Author Topic: GC2's Launch  (Read 3327 times)

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Offline mouse_clicker

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GC2's Launch
« on: June 30, 2003, 10:11:36 AM »
Me and a friend have been putting together exactly how we think Nintendo should handle the launch of their next console. It's very ambitious, but one that could have a HUGE pay off for Nintendo if it worked and would let them really take advantage of whatever head start they have on Sony and MS.

It starts off with launch titles- obviously it should have an incredibly wide variety plus a few big name titles (Mario, Soul Caliber 3, a good FPS, maybe Too Human). Nintendo shouldn't have one or the other but BOTH. However, Nintendo's not real good at providing variety by themselves and 3rd-parties have shown their reluctance in supporting Nintendo's home forays too deeply. To remedy that, we've come up with an excellent idea (well, he came up with it and I built on it)- Nintendo would offer a bundle at launch- basically the Gamecube 2 plus a game (ANY launch/near launch game), for free or more realistically much cheaper. Nintendo then gives the maker of each game chosen as part of the bundle a special commission (my friend suggest 5%, but keep in mind we know jack diddly squat about videogame business finances ). This would give the GC2's 3rd-party support an incredible boost for a number of reasons- 1) it would attract a multitude of 3rd-parties ranging from all genres to support the GC2, 2) it would encourage them to release their game at or very near launch since Nintendo obviously can't support such a deal forever, and 3) it would heavily encourage 3rd-parties to advertise their respected GC2 games in hopes they'll be picked more in the bundle- this also advertises Nintendo's launch at no cost to them. This would quickly and rapidly expand Nintendo's array of games to choose from, attracting more and more buyers, and by the time Sony and MS's consoles launch Nintendo already has an extremely impressive lineup of great 3rd-party titles ranging all across the board, giving even MORE incentive to hold-out buyers to choose a GC2 over a PS3 or XBox 2. It would also be extremely wise of Nintendo to net a hugely popular 3rd-party title (like Grand Theft Auto) to REALLY catch people's interest. On top of that, add a simultaneous worldwide release (launching in Japan, North America, Europe, and Australia at the same time) that will give the GC2 universal appeal before anyone else has a chance to oppose and I could definitely see Nintendo taking the top spot once again.

Now, like I said this is extremely ambitious and risky- we don't even know if it's financially plausible, but one thing you can't deny is if Nintendo really wants to become the industry leader (I know they already make more money than everyone else, but more sales = even more money) they HAVE to do something drastic and do it soon. With a huge launch like what I've described, MS and Sony would have their work cut out for them just to match Nintendo. I really hope some NOA/NCL reps are reading right now. Feedback welcome.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

GC2's Launch
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2003, 10:55:02 AM »
See the thing is neither Nintendo or X-Box can or will make the jump to become leader. Sony has too big a lead. Even after releasing their console a year before both the systems, it still outsells (pretty much spanks) the other systems. It will be a few more generations of consoles before Nintnedo or Microsoft even reach Sony's level of popularty. What each system must do though is slowly chop into Sony's share of the lead, trying to level it down to 30% MS, 30% Nintnedo, and 40% Sony. Of course, Sony is no idiot, they will retaliate and strike back hard.

About your bundle pack at launch. Not to be mean, but I think it is ludacris. Bundles at launch pretty much states that Nintnedo is very desperate, which the fact is, they aren't even close. All I think Nintendo needs to do for their launch is the following:

1) 1 Mega-Hit title, either Mario or Zelda. Do not spoil us with both, but release one 3 months later to keep the popularity stretched and lasting power good.

2) A good sports title. Nintnedo really needs to convince one of the third parties to create a GREAT sports title, which will spark the flame inside a Nintnedo-Fanboy's Heart. Nintnedo gamers are hardcore and really know wether the title is good or not; they look for quality. We don't just want another port of Madden with just some extra boosted features.

3) Great 2nd Party games. I really hope Silicon Knights can pull off Too Human for the launch, this would be a great title for its genre and give some variety.

4) Fighter...possibly Super Smash Bros, as a tag along with Mario or Link. This would be great for the smaller audiences and older too. And we all know how great this game can sell. I wouldn't hold my breath for Soul Caliber 3. Afterall, how quick can they start creating a sequel for launch? (And take into consideration, SC 3 will probably releease for all consoles)

5) FPS....anything will do. Jsut make it good and SAWHEEET.

