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Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: Miyamoto on April 12, 2012, 07:16:58 AM

Title: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 12, 2012, 07:16:58 AM
Think I might get one.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: lolmonade on April 12, 2012, 08:47:42 AM
I've been tempted, but the value isn't there for me yet.
If I give it 3-4 months, and there are more games out plus I'm still interested in it, then I'll take a more serious look at getting it.  I just want to make sure it isn't an impulse buy I'll regret later.  I'm also waiting to see what Wii U looks like once it's actually revealed, because that Vita money could go towards a Wii U, and I already have a 3DS for handheld purposes.  The big selling point to me is the connectivity its supposed to have with my Playstation 3.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Stogi on April 12, 2012, 09:05:20 AM
If I had cash to spend on useless ****, yeah...I'd buy one.

I heard if you have a jailbroken PS3 *ahem* you can play your PS3 games on the Vita using remote play. Playing Skyrim while flying on a plane sounds pretty awesome.

Not worth the ticket price for that alone I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 12, 2012, 10:19:04 AM
I got one last week. I bought Lumines, Hot Shots Golf, and Mutant Blobs Attack. MBA is the best game on the system right now, but it's also an $8 platformer, so I don't think I'd buy the system just for that. I've never played Lumines, so that's a lot of fun. And HSG is like Mario Golf (it's even made by former Camelot people, I believe).

I've also been playing the free MotorStorm RC game, which is like RC Pro Am and surprisingly fun.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 12, 2012, 02:28:42 PM
I plan on buying one in the near future, mainly to play my PSP games with better controls and a better screen. I'll probably pick up Lumines, Uncharted, and Resistance: Burning Skies when it releases.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 12, 2012, 03:50:35 PM
I already have a PS3, so I have access to 90% of the Vita's existing and future library and can enjoy it on a much larger screen.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 12, 2012, 04:06:54 PM
I already have a PS3, so I have access to 90% of the Vita's existing and future library and can enjoy it on a much larger screen.

Really? It can play 90% of Vita and PSP games? I wish I knew about that feature...

I know we're a Nintendo site, but don't say things that are just blatantly trolling other systems.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 12, 2012, 04:18:56 PM
Maybe 90% is an exaggeration, but its not trolling. Its a fact. The uncharted and God of war games that originally came to the PSP were later ported to the PS3 and with better graphics and controls. So why would I need to buy a PSP/Vita if I wanted to play these games?

I understand the Vita games are all new and haven't been ported over to the PS3 yet. The keyword here is "yet". I believe eventually they will be.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 12, 2012, 04:57:53 PM
Maybe 90% is an exaggeration, but its not trolling. Its a fact. The uncharted and God of war games that originally came to the PSP were later ported to the PS3 and with better graphics and controls. So why would I need to buy a PSP/Vita if I wanted to play these games?

There isn't a PSP Uncharted game. Only MGS Peacewalker and the 2 PSP GoW games have been ported over IIRC.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 12, 2012, 05:02:04 PM
I'm going to look very hard at buying one next month. My E3 trip is mostly paid off, so I should have the money, and since I never had a PSP I'd have a huge library available from the get-go.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: BranDonk Kong on April 12, 2012, 06:14:16 PM
For remote play on PSP/Vita you need to be connected to the same WiFi network (or USB) as your yes you could play Skyrim on a plane...but you'd have to bring the PS3 as well, and a wireless router...
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 12, 2012, 06:16:54 PM
For remote play on PSP/Vita you need to be connected to the same WiFi network (or USB) as your yes you could play Skyrim on a plane...but you'd have to bring the PS3 as well, and a wireless router...

Not to mention your PS3 probably has to be on already, if my brief experience with PSP remote play is any indication.  Plus, I don't think the Vita has L3 and R3 buttons built into the analog sticks, so for games that use them you'd lose that functionality on Vita.

Sony likes to hype remote play, but I've never understood what benefit there is to that functionality given all the things that have to be triggered to use it.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: BranDonk Kong on April 12, 2012, 06:21:09 PM
Well it is awesome to play MK2 on the PSP (which of course is also possible with Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play...or the PSX MK2), but ohter than that...meh.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 12, 2012, 06:22:45 PM
If you have to have an active PS3 within wifi range, why wouldn't you just... you know... play the game on the PS3?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 12, 2012, 06:24:14 PM
At least the "Crossplay" feature is pretty cool, where you can transfer data between Vita and PS3 versions of your games so you can continue your progress on the Go and vice-versa.  Sony has been pretty good so far at getting publishers to actually support that feature, too.  I have a couple of games already where when I bought the PS3 version of the DLC or game I got the Vita version as well (Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3's DLC and The Pinball Arcade PSN title).

If you have to have an active PS3 within wifi range, why wouldn't you just... you know... play the game on the PS3?

That's pretty much my argument.

In any case, I took my first step towards purchasing a Vita today when I ordered the extremely overpriced 32 GB memory card.  It should arrive sometime next week, which is about the time I plan on getting my Vita + some protective screen covers.  I hope my PSP case can still hold the Vita, as I'd rather not purchase a new case.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: lolmonade on April 12, 2012, 08:36:04 PM
If you have to have an active PS3 within wifi range, why wouldn't you just... you know... play the game on the PS3?

Well, I understand the Vita is a separate system from the PS3, but isn't that the same type of feature Wii U is touting with their tablet controller?  The ability to let someone watch tv while you continue your play on the handheld screen?

I think it's just as cool on the Vita.  While not the primary reason I would purchase it, it is a cool feature nonetheless.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 12, 2012, 08:43:09 PM
Well, I understand the Vita is a separate system from the PS3, but isn't that the same type of feature Wii U is touting with their tablet controller?  The ability to let someone watch tv while you continue your play on the handheld screen?

For the price of the Vita you could just buy another TV. Well, not a huge TV, but one with a much larger screen than the Vita for sure.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: lolmonade on April 12, 2012, 09:04:09 PM
Well, I understand the Vita is a separate system from the PS3, but isn't that the same type of feature Wii U is touting with their tablet controller?  The ability to let someone watch tv while you continue your play on the handheld screen?

For the price of the Vita you could just buy another TV. Well, not a huge TV, but one with a much larger screen than the Vita for sure.

Did you only read down to that part? Because right after that part I also wrote the following:

While not the primary reason I would purchase it, it is a cool feature nonetheless.

I never said it would be the only reason to purchase it, and most people would agree that it would be a foolish purchase for that reason alone. 
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on April 13, 2012, 05:15:01 PM
Actual, Remote Play isn't functional right now.

I like my Vita a lot, but the games aren't really there yet. Uncharted is cool, but it's over pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Kwolf on April 18, 2012, 11:06:15 PM
I enjoy my vita, but I enjoy handheld gaming consoles in general.  Other than the gimmicky stuff in Uncharted, I have had a really good uncharted experience with it.   I really can't hold blame on them for the gimmicky stuff, when everyone else is doing the exact same thing. I mean even Skyward Sword made me waggle about a remote to try and cross a log for balance.  That stuff annoys me on whatever system, but I'm not going to hold any serious grudges against it.

The system it's self really amazes me.  I love the multitasking.  Being able to listen to a podcast while playing a game is quite awesome on the go.  I think that is my favorite thing about the vita so far.  Really wish the 3ds had this.   Granted I know my vita won't get near the attention from me that my 3ds will, I still see it getting some good use.  I have uncharted, lumines, and rayman origins right now.  Still haven't touched Rayman, and really looking forward to it.  Gravity Daze/Rush is also looking quite interesting in the future.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 18, 2012, 11:28:02 PM
I'm picking up my Vita tomorrow afternoon, taking advantage of a deal GameStop is doing where you get a free copy of Wipeout 2048 (or Hot Shots Golf/Modnation Racers Vita) and free case with a purchase of a Vita.  I've already purchased my 32 GB memory card, which I hope will arrive by then (my tracking info hasn't updated since yesterday morning).  As for games, along with my existing digital PSP games (of which there are 12) I also picked up Uncharted: Golden Abyss; Lumines Electronic Symphony; and PSN's Escape Plan.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 19, 2012, 08:56:54 AM
PSN's Escape Plan.

