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Nintendo Gaming / Question about the Nintendo switch 2
« Last post by dianeward on Yesterday at 12:37:03 AM »
Will the Nintendo switch 2 be backward compatibility? When do you think the Nintendo switch eshop server will shutdown?
The author is expressing disappointment with Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, calling it a lackluster and empty filler title, and stating that it doesn't compare well to the NES Remix games, which are no longer available due to the closure of the digital storefronts on older hardware. They suggest that updates such as full leaderboards and a greater library of NES games could improve the game, but currently, they prefer playing the NES Remix games on their Wii U.
Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 884: Kirby In the Meat Dimension
« Last post by WiiUIVLife on July 25, 2024, 09:56:04 AM »
It's impressive that two games you've worked on have been featured on RFN this year! Balatro and now The Case of the Golden Idol. It's unfortunate about the save bug issue on the Switch version of Golden Idol. It sounds like a frustrating situation, especially with the challenges posed by Nintendo's patching process. Hopefully, the longer-term solution you mentioned will resolve the issue soon. Looking forward to hearing more updates!
General Chat / Re: Accounts reaching their 20th Birthday - Caterkiller
« Last post by WiiUIVLife on July 25, 2024, 09:50:52 AM »
Was curious and found my old account here. April 26, 2003, though I lurked sans-account for years before. But I fell back into being a lurker and when I decided to participate again I figured a new name was needed.

Thinking about it actually that wasn't why I did a new name. I had an account on (I think that was the name?) by my old username (SatansNemesis) and you could get ad money from uploading videos there. Daisy Pro 666 used to make some sweet videos on their personal site and I was a fan of them. One day I saw their site was down and I had copies of some of them and figured I would upload them so others could enjoy them still as I assumed that they were gone forever like a lot of things went back in the more wild days of online.

Well being young, naive, and clueless I didn't think to de-monetize the videos (not even sure that was a thing there). I did credit the original author and mentioned the site was down but some time later they were pulled for infringement or something by Pro (same username). I checked their site and saw it was back up so guess it was a temporary outage. I was so ashamed (and honestly, never made more than 25 cents on all my videos because their payouts were awful and I never did upload much). So when I saw Pro was active here I felt I needed to rebrand to just avoid them calling me out on it.

Kind of silly in hindsight, but I much prefer Stratos over SatansNemesis and Pro doesn't even come here anymore so its funny to reflect on it. It is nice to remember the good times here, even if many of us have drifted away or post much less than usual.

Looks like I "rebranded" in January 25, 2009.

Nice to see you looking back on your past and sharing your story, Stratos! I can understand why you'd want to start fresh after that experience with uploading videos without permission. It's cool that you've grown from it and prefer your new username.

It's also great to see you reminiscing about the good times here. Yeah, many of us have drifted away or post less frequently, but it's always nice to revisit old memories and reconnect with the community. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you stick around for a bit!
General Chat / Re: Faceball 2000 Part 3: Faceball 2024 in Milwaukee
« Last post by WiiUIVLife on July 25, 2024, 09:49:47 AM »
I'm loving the idea of 16-player Faceball 2000 DX on 16 TVs via GameCubes and Game Boy Players. The Midwest Gaming Classic expo is the perfect place to showcase this unique gaming experience. I'm sure it'll be a huge hit and bring back some amazing nostalgic memories for attendees. Good luck with your exhibit, and I hope the YouTube documentary turns out awesome!
General Chat / Re: Faceball 2000 Part 3: Faceball 2024 in Milwaukee
« Last post by JuliusStevens on July 25, 2024, 06:03:31 AM »
That sounds like an amazing setup! The Midwest Gaming Classic expo is the perfect venue for such a unique and nostalgic gaming experience. Faceball 2000 DX on 16 TVs via GameCubes and Game Boy Players will surely attract a lot of attention and bring back fond memories for many attendees. It's a fantastic way to showcase the capabilities of retro gaming hardware and provide a fun, multiplayer experience. Best of luck with your exhibit—I'm sure it will be a hit!
Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 884: Kirby In the Meat Dimension
« Last post by Nbz on July 22, 2024, 12:32:43 PM »
I've been listening to the show for 14 years at this point so it is very cool that 2 games I've worked on have both been discussed on RFN this year! (Balatro is the other one)

Glad Gui has been enjoying Golden Idol - the save bug is a real black mark on that Switch version. We have tried fixing it so many times - even hiring other people to come in and take a look but nobody was able to - this process is exacerbated by Nintendo's patching process which means you have to wait multiple weeks just to test to see if it is fixed or not.

That said we have a longer term solution to the issue which should hopefully be coming soon - has just take a long time to figure out.

So yeah, I'd advise against the Switch version for the moment until the issue is resolved.
Most definitely, the design is fantastic.

I’ve seen some people say this is being released so late in the Switch's life not just because of the Switch Online controllers but also to offer a charging device for the Switch successor. It seems like the new system might still support the Joy-Cons but probably can't charge them natively. What's your thoughts on that?
I'm super happy that this game is being developed. I will always be happy when Nintendo adds more to their older, more niche series. I haven't gotten around to playing the remakes. Now I have more reason to do so.
TalkBack / Re: Splatoon 3 Announces Apparent Final Splatfest, New Amiibo Sets
« Last post by M.K.Ultra on July 20, 2024, 12:35:41 PM »
Not sure if I will pick up these variant amiibo as I have the original sets of all the idol groups. Still what a way to go out. I am thinking team present  ???. I suppose this also starts the countdown for Splatoon 4?!
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