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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Halbred on July 16, 2011, 01:52:06 AM

Title: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Halbred on July 16, 2011, 01:52:06 AM

Have you seen the Best Buy across the street?

Dear GameStop,

Your stores are poorly organized.

They offer a cheap-looking mish-mash of games strewn about the store on racks—never shelves—and in glass cases. The glass cases are reserved for used GBA and DS games that didn’t come with cases or, in most instances, instruction manuals. Half your stock of used…I’m sorry…”pre-owned” games are in generic DVD boxes with really awful GameStop art on the sleeve. It is not reversible. The game’s title is often written in marker. There is no manual. You are selling it for well over the $10 it’s probably worth. Your back room must be such a travesty that employees simply can’t find what they’re looking for, as trips to this mythical storage facility almost always end in disappointment and tears. It would be nice if you alphabetized your PSP games, too.

You are a criminal.

You take games—sometimes new—for store credit, and you give people pennies on the dollar. Then you turn right around and charge, say, $55 for that same game, despite acknowledging that it’s “pre-owned.” You offer some kind of points-based benefit card for a fee, of course, and you tell customers that they can use the points to buy games, accessories, even game systems. The trick is that like Club Nintendo, you have to spend infinitely more than whatever eventual purchase you make based on those points is actually worth. You still sell PS2 games, and I’m talking ancient PS2 games, for up to and including $20. You sell caseless, manual-less GBA and DS games for sometimes the same price. This is highway robbery and you know it. Additionally, all the money one spends on used games at GameStop goes directly to GameStop; not a single penny goes to the developer or publisher. That copy of Uncharted 2 you bought used for $55? Naughty Dog doesn’t see a dime of that. Shouldn’t they see a dime? They did a really good job with that game. GameStop is basically taking that hard-earned dime.

You are unreliable.

“Want to pre-order a game?” Sure, I’ll pre-order Super Mario Galaxy 2 just to shut you up so I can leave. I’ve accrued $50 in store credit over three years of selling you my old games, so why not? I’ve always been told that pre-ordering the game I want is the only way I’m guaranteed to get it. So when the day of happiness comes, that joyful Sunday when Super Mario Galaxy 2 launches, I march right into GameStop and am told that, unfortunately, they didn’t get as many pre-orders as they thought they would, and my name is too far down the list, so I won’t be getting one. Thanks, guys. There’ve also been times—more than once—where I called ahead, asked if they have a game in stock, and was told yes. Can you put it behind the counter for me? I’m only ten minutes away. “Sure, we can do that!” Well, guess what happens when I get to the store. They forgot about it, and now it’s gone, or they actually didn’t have it in the first place, the computer just said they did, oops! “I can’t be bothered to go see if it’s actually here or not.” Thanks again, guys.

You are incredibly annoying.

What an Edge card? Oh, you have one? This is the free card. Do you want the points-based card? It only costs $10 a year! You get points, which you can use to buy games and accessories in like six years if you buy from us exclusively! No? Alright, then. Do you want to pre-order a game? I’ve heard that L.A. Noire is going to be amazing. Oh, not a big Rockstar fan, huh? Well, Portal 2 is on the horizon too, and it’s going to be super-popular. If you want to make sure you get a copy, you’d better pre-order. Alright, let me just ring you up, here. Hey, do you want to grab the strategy guide for this game? No? Okay, that will be $25 for Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. No, sorry, we don’t have a case or manual.

Best Buy is right around the corner.

People don’t seem to realize this. In most large cities, and even here in Anchorage, there is a magical place called Best Buy. In this blue-tinted fairyland, you can walk through video game aisles unhindered by obnoxious, nagging posters reminding you to “PRE-ORDER TODAY!” or giant 3DS boxes with completely conceptual art on the cover. You can select a game from their many gaming-related aisles and—I know you won’t believe this—take it to the front counter and just buy it without being interrogated. Then you can leave. There have been a few times where a cashier has asked if I wanted scratch protection, and of course I told them to suck it, but other than that, my game-shopping experience at Best Buy has always been quick and to the point. Other retailers sell games as well: Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, and even Target stock and actively advertise games in their Sunday newspaper ads. Toys R Us often has insane deals on games. It’s a brave new world, one in which nobody ever has to go into a GameStop ever again.

This is a strategy I would advise all of you readers to take up. If you have credit at GameStop—more than you care to lose—just go use it up. If you like the idea of selling your old games for some kind of monetary exchange, there ARE other options. Sell them to your friends or on Craigslist. Sell them on eBay or Goozex. Hell, you can trade stuff in at some comic shops and even Best Buy. The problem with GameStop, Play ‘n’ Trade, and even Best Buy is that by exchanging your stuff with them, you are tying yourself to their store. That means that if Play ‘n’ Trade isn’t getting Ocarina of Time 3D in until two days after launch, too effing bad (they even suggested that, if I want it on launch day, I should go to a different store). This poses no advantage to me.

I’d have to buy new if I wanted it on launch day, but this wasn’t something I was itching to do. Like many of us, money is consistently tight from month to month, and dropping a cool $40 (much less $60) on a game isn’t something I can just go out and do. This is where the principle of buying new starts to lose some ground. Games, and the consoles they run on, and the accessories you play with, are a whopping financial investment. My entertainment center has several hundred dollars sitting on it, TV included (contrary to popular belief, you will need a TV to play console games…or a nice monitor). Because of this, companies like GameStop prey on your desire to pay less than full price for video games. This would be a noble endeavor were it not so blatantly clear that GameStop is dollar-driven, not customer-driven. “Power to the Players?” Please. More like “Power to Our Bottom Line.” However, buying games new at somewhere other than GameStop does two things: It rewards the developers, and it screws GameStop out of a potential transaction.

I’ve started selling my old games at a local comic shop where I get store credit (of course) but I use that credit to buy expensive figures. Real money I used to blow on Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Wonder Woman is now spent buying new games. They also give me more credit than GameStop does, although how could they not? They tell me exactly how much each thing will be worth in store credit so I can decide whether it’s worth giving to them or not. They know me there; they know I read Power Girl. The revolving door of GameStop employees don’t know me from the pale, obese, T-shirt wearing, acne-laden gamer stereotype in line behind me, and that’s a little disappointing.

“But I can get StreetPasses there!” I can hear you decree. I’ve gotten StreetPasses in comic shops, in outdoor markets, in Best Buy, in the mall generally, at Barnes & Nobel, and even in PetCo. Don’t worry too much about it—you have other options. Besides, if you don’t live in Japan and don’t go to E3 or PAX, those StreetPass games are barely worth trying for anyway. So the lesson to take away from this article? GameStop is not worth giving your time or money to when there are plenty of stores that will happily take your money and not waterboard you while doing so. There is just no good reason to go to GameStop in today’s day and age.

Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 16, 2011, 01:59:52 AM
Did you really complain about used games not giving money to the publishers/developers... then brag about selling your used games?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Halbred on July 16, 2011, 02:17:34 AM
Inherent contradiction noted. This post was fueled by rage and exhaustion.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: nintendo1945 on July 16, 2011, 02:18:09 AM
I was in a Gamestop a while ago, and they had a big board of the prices they would give for trade-ins. New Super Mario Bros. Wii was up there for $15 dollars. Out of curiosity I went over to the Wii section and saw a "pre-owned" copy of the sane exact game selling for $45. What a freakin rip! Though I was able to buy F-Zero GX for 4 bucks, yet without a case or manual, THROUGH THE MAIL!
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Retro Deckades on July 16, 2011, 02:22:51 AM
For me, the biggest tragedy about Gamestop/EB Games is that they really ought to be gaming heavens -- stores that gamers long to visit just to look at all the cool stuff they have, or maybe try the latest demo of a game, and sure, maybe drop a pre-order on an upcoming release because hey, they love going there so much so it would be a great time to drop back in and pick up the game on its release day (and maybe even for a reasonable price!).

Sadly, as Mr. Miller has pointed out in his editorial, this is not the current state of consumer feelings towards the retail giant because they only ever push the last of the things I discussed (and sans the "reasonable price"). I find there to be a complete lack of interesting things for me at Gamestop/EB Games, and I know that the prices are going to be absolutely terrible, so I never find any occasion to go in there. In fact, I am fortunate enough to be able to actively avoid these stores because there are so many other options in the area.