Not a bad thing to have in case your Vita experience doesn't work out very well. ;)
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 19, 2012, 10:35:02 AM
I'm glad Chozo Ghost is here to tell us all how stupid we are for wanting a Vita. Thanks, bro. :P

After having the system for two weeks, I really love it. Having this and the 3DS make handheld gaming incredible. The only thing the Vita is suffering from right now is the same uncertainty and slow sales that the 3DS had this time last year. The launch games were okay, and now there's basically nothing coming out until Gravity Rush in June. E3 should be telling for the system's first holiday season in North America/Europe.

Really, the parallels between the two system's early goings is creepy.
Both had a Feb/March launch with a decent amount of games but with no must-have experience.
In May, both systems had a mildly anticipated fighting game come to the system (Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat)
In June, the system had its first seemingly must-have game (OoT3D, Gravity Rush)

I guess we can look forward to a slow summer for the Vita. :(
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 19, 2012, 10:39:58 AM
The only thing the Vita is suffering from right now is the same uncertainty and slow sales that the 3DS had this time last year. The launch games were okay, and now there's basically nothing coming out until Gravity Rush in June.

Well, I'm looking forward to Resistance: Burning Skies at the end of May, but Gravity Rush is on my list as well.  Yeah, though...Sony's done a really poor job so far ensuring that there's new must-have Vita software after the launch.  I don't even know of any software with announced release dates hitting the thing after Gravity Rush in June.  I have plenty of PSP software to tide me over until then, but the uncertainty of the software lineup is troubling for the future of the handheld.

PSN's Escape Plan.

Not a bad thing to have in case your Vita experience doesn't work out very well. ;)

Just couldn't let that pun go, could you?  I knew when I wrote that that someone would make that pun, but I didn't think it would be you.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 19, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
There have been enough comments from Japan about how there is a storm of games brewing.

I forgot about Resistance. I'm interested, as it does look like a quality portable FPS. I don't know if I'll buy it, but I'll definitely check out a demo.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 19, 2012, 07:02:21 PM
I picked up my Vita today along with my free copy of Wipeout 2048 and the free case, though sadly my 32 GB memory card did NOT arrive.  I have a 4 GB card that came with something else I picked up, so I'll be good for a little while but unfortunately that means I can't transfer all my PSP games over yet.  I'll probably have to pick 1 and hope for the best over my vacation.  I'm really happy with how well my screen protector sheet went on, thanks to the guide it was attached to initially.  There's a sliver of the screen that's uncovered, but it's a corner I'm not likely to ever use and I already got the cover on with no bubbles so I can live with it.  If it weren't for that little sliver of uncovered screen, you wouldn't even be able to tell at a glance that there is a protective cover over it.

From a sheer hardware standpoint, I'm really liking the Vita.  The OS feels pretty user-friendly, and a lot of the obnoxious bugs reported at launch seem to have been fixed.  For instance, the issue where it want you to download a firmware update before you could link your PSN account has been fixed.  Like the PSP, the Vita also came with a handy startup guide, so figuring out how to get started was easy.  The device's online functionality also seems waaay faster than the PS3's, perplexingly.  It downloads updates much faster, and it seems to transfer data much faster as well.

My biggest complaint so far is that the Vita REALLY doesn't want you actually opening its panels.  You really have to force them open, which wouldn't be such a big deal if it was only the memory card slot but this is also true for the Vita game card slot as well.  I'm also really not a fan of the way Sony forces you to transfer data between the PS3 and Vita.  Before I bought the Vita, I redownloaded all my old PSP games and the few Vita digital games I own and left them on the XMB ready for transfer.  With the PSP, you could select that file on the PS3 and then tell the OS to install it on the PSP.  It would then ask you whether you wanted to keep the data on the PS3 or not after the copy is finished.  With the Vita, though, you have to log into your PSN account on the PS3, hook the two devices up, and THEN use the Vita to select the things you want to transfer over.  Then the Vita automatically deletes everything from the PS3 that it installs on the Vita.  This wouldn't annoy me so much if I didn't know that I'm going to have to do this all over again once my 32 GB card arrives, so that means redownloading to my PS3 anything I put on this 4 GB card (unless I can back-up applications along with save data).

On the plus side, at least my Vita can actually access my home's online connection on its own.  My PSP lacked the technical ability to access my network through my network security.

I'm currently waiting on some games to transfer over to my Vita, but I'm looking forward to playing some Escape Plan soon followed by some Uncharted and Lumines.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 19, 2012, 07:52:10 PM
OK, Lumines Electronic Symphony kicks ass. The music and general "feel" of the game are so much better than PSN's "Lumines Supernova".

EDIT: Uncharted: Golden Abyss has been pretty entertaining these first couple of chapters, though the game makes it clear that Sony didn't really think the placement of the right analog stick through.  It's kind of difficult to use it with the hand position that use to press the buttons and right shoulder button.  I'll probably get used to it after a while, but it's kind of annoying early on.

Wipeout 2048 was a good pick for my free game.  It feels like Mario Kart combined with F-Zero, has a great sense of speed, and looks great as well.

Escape Plan is a beautiful game that does a good job of being what the other Vita game are not: something that actually feels like a portable experience you're meant to pick up and play when you have spare time.  I can see already why there were so many complaints about using the back touch, though.  It really is hard to accurately hit something with the back touch since you can't see where your fingers are.  Combine that with the very time sensitive nature of the puzzles, and things can get messy quickly.  Still, I'm enjoying it.

I don't much care for Motorstorm RC, but considering the game was a PSN freebie it's really hard to complain about it.  It is kind of annoying seeing all the hooks the game has to try to get you to buy DLC, though.

Dissidia Final Fantasy 012 Duodecim (gotta love Square-Enix's love for absurd names) was the one PSP game I tried on the Vita, and overall it looks good after adding the bilinear filtering.  Because this game had camera control mapped to the D-pad, I could assign the Right analog stick to that functionality for real right analog stick camera control.  The more PSP games where I can map the camera control to the right analog stick, the happier I'll be.

Overall, after my first few hours with the Vita I'm really happy with it.  It's a very well-made system with some very solid and enjoyable experiences so far, especially the new Lumines (which has an outstanding track list so far).  It's a pity that it's so expensive, though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 20, 2012, 01:59:55 AM
I don't plan to get a Vita until it's less than $200, but thanks to Sony I already have a game for it (the PS Vita version of MotorStorm RC was given out for free due to a promotion between Sony and Scion).
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on April 29, 2012, 11:57:59 PM
Just a minor update, but my 32 GB memory card came in the other day, and after a brief time backing up and restoring my data to the new card I was able to transfer almost all my PSP games to the new card without incident.  The sole exception, sadly, was Resistance Retribution.  The really puzzling thing, though, is that if you live in Europe the game can be downloaded onto the Vita or otherwise transferred to it.  But you can't do it in NA.  Considering it's a game that would really benefit from right stick camera control, Sony needs to get that game back up on the Vita PSN Store for redownload as soon as possible.

I swear, though, Sony must have the worst server I've ever experienced running the FL area Vita PSN.  The thing was randomly down almost all of yesterday, making the whole process of restoring all my Vita data quite annoying (some information, like Near and Trophy data, require syncing with PSN), as well as downloading some of the demos I couldn't hold before due to lack of space.