6) Launch at the same time as MS and Sony. But do not hurry the system and fudge it up.

7) The console itself needs to look smooth, like N64, which had curves and was geat to look at; have it release in a variety of colors (along with a variety of controller colors)

8) Anything I missed out can go here.

Offline NNCubed

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RE: GC2's Launch
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2003, 11:38:40 AM »
Again, ppl said the same thing about Nintendo when the N64 and PSX were on the scene.  Level of popularity, Nintendo's popularity dropped like a rock in about a yr or so and Sonys(PSX) rose up almost instantly.  So its not impossible for N to recapture the lead, esp with todays audience which is so flexible etc; meaning somebody can be on top and on the bottom the next, ppl will flock to whatevers cool and what-not.

I agree the bundle pack isnt a good idea at launch or near it IMO.  And as far as games is concerned, I agree.  All Nintendo has to do is change 100% in some aspects, such as marketing, image etc and they will have a very good chance of 'coming back' coupled with a timed launch.
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Offline Ian Sane

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2003, 12:19:29 PM »
Something as simple as what is essentially a pack-in title isn't going to give Nintendo back the top spot.  Sony didn't just do everything right with the PSX, they also had the sheer luck that Nintendo and Sega both did everything wrong.  In order for Sony to lose their top spot they have to f*ck up their console to the point that third parties have to leave.  It has to be something like the N64 cartridge scenario.  Sony has to screw up and Nintendo has to be there to pick up the pieces.

In order for the Gamecube 2 launch to be successful several little problems that were present during the Gamecube years have to be fixed right away.  The Gamecube has TONS of little, seamingly insignificant flaws that just add up and thus make the system unappealing to the general public.  The following issues would have to be resolved:

System's design:  NOA should know that what works in Japan doesn't always work in the US and therefore a purple box isn't exactly the best design for the North American market.  Regardless of what Nintendo designs in Japan, NOA has to release something that looks good for the US market even if they have to release a different model in both regions.

Must match the competition in EVERYTHING:  If Sony has a DVD player than Nintendo has to have a DVD player.  If Sony’s discs can hold 4 gigs than Nintendo’s discs have to hold 4 gigs.  Why allow the competition to have something you don’t and thus make themselves look superior?  Everything including price, memory card size, amount of controller buttons, etc. has to match or beat the competition.

Demo discs and an official magazine:  again the competition has them and they work great.  It’s advertising in the form of a retail product.  Nintendo Power does NOT count as the magazine.  There has to be something that appeals more to adults and teens.

Online support: like f*cking DUH!

A killer app:  Luigi’s Mansion is not a killer app.  Halo is.  There must be a big game-of-the-year launch title.  Mario is perfectly fine for this.

A balanced launch lineup:  The launch lineup should have a variety of titles from different genres.  If there’s a big launch title than the rest of the titles can be simpler games like racing games or sports games,  

Release a sports line:  Sports titles are huge.  Buy some developer and turn them into Nintendo Sports.  Start off with the big four (hockey, football, baseball, basketball) and work from there.  That way no matter what happens with third parties there are still sports games on a Nintendo console.

Exclusive third party launch titles:  Nintendo has been making some great deals with third parties lately and something similar to what they’re doing now would be great for the next launch.  Have Capcom, Sega, and Namco work on an exclusive launch title each.  Nintendo can publish the titles if they want to.

Lay off on the Mario titles:  Mario is overexposed.  The average person can’t tell the different between Mario Party and a “real” Mario game.  To them it’s all the same rehashed crap.  Limit Mario to platformers and Mario Kart and them bring back more spinoffs when people like him again.  This can apply to all Nintendo franchises.  This frees developers to make something new and original to attract non-Mario fans.

Target adults:  The mature market is where the real money is.  Nintendo shouldn’t give up the kid market but they don’t have to keep targeting them so aggressively.  They’re not going to lose that market.  As long as there’s a Pokemon, Mario, and Zelda game on a Nintendo console kids will buy it.  Adults often don’t like buying “kiddy” titles but kids love “mature” games so having less kid titles and more adult ones will work provided the big Nintendo games are there and third parties are still making crappy Rugrats games.  Nintendo should concentrate on creating franchises for adults.  They already have tons of “kiddy” franchises so why make more of them?

