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Messages - Jonzor

Pages: [1]
I wish the gang would have given out contact info for that poor soul.  I would 100% sherpa someone through Link to the Past via e-mail.

1.  I don't think that because something is free it is immune to criticism.

2.  I don't think that all of the shortcomings of their online are related to it being free.  There's some real common-sense type stuff that was blatantly overlooked.

3.  The e-mail was about confidence in Nintendo's future online prospects... all we have to go on (since Nintendo insists on keeping people as in the dark as possible for a console that launched 6 months ago) is Nintendo's past, which has never compared well.  Free or not.

4.  What we do know about their future plans is relegated to a Splatoon game that still features several mind-bending decisions - many of which existed in the first game and were highlighted as shortcomings - and an app that... let's be honest, is lacking.  Yes, the online currently is "free" (depending on how you feel about what James said), but the pillars currently being erected are going to also occupy that paid online space as well.  And it's not encouraging.

The idea that you can patch and update software later gives a lot of (I think false) hope to people about the difference between stuff like the status of chat app now and the status of the chat app when we start paying.  There is a long way to go between where they sit now and where they will have to sit to justify a price.  So the real question is, based on Nintendo's past... do you honestly see them getting there?

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