Which reminds me, I tried the demo for the Vita Katamari game, and it may very well be the first game in the series I could get into, as it's the first one I've played with decent controls (left stick to move the character, right to move the camera).  The whole "stretch" and "squeeze" mechanic with the back touch screen works really well, too.  I also tried the demo for Unit 13, which is not abysmal like I expected from my time with this company's previous SOCOM 4.  It still has that aura of generic laziness, but at least it's a competent shooter now (which SOCOM 4 certainly wasn't).
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 25, 2012, 08:06:06 PM
As I was saying in the Rate the Last Game You Played thread, I'm buying a Vita next week, and I'm trying to decide what games to get with it. I'm definitely getting Rayman and MLB The Show, and I'll probably have enough for one more game, but I don't know what I want.

The main three I'm considering are Uncharted, Resistance and Unit 13. Despite mediocre reviews, I'm leaning toward Unit 13 at the moment, because most of the things people complain about are things I don't care about, and it seems well-suited to a handheld.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for me to consider, or opinions on my choices?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on May 25, 2012, 08:37:35 PM
Super Stardust Delta, Wipeout, Gravity Rush?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 25, 2012, 08:49:30 PM
Super Stardust I'll probably get, as well as Mutant Blobs Attack; I was referring to retail games (though not actually retail games, because I'll be buying all of this digitally).

I just never got into the PS3 Wipeout game, so I'm not in a rush to go out and buy this one, and Gravity Rush isn't out yet, and from everything I've seen of it I don't see why everyone's in love with it.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on May 25, 2012, 09:41:20 PM
As I said in the related thread, I'd recommend Uncharted: Golden Abyss or Lumines: Electronic Symphony, depending on the kind of void you want to fill in your Vita software lineup.  Both have demos, so you can check them out before making a final decision.  If you like fighting games, I've heard very good things about the Vita version of Mortal Kombat as well, and there's certainly plenty to keep you busy there.

By the way, as it came with my Vita due to a GameStop promotion I do have Wipeout 2048, and it's a good game but a brutally hard one.  It plays like Mario Kart combined with F-Zero, with all the good and bad that entails.  I've had fun with the game, but it's not one I would recommend.

EDIT: By the way, I can't stress enough the importance of slapping one of Sony's official screen protectors on your Vita before you start using it.  So many of the retail games and the entire OS require tapping or swiping on that screen, you'll want something there to protect it.  Why Sony's?  The one I used had a plastic guide that extended over the right analog stick and buttons to make it easy to line-up the screen and easily place it.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 27, 2012, 01:05:02 AM
Vita is a cool piece of kit but Sony seems to be signaling a price cut in the near future:
From (

“Because creators have a lot of enthusiasm for the Vita, we [at Sony] must create an upswing in the market and prepare an environment where they feel comfortable making games" - Kawano, SCEJ president
[/size]This upswing must surely be a price cut...big new games that are shown at E3 would likely not be available til Fall at the earliest. I can't see Sony playing chicken like this for that long, just waiting for their competitors to make more moves, with the long-term health of the platform at stake.[/color]
[/size]If you DO get one tho, man there a lot of PSP gems to enjoy...TACTICS OGRE would be my prime pick for anyone who likes RPGs or strategy.[/color]
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 27, 2012, 01:15:16 AM
I don't see a price drop coming this soon. Sony doesn't have as much room to move as Nintendo did when they cut the 3DS price, and I don't think the price is the problem with the Vita as much as the lack of software. I think Sony would be wise to ride out the current price for a while to see if more software will improve sales.

And yes, the PSP games are a big part of this for me, since I never owned one. I'd probably go with War of the Lions if I wanted a tactics game, though, since I never played the original Final Fantasy Tactics.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on May 27, 2012, 01:59:04 AM
And yes, the PSP games are a big part of this for me, since I never owned one. I'd probably go with War of the Lions if I wanted a tactics game, though, since I never played the original Final Fantasy Tactics.

I have the Tactics Ogre remake, and a considerable amount of more work went into that remake than FF Tactics'.  I'd recommend that one first.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 28, 2012, 01:44:16 AM
I don't see a price drop coming this soon. Sony doesn't have as much room to move as Nintendo did when they cut the 3DS price, and I don't think the price is the problem with the Vita as much as the lack of software. I think Sony would be wise to ride out the current price for a while to see if more software will improve sales.

I agree that killer software would be the most important selling point...but is adequate quality software in the pipeline? I really don't know, and my hope would be that E3 serves as a launching pad for excitement over the platform's upcoming killer lineup.
My honest take is that Vita development is too risky and expensive a proposition for most publishers (outside of Sony) because the market segment it serves is not large enough to support the cost for developing the kinds of games that would satisfy them. Except for upgraded ports, of which development risk is spread over other platforms, and Sony's own heavy hitters (GoW, Uncharted, Wipeout, Jak, Smash clone, etc) my fear is the system will see little more than niche titles from studios like Nippon Ichi and the folks who made "Argh My Little Sister Is SO Cute I can Hardly Stand It".

But perhaps that Call of Duty title will carry it on the West, hopefully latest Fall/winter.

More importantly however....dude what will it take to get you to play TACTICS OGRE first before War of the Lions? War of the Lions is a damn fine game made by the same folks but TACTICS OGRE is legend. It's like the obviously hot girl (FFT) vs the super-attractive girl with the sneaky hot body and best of all this subtle, wry sense of humor that has you shaking your head and chuckling hours and days after the last time you met up with her.
Or something like that.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 28, 2012, 08:46:41 AM
Alright, alright, I'll look into Tactics Ogre before I make my final decision. I don't know if either one of them will make my initial purchase list, though, as I'm stretching as it is to be able to afford the system right now in addition to my E3 trip.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Tlon on May 28, 2012, 09:42:11 AM
Since you are already planning on getting Rayman. I would recommend waiting for Gravity Rush since only 2 weeks aways, or getting Lumines. Patapoon from the PSP library is great in case you haven't played it, also Locoroco.

Furthermore, Rayman, Mutant Blobs Attack, and Super Stardust will keep you busy for a long time. So you don't have to rush to buy more game for now.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 28, 2012, 12:31:54 PM
I know I don't have to rush to buy a ton of games, but I am most likely going to like I always do. I like the idea of going back to PSP games, because they're less expensive (meaning I can buy more of them). If I do buy a Vita game in addition to Rayman and MLB The Show, it's most likely going to be Unit 13, because it seems like I'm trying to talk myself out of it. The only thing that might change that is if Resistance gets really good reviews.

I read up on Tactics Ogre, and I have to say it sounds like the people pushing it in this thread were right to do so. Really, though, if I'm going to buy a tactical game right out of the gate I'll probably go for Valkyria Chronicles 2 or new front-runner R-Type Command.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on May 28, 2012, 12:51:11 PM
Really, though, if I'm going to buy a tactical game right out of the gate I'll probably go for Valkyria Chronicles 2 or new front-runner R-Type Command.

I'm quite open about my love for Valkyria Chronicles and I'm someone who bought a PSP largely for Valkyria Chronicles 2.  However, I really can't recommend that anyone else buy it.  I largely didn't believe the complaints about the high school/military academy setting going into the game, but man the hatred for that game's setting and characters is so completely justified.  The game has some good ideas, and the Valkyria Chronicles battle system is as awesome as ever, but there's just so much wanton stupidity and anime cliches in the characters; story; and setting that it's a hard game to recommend.

That said, I'm only probably about 1/4 of the way through the game and it could improve.  I just never feel any compulsion to play it.  It's a pity we'll probably never get Valkyria Chronicles 3, though, because I've heard that game returns to the awesomeness of the original game.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 28, 2012, 01:34:46 PM
Story is rarely a major concern for me; I can put up with problems there if the gameplay stays good. As I said, though, at the moment I'm loving the idea of R-Type Command. I prefer sci-fi settings to fantasy, and a turn-based tactical side-scrolling shoot-'em-up is an intriguing concept.

