Author Topic: Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled  (Read 9254 times)

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Offline King of Twitch

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RE: Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2005, 10:46:17 AM »
At least with the N64 we knew the games weren't coming... now we get a carrot dangled in front of us and a kick to the nuts instead.  
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Offline Kairon

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RE:Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2005, 11:02:53 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"However, as #3 in marketshare, Nintendo and its fans are once again given the shaft."

The very reason why I'm always making such a big deal about marketshare.  As good as it is financially for Nintendo to consistently make a profit their marketshare is ultimately what affects us gamers.  This has become a chronic problem.  It's like now if a game is announced for all three consoles I almost assume the Cube version will be cancelled.  That's not the sort of thing to be associated with.  It's not good for Nintendo to be known as the console maker that has all their third party games cancelled.  They have to address this problem and show a serious effort to improve their marketshare.

As a fan why should I stay loyal to a company that doesn't show me that they care about issues like this?  What incentive is there to stay when things are always getting worse and the situation never improves or a least stays where it is?  Nintendo has to take these questions into account because I've never seen anything from them that suggests to me that they even care about this.  It often feels like they're taking our support and loyality for granted.

Seriously Ian, stop torturing yourself and buy other consoles. If the only reason you care about Nintendo is the raw number of games you get out of it personally, you should've switched over to the PS2 long ago.

It's NOT a bad thing. My best friend is a multi-console gamer. He's a Halo 2 addict. Heck, he even does a bigger sin in a Nintendo fan's eyes and he steals rather than buys most of his games. (as in steals, I mean uses pirated versions) There is no shame in owning more than one console, lol.

But seriously, Ian, you need to seriously take a close look at what you want out of your videogame experience, and whether it's even possible that one company can give you all that.

As a Nintendo fan, these things don't bother me much because in the final equation, I value what Nintendo brings to the table so much more than what most third parties do. I'd still much rather hold a GC controller in my hands instead of a PS2 controller or XBox controller, even after becoming enamored with GTA 3's game direction and after being in a bunch of Halo Lan Parties. Anyways, if third parties DO do something that's a must have, I have the maturity to go out and buy myself a PS2 or XBox. It's practically elitist snobbery to think that there are no appealing games on other systems.

But I still believe that Nintendo games are among the best games in the world, hand-down. I believe that all the sacrifices I make as a Nintendo Gamer pay off big-time. If you don't believe that, if you don't believe that Nintendo games are worth not getting MGS 2 or FFXII, then you really are deceiving yourself by labeling yourself as a Nintendo Devotee.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Arbok

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RE:Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2005, 11:39:48 AM »

Originally posted by: KaironAnyways, if third parties DO do something that's a must have, I have the maturity to go out and buy myself a PS2 or XBox. It's practically elitist snobbery to think that there are no appealing games on other systems.

Or the expendable revenue to buy more than one console. For some of us it comes down to a equation of economics. Would I rather buy and enjoy games 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', and 'E'... or instead of getting those should I buy a whole new system and just get game 'Z'?

I used to be a multi-system owner, even caved in and got a Dreamcast, but if history has taught me anything it's that my buck will go a lot further if I just focus on one system, or in my case a system and a handheld. Does not buying another system mean that I have locked myself in a room and closed my eyes that there might be some great games available on the other systems? Hardly, in fact there are some titles I would gladly pick up if I had the system (hell, got my free copy of Godzilla: Save the Earth for the Xbox just sitting here, unopened, that Atari sent me for running my site). But, in my eyes, as long as my console of choice continues to release titles that I'm willing to purchase, then I see no need to slap down revenue that would have been spent to purchase more titles for the sake of opening up my choices. It's sad that the release list for the Gamecube is starting to dry up fast, but my DS has been hammering what little money I have to allocate to games that it doesn't really matter at this point in time (I still need to pick up Fire Emblem as well).