An independent store nearby has excellent deals on games -- new and used. They offer used Game Boy Advance games and such, like a Gamestop/EB Games might, but because I know that the prices aren't going to be completely unreasonable, I'm always eager to visit and look at their wares. The only time I've ever bought something from Gamestop/EB Games is either if it were brand new and the same price everywhere else, or if it was used and in excellent condition -- basically new -- and I couldn't find it anywhere else.

I think you have a point Zach, in that these stores have clearly become dedicated to serving the bottom line rather than a the passionate group of people that call themselves gamers.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Morari on July 16, 2011, 02:27:56 AM
GameStop is terrible, but those Best Buy employees are almost as annoying... and clueless.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: KDR_11k on July 16, 2011, 02:43:16 AM
I buy from the lowest bidder. Gamestop is usually on the other end of the price scale. I can often get new games cheaper than the used ones at GS.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Flipster on July 16, 2011, 02:43:58 AM
GameStop is 90% better if you have a pro rewards card..
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 16, 2011, 02:46:00 AM
Maybe GameStop is not the best place to buy used copies of recent games, but I have gotten a lot of good deals there. Some of that is luck, some is happening to like certain games. The Power Up card does save you money off used copies of games (I think like 10%, but you need to VIP card that requires a Game Informer subscription). I won't buy a used copy of a recent game because it does tend to be like $5 off only, and if a game is new I would rather get it at Best Buy for the Reward Zone points.

The only time I ever recall GameStop taking too many pre-orders for a game is when they expected to get more copies than the publisher sent them. Usually they will call people who pre-ordered to let them know though. I don't really like the new guy at the GameStop in the mall here though, he is usually always busy and not helpful. The people who used to work there before they re-modeled were fine.

I like Best Buy, but their games are almost already still at full price and the used game selection is pathetic (I saw about 4 used games at the closest BB, and they were not that much of a discount, I think even GameStop had better prices for them). I DID manage to snag the Xbox 360 version of Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for $10 new though, even Amazon still has it for $15.60 (and funny seeing the PlayStation 3 version of the original game for $30).
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Miyamoto on July 16, 2011, 04:57:54 AM
I visited America from the UK in March this year and hit up a gamestop. I was surprised by just how bad it was. Outside of the US we have this idea that US customer service is the best in the world "yes sir! have a nice day" and all that stuff. So I walk in, it's completely empty apart from two of the most social retarded young men I've ever seen in my life behind the counter. I bought a couple of DS games and after he's finished putting them through the machine and gave me my change I spot another game that I want so I do a second purchase. I know that it's a little inconvenient for the guy and that I maybe should have had a thorough look around before taking my s**t to the register but the dude acted like I'd fuct up his whole day just cause he had to do a little more work. The shop was completely empty and there was two of them! Also, I asked if they sold PS1s because there was a game I wanted to import for it that never came out in Europe. The dude is like "no we don't sell them anymore". Right behind his head, like a foot away is a second hand PS2 that obviously plays PS1 games as well.
It's ass-hats like this that make me glad online is killing stores.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Ceric on July 16, 2011, 05:25:07 AM
Outside of the US we have this idea that US customer service is the best in the world "yes sir! have a nice day" and all that stuff.
For all our foreign readers let me just go ahead and clear this up.
Think about the worst service you ever had.  That the Utility operators in the State.
Think about the best Service you've ever had, That doesn't happen here.
Think about Mediocre service, that is good service here.
Now think about door to door salesmen, thats more and more retail experiences.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: ShyGuy on July 16, 2011, 06:13:46 AM
GameStop is terrible, but those Best Buy employees are almost as annoying... and clueless.

Best Buy is clueless. A job came up recently for us to spend a day training the Best Buy employees how to use their new Cisco VOIP phone system. Don't they have anyone tech-savvy at their technology store?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: pureval on July 16, 2011, 06:56:36 AM
For anyone who has never worked retail here is the bottom line. You will almost never find anyone truly knowledgeable working a register/sales counter. Large scale retail operations pay their people as low as they can go (part of their strategy for keeping prices low) anyone with any real knowledge will want more money than a store will pay. Anyone decent will have moved into another position rather quickly or left the company.

The thing that drives me nuts about Gamestop is they will sell what I consider to be "used" games at full price. I bought a copy of Okami for the will there, their last copy, the guy took the game out of a sleeve and popped it into the display box that had been sitting on their shelf forever. I was not happy buy did not have a lot of choice as no one else around had the game anymore.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 16, 2011, 07:22:45 AM
I haven't been to Gamestop in years. Well, I have, but I haven't bought anything from them in years... I browsed, though, and every time I visited there I was reminded of why I quit giving them any of my business.

Why does anyone need to go to Gamestop anyway? If you have internet access (and who doesn't these days?) you can get much better deals and much better selection from sites like Amazon or Ebay.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Ceric on July 16, 2011, 09:29:14 AM
I use to go to Gamestop for 1 reason.  Gaming swag.  They use to have a collection of little gamer related knick nacks and like.  Now they are officially getting rid of all that.  Don't feel a need to go their. I'll make sure to pass close enough fora streetpass in the mall though.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Adrock on July 16, 2011, 09:35:51 AM
I typically don't buy used games unless it's a game I can't find anywhere and I literally check every games retailer in my area, even several towns over. I'd much rather buy the game new, even if I wait for a price drop, and I certainly don't buy "new" games at Gamestop that are removed from the cases which effectively makes the games no different than a used games because employees can supposedly "test" games to "become more knowledgeable" about them. Yeah, sure. **** you, Gamestop.

The last used game I bought was A Boy and His Blob which I would have gladly bought new to support WayForward Technologies.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Tenser on July 16, 2011, 11:00:40 AM
There's a lot of great deals at Gamestop. I bought used copies of Elite Beat Agents and Meteos, $4 each, box and manuals included.
No one forces you to sell your games to GS. No one forces you to get a card or make a preorder. All you have to do is say "no."
I always buy my games from the lowest bidder. More and more that's been Glyde.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 16, 2011, 12:17:03 PM
No one forces you to sell your games to GS. No one forces you to get a card or make a preorder. All you have to do is say "no."

I think that's what the point of this thread is. Just say "no" to Gamestop.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Dremmy on July 16, 2011, 01:04:48 PM
Additionally, all the money one spends on used games at GameStop goes directly to GameStop; not a single penny goes to the developer or publisher. That copy of Uncharted 2 you bought used for $55? Naughty Dog doesn’t see a dime of that. Shouldn’t they see a dime? They did a really good job with that game. GameStop is basically taking that hard-earned dime.
I get that buying a used copy for the same or slightly less of the price of a new copy cheats the developer. It makes no sense why Gamestop charges so much for used copies. But why should the developer/publisher be paid multiple times for the one copy of the game? We don't do that for DVD/Blu-rays or music CDs, why video games?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 16, 2011, 01:56:27 PM
Don't mean to be a negative Nathan, but ....

1. I was in Best Buy literally yesterday because I got a gift card for my birthday.  Unlike GameStop, whose prices are usually not marked down, BestBuy almost never lowers their prices.  The most appealing purchase was S+P2 for $49.99.  Isn't that the original price!?

The second most appealing item was Ocean Commander for $20!

Needless to say, I walked out gift card in hand.

2. I know GameStop is "the man" now and thus all cool gamers must hate them.  And yes, they have some shady, shady business models that rip-off developers.  But I'm not exactly weeping for developers who thought to combat the problem by ripping us off!!

Instead of releasing a great game every 2-3 years, they church out disposable iterations and wonder why we have to trade them in to afford next year's game??

And how do they claim to prolong said value? Not by making the initial purchase of higher quality/value, but by trickling out DLC content.

Oh, is that content free since I bought your game and am playing it loyally? No, what a coincidence, there's a fee.... even if the data is already on my disc.

Oh, do people who purchase the game used get all that content? Probably not! Let's charge them again! Or, maybe they just can't ever have it! Wonderful!

Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 16, 2011, 02:02:11 PM
Oh, is that content free since I bought your game and am playing it loyally? No, what a coincidence, there's a fee.... even if the data is already on my disc.