EDIT: After further research, it appears Irem took all their games off PSN about a year ago, so R-Type Command is sadly not an option. Also, Valkyria Chronicles 2 is still $40, and I'm not paying that, so Tactics Ogre takes the lead among tactics games.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Tlon on May 28, 2012, 02:22:51 PM
IIf I do buy a Vita game in addition to Rayman and MLB The Show, it's most likely going to be Unit 13, because it seems like I'm trying to talk myself out of it. The only thing that might change that is if Resistance gets really good reviews.

There is a demo for Unit 13 on the PSN store on Vita. You could try it before buying it. Plus I think Resistance might end up becoming the better game of the two. We are only a couple of days from its release so reviews should start popping up any time soon.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 29, 2012, 02:49:43 AM
O my goshness, what is this...I just happened to bump into this link right here with many amazing musics and arts: (

My day now has a smile on it  :D
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: ejamer on May 29, 2012, 09:54:29 AM
The main three I'm considering are Uncharted, Resistance and Unit 13. Despite mediocre reviews, I'm leaning toward Unit 13 at the moment, because most of the things people complain about are things I don't care about, and it seems well-suited to a handheld.

(I don't own a Vita, my brother-in-law does. Comments are based on limited experience with the games from me and his comments after playing extensively.)

Unit 13 isn't really a game worth owning.  It's competent but unimpressive.  However, for a launch title it does well enough that it's not a bad choice at this point in the Vita lifecycle.  My take is that you might be better off grabbing one of the more impressive PSP titles even though they are older and don't take advantage of the Vita improvements.

Uncharted is a better game and probably worth playing despite being really short and with limited replay value. Better to buy second-hand if you have the chance.  The only complaint I have (outside of being short on content) is that touch controls felt forced and out of place. I'm not against touch controls at all, but it felt like they were added here just to "break in" gamers who aren't used to Sony systems having a touch screen.

No comments about Resistance as I haven't seen or heard anything that one yet.  Early reviews aren't promising... but it probably depends on how much you pay and what your expectations are going in?

I agree that Vita probably won't see a price drop so soon. Sony really needs some quality software to hit... but right now even a price drop probably won't spur sales enough without games to sustain the momentum, so why bother cutting into their (eventual) revenue? 

Frankly, it's not like 3DS is killing them on the software front either. A handful of very good games have been released on that platform but it's been quiet since Kid Icarus and I'm not sure when the next "big" game is coming. So there isn't really any pressure being applied by the competition.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 29, 2012, 11:14:44 AM
Cutting price is always one way to increase sales :)
...but I do gotta agree that with such paltry software options anyway Sony would likely be better off announcing a KILLER fall/winter lineup, seeing if that takes the platform off "life support" and then adjusting pricing strategy from there.

Perhaps it will be their counter stroke for when (if Nintendo DS Lite timing is any indication) the "3DS Pro" or whatever it will be is announced spring/summer next year.

But c'mon Sony, its gotta be KILLERRR. It is up to them to prove their target market is still viable.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 08, 2012, 09:58:14 AM
Hi, just thought I'd chime in.
I've had my Vita for about a month now. At first I was pretty under whelmed, I held off on buying a game whilst I played through PSN demos and got reacquainted with my PSP download games.
My main problem with it was those analog sticks, they didn't feel good at all to me.

But now I'm on my 2nd play through of Uncharted, I'm used to the controls and really looking forward to playing more games. As others have said the touch screen stuff in Uncharted is terrible and it's a pretty short game, but otherwise it's a lot of fun. It's the first game I'll played this year that I have wanted to continue playing straight after the credits rolled (although I do plan on going back to Resident Evil and Ace Combat on 3DS to play through harder settings too).

My heart sank after the Vita was so ignored by Sony in their E3 press event. But now the trailers from their booth are all online I am looking forward to Strangers Wrath, Jet Set Radio & Gucamelee. 2 ports and a cross format title I know, but all games that will suit me best on a handheld device. Nothing to drag me away from Paper Mario on 3DS but plenty to keep me coming back.

I wish Sony would sort out Remote Play properly as teased last year with Killzone 3. As it stands Pixel Junk Eden works okay, but that's really all. I know others here have been dismissive of this feature, but this is something that I would use a lot.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 09, 2012, 12:39:52 AM
I picked mine up in time for my E3 trip, and I bought a whole bunch of games for it. MLB The Show, Resistance, Rayman and FIFA, plus Super Stardust and Mutant Blobs Attack, Tactics Ogre, Mega Man and Harvest Moon for PSP and about half a dozen PS Minis. Still haven't gotten to everything yet, but I'm very happy with my purchase so far. I like this thing's d-pad a lot. I hated previous Sony d-pads, but this one's probably the best non-Nintendo d-pad I've ever used.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 14, 2012, 11:55:50 AM
I picked mine up in time for my E3 trip, and I bought a whole bunch of games for it. MLB The Show, Resistance, Rayman and FIFA, plus Super Stardust and Mutant Blobs Attack, Tactics Ogre, Mega Man and Harvest Moon for PSP and about half a dozen PS Minis.

Insanolord, I know you said you haven't got round to most of it yet but I'd be interested in what you make of Resistance and Mutant Blobs Attack.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 14, 2012, 12:00:41 PM
I'd like to know if you've tried the Lumines ES demo yet as well.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 14, 2012, 09:02:41 PM
I've only played a little bit of Resistance, but I like it. I don't think I've started up Mutant Blobs Attack. I did play the Lumines demo, and it just wasn't my thing.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 16, 2012, 06:01:18 AM
I'm liking the rear touch pad on this thing. FIFA uses it for aiming shots, like the 3DS version does with the bottom screen, but unlike the 3DS I can keep my thumbs on the controls while I do it. My only complaint is it can be too easy to activate accidentally sometimes.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: TJ Spyke on June 17, 2012, 01:05:59 PM
To anyone looking to buy a PlayStation Vita, Sony and Amazon are offering a deal where you can get a $50 Amazon gift card if you buy a PSV from them.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 17, 2012, 01:40:13 PM
Ooo, nice.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on June 18, 2012, 08:17:54 AM
To anyone looking to buy a PlayStation Vita, Sony and Amazon are offering a deal where you can get a $50 Amazon gift card if you buy a PSV from them.

As long as its nothing as insulting as a price drop :)
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on June 18, 2012, 10:55:24 AM
To anyone looking to buy a PlayStation Vita, Sony and Amazon are offering a deal where you can get a $50 Amazon gift card if you buy a PSV from them.

As long as its nothing as insulting as a price drop :)

The fact they are doing this now could be a prelude to a price drop in the near future.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 18, 2012, 12:06:40 PM
Insulting? I want a price drop. Bundled with a memory card. And a free game. With a month's free of 3G. That's the only way I will ever buy one.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 18, 2012, 12:47:40 PM
Insulting? I want a price drop. Bundled with a memory card. And a free game. With a month's free of 3G. That's the only way I will ever buy one.

Why would you want the 3G? That has been the most worthless feature of the Vita right now since you can't play multiplayer games over it.  As for your bundle request, I could see that possibly happening with that announced Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation bundle they're doing this Fall.  I wouldn't expect a price drop announcement till at least Tokyo Game Show, and possibly not until next year.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 18, 2012, 01:39:03 PM
I don't have a smartphone so this would be useful as I could just go month to month using it when I wouldn't have access to the internet. I want to be able to do internet where ever I go.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 18, 2012, 01:45:46 PM
I don't have a smartphone so this would be useful as I could just go month to month using it when I wouldn't have access to the internet. I want to be able to do internet where ever I go.

