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Messages - Mr. Saturn

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / RE:More Revolution details soon?
« on: August 28, 2005, 11:22:21 AM »
Rancid Planet what exactly has Nintendo lied about in the past?  Because I'm pretty sure that even if Nintendo has lied then Microsoft and Sony have lied plenty too.  Oh and I wouldn't be surprised if the Revolution is unveiled at the TGS after all Nintendo did say they were going to release more info before the end of the year and they're running out of oppurtunites.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident 5 confirmed....not on Rev!
« on: July 28, 2005, 04:31:47 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
This isn't surprising and not just because the Rev is so unknown right now.  This is the company that sabotaged the sales of their own game by announcing a PS2 port weeks from release.  Capcom's shareholders obviously aren't too hot on Nintendo right now to do something like that.  I imagine Mikami's still cool with Nintendo but considering how financially Capcom's Cube support didn't really pay-off the company is probably not too enthused about the Rev.  Or at least I would understand it if they weren't.

The fact that it's coming to Xbox 360 suggests however a potential multiplatform release across all consoles.  Logically Xbox makes no sense.  But then Japanese Xbox support NEVER makes sense but that didn't stop a whole bunch of Japanese third party games from appearing on the PS2 and Xbox but not the Cube.

We also have to wonder if the Rev is capable of a decent PS3 RE5 port.  Rumour has it Factor 5 left because Nintendo isn't focusing enough on technology with the Rev.  RE4 obviously was graphically very intense so even if Capcom still likes Nintendo the Rev might not suit the game's needs.

Hmm interesting although I could have sworn that nearly all of Capcom's Gamecube titles met their sales projections not all of them of course but quite a few.  Of course if someone would be so kind as to verify if this info is true or not would be most appreciated.

You know in IGN's mailbag yesterday the subject of HD support came up and this person asked if Nintendo's even listening to us and Matt mentioned that several company executives are listening to us and he encouraged everyone to keep e-mailing Nintendo.

^Ok thats fair enought lol I'm just really hoping that thisn't the final design for the Revolution's controller.

Hahaha OMFG I can't believe some people think this controller is real.  First off Miyamoto has already stated that Nintendo isn't finished designing the controller yet, secondly the description for this contoller originally came from a Russian website.  Now why the @#(@ would the Russians be the one to leak the Revolution controller seriously I don't even think there are that many Russian console developers I'm pretty sure they're into the PC gaming scene.  Seriously if there were any nation that would leak the Revolution controller I'm guessing it would be Japan.  So Ian Sane and anyone else worried that this is the Revolution's controller need not worry because this is fake with a capital F.

I could have sworn the whole and term was coined by Nintendo as a way of showing they were going to have good first party support and third party support, kids games and mature games I never actually thought it meant you were supposed to buy a Revolution in addition to another next gen console?  Ugh now I'm just confused.  BTW this post was in response to the beginning of the thread in case anyone's wondering.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: June 09, 2005, 11:45:26 AM »
Alright I don't know how truthful this is, but in response to what Mario wrote above, I've been thinking if a 3rd party developer wanted to couldn't they still develop a title for Revolution without a dev. kit?  After all Nintendo said the Revolution is using the same API as the Gamecube so this leads me to believe that a 3rd party developer could begin designing a title for Revolution using the Gamecube development kit and then port the coding over the Revolution when they receive the dev. kit for the Revolution?  I'm sure someone with more knowledge then me can answer these questions.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:On Even Terms With Xenon and NOT PS3?
« on: April 06, 2005, 12:32:14 PM »

Originally posted by: Spiker
Alright, I work at GameStop and every GameStop has a Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft representatives that come to the store update all the signs, demos, and answer any questions.  Well the Microsoft rep came over the other day to do his job and let out some information about Xbox2 and PS3.  

-Pushing for an early release date.
-Will be sold in three different models, Bare Bones model with no harddrive or DVD playback, middle model with DVD playback and harddrive.  Both of those will be backwards compatible.  The highest model is the XboxPC hybrid that people were talking about, he said that it would be made for digh definition and that you could go online with it, this is not backwards compatible.