This is what pisses me off and IMO is just the publisher giving a big "F*** You" to consumers. The content is already on the disc, but they are making you pay for it again (you already paid for it once when you bought the game). It's different if it is legit new content that they created after releasing the game and you are downloading it (like the expansion packs for Fallout 3). And I also refuse, out of principal, to buy any game which uses on Online Pass.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Mataata on July 16, 2011, 02:08:06 PM
Use Amazon erry day
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: SuperMegaMan on July 16, 2011, 02:10:40 PM
     I hear this almost daily yet I have no plans to stop, in the last year I've got a Tatsunoko vs Capcom stick for $20, FlingSmash Bundle for $20, and Samurai Warriors and Raiden IV for $10 each, as I've never seen these products at these prices at BestBuy, or Amazon. I refuse to waste the gas to get to BestBuy instead of walking to gamestop unless I'm getting a better deal as I don't have money to waste over internet outrage. I order online from BestBuy if I get credit or EB decides to overcharge, otherwise I don't see a reason to. I find it funny at the fact that BestBuy is usually suggested even though they also sell used games, I've also found most of their employees to be worse that the gamestop I frequent. The laughable comment about developers not receiving money for used games is an argument for another day(It's also invalidated by the fact that you trade your games into another store that most likely doesn't give the developers a cut either).
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 16, 2011, 02:11:43 PM
I wouldn't lump all developers in together like that, though.  Not everyone abuses DLC.  For example, I found L.A. Noire to be an excellent game that was well-made, and I really didn't have a problem plunking down $10 for the Rockstar Pass so I could download $15-$20 worth of DLC cases, most of which being 700-1000 MB downloads.  Dead Space 2 has some pretty egregious DLC, but the game itself is awesome (possibly my Game of the Year so far) and the DLC can be useful (and the SP "Severed" DLC is decent).  Infamous 2 has some pretty pointless DLC that I'm sure Sony's going to charge for at some point, but the game is very well-done.  Valkyria Chronicles (a game that did not sell well) was seeing DLC mission packs a year or two after the game released.  It's all in how the developers use DLC, some better than others.

Gamestop is a bit of a necessary evil with me.  I don't like dealing with online shopping, as in some cases it comes across as more of a hassle for delayed gratification than I want.  Best Buy never drops their prices, and the same goes for places like Target and Walmart.  I've seen some bargain bin software at Walmart that was somewhat decently priced, but it's rare to find anything good in there.  At least with GS, if I do my research beforehand and wait for the opportune time to purchase a title, 9/10 I'll come away without feeling too ripped-off and the coupons I've gotten as a Rewards Pro member have definitely helped my wallet over the past few years.  There are a lot of problems with GS, but I still think they're better than any of the other B&M retailers near me.  It's all in how you do your research.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: midnightsun on July 16, 2011, 02:16:50 PM
long time reader but first time replying to a topic.

Just felt the need to say this is a poorly written article and very bias.  Yeah gamestop isn't perfect but there are tons of perks that you can't get at other stores.  First few stores sell used games and while they're usually only 5 to 10 bucks cheaper a lot of gamers play on a budget and every dime saved helps.  It does suck that the developers don't get any of the money, but selling used items is a trade that has been around forever and that's the way it has always been.  Gamestop isn't the first company to come along and do this practice, there are music and movie stores based on selling used copies that's roots go much farther than Gamestop.  Why should Gamestop be criticized for good business?

you mention that your copy of metroid prime 2 echos is 20 dollars without the case, where else are you going to find metroid prime 2 though?  best buy stopped selling gamecube games a long time ago, as did walmart, target and every other retailer.  You should be thankful there's still a store that you can get a gamecube game at!  maybe you could try a flea market but there's no guarantee that you're going to get a manuel and box or you could try ebay but there's no guarantee that your copy will be a legit copy and not a bootleg.

you also criticize their rewards card that it cost 10 dollars (actually it's 15 i believe) but you fail to mention all the benefits you get with it, 10% off of used games, points that build up fast, including double points on used and a big rewards catalog.  They have a Zelda t-shirt and a Zelda belt buckle for purchase.  Club Nintendo only has one Zelda item for purchase.  Plus you don't need to take any surveys.  You also forgot the biggest thing, by signing up you get a year subscription to their magazine, GameInformer!!

I'm not saying Gamestop is perfect, I actually never liked Gamestop that much and thought EB Games was much better until the merger, but you gotta admit, there's few places that are better to get games at this time.  It's not easy to find Gamecube, Game Boy Advance, out of print Wii games (like Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles), and original X-Box games anymore!  Even with PS2 most stores like best buy have a very limited selection, you're never going to walk and and find the collectors edition of Final Fantasy XII  or Resident Evil 4 like you would at Gamestop, that's for sure.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: NWR_Karl on July 16, 2011, 02:39:24 PM
Ugh, the last time I went to GameStop was the worst. I had a cab waiting outside, and the clerk behind the desk kept trying to start a "nerd argument" with me. "Yeah, you know, the best Zelda is actually Adventure of Link."

"... You agree?"
"I just want Ocarina, man."
"Dude, you gonna pre-order Star Fox?"
"Nah, I'm good."
"Can't blame you. They should've put Assault on 3DS. Best Star Fox game."
"That's cool."
"Did you see the Luigi's Mansion footage outta E3? Crazy, right?"
"Okay, well here you go. By the way--"
"Thanks. Bye."

Clerks being chatty can be fine sometimes, but mostly I just want to buy something and get the hell out of there.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Tanatoes on July 16, 2011, 02:40:55 PM
I have to admit that I have generally had pretty good experiences at Gamestop.  I do have an Edge card (or whatever they're calling it now) but I don't tend to take advantage of the "special" offers on pre-played games.  I shop at three different Gamestops - two in the South Shore Plaza in Braintree, MA and the one at Downtown Crossing in Boston, and they know my name at all three.  I'm not really their ideal customer because I rarely buy used games (which is what keeps them in business) and I never sell used games (I prefer to keep them indefinitely) but I do pre-order just about every a-list title and that helps the employees meet their goals so they like me.

I think the key to a great shopping experience is to make friends with the folks helping you.  The key to that is shopping in a place with low turnover and regular staff (so NOT Best Buy) and to understand what the sales people need to meet their goals.  At Gamestop I believe that the store tracks pre-orders, edge card sales, and PPGs (which are not a bad idea on used games or games with peripherals.)  So, yeah, strike up conversations with the guys (or gals) helping you about games - you'll discover that they're pretty cool people and they'll appreciate your business if you pre-order three or four games every time you drop in.  (YMMV - I spend about a quarter of my disposable income on games.)

If you have one of the bigger Gamestops near you (like the Downtown Crossing one) you can also sometimes go to special game demo events and meet game developers - which is ultra cool.  I'm hoping they'll have a pre-release event for Bioshock Infinite sometime next year.

P.S. - I love the fact that at the Downtown Crossing store the staff tend to have their 3DS consoles in streetpass mode behind the counter so I can collect diorama pieces every time I drop in.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 16, 2011, 03:01:01 PM
you mention that your copy of metroid prime 2 echos is 20 dollars without the case, where else are you going to find metroid prime 2 though?

$27 and up for brand new, sealed stock.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Tanshin on July 16, 2011, 03:23:54 PM
It really depends on the Gamestop. Sure the one here smells kinda bad (mix of plastic and Cosi from next door), but they're never pushy like that and the pre-orders are always in stock.

Now, back when it was EB Games, there was one inexcusable offense. They were giving customers $1 for a used N64. What kind of crap is that?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 16, 2011, 03:31:02 PM
The GameStop closest to my college always smelled good because it was right next to a Subway and you could always smell the subs (which might not be good if you are a GS employee and are hungry).

Yeah, they tend to give terrible prices for systems.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Caterkiller on July 16, 2011, 03:47:28 PM
Every Gamestop I go to has me ready to kungfu the entire store apart. I refuse to buy from them any more, but I do walk in to glance from time to time. The only time I ever become an evil bastard is when I walk through their doors. Any other store I go to I love when the clerks talk to me and try to have a conversation, but at Gamestop no freakin way.