OK, yeah that makes sense.  I just got a smartphone a couple of months ago, and having the internet with me wherever I go has been downright addicting.  I could do without my phone's horrible auto-correct when I'm Tweeting, though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 18, 2012, 02:24:52 PM
If I got a Vita my pockets would hate me. I would have a dumbphone for texting and calling, an iPod Touch for my multimedia and WiFI browsing, a 3DS for gaming, and a Vita for other gaming and 3G browsing. Jeez. Maybe I should just get an iPhone and cut down those devices down to around two. :P

Can't you disable autocorrect? I know you can on iOS, at least.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 18, 2012, 02:36:26 PM
Can't you disable autocorrect? I know you can on iOS, at least.

You probably can on my Android phone, but the problem is that I do need that auto-correct from time to time.  When it's actually correcting misspelled words, I don't have a problem with it.  Unfortunately, though, my phone auto-corrects contractions, and I do a lot of Tweeting where you need contractions to fit words into a limited character space.  So I'll go to type a common word like "can't", and my phone will force that word to become something like "cart" or "danny" (oddly).  It's annoying as hell.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 18, 2012, 03:44:48 PM
They were handing out codes for a free month of 3G in the Sony booth at E3. I have to wonder how many people who got them could actually use them.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on June 18, 2012, 10:45:19 PM
If I got a Vita my pockets would hate me. I would have a dumbphone for texting and calling, an iPod Touch for my multimedia and WiFI browsing, a 3DS for gaming, and a Vita for other gaming and 3G browsing. Jeez. Maybe I should just get an iPhone and cut down those devices down to around two. :P

Can't you disable autocorrect? I know you can on iOS, at least.

Given the needs you outlined, That makes me rather curious why you don't opt for a smartphone? I suppose an iPhone makes the most sense given you are used to the iPod touch ux and you could probably get a 4S (w/ contract sigh) for the bundle you would spend on a vita.
Just could start wearing other kinds of pants again, not just cargo :p
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 18, 2012, 10:56:47 PM
I'm 17, without a steady job to pay for it. My family is too poor for one otherwise.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 19, 2012, 10:55:38 AM
If I got a Vita my pockets would hate me. I would have a dumbphone for texting and calling, an iPod Touch for my multimedia and WiFI browsing, a 3DS for gaming, and a Vita for other gaming and 3G browsing.

 :Q  that is exactly what I have in my bag right now. Apart from the 3G bit. Oh and mine's a Black Berry, a neither world betwixt the dumb and the smart. Mind you, I did have an Android and still carried a DS & PSP around with me.

My advice to you: you don't need an iphone. You need a bag.

On a serious note, every seasoned traveler knows that having one device that does everything is just not reality right now. I justify each of my 4 hand helds for different purposes. There is a lot of cross over in what they can do (like wi fi browsing, multi media, cameras & gaming) but they all excel for some uses and are complete rubbish for others. And I still take a book whenever I go abroad because they don't use batteries and flight staff aren't afraid of them.

In my defense - I only carry the Vita when I'm hooked on a game. But the 3DS comes everywhere for Street Pass and Coins of course.

Get a bag.

Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on June 19, 2012, 11:08:00 AM
I'm 17, without a steady job to pay for it. My family is too poor for one otherwise.

Gotcha. Rolling with the cheapest android available and it is sorta terrible (a Huawei dealio with 3-inch screen...$100 unlocked). Dream object now currently a new macbook (THAT one might be TOO dreamy and expensive tho).
Ah, sweet motivation.

@Einstein: I applaud your steadfastness in the face of all this "convergence" tomfoolery :p
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 19, 2012, 12:34:41 PM
If I got a Vita my pockets would hate me. I would have a dumbphone for texting and calling, an iPod Touch for my multimedia and WiFI browsing, a 3DS for gaming, and a Vita for other gaming and 3G browsing.

 :Q  that is exactly what I have in my bag right now. Apart from the 3G bit. Oh and mine's a Black Berry, a neither world betwixt the dumb and the smart. Mind you, I did have an Android and still carried a DS & PSP around with me.

My advice to you: you don't need an iphone. You need a bag.

On a serious note, every seasoned traveler knows that having one device that does everything is just not reality right now. I justify each of my 4 hand helds for different purposes. There is a lot of cross over in what they can do (like wi fi browsing, multi media, cameras & gaming) but they all excel for some uses and are complete rubbish for others. And I still take a book whenever I go abroad because they don't use batteries and flight staff aren't afraid of them.

In my defense - I only carry the Vita when I'm hooked on a game. But the 3DS comes everywhere for Street Pass and Coins of course.

Get a bag.

But...but...bags are girly! :(
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 21, 2012, 10:31:50 AM
Is there someone here with a Vita who plays MotorStorm RC and Super Stardust Delta who I can add as a friend and compete for scores with?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 21, 2012, 10:33:05 AM
Is there someone here with a Vita who plays MotorStorm RC and Super Stardust Delta who I can add as a friend and compete for scores with?

I have MotorStorm RC (the version that Scion subsidized, anyway) on Vita.  I don't have Super Stardust Delta, though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 21, 2012, 10:38:32 AM
But you only played one race of it, according to what I'm seeing in the game. This is where the low hardware sales come into play, as there just aren't that many people with the system, bringing down the possible competition.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 21, 2012, 10:41:00 AM
But you only played one race of it, according to what I'm seeing in the game. This is where the low hardware sales come into play, as there just aren't that many people with the system, bringing down the possible competition.

Yeah, well it's kind of a frustrating game to play.  Plus, there's so much better stuff on Vita to play.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on June 21, 2012, 10:50:08 AM
Which control scheme were you using? I quickly moved to the "go in the direction you point" scheme instead of the traditional RC controls and haven't really had an issue with it. You're right that there are better games on the system, and I own several of them, but I'm kind of addicted to it.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on June 21, 2012, 10:57:44 AM
Which control scheme were you using? I quickly moved to the "go in the direction you point" scheme instead of the traditional RC controls and haven't really had an issue with it. You're right that there are better games on the system, and I own several of them, but I'm kind of addicted to it.

I think I used the same control scheme for the same reason, and even then I couldn't quite get my car to go where I wanted it to go.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Kwolf on June 21, 2012, 05:47:21 PM
I have Motorstorm RC.   Don't have delta though.  I haven't played it in a while but if anyone wants to add me as a friend would be fun to try to compete against some times.   ID is Kwolf84 .

Will just let everyone know my times probably suck really bad though. :)  Not very good at the game, need to go back and play some more of it too.  As I never finished all the courses.. I got sucked into Rayman on the vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 22, 2012, 04:39:29 AM

@Einstein: I applaud your steadfastness in the face of all this "convergence" tomfoolery :p

Convergence is fine for playing Cut the Rope whilst standing in a queue or checking facebook on your lunch break. But there's a good reason people with iphones still buy Kindles and DSLRs.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 22, 2012, 04:41:49 AM
But...but...bags are girly! :(

But girls are awesome!

Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on June 22, 2012, 03:51:08 PM
That they are.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on June 23, 2012, 01:21:03 AM
Rayman is arguably the best game on the system right now. Uncharted was good, but it was over pretty quickly. Gravity Rush is fun but pretty uneven.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on June 29, 2012, 05:30:18 AM
Rayman is arguably the best game on the system right now. Uncharted was good, but it was over pretty quickly. Gravity Rush is fun but pretty uneven.