Rentals:  I can never find Gamecube game rentals.  It seems like rental stores decided the Cube was a flop from the get-go and then did the self-fulfilling promise thing by not having a good Cube selection in their stores.  A possible solution is to make a promotional deal with Blockbuster.  Something like “rent a game and get $5 off if you decide to buy it” deal could work great and would make sure that Blockbuster had a good selection of GC2 titles from the beginning.

And finally there’s advertising:  THIS is what sold Xboxes.  Nintendo needs to get their next console out there to the public.  The commercials should not only show off the product but should tell me why I need to buy it.  Nintendo’s current commercials merely inform me that a product is out and give me no incentive to purchase it.  MS and Sony TELL you why their console rocks.  Game ads should show more game footage to show off the graphics.  Having three seconds of footage only made sense during the NES days when everything looked like crap.  All of the big sellers like GTA and Halo show almost nothing but in-game footage.

Well this got long didn’t it.  This won’t solve everything and won’t make them #1 but it will help.  This would at least make it look like Nintendo is trying and that owning their system is worthwhile because while they’re not numero uno yet they WILL be… or at least that’s what everyone should think.  Nintendo’s back!

Offline Grey Ninja

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2003, 12:29:36 PM »
Ah bloody hell.  I was going to do my usual sit down and shut up speech, but Ian Sane, you have way too freaking many good ideas.    I do disagree with you on a couple of points, but overall you have stated a lot of the problems with this time around.  The rental thing in particular.  Video stores piss me right off.
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Offline dafunkk12

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2003, 12:52:29 PM »
Regarding system design.  Having a unique look in the two varying markets may work, appealing to the different sensibilities of the respective cultures, ala the different looks between the NES/Famicom and SNES/Super Famicom.  Then again, having unique molds for cases is sure to push up manufacturing costs, and if they overestimate sales for a particular region, they're left with unmovable inventory.  Moral of the story: I've resolved nothing with my post.

Offline Wesisapie

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2003, 09:22:52 PM »
I just want them to support GameCube forever, screw GCN2

There is nothing wrong with GCN...

Offline Ace

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2003, 11:30:54 PM »
Mouse, I understand where you're coming from, but the thing is that everyone would be getting free/discounted NINTENDO GAMES.  If anyone had the choice between a proven success like Mario and a generic racing game people will more than likely choose the Mario game.
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Offline NWR_Lindy

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2003, 11:33:36 AM »
Ian_Sane, once again I agree with you 100% (I said some of the exact same things in the GameCube discussion group).  Man we should start a game company.
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Offline Nintega

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2003, 02:39:25 PM »
I agree with a lot of what Ian San said especially the exclusive part.  Nintendo really needs an exclusive, must-have, title that everyone must get a GCN2 to play it.  I think they should really concentrate on third party more next gen.  We all know Nintendo titles usually sell well so that shouldn't be a problem.  They need to change the way third party develop games.  Instead of them making the games for the PS3 or Xbox2 and then porting it to the GCN2, it should be the opposite.  Oh, and they should treat other country such as Europe and Australia the way they do the US and Japan.  Release the titles within a few months of it's release in other countries.

Offline NateDaGr81

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RE: GC2's Launch
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2003, 02:41:05 PM »
I believe you all are missing the point of the proposed plan...

The main idea is get the 3rd parties to compete to be the ones that have their game chosen to come with the bundle. In doing this MC and I are planning to draw the big name 3rd party developers (Namco, Capcom, Rockstar, Konami, and possibly even Square) to develop their own killer apps to release at launch. With games like Soul Calibur, Resident Evil, GTA and the like available, Nintendo would gain an incredible advantage at launch over the other systems.

The incentive for the game developers to do this is a cut of the money they would never otherwise see, console sales. Now, if I was a game developer, I would seriously consider this. This plan gives the 3rd parties a chance to reap the benefits of being the ones that makes a system sell. If Rockstar decides to release a GTA game and kills the market by selling systems as well as games they will not only get profit for game sells but a little extra on the side for selling a system.

Now, let's do the math...