When ever the Pokemon promotions start it's like mission impossible for me. I get in and stay as far from the counter as possible while I download all my free Pokemon in hopes that no one approaches me.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Robknoxious1 on July 16, 2011, 04:21:53 PM
Hi all. First comment I've posted. Love the site.

You make a lot of good points but...

[/size]You are a criminal[/color]
[/size]Uhhhh no. Don't want to trade in the game for what GS is offering? Don't. Nobody is forcing you. There are alternatives. As far as GS paying peanuts and selling for a LOT more. So What? Do you see how many copies of certain games they get stuck with? Supply and demand. If someone wants to open their own store and buy a used game for nine bucks then sell it for ten - go for it. See how long the doors stay open. I've worked in retail for over twenty years and the companies I worked for took the cost of the item and sold it at double or triple what the item costs. Bottom line they can charge what they want for the games in their store. If the price isn't competitive guess what? People will start buying somewhere else, like Best Buy or Amazon for example.[/color]
[/size]Best Buy is right around the corner[/color]
[/size]Yeah  last week I saw two games at Best Buy still at $49.99 that had been marked down to less than $20 at GS and Amazon a couple of months back. Magical. I do buy plenty of stuff from Best Buy, believe me.[/color]
[/size]I guess my main argument is this. The only thing that will improve GS will be other companies doing what they do better than they do it. If that happens and they improve their stores fast enough they'll survive. If not they won't. No crime just survival of the fittest. [/color]
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: King of Twitch on July 16, 2011, 04:46:46 PM
You guys are a bunch of wacky doodles. Are you all like allergic to sales pitches? Aughh the cashier is. ASKING. ME. A QUESTION. I hate being bombarded with passive aggressive betterpreorderorelse stuff but it's not hard to just roll your eyes at it.

The part that bothers me the most is the trashing of perfectly good boxart and manuals. These are the things real gamers cherish and have for decades, and they toss them out by the storefull. For what? to replace them with generic cases and to shave off a few ounces? It's an unconscionable trashing of gaming culture and a window into what defines our humanity that should draw gamers' ire.

This isn't the first post about it either (here. ( 18 pages-worth here. ( here. ( Surely this is worthy of a letter-writing campaign?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: khfan30 on July 16, 2011, 05:57:00 PM
Actually one of the best places to buy video games is target. Usually when a game first comes out (launch) they have some sort of deal or sale like buy one get one 50% or include a gift card with purchase. Also they always put a ton of games on a bargain rack for low prices (i remember when patapon 2 was still like 3-4 weeks old finding it on the rack for $10) Also they are always having sales in the circular and stores for great deals on games. I like best buy (since i get rewards) too but i usually buy from them if 1)there is no preorder bonus at gamestop or 2)there is no good sale any where else.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Adrock on July 16, 2011, 06:37:48 PM
I also like buying games at Target. They often offer deals like gift cards  with purchases (and who can't find something to buy at Target?). Occasionally, they'll offer $20 off certain games and some insane deals like buy 2 games and get a 3rd free with a great selection of titles.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 16, 2011, 07:51:37 PM
I've never seen my Target offer any kind of deals, except when they had Portal 2 for $40, but even $40 is too much for that game IMO.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Adrock on July 16, 2011, 07:57:19 PM
I got Dead Space 2 for $40 about 2 months ago. Last November, I got Fable 3, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Goldeneye for the price of 2. I see nice deals at Target pretty frequently. Maybe your Target is run by Communists.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 16, 2011, 08:07:35 PM
They also might not bother advertising it in the store. The games section there is not well organized.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Shaymin on July 16, 2011, 09:14:04 PM
I'm sort of lucky in that I have a decent-to-good EB Games, a Best Buy and a Future Shop (owned by Best Buy but managed separately) all within 10 minutes of each other. I can really play them off against each other ( for the best deals, and they do drop prices quite quickly - I got 2 Nintendo-published games for $20 combined, 1 at EB on a Deal of the Day and 1 at Best Buy where they were the only ones to have it down that far.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 17, 2011, 12:10:41 AM
Things I've gotten for free because I'm on good terms with my local GameStop employees (at various locations):

-Metroid Prime 3 Guide
-Metroid Prime 2 box (because I didn't have one)
-an empty white Wii box because my Ghostbusters box got gooey (ironic that it was "slimed" in a sense).
-the Fragile Dreams CD that was left over from lack of pre-orders
-a Super Mario Galaxy poster

Things I've gotten for free from all other video game retailers:

*crickets chirping*



Yup, some devs are more responsible with DLC than others.  But the practice of DLC is still a tumor that gamers should have removed from the industry ... instead so many of them insist it feels good!

I will explain further ... even if the DLC isn't on the disc, it was part of their plan before the game was released.  That means that unless the game disc ran out of room, it's content that could have been part of your initial $60 purchase, but is now an additional $5-$20.

"But NinSage," you may ask, "sometimes DLC let's developers add new content based on response from the retail release! Doesn't that justify it!"

No. For several reasons...

1. How often does that really happen? Seriously. I'm open to evidence that this has happened more than say, 5 times... ever.

2. I bought your game.  If you want me to keep playing it, if you want to nurture brand loyalty and increase my perceived purchase value? The DLC support should be a free "thank you for playing."  We shouldn't encourage this mentality that we buy a game just for the priviledge of buying more of it.

... I feel awkward writing this for fear of giving some developer an idea, but I really see DLC as taking steps backwards towards the Arcade model where our consoles are tied to our credit cards (already done) and if we die we have to agree to pay $.25 each time we want to continue playing.

I mean really, I know we're getting off topic hear, but can someone tell me one advantage of DLC? Even the free stuff evaporates into the ether if/when your console dies.  And patches? Could be good, if they weren't an excuse to sell unfinished games.

Bottom line: my copy of Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt still works; in ~30 years, a game held together by downloadable patches and DLC, will not.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: MegaByte on July 17, 2011, 12:20:08 AM
Things I've gotten for free from all other video game retailers:
Are there actually any other decent video game retailers any more? It seems like Gamestop ate them all.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 17, 2011, 12:38:48 AM
At the national level? I don't think there are any left. There are many regional ones. If you live in the Rochester, New York area, this in chain of 10 stores called Game Craze (they took over the old EB Games stores in the local malls when GameStop shut them down) and they are pretty good. They even sell older games like SNES and Genesis, as well as video game related products like a Wii Remote shaped pez dispenser (not real pez, it's pez-like) and the Nintendo Monopoly board.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 17, 2011, 12:40:03 AM
I mean really, I know we're getting off topic hear, but can someone tell me one advantage of DLC? Even the free stuff evaporates into the ether if/when your console dies.  And patches? Could be good, if they weren't an excuse to sell unfinished games.

Easy enough.  If you have a game with an experience you really enjoy, DLC gives you an opportunity to enjoy more of it on top of that amazing experience you already purchased.  I have to disagree with your mindset that everything a development team ever creates should be on that $60 disc.  For one thing, if you have a game you really enjoy, are you saying your experience was lessened by not having content you didn't realize existed?  Games are obscenely expensive to produce these days, and those costs are only going to increase.  Really well-made DLC costs funds out of its own budget usually separate from that of the main project, and even in cases of minor things like costumes it gives the artists work when they normally would just be laid off.  It's incredibly naive of us to expect developers to just eat that extra production cost because we as customers feel entitled to it.  Developers have enough problems trying to turn a profit taking games with these huge budgets and selling them at $60, especially with piracy and the Used Game market being what they are (and no, I don't have a particular problem with Used Games, so long as you understand that the original development team doesn't see a dime from your purchase that way).

When I purchase that $60 game, I expect to get my $60 worth out of that experience and so long as that core content meets or exceeds my expectations, I'm content.  If a developer like Team Bondi decides to create or release more cases that supplement that entertaining core experience that was already well worth my money, that doesn't lessen my enjoyment of the main game or make me feel "ripped off".  It just gives me more cases to enjoy in my current game, and thus extend the life of the game.

That, of course, is assuming that the DLC is well-made; reasonably priced; and the game is good.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: famicomplicated on July 17, 2011, 01:26:52 AM
Could someone from the Americas please clarify something for me:
A preowned copy of a relatively new game costs $55 dollars
A new copy costs $60

If a game requires a $10 online pass to be activated, you are paying $65 to play a used game online??
If that's true that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

In Japan you get a fair price for 2nd hand games, and they only add $10 or so when they put in on the shelf for resale.

