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Messages - CrimsonSpyro

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Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 382: The Gerenicity
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:53:11 PM »
It's interesting to hear the RFN crew tackle something as contentious as LGBT & minority representation in video games.  I largely agree with Guillaume that I don't trust the current writing talents to make any attempt to make a nuanced gay character that isn't a bad stereotype. 

I watched one of the Tropes v. Video Games videos on youtube, and while I think there are conclusions stretched quite a few times in the video, there was one statement that rung true to me: the wish for developed characters that just so happen to be women, not characters whose defining trait was the fact that they were a woman.  I imagine gay/transgendered people would hope for the same treatment of characters that represent them in media. 

To call Nintendo homophobic or whatever due to not making it possible to be gay in your random relationships in a kiddy game is just making a mountain out of a molehill. I see many people calling it a life simulation game, but I imagine they don't know about how it works, and think it's a Sims clone.

That said, I sure would like to see a game that attempts to include miscellaneous fetishes on top of every orientation in an attempt to satisfy everybody.

Have people been really calling Nintendo homophobic over this?  I haven't been keenly following this, but while I wouldn't be surprised over the internet making these claims, I would be disappointed if video game journalists did the same. 

I'l repeat my stance, from the talkback thread - Nintendo should just not include a gender option in these games, then it wouldn't matter what kind of character you enter a relationship with.

Is the future of nintendo caving to political correctness and just not releasing games like this in the future?

Podcast Discussion / Re: Episode 382: The Gerenicity
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:43:08 PM »
Thank you Johnny for your tasteful handling of this issue and thank you for not making this a political issue. I have heard other video game podcast that get into ugly politics.

Both sides need to remain calm and try to find what makes sense for the future. The hateful comments towards nintendo and people that disagree with the miiquality agenda needs to stop. There will always be immature people on the internet but sinking to their level does nothing but inflame more anger from both sides.

I don't look to video games to see what the black experience or the gay experience is like. Mario's color doesn't matter. However TT's walking dead is a great example of a strong black character. The character could have been white and it wouldn't have changed the story but TT made a choice and it paid off well.

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