I'll have to check that out at some point. The only Rayman game I've played was the 3DS remake of Rayman2 which I hated, but I can be very forgiving  ;D

So far my favourite Vita game is Stardust Delta. When you turn off the touch screen nonsense the game is a first rate arcade rush. I also really enjoyed Uncharted. It got off to a slow start for me with a few too many charcoal rubbings and tutorials in the first couple of chapters, but it hooked me and I enjoyed playing it through twice.

Right now I'm playing Resistance Burning Skies and it's not good. The graphics & animation on the human models is dreadful, PSP stuff at best. The sound design is dire, the weapons sound like pop guns. The check points are frustrating. The levels are all linear corridors. After Uncharted's shooting action it's a huge let down. I hope CODBLOPS does a better job.

I'm keen to try Gravity Rush.

Did anybody else pick up any bargains in the PSN Vita sale?
I picked up Everybodies Golf & Tales from Space for my Linderman pile.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on July 02, 2012, 10:17:24 PM
Yeah, Gravity Rush is fun too, but it drags on a bit too long.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on July 03, 2012, 12:04:11 PM
I bought three more Vita games: Uncharted, Gravity Rush and Hot Shots Golf. I still haven't played any of them, though, because I've been too hooked on FIFA and Rayman.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on July 03, 2012, 12:43:07 PM
I opened Wipeout yesterday. I've had it for a week. My Vita time has been spent playing Gravity Rush and Power Stone Collection (which was $5 as part of a sale last week).
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on July 03, 2012, 12:49:39 PM
I'll be buying Wipeout when it's on sale Sunday. Unless the download code is eligible for the sale, that will be my first physical Vita game.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on July 05, 2012, 12:18:42 PM
I opened Wipeout yesterday. I've had it for a week. My Vita time has been spent playing Gravity Rush and Power Stone Collection (which was $5 as part of a sale last week).

Wish we'd had that same sale in the UK as Power Stone is one I really want to pick up. But the sales we have had have been pretty decent. This weeks is all FF games, not sure whether to believe the Sony promise of PS1 compatibility by the end of the summer or not as FFVI & VII are both featured. But I know I'll never get round to playing them on the PS3 and suspect that PS1 compatibility will be as botched and drip fed as PSP game have been.

But saying that, does anybody else find that they are a lot more interested in the PSP back catalog on the Vita then they ever where before. I've had 2 PSPs and I'm suddenly eyeing up titles I would never had bothered with.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on July 06, 2012, 12:09:59 AM
I bought my first physical retail Vita game today, Unit 13, because it was on sale at GameStop for $20. Will likely be picking up Wipeout the same way when it's on sale Sunday. I'd much rather have it digitally, but I can't really argue with half price.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Kwolf on July 07, 2012, 04:39:27 AM
Well I just bit on gamestops online deal with Mortal Kombat for the vita.  9.99.   With shipping a little less than 15 dollars brand new.   Haven't played it on the consoles yet either.  So seems like a fairly decent deal to me.  Looking forward to playing it.  :)
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on July 08, 2012, 08:06:49 PM
Has there been any news regarding when PS1 compatibility is coming beyond "summer"?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on July 08, 2012, 08:15:14 PM
Has there been any news regarding when PS1 compatibility is coming beyond "summer"?

The date I'm seeing floating around the Twitter-verse is July 20th.  I haven't seen that information myself, though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on July 10, 2012, 09:39:44 AM
I forget where I saw it (Kotaku perhaps?) but I read that the Vita PS1 classics compatibility will not be 100% but will broaden over time in the same way as PSP titles. I hope this isn't true though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on July 10, 2012, 02:03:34 PM
I forget where I saw it (Kotaku perhaps?) but I read that the Vita PS1 classics compatibility will not be 100% but will broaden over time in the same way as PSP titles. I hope this isn't true though.

Yeah, I saw that mentioned in a PlayStation Blog post sometime around E3.  Supposedly Sony's putting some major improvements into their PS1 emulator for Vita, such as forcing games to allow twin/analog stick support (something I'd really like to see on the PS3 as well, since it would make certain PS1 games so much more playable), which is their cover story for why the games are just going to trickle out.  It's the same cover story they've used on the BC support for digital PSP titles on Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 10, 2012, 06:47:10 PM
Forcing twin analog stick support is a bad idea and if I was a developer I would tell Sony "**** you, i'm not wasting time or money to do it). Smaller developers or ones with niche games especially have little incentive to do it.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on July 25, 2012, 11:41:04 AM
Just a minor update, but last night Sony finally released a Vita-compatible version of the PSP's Resistance Retribution on the NA PSN.  The game is quite good and plays much better with a 2nd stick than with the face buttons acting as the camera, but this is especially notable for me since this was the last digital PSP game I had that I couldn't play on Vita.  So I can now finally play all my PSP games on Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on July 25, 2012, 10:28:57 PM
After how decidedly mediocre the Vita Resistance game was I'm hesitant to pick that one up, but I have heard good things.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on July 27, 2012, 07:54:16 AM
After how decidedly mediocre the Vita Resistance game was I'm hesitant to pick that one up, but I have heard good things.

With you on that one! Although I think mediocre is a little generous.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on July 27, 2012, 08:24:17 AM
After how decidedly mediocre the Vita Resistance game was I'm hesitant to pick that one up, but I have heard good things.

Granted, I haven't finished it yet, but Resistance Retribution is actually a good game made by the company who made Uncharted: Golden Abyss on Vita (Sony Bend).  IMO, it's one of the two games in that franchise that are actually worth a damn (the other being Resistance 3).  It is a bit pricey at $20, though.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on July 31, 2012, 04:20:42 PM
I bought a Vita because a store had a special on console hardware and a portable seemed like a better option than a PS3 at home due to my commuter lifestyle. Got Unit 13 as my retail game (along with Asura's Wrath for the 360 and Kirby's Epic Yarn to get a bulk discount) and the only issue I had so far is that I tend to set off the virtual buttons on the touchscreen with the thumbs I use to control the analog sticks. Leaping over cover by accident is practically instant death in that game.

I've been mostly playing ZHP, Nippon Ichi games seem to be very numerous on the system (mostly in the PSP section) but I hated Disgaea because it was too grindy (which is a bit like saying the surface of the sun is too warm, Disgaea is the epitome of grind, taking it to Yo Dawg levels with the option to grind for experience while you grind your items up) and I suspect their other games will be just like that. At least in ZHP there's only one character to worry about. Still I must have misread some description because I recall it being called an action RPG which it is definitely not (it's a roguelike). Other than that it's been minis and minor games, OMG Z, Velocity and Mutant Blobs Attack. Not convinced on Stardust, I played Super Stardust back in the day on my VGA-equipped 386 but matching weapon types to enemies just doesn't sound like fun to me.

Forcing twin analog stick support is a bad idea and if I was a developer I would tell Sony "**** you, i'm not wasting time or money to do it). Smaller developers or ones with niche games especially have little incentive to do it.

I have a cheap PC gamepad where turning the analog mode off makes the analog sticks report as d-pad and button inputs, that could be implemented on the emulator level without requiring any game changes.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on August 01, 2012, 10:15:46 PM
It'll be nice when Sony allows remote play on this thing.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on August 02, 2012, 08:48:41 AM
It'll be nice when Sony allows remote play on this thing.

Here here!!!!
It's all gone very quiet on that front. Back when it was announced remote play was the main reason I was interested in the Vita. Stroof I would buy a Sony Tablet if it let me have proper remote play of my PS3 games (via a Dual Shock  3 though)!

I had a sneaking suspicion when the Vita launched and remote play was nowhere to be seen that it had fallen off the to do list along with PS1 compatibility. I'm hoping that they are saving it to launch around the Wii U launch to try to take some of the heat away from Nintendo. But it's a slight hope.

Please don't anybody tell me that PSP style remote play works on the Vita right now. It is not a nice thing.

Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on August 29, 2012, 03:31:48 PM
You can now get portable Cho Aniki for 5€. Expect the Vita to fly off the shelves. (in other words, PS1 compatibility is a go and I have another system library to learn about and search for good games)
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 03, 2012, 11:09:04 AM
After weeks of nothing much it's nice to see a few rumblings of something on the Vita. I've got my PS1 friendly update and FF 7 sitting on my Vita ready for if I ever finish Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS (30hrs in now). The Vita is due to get PSN+ support this week. And now Remote Play has finally reared it's head again: (

Remote Play is the thing I'm most looking forward to, although Team ICO titles and some God of War games (which is what the press are suggesting will be coming) is NOT something I will be picking up. What I want to see are the Uncharted games, The Arkham games,  Resident Evil 5 & 6, Daytona and Pacman CE DX (but I realise 3rd party titles are a long shot if Remote Play has to be patched in on a per game basis as is being reported). Mind you, if Sony let me have Cloud PS3 games on my Vita I guess I wouldn't care about Remote Play anymore.

But what about PSN+? If you don't have it and you are a Vita owner do you think you might bite?
If Sony provide something akin to the "instant games collection" for the PS3 I will be up for it, even if it's just PSP titles. A little bundle of PSP games followed by another one every month, a few minis, the odd Vita PSN exclusive and cloud save back ups would make it worth the money to me. What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on September 03, 2012, 04:00:39 PM
I've wanted to get PS+ for awhile now, but I'm running low on HD space on my PS3 (maybe 20 gigs left, probably less) and PS+ would just shoot it to hell. And I'm not smart enough to install a larger HD. As for PS+ and Vita, is there anything FOR Vita on PS+?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 03, 2012, 07:13:11 PM
If PlayStation Plus let you keep those games permanently (instead of taking them away if you end your subscription), I might sign up.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on September 03, 2012, 07:30:21 PM
If PlayStation Plus let you keep those games permanently (instead of taking them away if you end your subscription), I might sign up.

For $50 a year, you're currently getting several hundred dollars' worth of content (MSRP) for free right up front, setting aside all the discounted and "free" games that come down the pipeline over the course of that year.  You pay more than that a year to get the privilege of online play from Microsoft.  Why in the world should Sony just give those games to you?  You're already getting far more than what you pay for the service.

One problem with Plus is that if there is a game you do really like, once you download it as a Plus game you can't purchase it permanently or receive it as a free gift via an in-game voucher (something I ran into when my copy of Starhawk had a voucher for a PSN download of the PS1 game Warhawk), at least not until you're no longer a Plus member.

My big problem with Plus, though, is that Sony has a nasty habit of giving certain games for "free" that everyone already bought anyway (like they just did by giving away The Walking Dead Episodes 1 & 2).  I wish they'd spotlight more overlooked games that are not really selling anymore.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 03, 2012, 07:33:00 PM
It would be really unreasonable to expect Sony to let you do that given the amount of content on the service. PS Plus is basically Netflix Instant for gaming. $50 a year for it is a much better deal than $60 for Xbox Live Gold, especially considering almost everything XBL gets you is already available for free on PSN. As soon as they start putting Vita content on there I'll be signing up again.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on September 03, 2012, 07:39:30 PM
It would be really unreasonable to expect Sony to let you do that given the amount of content on the service. PS Plus is basically Netflix Instant for gaming. $50 a year for it is a much better deal than $60 for Xbox Live Gold, especially considering almost everything XBL gets you is already available for free on PSN. As soon as they start putting Vita content on there I'll be signing up again.

I expect we'll start seeing discounts; Cloud Saving; & perhaps even the auto-patch service from Plus on Vita soon, but the handheld just doesn't have enough software right now to justify a Vita Instant Games Collection.  Plus, what software the Vita has, Sony needs to actually sell.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 04, 2012, 09:40:16 AM
Sony confirmed in their Gamescon presentation that PSN+ is coming for Vita owners. I was hoping it would be at the same time as the european discount which starts tomorrow, but it doesn't look like it from the latest update on the PSN blog.
I take Broodwars point that there aren't enough Vita games to do a full on Instant Games Collection. But there are now 100's of compatible games if you take into account the PSP, PS1 and Minis that work on the Vita. Makes sense to me but maybe it doesn't to Sony.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Louieturkey on September 05, 2012, 02:45:08 PM
My big problem with Plus, though, is that Sony has a nasty habit of giving certain games for "free" that everyone already bought anyway (like they just did by giving away The Walking Dead Episodes 1 & 2).  I wish they'd spotlight more overlooked games that are not really selling anymore.
Actually, Plus is causing me to not buy games on the PSN store as often as I am waiting to see if the game becomes available on Plus first.  I didn't buy Walking Dead and don't plan to get the other eps because I expect they'll eventually come to plus.  So far, of the games on plus, I've only run into 3 out of many, many games that I already had.  I already have Borderlands and was hoping we would get Red Dead Redemption like Europe is getting.  I also want that 25% discount on plus as I'd like to buy a year at that price.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Ymeegod on September 05, 2012, 03:31:35 PM
Some Remote play news:

"Remote Play -- the ability to tether your PlayStation Vita to a PlayStation 3 and access content on that PS3 from anywhere via wifi -- hasn't gotten much use since Sony's handheld debuted. However, PlayStation is looking to change that today with patches for the God of War Collection and The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection.

After installing the free game updates (God of War's is available now but Ico's isn't yet), the Vita can connect to its registered PS3 and play the collections off the console. Extra buttons -- such as R2 and L2 -- are mapped to the rear touch panel. From our brief time with the God of War Collection, Remote Play is easy to setup and works well. Latency doesn't seem to be a problem for Kratos, but that might depend on how strong your wifi connection is."

Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_Neal on September 05, 2012, 04:14:03 PM
Remote Play might aid in me finishing the GoW Collection...
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 05, 2012, 04:20:35 PM
As someone who owns the God of War collection but hasn't played it at all, this is welcome news.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on September 05, 2012, 04:33:25 PM
I'd love to see SotC on the Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 06, 2012, 09:44:53 AM
Whilst I am delighted that proper Vita remote play is finally here (as apposed to PSP mode remote play) I couldn't care less about the games. HD remakes of PS2 games? Surely the Vita has enough grunt to handle that sort of thing as a stand alone game?

Admittedly my utter hatred for the God of War franchise and dislike for Ico means I was never going to get excited about this announcement. I might give SofC another try at some point.

What I really want to see is current gen PS3 games. Whatever happened to that remote play Killzone 3 demo from last year?  I really hope WiiU remote play isn't as disappointing.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on September 07, 2012, 09:35:26 PM
I'll install the updates right now. My only worry is that this won't work for disc-based collections (like mine).
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Kwolf on September 08, 2012, 06:35:57 PM
As someone who owns the God of War collection but hasn't played it at all, this is welcome news.
  Ditto on this.. I still haven't played mine, but this might get me to do it.    Be much easier to find time to play it, if I can do it on the sofa while talking with others.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 12, 2012, 03:05:03 PM
Remote play? That's just streaming the image to the vita, right? I.e. nothing useful for someone without a PS3?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 12, 2012, 04:23:38 PM
Pretty much, yeah. Let's you stream certain games, music, and video from your PS3 to a PSP or PSV. If you don't own a PS3, then this feature doesn't apply to you.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on September 12, 2012, 09:44:11 PM
Well, it works with disc-based games. God of War looks fine. Haven't tried ICO/Shadow, but there's no way those games could look WORSE, right?

Oh yeah. I went there.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 17, 2012, 10:14:00 AM

Don't get me wrong folks, I have no idea about how well the remote play holds up. I just really hate that game.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Halbred on September 18, 2012, 03:28:53 AM
I'm almost done with it. I'm not the biggest fan, but I appreciate the fact that it basically set the baseline for a LOT of modern games...most notably Tomb Raider (the new ones) and Uncharted.