It's been a while since I've done any of this back in the UK, but I don't remember GAME being as bad as GameStop. (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 17, 2011, 01:36:27 AM
If a game requires a $10 online pass to be activated, you are paying $65 to play a used game online??

I don't typically buy/sell used, but A) I assume games that feature the online pass probably sell for less used and B) If you don't mind buying used and have no intentions of playing the game online, that $5 discount might still be worth it (not for me though).
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 17, 2011, 01:39:45 AM
Could someone from the Americas please clarify something for me:
A preowned copy of a relatively new game costs $55 dollars
A new copy costs $60

If a game requires a $10 online pass to be activated, you are paying $65 to play a used game online??
If that's true that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Well, in New York you come close to saving money. I will do the math where I live (New York, with 8% sales tax on all items including digital purchases):

New Game = $59.99 x 8% = $64.79
Used game = $54.99 x 10% discount = $49.49 x 8% = $53.45 / $9.99 Online Pass x 8% = $10.79 / $54.45 + $10.79 = $65.24

I suppose if you live somewhere with no tax or lower tax you might save money. Still, if you plan on buying a game with a online pass (which I refuse to do as my form of protesting this ridiculous concept), you might as well pay the extra $5+ tax to get the new copy.

UncleBob, nope. I just checked one game that uses an online pass (i'm not gonna check all) on GameStop's site, the used version of Dead Space 2 is $34.99 while the new version is $39.99.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 17, 2011, 04:42:50 AM
About 10 years ago I took my old NES games in and I regret that. Some games got a few dollars each, but I remember some they only gave a few cents. Like Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt I remember they only gave me 3 cents for it and then I came back awhile later and they were selling it for $3 which is 100 times what they gave me. I should have said no, but at the time I just wanted to get rid of stuff. I should have just gave it to people for free instead of giving it to them for peanuts. I was stupid then, but I've learned from that. I've never done it again.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: punchface on July 17, 2011, 11:05:01 AM
This post was written in ignorance in addition to the other symptoms listed. I used to get games elsewhere, and then I found Gamestop. All of your reasons for not liking Gamestop are the reasons I don't go anywhere else, with the exception of Toys R Us, because they do have really good deals sometimes. Best Buy is the worst. They do in fact ask you to reserve games at Best buy and all of their employees are dumber than a box of rocks. If you ask them a question about anything, the most common response is "I don't know, let me ask someone else." and when they do it's the same response. I have never been to Best buy without the cashier asking me if I have their card or even what my zip code is, as if that's any of their business. Now I know you're just plain ignorant for a couple of reasons. First, The power Up Reward card is $15 not $10 and it's completely worth it if for the magazine subscription alone. The card pays itself of anyways and the points are just a bonus. Second, if you actually knew what you were talking about, then you'd know that Gamestop does give you an itemized list of what your games are worth before the end of the transaction so that you can decide if it's worth it for you or not. All you have to do is look down at the credit card number pad thing that you sign and all of your trades are right on the screen. Don't be so angry at Gamestop because they are more knowledgeable about games than you. Going to Best Buy where they know nothing might make you feel better about yourself, but it isn't really helping you. Lastly, if you want to be distinguished from the pale, obese, T-shirt wearing, acne-laden gamer stereotype in line behind you, then don't be that guy. You should talk to the employees and get to know them and they'll get to know you, I have a great relationship with the guys at Gamestop, they address me by name and know what kind of games I like and it's always a pleasant time hanging out there, and for good reason, because they know what they are talking about.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 17, 2011, 11:37:56 AM
First, The power Up Reward card is $15 not $10 and it's completely worth it if for the magazine subscription alone. The card pays itself of anyways and the points are just a bonus.

First off, a print subscription to a gaming news magazine is not worth $15.. or even $5.  Bleh.  And I have a subscription to Nintendo Power through 2017 or something.  Welcome to the internet.

Second, if you're someone who doesn't buy/sell used games, how, exactly, does the card pay for itself?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Robknoxious1 on July 17, 2011, 12:49:28 PM
[font=helvetica, arial, 'liberation sans', sans-serif][/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, 'liberation sans', sans-serif]First off, a print subscription to a gaming news magazine is not worth $15.. or even $5.  Bleh. [/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, 'liberation sans', sans-serif]

Is that an objective statement? Obviously some people (myself included) do believe a subscription to a gaming magazine is worth $15 or more. Can you get every bit of information on the internet well before it could be delivered to you in a magazine? Of course. I still enjoy flipping through a magazine away from my computer sometimes. Maybe you should have said "a print subscription to a gaming news magazine is not worth $15 to me".

Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 17, 2011, 12:52:26 PM
Everyone defending GameStop is wrong. Everyone saying they suck is right, it really doesn't matter what your reason for saying they suck is, because they do. Period. GameStop is an overpriced pawn shop (literally and figuratively, that's why you have to get your thumb printed) that sells new things as well.

On a side note, if you live in central Florida, the repair shop I work at is expanding and becoming a full video game retailer as well.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 17, 2011, 12:59:53 PM
Is that an objective statement?

It's as objective as the original statement of "it's completely worth it if for the magazine subscription alone."
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Robknoxious1 on July 17, 2011, 01:33:19 PM
It's as objective as the original statement of "it's completely worth it if for the magazine subscription alone."

[/size]Fair point
Everyone defending GameStop is wrong. Everyone saying they suck is right, it really doesn't matter what your reason for saying they suck is, because they do. Period.

[font=helvetica, arial, 'liberation sans', sans-serif][/size]Too funny. I guess only people that agree with him are right in life. Hilarious.[/font]
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 17, 2011, 02:15:14 PM
Everyone defending GameStop is wrong. Everyone saying they suck is right, it really doesn't matter what your reason for saying they suck is, because they do. Period. GameStop is an overpriced pawn shop (literally and figuratively, that's why you have to get your thumb printed) that sells new things as well.

On a side note, if you live in central Florida, the repair shop I work at is expanding and becoming a full video game retailer as well.

It hasn't been mentioned, but I think supporting the little guy like your repair shop is another good reason to not support gamestop. Even if you don't save anything, its always morally better to support small business.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 17, 2011, 02:36:28 PM
Even if you don't save anything, its always morally better to support small business.

Aside from my own day job, why do you have this belief?
My in-laws own a "small business".  They pay minimum wage, offer no benefits to their employees, have a staff of less than ten people, etc.

McDonald's pays above minimum wage (not much, but above) and offers *some* benefits (crap benefits, but benefits none-the-less) and has about 50 people in their employ.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 17, 2011, 03:22:37 PM
Even if you don't save anything, its always morally better to support small business.

Aside from my own day job, why do you have this belief?
My in-laws own a "small business".  They pay minimum wage, offer no benefits to their employees, have a staff of less than ten people, etc.

McDonald's pays above minimum wage (not much, but above) and offers *some* benefits (crap benefits, but benefits none-the-less) and has about 50 people in their employ.

Yeah, but McDonalds is a multi-billion dollar international mega corp so they can afford it. Gamestop may be great to their employees (I never worked there, so I have no idea), but its not a good thing for consumers. Supporting the small shops promotes competition in the market place which puts pressure on gamestop to change their ways, and if they don't then consumers now have another option. So that's why supporting small business is a good thing.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 17, 2011, 04:10:09 PM
I went to the midnight launch for Black Ops at GameStop and there was supposed to be food from Chic Fil-a, but all of the employees ate everything. I think I mentioned that before. And yes, supporting small business is a good thing, and big companies like GameStop and Walmart will do everything in their power to destroy small businesses.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Robknoxious1 on July 17, 2011, 04:17:40 PM
Yeah, but McDonalds is a multi-billion dollar international mega corp so they can afford it. Gamestop may be great to their employees (I never worked there, so I have no idea), but its not a good thing for consumers. Supporting the small shops promotes competition in the market place which puts pressure on gamestop to change their ways, and if they don't then consumers now have another option. So that's why supporting small business is a good thing.

