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General Gaming / Re: Your favorite boss battle from a recent-ish game?
« on: August 25, 2016, 05:08:36 PM »
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor has the greatest variety of boss fights in a videogame I've every played.  The final boss rush in the last level is easily the most epic experience in gaming.  Especially when played on Hard mode where the fights become insane.

Oof I can't even imagine that. I played on Easy like a chump and still popped a blood vessel in my eye. Utter madness, kinda similar to Splatoon's final boss in terms of how frantic I was mashing buttons. But yeah it's a great ending, especially like that while they're recycling a few bosses from earlier, their movesets are completely different.

General Gaming / Re: Your favorite boss battle from a recent-ish game?
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:15:34 PM »
Does Sin & Punishment: Star Successor count as recent? It's 6~ish years old already, but most of the bosses are pretty cool. Sure there's a few regular "squad leaders" in there, but otherwise there's a lot of variety on display. Some are sidescrolling, others have melee focus, some are about deflecting, there's a freaking boxing match in there, bosses with multiple forms, one includes time slowing/speeding elements... Suppose shmups are always decent at bossfights though.

NiGHTS was the flag bearer on the original, but became a racer along with Reala in Racing Transformed. In Transformed, Ristar became the flag bearer.

Nice! It definitely feels like NiGHTS deserves more exposure than they ever got. They're just a character that's hard to dislike, even if the game I played starring them was mediocre at best. Find myself making a lot more excuses for this game than I normally would for something of similar quality; kinda speaks to how it's a unique enough franchise that I really want to root for it.

Yeah NiGHTS is super likable, just a shame the Wii game has so many things holding it back. Hopefully they port over the original Sega Saturn game to Wii U (or NX) one, but I'm not holding my breath sadly. Is NiGHTS playable in the Sonic All-Star Racing games? Gotta be right, freaking Skies of Arcadia is in it and that franchise has been dormant for much longer.

Just finished up NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (on Wii).

This was my first time playing a NiGHTS game because, like everyone else on Planet Earth, I never owned a Saturn. Expectations were pretty high for this sequel due to the cult-status of its predecessor, but this one is tough to recommend.

NiGHTS is this androgynous jester-like figure who flies around through rings and collects orbs. Keep hitting circles to get a combochain going for more points. Pretty simple, intuitive, arcadey stuff. Very few buttons used and a host of controller options (GameCube support!!) should make this easy, but it never gets to that Super Monkey Ball level of precision. Controls feel clunky in the flying levels, with no option to invert the Y-axis, auto-scrolling that seems to actively hinder how far you can look. There's also a few dull platforming levels (escort missions...) with confusingly laid out levels, overly simple puzzles and stiff controls.

Story however is where this game really trips up. You're playing the dreams of two meant-to-be adorable moppets, but these lil' shits hog all the screentime with their poorly delivered dialogues, dead-eyed stares and realisations about the meaning of friendship (barf). The game is plagued by cutscenes (and loadtimes) that play out the trite story, when all you wanna do is fly around as NiGHTS. I'm not making this up, the gametime logged on the file is 3.5 hours after completing both kids' story. But due to unskippable cutscenes (even on retries, always lovely) I spent a whopping 7.5 hours completing the game!

There's some stuff to like though: music is top-notch and there's a musicality to the better flying levels. Some of the visuals are nice enough, with the CGI cutscenes being real standouts (the in-engine ones are awful though). The world feels different enough to not be totally generic, with its cutesy Sega Nightopians, varied bossfights and main character of ambiguous gender. Gameplay is also different enough from most other games that it's easy to see why people like NiGHTS so much, although unfortunately controls are clunky throughout this particular instalment.

Verdict: NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is just likable enough on idea, world, music and bossfights. Those positives keep it from being awful; but its clunky controls, plethora of annoying talkative characters, endless unskippable cutscenes, stupid lack of checkpoints are all actively conspiring against it. If this franchise interests you, go for the (HD remake of the) original if at all possible. 5/10

TalkBack / Re: Metroid Prime: Federation Force Review
« on: August 20, 2016, 03:21:00 PM »
Wow I gotta say I wasn't super interested because Samus isn't in this (much) right? Buuuut this sounds like it's screaming "buy a 3DS" huh... Sidenote, isn't it lovely to see kneejerk reactions proven wrong? :)

General Gaming / Re: NWR 2016 NintendOlympics!
« on: August 17, 2016, 08:14:45 AM »
Suppose I could play along! Although I'm awful at vidya games, but someone has to take the lowest spot! Have a few of these which I've never tried still, like DKCR. What's the time window on this though? Don't think I'll have a GC for a while, so with Wave Race for example that's an issue. I think Wave Race 64 is on the VC though right?

