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Topics - Acefondu

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Nintendo Gaming / Third Party Support Hurting Wii?
« on: April 03, 2007, 02:51:56 AM »
They're trying, we all know it. But what are they really doing for Wii? Certainly the UbiSoft and EA games are not what Nintendo had intended for the system. Even Shiggy is crying out for third parties to try harder.

With all these lackluster titles bombarding the Wii, will that hurt its image? I look at the store shelves and see nothing but, "Ports with waggle control right out of the box!" and shake my head in despair.

The Wii is becoming a success. But good games have to sustain it, or it will become a flash in the pan once people figure out developers aren't even trying with this system.

To compare, the DS had a similar problem, but not quite. The DS wasn't bombarded with garbage, instead it just didn't have anything. A year went by and all of the sudden every great game on the planet came to the DS solidifying its success.

But I do wonder though, when I look at the PS2 and how it began. It started out with some of the worst games, and loads of them, and steamrolled over the competition.

So, what do you guys think? Will the consistant flow of steaming poo on Wii garner it a poor reputation? Or, will it be the reason to pick one up due to the sheer volume of games?  

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