I'm considering buying FFVII specifically to have something to play on my Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 18, 2012, 11:21:42 AM
I'm almost done with it. I'm not the biggest fan, but I appreciate the fact that it basically set the baseline for a LOT of modern games...most notably Tomb Raider (the new ones) and Uncharted.

I'm considering buying FFVII specifically to have something to play on my Vita.

Funnily enough, I just did exactly that myself.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Louieturkey on September 18, 2012, 07:25:39 PM
I'm almost done with it. I'm not the biggest fan, but I appreciate the fact that it basically set the baseline for a LOT of modern games...most notably Tomb Raider (the new ones) and Uncharted.

I'm considering buying FFVII specifically to have something to play on my Vita.

Funnily enough, I just did exactly that myself.
If I could play Uncharted 3 on my PS3 or the GOW Origins games, I'd probably go get a Vita right now.  As it is, I'll wait for a price drop or an amazing bundle.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 20, 2012, 11:09:40 AM
Hey, put me right if I'm wrong but aren't the God of War Origins games up rezed ports of PSP games that do work on the Vita? I would like remote play of the Uncharted trilogy though. Very very much.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Louieturkey on September 21, 2012, 04:03:41 PM
Hey, put me right if I'm wrong but aren't the God of War Origins games up rezed ports of PSP games that do work on the Vita? I would like remote play of the Uncharted trilogy though. Very very much.
I don't think the Origin collection works on the PSP.  I'd have to rebuy the games again just to play them on the PSV.  I don't really want to do that.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Hey Einstein! on September 25, 2012, 08:27:50 AM
Fair point, didn't realise you already owned the HD port  ;)
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: BranDonk Kong on October 08, 2012, 11:50:17 AM
Yeah so now there's CFW and whatnot for PSVita. Not that interested in it since I don't have (or want) a Vita...but the info is out there...
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on October 08, 2012, 11:58:21 AM
Is there any homebrew that makes it worth getting?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 08, 2012, 01:14:08 PM
You have to be either really quick or really lucky to be able to install it. It's all based in the PSP emulator, using exploits in specific games that Sony removes from the shop immediately, so you have to either have the game already or find out about it before Sony does.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: BranDonk Kong on October 08, 2012, 07:31:00 PM
I have no idea if there's anything Vita-specific worth trying yet. I believe all (or most) PSP homebrew works, but it doesn't get any added functionality since it's being run through the PSP emulator. Again, I don't have, or want, a Vita, so I don't have too much interest in this.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on October 08, 2012, 10:23:06 PM
I've already said as much in our upcoming Episode 6 of NFR, but the Vita's come out of hibernation to have a pretty awesome October before it goes back into hibernation again.  I already picked up New Little King's story (it hit PSN last week) and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (the 999 sequel); Silent Hill: Book of Memories (which had a surprisingly good demo); Retro City Rampage; Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation; and Persona 4: The Golden come out in the next few weeks.  For a handheld dead before it ever really lived, that's a pretty good lineup for one month.

And in case you're curious, New Little King's Story is pretty good.  I haven't played the Wii version, though, so I can't say how it compares.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 08, 2012, 10:34:27 PM
I'll be picking up Little King's Story at some point. I'm also interested in Need for Speed: Burnout Paradise, or whatever the hell its real name is, which is coming in the next month.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on October 09, 2012, 12:54:02 AM
Wait, the Vita is getting the 999 sequel? Is the 3DS getting it too?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on October 09, 2012, 12:58:45 AM
Wait, the Vita is getting the 999 sequel? Is the 3DS getting it too?

Yes.  The Vita just had a demo up on PSN last week, which I'm kind of surprised the 3DS didn't get as well now that Nintendo's allowing demos on the eShop.  From what I've played, it's more 999 with all the good and bad that entails.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on October 09, 2012, 03:00:09 PM
So RCR is out in the US already? It's not on the store here.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on October 09, 2012, 04:04:34 PM
So RCR is out in the US already? It's not on the store here.

Retro City Rampage will be up on the PSN sometime tonight when the store updates.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on October 10, 2012, 01:56:22 PM
Meh, all that showed up is a Dr. Who game.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: broodwars on October 10, 2012, 02:50:36 PM
Meh, all that showed up is a Dr. Who game.

Huh? Retro City Rampage went up on last night's NA PSN update, and I downloaded it to my PS3 and Vita. Are you in Europe? Their PSN is supposed to get the game in their next update.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: KDR_11k on October 10, 2012, 03:57:03 PM
Yeah, Europe. I don' know their update schedule yet but today a Dr. Who game appeared so I guess they updated.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: RABicle on April 03, 2013, 08:55:10 AM
Guys you won't beleive me but I met a real life Vita owner today. I mean he only said he owned a Vita, it's not like I saw it or anything.

I lied.
I don't know anyone with a Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 22, 2013, 12:10:24 PM
After a merely okay showing at E3, the Vita had a very strong GamesCom. There were a lot of announcements of indie games hitting both PS4 and Vita, and some larger titles, such as the really surprising announcement of a port of Borderlands 2. Between all the new game announcements and the recent price drop, is anyone without a Vita becoming interested?
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Sarail on August 22, 2013, 12:25:21 PM
I slightly am. But I'd have to do some research as far as what games to get. I'm quite picky when it comes to handheld games.

Though, FIFA '14 (despite it being an upgrade/reskin of last year's version) is a given for me.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: toddra on August 22, 2013, 01:06:53 PM
I am actually now on the fence between a Vita and  3DS. I will try to get both but right now due to financial reasons I have to choose one and then the other latter. I will make my decision tomorrow when my money hits the bank.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Ymeegod on August 22, 2013, 01:16:36 PM
Do you already have PS+, kinda the saving grace for the VITA iMO.  Tons of free games plus big discounts on current games like UMVC3 or Dead or Alive 5 for $10. 

The 3DS have some killer titles too but Nintendo games don't drop in prices as fast so you'll be paying $30 a title.

Also if you planning on buying either one you can always buy used systems--Vita's go for around $120-140 and 3DS's go around $100-130.

Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 22, 2013, 01:46:44 PM
There's also the bundle coming up later this year where you get a PS4 and a Vita together for $500, so if you were considering buying a PS4 that might be a good way to get a Vita.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: Oblivion on August 22, 2013, 02:08:07 PM
There's also the bundle coming up later this year where you get a PS4 and a Vita together for $500, so if you were considering buying a PS4 that might be a good way to get a Vita.


I need a source like right now. If that's true, I'm pissed that I bought my Vita now.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 22, 2013, 02:13:29 PM
After a search, apparently that hasn't been confirmed yet and is only a rumor at this point, so it might not actually be happening. I'm not sure whether the price cut would make that more or less likely.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 22, 2013, 03:57:17 PM
It really seems like Sony's treating the PS4 launch as a relaunch for the Vita. Lots of software announcements and the price cut, along with a strong connectivity with it and the PS4 that's pretty much the main reason I'm considering buying that system at launch. As someone who has had a Vita for a while now, I'm really excited by what's coming, and I'm glad Sony hasn't given up on this great little system.
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: pokepal148 on August 22, 2013, 04:15:35 PM
at the same time however it will be very difficult to make the system a valid competitor to the 3DS, especially with whats coming in October
Title: Re: Any Vita owners here?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 22, 2013, 04:20:43 PM
It doesn't have to beat the 3DS to be successful, though. With Sony's focus on Western and Indie games it's going at a very different market than the Japan- and Nintendo-centric 3DS. The two systems actually complement each other pretty nicely.