Podcast Discussion / Re: 2001 Third Party Games
« on: August 12, 2016, 07:55:45 PM »
My wife and I bought a used GameCube shortly after the Wii release because people were basically giving them away (we were poor college students at the time so that's all we could afford) and we played TONS of Monkey Ball mostly Monkey Target. Tons of fun. Monkeyball was our second most played game behind NBA Street V3

Monkey target!!!! We had some fun with the racing too, as well as the Crash Bash-esque one where you tried to push people off. But yeah, Monkey target all the way.

General Gaming / Re: Why all the Hate?: Pokemon GO
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:19:16 PM »

Idk, there's a lot of positivity too right? That ice cream shop which didn't go bankrupt due to PokéGO foottraffic, families out together having fun, just read today that Belgian police are strategically placing lures to reduce burglary chances LOL. Wouldn't worry too much about a lot of those elevated clickbaity articles. PokéGO became huge overnight; perfect for media to write about.

Niantic's complete silence on the matter has been troubling. Government agencies communicate better than Niantic has.

I think I've missed something, what are Niantic being silent about? They fixed the privacy bug and added the speeding warning recently, so it's not like they're completely ignoring the criticism, or?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid II Remake Has Finally Dropped
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:38:48 AM »
Sadly, from a legal standpoint I think Nintendo is almost required to drop the ban hammer on a project like this, aren't they? Which is a crying shame, because this looks like exactly the type of Metroid game I want to play and would be willing to pay for. Please: give me that opportunity!

Yeah as I understand it, once you copyright something, you need to defend that copyright. You can't selectively let amateurs make fan-projects with your copyrighted name/image/etc, but then double down on commercial parties who want to profit from that copyright. That would be unfair competition, so you need to defend your copyright from every infringing party, regardless of intent.

Unfortunate, but yeah, if they let their copyright get diluted that's a terrible position to be in for Nintendo.

Beat Octodad: Dadliest Catch (on Wii U) today.

This funny, short game (3 hours maybe?) is kinda old by now, 2010 I think, but had never played it. Basically you're the dad of a family and do chores like housekeeping, groceries, irresponsibly serving your kids hamburgers for breakfast, and going on a trip to the local aquarium. The (dadliest) catch? You're actually an octopus, posing as a human dad.

Controls are a real mess, but that's where the humour comes in. Octodad is impossible to control, even more so when you co-op and assign each player a single limb to flail around. Towards the end though they start demanding some more precise, faster movements from you. Most of the game you can just blunder through by sheer perseverance, but it's a minor annoyance when they want you to do complexer stuff that the game clearly isn't built for.

Performance on Wii U isn't great, not gonna lie. Loadtimes feel longer than necessary, and there are pretty noticeable framerate drops whenever it saves a checkpoint. Many lines of dialogue are subtitled but don't get spoken at all if you're too far away or interfere with their triggers in any way. The Gamepad clones the screen though, so you can effectively switch the channel for off-screen play which is nice.

Overall there's a lot to like here. Very casual-friendly for co-op, funny writing & scenarios, it's nice and short, rarely gets difficult and there's two more bonus levels outside the main story. None of its flaws managed to spoil any of the (many) laugh-out-loud moments we had with this, so it's all good.  7/10, recommended!

TalkBack / Re: Top 15 Game Boy Advance Games
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:25:05 PM »
Yeah that about covers the main ones right? Maybe a future list could be like, overlooked gems or something. On the GBA I mostly played cruddy shovelware based on Pixar licenses, Scooby Doo or Metabots AX (had a lot of fun with that arena fighter, admittedly).

Personal favourites would be Pokémon LeafGreen/FireRed (wasn't so hot on the Ruby/Sapphire games) and Metroid Fusion.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Splatoon!! WELCOME - TO DYE!
« on: July 25, 2016, 07:19:37 PM »
So I tried to get on several times this weekend, but sadly kept getting the same error. The Wii U does get online, but somehow can't connect with individual users (the Friends List gives the same error). Thinking it might be a router problem. A little bit of a bummer really, had kinda hoped to experience a Splatfest at least once.

Oh well, not like I don't have a pile of other games to get through first!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Splatoon!! WELCOME - TO DYE!
« on: July 19, 2016, 08:28:51 PM »
Gonna get Splatoon (finally) this weekend, when the Splatfest is on. Wanna experience that once for sure. Question: anything I should know about splatfests before just jumping straight in? Are there any like, level requirements or X amount of single player unlocks necessary? Thanks. :)

Re: Advanced Wars. Ref future games

You open up aggressively at the start of any map and expand as far as you can. Then prep for first contact making sure you are holding a choke point and/or are ready to trade space to absorb the the initial impact with the forces on hand. Once you stabilise, smash your way out of the front. When you breakout into open country and have cleaned up behind you the AI doesn't have much of a useful response as it trickles in lower quality replacement units in a disorganized fashion which gets worse as you advance so you can take them apart at your leisure. This applies to any map which you can build units.