-Apparently the government is involved with funding for the Cell Processor and so that the government and sony are having some disputes and he expects Ps3 to be delayed to summer of 2006 instead of early 2006.

He also said that the reason that we arent see very many DS games is because Nintendo is hard at work with games for the next generation Game Boy. The only thing he said about Revoltion is how it will have a touch pad controller.

I don't really know what to believe, the Xbox2 sounds solid but eveything else sounds sketchy.

Yeah I really wouldn't trust what this guy says about the Revolution and PS3, considering it was a Microsoft represenative who told you this.  I imagine him telling you the Revolution is going to have a touch-pad controller, is based off of that Game Informer article.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:New Revolution rumors
« on: March 22, 2005, 10:46:21 AM »

Originally posted by: Don'tHate742
Why does everyone (Ian / the media except PGC) like to completely ignore the FACT that Nintendo signed a contract with a company that makes gyroscopes for controllers. How much money Nintendo gave in the contract was undisclosed....hmmm...why? I'll tell you. Nintendo is giving them a large amount of money for them to make a custom gyration unit to be implemented into the controller, kinda like ATI and IBM are making customs chips to be used in the Rev console.

It makes sense, touch-screen does not....

Ok then I'm glad to hear that, but my only question is how exactly would gyroscopic controllers revolutionize the market and cause a paradigm shift?  I mean what uses would a gyroscopic controller have anyway?

Nintendo Gaming / New Revolution rumors
« on: March 20, 2005, 06:40:50 PM »
Please don't link directly to images -- especially when they are nearly a MB.  --Basically the latest Game Informer claims to have sources that state the Revolution controller will just be a touch screen so developers can create custom controls.  I can't tell you how absurd this concept is.  -Bloodworth

Wow I don't even know what to say about this rumor really, all I've got to say if this is true then its bye bye Nintendo.

Still theres always the possibility this isn't true, perhaps our fine feathered friend Noble~Feather can tell us if this info is true or not?  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: February 14, 2005, 02:03:07 PM »
My bad I saw a web-site today that said it was going to be for all next gen consoles except Revolution, but apparently upon looking at my friends EGM its for the current gen and x-box 2.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: February 14, 2005, 08:11:59 AM »
You know I'm worried about the Revolution because I just learned the new Godfather game is going to to be for all next gen consoles except Revolution, and this makes me wonder if Revolution even stands a chance at being a success since already developers don't want to port their games on to the sysem.  Ugh, I hope Nintendo proves me wrong at E3 and they actually do get a ton of support for the Revolution.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Something important to know about the Revolution
« on: February 06, 2005, 07:30:17 AM »
I have only 2 questions about the Revolution for Noble~Feather and neither one of them has anything to do with the hardware.

My first question is, will the Revolution impress 3rd party developers, or will most 3rd party developers shun the Revolution because its too different.  And my second question is will the Revolution impress the mainstream gaming media?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:PSP outsells DS for the first time (EDIT)
« on: January 30, 2005, 04:16:36 PM »

Originally posted by: Noble~Feather
You know, sales of Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green downright PROVED Pokemon still sells. They were friggin remakes, and they sold through the roof.

If they were mere remakes, and PKMN D&P are entirely new games that are said to change the series, I imagine they will garner Godly sales.

Also, Sony is losing a heap of money with this PSP stuff. And they've chosen possibly the worst release date for it. If PSP doesn't garner enough sales, Sony might actually be forced to discontinue, because of all the money they are losing.

I think Nintendo could win this battle, but not outright dominate it like other battles, which isn't necesarilly a bad thing.

And I think Nintendo could quite possibly be the leader next gen as well.

Noble~Feather, I'm not saying you're wrong or anything but what makes you think Nintendo could be the market leader next gen anyways?  I mean after all Nintendo continues to lose market share every generation, so what makes you think Revolution will turn things around for Nintendo?

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