said game wasn't in-store anymore even though it was available when I ordered.  Complained to BB about it--might get an Gift Card for my trouble.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U is the new PS3?
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:05:12 AM »
The only reason sony didn't sell more it due to shortages.  The demand is there.

Once you lose "hype" with the casual market there's very little you can do to get it back especially if there's other products on the table.

One of the main reasons why the 3DS rebounded like it did was because the Vita fell flat on it's face.   I really can't see that happening with the One or PS4. 

Racht is right about initial sales though because the WII U sold like hotcakes and then it fizzed down to nothing so we'll have to wait and see if sony and MS can do.


I'm expecting Sony to be the first one to clear the 10M mark.

Xbox 360 had a better starting lineup for the first couple of years especially when you factor in exclusive indie/arcade titles but Sony has made a strong comeback during the last couple of years.  I would say the two systems were tied followed by the DS.   The WII was used mostly for platformers and the few exclusive titles and the PSP wasn't used much at all though I did enjoy the GTA spinoff the system and a few kingdom heart/final fantasy game. 

Number 1 reason why Sony Vita didn't sell in the west?  No GTA--even the PSP got 3 of them.

About the solder issue--it wasn't because of the lead-free soldering was used, it was more or less operator error.  Lead-free was new and operators weren't trained to tell the difference between a good joint or not. 

But the main cause for "bad" joints to fail was the GPU heat issue which caused warpage and stress to badly solder joints.   


Just about all electronics is using lead-free even the WII which never had an issue.



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