Exploit the fact the AI doesn't know about combined arms which mean it doesn't organize it's troops into armies, doesn't have a long term plan and don't have units support each other even when they are together. All it does is maximise immediate damage which means it will disorganize itself to achieve that.

Also watch for transport helicopters trying to snipe your HQ.

Pre-placed unit maps are really puzzles, so not much to say there.

Thanks, will keep this in mind if I ever end up going back to it or another entry of the series!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games!
« on: July 01, 2016, 11:11:08 AM »
Gotta be honest, the previous entries of this have always seemed a little... disposable to me? But this time around it looks quite alright. Is the football portion a lot like Mario Strikers, or just boring Actual Fifa Rules?

Don't think I'll be picking this up given my current backlog (plus I've not seen it anywhere, surprisingly), but hope you're having fun with it Phil!

Yikes I've been putting off getting Splatoon, but kinda wanna experience a Splatfest at least once... *Forks over more cash to Nintendo*

^ according to UK page it supports everything:

Ah nice, thank you! The U.S. page only lists the Gamepad, oddly enough. Thanks!

Who here has played Octodad on Wii U? I wanna get it for a multiplayer party soon but can't find anywhere which controllers it supports. I have the Gamepad, a Pro controller and wiimote+nunchuck; anyone happen to know whether that will allow at least 3 people to play at once?

I bet it will look hilarious for the onlookers regardless, but 3 people would be great.

Just beat Advance Wars for GBA.

So obvs I'm hella late to this title (only a decade and a half or so...) but was interested because I remember it getting rave reviews back in the day. Plus as someone who likes turn based games and stuff like Age of Empires, this was a no-brainer.

Impression though? Eh, a little mixed. It looks nice, music is okay, and there's a lot of units and ways to give them terrain advantages. That said, it moves pretty slowly and I hate myself for never checking to see if you can turn off battle animations. The campaign is pretty lighthearted which I suppose is part of the appeal.

The last mission though, yeesh it was just an outright battle of attrition. Slowly whittling away at the enemy's troops while they keep respawning new ones. Took me 30 in-game days which translates to several hours. On a handheld pick-up-and-play strategy game!
Maybe I'm just crap at strategizing but I found that neither full-out offenses, nor playing very defensively really worked very well. You block yourself in annoying ways when there's too many units closeby.

Rating: 6.5/10. It's a decent timewaster, but I'm not sure I believe the hype. Sami should be in Smash Bros. though, her design is cool.

TalkBack / Re: 20 Nintendo 64 Games You Might Have Missed
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:50:11 PM »
Yeah Wetrix was great! Not immediately obvious how to be good at it though, but that's a concept I really liked.

Also wanna throw in a shout for Robotron 64. Super cheap, 200 levels, high-octane action and a really typical late nineties techno soundtrack. Solid arcade title. Would be a twin-stick shooter nowadays, but you know, only one stick on N64 obvs.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Complete Zelda Game Playthrough
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:46:07 PM »
Wow that's some real dedication and patience right there. Personally I could never do something like this, I'd be so burned out by the time Breath of the Wild came out haha. Good luck though! It might be doable if you focus on it the entire time until March!

Just out of curiosity, do many of y'all binge series like this? I almost always take a break by playing an entirely different genre even, can't do several platformers in a row for example.

General Gaming / Re: E3 2016
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:05:09 PM »
So I've had a look through most of the E3 stuff now, save for Zelda.
Gotta say this game called Fe from Electronic Arts looks really gorgeous, something of a mix of Journey, archetypical 3D platformers, and maybe Lilo & Stitch?

Admittedly it doesn't show a whole lot yet, but I hope Nintendo does their best to bring this to either Wii U or NX because it feels like it should be right at home on one of their consoles.


Edit: dangit can't seem to get the video to embed here.

TalkBack / Re: E3 Thursday Caption Contest!
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:16:58 PM »
"Image 2"


Nintendo Gaming / Re: Paper Mario: Color Splash
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:14:27 PM »
This game looks so jolly! Showed really well on Treehouse.

Wowwwww yeah just looked at the new trailer, Christ that's gorgeous. Loving the collage effect when they bring in photo-esque items like the battery and fire extinguisher. Don't really get the battle system yet from the short trailer, did they show more of it elsewhere?

Not gonna lie these visuals are kinda blowing me away, absolutely precious. This just skyrocketed to my shortlist of anticipated upcoming releases.

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