[/size]Your statement above doesn't really support your original statement that
[/size] [/size]its always morally better to support small business

Better for consumers does not necessarily equal "morally better". I do like to support "mom & pop" stores if they offer courteous service, decent selection and at least somewhat competitive pricing. At present however there is no such small businesses selling video games in my area. The GameStop in my town is - fortunately for me - a nice place to get games. In fact the two nearest GS's outside my town are also nice and are still closer than the nearest independent video game store. I do think GS needs more competition in the form of actual brick and mortar game stores. Online is great but sometimes you just wanna go to a store and see what you can get a deal, walk out with, and go home and play.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 17, 2011, 04:22:54 PM
Everyone defending GameStop is wrong. Everyone saying they suck is right, it really doesn't matter what your reason for saying they suck is, because they do. Period. GameStop is an overpriced pawn shop (literally and figuratively, that's why you have to get your thumb printed) that sells new things as well.

On a side note, if you live in central Florida, the repair shop I work at is expanding and becoming a full video game retailer as well.

The above is pure opinion and not factual in any respect.

People need to stop acting like a whole company is bad just because they had some bad experiences. This reminds me of the episode of South Park where people supported the local business, then bitched and  moaned and burned down the building when it too became big and successful. Companies like Walmart and GameStop started as local businesses too, and became huge because they were successful and people liked them.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Mop it up on July 17, 2011, 06:37:49 PM
I haven't been to a GameStop in quite some time, I think the last time I went there I was looking for GameCube games since they had some cheap prices on quite a few of them. After discovering sites like Amazon and Newegg -- which both have no tax and offer free shipping, as well as lots of deals from day to day -- there's been no reason for me to go to a physical store. I kind of miss browsing the shelves, but their prices were nothing compared to online retailers. I almost went to one just recently to see what games I could find for my newly-acquired DS, but after hearing about how they toss out the cases and manuals for used games, that was the end of that.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 17, 2011, 06:41:33 PM
but after hearing about how they toss out the cases and manuals for used games, that was the end of that.

They don't do this for all games.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 17, 2011, 06:48:42 PM
@ broodwars

If you really think that's how DLC sales work, then, yet again, there's not much point having a discussion with ya!

@ everyone else

By "other retailers" I meant your Target, your Walmart, Best Buy, etc., etc... anyone that sells games at retail.

I do also shop at mom'n'pop retailers for my retro gaming needs.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Ceric on July 17, 2011, 06:52:52 PM
Their really is no chain that does full retro anymore.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Mop it up on July 17, 2011, 06:55:58 PM
but after hearing about how they toss out the cases and manuals for used games, that was the end of that.

They don't do this for all games.
They shouldn't do it for any game, and I'm going to guess that they would toss out the ones for the cheaper DS games which would be the ones I'd be interested in.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 17, 2011, 08:05:25 PM
No one responded to my GOOD experiences with GameStop ...
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 17, 2011, 08:46:25 PM
@ broodwars

If you really think that's how DLC sales work, then, yet again, there's not much point having a discussion with ya!

The next time this guy asks a serious question, guys, please remind me not to take him seriously and just blow him off.  He pulls this crap every time he finds himself without an argument.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 17, 2011, 09:30:15 PM
@ broodwars

If you really think that's how DLC sales work, then, yet again, there's not much point having a discussion with ya!

The next time this guy asks a serious question, guys, please remind me not to take him seriously and just blow him off.  He pulls this crap every time he finds himself without an argument.

I've told you before your disillusioned opinions weren't important to me.

If literally anyone else wants to hear the argument that I do in fact have ready... all they need do is ask! =)
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BeautifulShy on July 17, 2011, 09:43:28 PM
@ broodwars

If you really think that's how DLC sales work, then, yet again, there's not much point having a discussion with ya!

The next time this guy asks a serious question, guys, please remind me not to take him seriously and just blow him off.  He pulls this crap every time he finds himself without an argument.

I've told you before your disillusioned opinions weren't important to me.

If literally anyone else wants to hear the argument that I do in fact have ready... all they need do is ask! =)

I'm interested in your thoughts.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: SuperMegaMan on July 17, 2011, 10:43:20 PM
Everyone defending GameStop is wrong. Everyone saying they suck is right, it really doesn't matter what your reason for saying they suck is, because they do. Period. GameStop is an overpriced pawn shop (literally and figuratively, that's why you have to get your thumb printed) that sells new things as well.

On a side note, if you live in central Florida, the repair shop I work at is expanding and becoming a full video game retailer as well.

If your going to comment, you could at least come up with a worthwhile response instead of worthless hit and run comments, and shameless self promotion.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 17, 2011, 10:51:25 PM
I've told you before your disillusioned opinions weren't important to me.

Dude, one of us has actually seen this process in action, and I get the feeling it isn't you.  Think what you want, but don't go asking someone for "one good thing about DLC" if

A.) "It isn't important to you"


B.) You decide to "refute" the opinion you asked for by shutting down and running away.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 17, 2011, 11:24:19 PM

Since my good friend Maxi requested it, listen up brood wars.

Your point,

"If you have a game with an experience you really enjoy, DLC gives you an opportunity to enjoy more of it on top of that amazing experience you already purchased."

Does not bring anything new to the table.  This concept of "more of a good thing" is inherently implied.  Or else what the hell would it be? An unrelated piece of data?

But your "new" point completely ignores the negatives which were already discussed.  That being...

1. The "more of a good thing"... why wasn't it on the disc to begin with? Was the entire disc capacity filled up? mm?

2. And why do we have to pay extra for it? We already bought their expensive disc.  If they just want to nurture brand loyalty, perceived value then "free" is a nice way to say "thanks!"

But, maybe, just maybe, both those points can be answered by the simple truth: they want more of our money and this is a way to get it.  You don't think that the acceptance of paid DLC makes these guys sit around a board room asking themselves "which maps/characters/costumes/extras are desirable enough to charge extra for later?"

Gamers should have held their ground to the idea that if companies want to sell us products, and we want to buy them, that should be as complicated as it gets.  But no, since DLC is presented (and somehow interpreted) as a shiny, new high-tech way to play games, gamers eat it up.  Even before a game is released gamers are excited about DLC.  Why?? What would they be looking forward to other than the chance to be milked?

So again, the bottom line is that while more is better, there's no reason it has to come later and cost extra ... other than greed.

EDIT: Sorry, gotta touch on ever point... I like to be thorough...

-It's not the poor mom'n'pop developers cranking out DLC to get by.  It tends to be the really big titles just sucking the bone.

-Games have many ideas that get cut before the final product because they are deemed not good enough.  If you think DLC costumes are keeping someone employed, as opposed to just putting the scraps up for sale? Well, you'll just have to call me skeptical on that.

-Gamers do not ask for fatter and fatter budgets - the studios are the ones making gaming an arms race and put that on themselves.  I don't think I need to name all the brilliant titles, even in this HD era, that did not require bloated development costs.  If the developer can only think to attract customers by being "bigger! more polygons! more expenses!" then that's their own poor choice - not our responsibility.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 17, 2011, 11:45:02 PM
I have never willingly bought DLC (I accidentally wasted 80 Microsoft points on a piece of Yoostar 2 DLC when I wasn't paying attention), I have only downloaded free DLC. The only digital items I have chosen to buy have been WiiWare games, Virtual Console games, and Xbox Live Arcade games.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 18, 2011, 12:38:37 AM
Spyke - that's wise of you.

Part of why I don't see any advantage to DLC is that in a few years it will be gone.

With downloadable games, that's the only way.  The game was too small to merit a retail release.  It would not have existed otherwise and we can only hope it makes its way to some retail "collection" someday.

But for Retail Game X, it will still be available at your mom and pop retro store.... but the maps/characters/costumes/weapons they left off the disc will not.  Best you can hope for is that the game got a later iteration with all the DLC on the disc.... but if that was the case, I'd rather the publisher wait 'til THAT version of the game was ready instead of sell us the same game 1.75 times.

