Movies & TV / Re: Khushrenada's Pretty Late Oscar Thread. 2019 Edition.
« on: February 26, 2019, 05:11:08 PM »Still want to see the Miles Morales movie, maybe Vice too because I really liked The Big Short. Any other good recommendations? BlacKkKlansman and First Man sound great from their subject matter. I should take more time to watch good films again instead of shallow popcorn junk maybe.The Favourite
I thought it was brilliant. It's a very well realized world (18th century England) that doesn't feel like it's been prettied up for Masterpiece Theatre. It feels real. The performances are just excellent. The story is very interesting and unpredictable. It's also very funny yet gut-punch brutal in parts too. Cinematography is creative and excellent (great use of fish-eye lenses, not overdone). Dialogue is wonderful, including some of the best insults I've ever heard. See it.
I also endorse your idea to see Vice.
It was my second favourite of the Best Picture nominees. Again, the performances are really terrific, script is great and the storytelling is well done. You don't have to know too much about the political ins-and-outs of the day to enjoy it. It brings you aong just fine. And again, very funny but also brutal.
As for the rest of the Best Picture nominees
Green Book is good but not transcendent. Worth seeing but no rush.
Black Panther is OK but you've probably already seen that.
Black KKKlansman is quite good and worth a look for sure. A very well made film.
Roma - Hot Garbage. One of the most boring pieces of cinema I have seen in recent memory. I understood what the intention was, it just did not work for me. At all. Shame too because I otherwise adore the rest of Cuaron's works.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Hot Garbage, including a distractingly awful performance by the Best Actor recipient. He was decent when he was singing but otherwise, ... oof. The guy who played Brian May should have been nominated for Best Supporting. He was playing a real person. I believed that person would say and do the things depicted. His acting resonated. Rami Malek (as Freddy Mercury) however, was not playing a real person. He was playing Mercury the "Rock Icon". Maybe he was let down by the awful script but I think some of the blame rests with him. And the godawful Bugs Bunny teeth thay made him wear. Poor guy, should have refused to wear them. They are in his way for the entire film. But all that said, I don't think the film could have been saved without a total re-write. So, to summarize, Hot Garbage.
A Star Is Born - Hot Garbage, or I assume so. I couldn't bring myself to watch all of this self-indulgent tripe. Clips were enough to do it in for me. I'll catch it when it's free or on Netflix or whatever, just for the lulzz.