In other words, if you have the income to do so where it doesn't effect how many games you will buy, then more power to ya. But for some of us we look at this more on the basis of new hardware vs. new games, and the prospect of acquiring more games to play just wins out.  
Toho Kingdom


Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2005, 11:41:22 AM »
I'm pretty sure Ian does think Nintendo games are among the best in the world. He's just been spoiled by the SNES into expecting a whole bunch of other games to choose from if he ever feels like it.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2005, 12:30:37 PM »
"But seriously, Ian, you need to seriously take a close look at what you want out of your videogame experience, and whether it's even possible that one company can give you all that."

One company can give me that.  Nintendo did ten years ago.  And by portable standards they did it with the GBA.

Plus the current situation with the Cube is REALLY bad.  I'd be content with a scenario like the Xbox where although there's no where near the amount of third party support the PS2 has, it's still pretty healthy.  Multiplatform games are almost always released for it, most third parites give it some dedicated support instead of just one game here and there and nothing else, stuff doesn't get cancelled very often, a whole month doesn't go by with literally no games released, all the exclusives don't get ported, etc.  That's a big improvement over what the Cube has and that's from a console that never had a chance of being number one and is a complete dud in a very major market.

Stability would be great.  It's hard to make the best of a poor situation when things get worse.  The Cube's position in the console wars was never that great but it still would have been way better to presently have the kind of third party support we had when Metroid Prime came out.  At least at that point it was okay.  It was better than the N64 and there was still hope that things could improve.

With the Rev, regardless of what position it ends up in, I would be incredibly happy if things were better at the end of it's life than at launch.

Offline Kairon

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RE:Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2005, 02:16:23 PM »

Originally posted by: Arbok

Originally posted by: KaironAnyways, if third parties DO do something that's a must have, I have the maturity to go out and buy myself a PS2 or XBox. It's practically elitist snobbery to think that there are no appealing games on other systems.

Or the expendable revenue to buy more than one console. For some of us it comes down to a equation of economics. Would I rather buy and enjoy games 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', and 'E'... or instead of getting those should I buy a whole new system and just get game 'Z'?

I used to be a multi-system owner, even caved in and got a Dreamcast, but if history has taught me anything it's that my buck will go a lot further if I just focus on one system, or in my case a system and a handheld. Does not buying another system mean that I have locked myself in a room and closed my eyes that there might be some great games available on the other systems? Hardly, in fact there are some titles I would gladly pick up if I had the system (hell, got my free copy of Godzilla: Save the Earth for the Xbox just sitting here, unopened, that Atari sent me for running my site). But, in my eyes, as long as my console of choice continues to release titles that I'm willing to purchase, then I see no need to slap down revenue that would have been spent to purchase more titles for the sake of opening up my choices. It's sad that the release list for the Gamecube is starting to dry up fast, but my DS has been hammering what little money I have to allocate to games that it doesn't really matter at this point in time (I still need to pick up Fire Emblem as well).

In other words, if you have the income to do so where it doesn't effect how many games you will buy, then more power to ya. But for some of us we look at this more on the basis of new hardware vs. new games, and the prospect of acquiring more games to play just wins out.

Well, if you do want more than one console but can't afford more than one, then you should have the sense that you must choose the best console for you overall. Heck, my top 3 favorite games of all time as a kid had THREE RPGs! Two of those were from Squaresoft! I was a Final Fantasy Fanboy back in the oldschool!

But along comes the 32/64 bit generation and I eventually made a choice, and that choice was that in the end I'd rather play the N64 than the PSX. Now, I'm seriously lacking in RPGs and it's a continual frustration that I lack the relevance to converse on my favorite genre of videogames, in fact, the genre whose style I'm most suited to develop in if I were ever to make games. But I don't blame Nintendo for that one bit, it was a personal decision I made when I realized that I couldn't afford more than one console, and that I had to make a choice. I don't regret that decision, nor do I lay any blame for it on anyone... except maybe Squaresoft, lol. j/k!

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline UncleBob

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RE:Starcraft: Ghost on GameCube Cancelled
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2005, 05:50:21 PM »

One company can give me that. Nintendo did ten years ago.

Welcome to 2006.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.