Say, a game developer makes about $25 dollar per game sell.
The GC2 bundle costs about $250 and comes with the system, a game, a controller, and a memory card.
The big N gives the chosen game developer a 5% cut of the bundle for having their game picked.
$25+(5% of $250)= $37.50

Any reasonable business person I can think of would make that extra effort in developing and advertising to increase their profits by 50%. The simply ingenius part of this strategy is that the third parties are being paid to open up the market for themselves. If their games sell systems at launch, they have a larger market of people to sell their products to in the future.

Now, if anyone sees a flaw in MC and my thinking please CLEARLY point it out instead of drowing it out in your own thoughts.  
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Offline mouse_clicker

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2003, 03:35:52 PM »
Ian: Like most other people, I pretty much whole heartedly agree with your ideas, but like Nate said, don't just disagree with our thoughts and then come up with some completely new- tell us WHY you think our idea isn't good.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline Ian Sane

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2003, 11:58:44 AM »
ARRRGH!  I just wrote a long response only to have it f*ck up.  DAMMIT!

Well here's the main points of what I assure you was the most well written post in the history of the internet.

My main problem with the idea is that it doesn't allow Nintendo to have much control over the situation.  There's a lot relying on the third parties to deliver the goods.  If they go the lazy route and just port over their PS3 launch lineup it does nothing to help Nintendo.  If anything it can hurt the console's success.  It would probably work a lot better if it was limited to exclusives or if Nintendo specifically made deals with certain third parties and as a result there was a list of games valid for the promotion.  Otherwise it will be port city from companies like Acclaim and Midway.

One problem I had was that in MC's post he suggested that this one idea would bring Nintendo back the top spot.  I just don't think that's realistic.  Nintendo has to fundamentally change the way they market and sell consoles if they ever want to be number one again.  One promotion won't fix anything in the longrun if Nintendo is the same as they've always been.

Offline mouse_clicker

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2003, 12:36:52 PM »
I'll take your word for it, Ian.

Anyway, you raise a good point that Nintendo is sacrificing a lot of control and would be putting a lot of control into 3rd-parties- that's something I didn't consider and I'm sure Nate didn't, either. You also raise the idea of ports, but that shouldn't happen if Nintendo launches a year earlier than the competition. It won't get ports of PS2 and XBox games and it will get the first versions of next-gen games since the PS3 and XBox 2 won't be out for another year. I do agree that limited exclusives would be a great idea, but they have to be BIG name 3rd-party titles (like GTA, which I pointed out- not Rayman or anything).

You're right that this realistically wouldn't make Nintendo unstoppable, but if Nintendo does launch a year earlier than the competition AND impliments this plan, or something similar, it would give Nintendo a gigantic lead over the PS3 and XBox 2 since it will be building it's sales and game selection for an entire year before any opposing consoles are released. Look at the PS2- it may not have had any real big titles for a year, but it had an excellent variety and people who were holding out to see what the XBox and Gamecube had probably went with a PS2 due almost soley to the much wider selection. On top of that the PS2 had been accumulating sales for a year before it had any competition and acquired a lead that neither Nintendo nor MS could hope of overtaking. Nintendo would be replicating this, essentially, except on a larger scale, hopefully. I fully agree Nintendo needs a complete change of practices to take the leader, but they need a turning point to give them a bit of leeway, and a deal like this would be perfect.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline Ian Sane

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2003, 12:43:33 PM »
"You also raise the idea of ports, but that shouldn't happen if Nintendo launches a year earlier than the competition."

Is Nintendo planning on releasing a year early?  I thought that they were trying for 2005 which I believe would be the PS3 launch year.  If the PS3 isn't released until 2006 then yeah the port problem won't be so bad (unless we get PS2 ports).

Offline mouse_clicker

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2003, 12:49:23 PM »
I believe the PS3 is indeed launching in 2006- I remember reading some article that said the Cell processor would be too expensive in 2005. I'm not quite sure when the next XBox is supposed to launch, but I'm assuming late 2005/early 2006. In any case, I DO know Nintendo is planning on launching first.

And god I would hate PS2 ports.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

Offline DRJ

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GC2's Launch
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2003, 08:22:22 AM »
If Sony is last to market by a year it will give M$ and Nintendo the opening they need to cut into Sony's market share. They wont over take them, but they could even thing out a bit. It all depends on what they do with the extra time, assuming Sony launches late.
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