I know right?

What's really kinda fucked up, is that another absolutely beautiful girlfriend of mine literally just came back from a 3 year expedition in southeast Asia the other day. She surprised the living **** out me yesterday on campus (first day). Man, if you think that girl above is gorgeous, you should take a gander at this chick. She's super model material.
It's weird, but I've started to notice a trend. With the re-introduction of these two girls and a few others that I've been hanging with, I've noticed that if you are really good friends with a group of girls that are sexy as hell, just by knowing them you gain privileges you wouldn't normally have and because of them you gain power of preconceptions.
It's weird, but let me explain. Let's say I take these girls to a party; as soon as I enter, three things happen:
- Attractive girls immediately take notice of me
- The house owner thinks I'm the fucking man and gives me free access to all his booze
- We become the heart of the party
That's just an example, but think about it. People (yes, even girls) will automatically judge you favorably. It's like the best social lubricant.
Now, I'm not saying this to be vain. I'm not even a very attractive person. I'm just looking at it from a certain perspective. And it's made me realize something pivotal. General consensus says first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women. What about if you could get the women first, then the power, then the money? Sounds like pimping, but seriously think about it.
I've been thinking intensively this month on my aspirations; like what skills do I possess, what else do I need to learn, and how do I use those skills to better the world around me. I'm an entrepreneur at heart and there's one thing that every entrepreneur knows: its all about networking. I've started to think about exactly who do I know, what skills do they possess and how could we benefit each other. Well these girls while attractive have many skills, including being bilingual (the chick above speaks spanish; the other one I talked about japanese). If I could form a company with some of the girls as my representatives, we'd already have a distinct advantage. If it was for a good cause and a lucrative, I couldn't see them saying no.
But I'm getting way ahead of myself.
*looks up*
Oh God, what a rant.