PS - Looked like you mentioned Rochester, NY in another thread.  You live there? I'm from there.  I've been to that mom'n'pop store you mentioned.... I think it was on Rt 96, right?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 18, 2011, 12:47:51 AM
But for Retail Game X, it will still be available at your mom and pop retro store.... but the maps/characters/costumes/weapons they left off the disc will not.  Best you can hope for is that the game got a later iteration with all the DLC on the disc.... but if that was the case, I'd rather the publisher wait 'til THAT version of the game was ready instead of sell us the same game 1.75 times.

That seems to become more common. I own Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, which includes all 5 DLC expansion packs, and I know other games have done the same thing (like Fallout 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV.

No, I haven't been to that one. But Game Craze has 10 stores in the area, I have been in the one in Greece Ridge Mall and the ones on East Ridge Road and Mt. Hope Avenue.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 18, 2011, 01:14:24 AM
Even if you don't save anything, its always morally better to support small business.

Aside from my own day job, why do you have this belief?
My in-laws own a "small business".  They pay minimum wage, offer no benefits to their employees, have a staff of less than ten people, etc.

McDonald's pays above minimum wage (not much, but above) and offers *some* benefits (crap benefits, but benefits none-the-less) and has about 50 people in their employ.

Yeah, but McDonalds is a multi-billion dollar international mega corp so they can afford it.

Umm... Yeah.  Meaning that if all we had were small, mom and pop places, we'd have a few stores that employ comparatively few people with even lower wages and no benefits.  Thankfully, we have multi-billion dollar international mega corporations.

Gamestop may be great to their employees (I never worked there, so I have no idea), but its not a good thing for consumers.
Can't speak for Gamestop either, but well-treated employees are happy employees.  Happy employees means less turn-over, which means more knowledgeable employees.  Which is a win for customers.

Supporting the small shops promotes competition in the market place which puts pressure on gamestop to change their ways,

Raise your hand if you've known Gamestop to "change their ways' for the better because a small mom-and-pop store opened in town.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

and if they don't then consumers now have another option.
Customers always have another option.  I'd be highly surprised to find a GameStop without a Best Buy, Walmart, Kmart or other chain in the area.  Not to mention, and even
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Urkel on July 18, 2011, 04:29:02 AM
If Major Nelson told me to stop going to Gamestop, I'd do it. He's so dreamy.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 18, 2011, 10:00:08 AM
My opinions are based on facts, and the facts are that GameStop has horrible policies, doesn't give a crap about their customers, and is nothing but a pawn shop. It's the corporation as a whole, and yes it does matter if you base your opinion on your own experience, because that's exactly what you are supposed to do. The *only* thing that GameStop does right is let you return used games within 7 days. All their stupid cards and magazine subscriptions are worthless. You get a shitty magazine in the mail so you can read about some game that you were watching videos for on the internet a month ago, and you get some stupid card that lets you get $3.30 for your game instead of $3.00, you can use that extra $0.30 to buy a pencil and sheet of paper to write a letter to the police about how GameStop just raped you.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 18, 2011, 10:33:00 AM
Now, come on Brandogg.  "You can't rape the willing" - and no one is forced to trade their games into Gamestop.  Gamestop is a business that offers a service and, while for the life of me I can't figure it out, it's a pretty popular one.

Is Gamestop the patron saint for gamers?  Not at all.  I disagree with several of their practices (Upselling is annoying, but it's no big deal.  Opening games, letting employees take them home and play them, then selling them as "new", to me, is a big deal), but they're hardly the evil devil who bombs at midnight.

As for your pawn shop comment - that's dependent on state law (which in Florida, the fingerprinting is true).  However, I don't believe that's something unique to Gamestop - wouldn't any b/s/t store for used games be subjected to the same law?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 18, 2011, 11:58:34 AM
I (almost) never buy/sell used games.  So maybe their lame policy on used games doesn't bother me as much as it should?

But, as UncleBob said, any used item retailer uses that practice.  No one is going to turn around and sell a used item without profit... they aren't a library! =)

That said, I would blame the industry as a whole for the fact that the markup shoots from the trade in value to something 10x that.

After all, if the retail game at $60 had a used copy next to it for $15, the sales of the new games would be completely cannibalized.  Which makes me think those games shouldn't be $60 in the first place.  And if they need to be that pricey to recoup expensive development costs? Then the company went about making a game the wrong way.  Nintendo makes amazing games... when's the last time you heard about Nintendo unexpectedly flying over budget?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 18, 2011, 03:06:13 PM
but after hearing about how they toss out the cases and manuals for used games, that was the end of that.

They don't do this for all games.

Do you purposely always take the side of whoever is NOT the underdog, or does it just come natural to you?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 18, 2011, 03:10:43 PM
My opinions are based on facts, and the facts are that GameStop has horrible policies, doesn't give a crap about their customers, and is nothing but a pawn shop.

No, those are OPINIONS and not facts. That is the truth.

Chozo, I am stating a fact rather than lie and say Mop is right. And since when are consumers automatically the underdog?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 18, 2011, 03:22:48 PM
It's my opinion that GameStop has horrible policies (such as throwing away manuals, selling opened games as new, and selling used games for $5 less than new, even though they require a $10 online pass to play online...making them cost $10 more than a new copy of said game)? It's my opinion that they don't give a crap about their customers (basically ties into the policies I mentioned)? It's my opinion that they are legally classified as a pawn shop (remember, fingerprints)?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 18, 2011, 03:36:25 PM
And since when are consumers automatically the underdog?

Comments like this are why your karma score will never be in the positive ever again.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: TJ Spyke on July 18, 2011, 03:42:43 PM
It's my opinion that GameStop has horrible policies (such as throwing away manuals, selling opened games as new, and selling used games for $5 less than new, even though they require a $10 online pass to play online...making them cost $10 more than a new copy of said game)? It's my opinion that they don't give a crap about their customers (basically ties into the policies I mentioned)? It's my opinion that they are legally classified as a pawn shop (remember, fingerprints)?

No GameStop I have even been to requires fingerprints to trade in games and from what I have read it was just a handful of them doing it. It's not GameStop's fault that some publishers are deciding to be douche's and charge a $10 fee for those who don't buy a game new, those opened games are technically new, they don't throw away manuals for console games unless the manual is like damaged or something (I bought a used copy of Metroid Prime: Trilogy a few months ago from there and it had the manual and the other bonus stuff Nintendo originally included), and how customers are treated depends on the employee.

Chozo, what the hell are you talking about? GameStop is not perfect, but I have seen plenty of moronic consumers who are idiots and assholes to retail employees. Pleae also explain how they are automatically underdogs?
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 18, 2011, 05:14:22 PM
Because GameStop has billions of dollars. That really shouldn't be of any debate.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: MegaByte on July 18, 2011, 05:15:17 PM
People need to stop acting like a whole company is bad just because they had some bad experiences.
The difference with Gamestop is that bad experiences seem to be the rule more than the exception. The majority of the problems stem from the company's policies, not the employees.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 18, 2011, 05:24:32 PM
Here's a thought ...

For everyone who can't stand GameStop... don't go there.

As the article we're responding to mentions... go to the gleaming beacons of awesomeness like Best Buy across the street.

... of course, it is my personal opinion, based on my personal experiences that prices/selection/customer service at BestBuy, Target, Walmart, etc all pale in comparison to GameStop.

But if you guys find them SOOOOOOO much better, why do you ever go to GameStop? Why is this even a discussion worth having?  If so many people feel that way (as some of you imply) then eventually GameStop will be replaced ... such is the natural selection of businesses.

Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: MegaByte on July 18, 2011, 05:30:14 PM
I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly don't go to any of those places (occasionally, I'll go to Toys R Us if there's a crazy sale). Best Buy especially is at least as shady as GameStop. I pretty much only shop for games online now (usually Amazon).
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 18, 2011, 05:36:42 PM

OK, I gave you a chance to explain yourself, and as I expected you were not able to.  You believe that developers do not have a right to make money off their work, that anything a developer creates for a project (regardless of whether you were satisfied with the experience you paid for) should just be given out for free because PROFIT IS EVIL.  It doesn't matter that you already had a great experience that was well worth your time and money, because YOU DESERVE MORE, DAMN IT!  We should just go back to the days when you bought a game for an even greater cost, and if you wanted more you just had to hope the game got a sequel, because HOW DARE these developers try to give their fans more of what they want for what in retrospect is an extremely modest fee.  You deserve more because you paid a whopping $60 for a game you loved and thought was already worth your money.  Even that's too much, of course, because one of the greatest marketing machines in the world can sell its own software for $10 less and turn a profit.  Your view, of course, would be different if Nintendo were among the companies offering paid DLC this generation, but that's just stating the obvious.

My god, what an entitlement culture our society has created.  Just, wow.  You are right, though: there is no point trying to debate with you because it's like trying to debate with a child.  If you don't like DLC, fine.  That's your right.  There are certainly enough companies out there abusing the concept to be worth the ire.  By all means, continue not buying it.  But don't go spouting your "everything should be FREE because I bought something ONCE!" nonsense and expect me to take you seriously.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 18, 2011, 05:51:36 PM
@ Megabyte

Yea... the online stores are really the best all around choices these days. No need for people to get all hot and bothered about GameStop given that alternative.

@ broodwars

Hey man, you put together a real well reasoned argument there...

... or at least you would have if not addressing points and putting words in someone's mouth made for a good argument.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 18, 2011, 07:10:06 PM
I go into GameStop because it's in the mall and I have kids.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UncleBob on July 18, 2011, 09:11:23 PM
After all, if the retail game at $60 had a used copy next to it for $15, the sales of the new games would be completely cannibalized.

This is a really good point.  I don't even buy used, typically, but if I had to choose between $50 new and $15 used... I'd strongly consider the used.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Adrock on July 19, 2011, 10:30:58 AM
I've never purchased DLC (I almost did for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow then decided against it). I don't typically have a problem with DLC except when it's an unlock code. To me, that's super insulting because it's already on the disc I bought and they WERE going to give it to me for free then decided "**** you" and charged $5 instead. Day 1 DLC and unlock codes are high suspect to me. At least pretend like it wasn't planned.

What I generally hate are patches, especially when I put the disc in the first time and the game forces me to download ****. I would, however, call it even if I could personally slap whoever on the development team was responsible for this with the back of my hand for every second of my life they wasted before I could play the game. That encourages laziness/a "we'll fix that **** later" attitude which I don't appreciate. I remember when we had plastic boxes we rammed in our consoles and games just worked and it forced companies to get it right the first time. The good ol' days...

I don't think it's inherently a bad thing that 3rd parties are implementing ways to make money off of used games. Games aren't cars. They're far more affordable and as such are traded and re-purchased with far more frequency.

I'm not looking forward to a possible future of digital distribution.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 19, 2011, 12:14:10 PM
@ Adrock

I'm not sure exactly what the car analogy means, but other than that, I completely agree!

Gamers shouldn't put up with those practices... but instead they praise them like some sort of extra feature.  So... we get what we've asked for. =\
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 19, 2011, 01:34:03 PM
I've never purchased DLC (I almost did for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow then decided against it).

Wise choice, because although I love that game, that DLC is very overpriced for how short it is.  Yeah, I can go either way on Unlock Codes for content already on the disc, and it comes down to whether the company offered a full experience with the main game.  A game that really bothers me in this regard was Assassin's Creed 2, where the game tells you when its skipping DLC content within the context of the story ("Ah, we have some 'corrupted data' here!  Hmm...Bonfire of the Vanities...etc...nah, that's not important...").  Then there's EA with the latest Tiger Woods game, where something like half the courses on the various tournaments are locked behind visible pay walls, and if you don't pay for the courses your ranking on the tournaments suffer.  It's a pity that some companies have to ruin the concept for everyone else.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: marty on July 19, 2011, 01:46:33 PM
I really hate these stores.  I between the staff and store layout, I generally find the store uncomfortable.  Bargain bins strewn across the store, wire racks holding game cases, generic black cases with shaprie--it all looks aweful and sucks to navigate.  The employees are always, ALWAYS creepy douchebags-- even female employees.  I don't need snark when I'm buying a DS game, I don't want your dumb, gameInformer derived opinion on anything, so just smile, and be polite and keep your fucking attitude to yourself.  This chain is repulsive enough to keep me from buying things I want from it--this, moreso than gouging customers or developers or what not, is really BAD business.  They have something I will spend money on, but I refuse to spend it at their stores.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 19, 2011, 01:56:03 PM
What I generally hate are patches, especially when I put the disc in the first time and the game forces me to download ****. I would, however, call it even if I could personally slap whoever on the development team was responsible for this with the back of my hand for every second of my life they wasted before I could play the game. That encourages laziness/a "we'll fix that **** later" attitude which I don't appreciate. I remember when we had plastic boxes we rammed in our consoles and games just worked and it forced companies to get it right the first time. The good ol' days..

As annoying as that may be, its certainly better than how things are with Metroid: Other M where the game shipped with a game killing bug which Nintendo has not patched nor will it ever patch. In a perfect world games would ship bug free, but that doesn't always happen, and if it doesn't happen then I would rather those issues get fixed with a patch instead of just having the game left like a piece of **** forever.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 19, 2011, 02:04:07 PM
Then there's EA

In my opinion EA is the absolute worst publisher ever. If you've ever played Brutal Legend that perfectly epitomizes everything that's wrong with them and how they do things. There are two DLC things for the game for about $5 each which isn't terribly bad I guess, but one DLC was only 100kb download and it was supposed to add 4 maps and a bunch of ****, so I knew there was no way 100kb was going to include all that. It was on the disc all along, but they don't tell you that. You just pay for the unlock.

Another thing that sucks with Brutal Legend (at least with the PS3 version) is if you buy and install the DLC on a game which you are already playing it may result in the save file getting messed up and make the game unable to load it. If that happens you're fucked and you have to start the game all over from the beginning. That's how you get rewarded for buying the DLC content for that game.

I did some research on that bug on Double Fine's website (they are the developers) and they were aware of the bug and they even made a patch to fix it, but EA absolutely refuses to publish the patch. All the work of making it has been done and its ready to go, but the piece of **** EA refuses to do their job as a publisher and publish it.

So I wish EA would die. There are games they publish which I do enjoy but I don't like them or want to have anything to do with them. The developers are the ones who make these games and they are the ones who deserve my money, but EA can go to hell.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: broodwars on July 19, 2011, 02:09:27 PM
I think there are reasons beyond just "laziness" for why Brutal Legend didn't get that patch...
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 19, 2011, 05:25:48 PM
@ Chozo Ghost

Patching unforeseen bugs: Good.
Patching bugs they were too rushed to fix: Bad.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Adrock on July 19, 2011, 08:05:38 PM
I'm not sure exactly what the car analogy means...
I've heard the argument comparing used games to used cars, namely that car manufacturers don't make money on used car sales. While that's true, it's not the same thing. People do not typically buy and trade cars on a whim. A new car sale today likely won't be a used car sale until a few years down the line (if ever, obviously). That's not really hurting the car company's bottom line. A new game sale today can potentially be a used game tomorrow or even the same day and a used game is pretty much the same exact game assuming the original owner isn't a jackass who somehow scratched the thing to all hell. Who would buy that anyway? Most stores wouldn't accept the trade to begin with. The lines are further blurred since Gamestop started removing new games from their cases. Now, there's almost no difference. What makes it new if it's not sealed? Gamestop's word? **** you, Gamestop.

Anyway, the reason the used car comparison doesn't work is because games are easily transferable commodities that can be bought, traded and resold, rinse repeat with relative ease. A used car is thousands of dollars less and they degrade after time and parts need to be replaced etc. A used game is like $5 less and it's pretty much the same product. That's quite a smaller pill to swallow. They're 2 very different products with very different circumstances. That's why I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with game companies charging for an online pass on used games. At the same time, there's a chance for game companies to use that as an excuse to start charging for things like online passes across the board, used or new. I wouldn't agree with that. That's why I opposed Day 1 DLC and unlock codes.
As annoying as that may be, its certainly better than how things are with Metroid: Other M where the game shipped with a game killing bug which Nintendo has not patched nor will it ever patch. In a perfect world games would ship bug free, but that doesn't always happen, and if it doesn't happen then I would rather those issues get fixed with a patch instead of just having the game left like a piece of **** forever.
I believe Twilight Princess had a similar bug which is unfortunate, but......... MAKE THE GAME RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! Super Mario Club is one of the most well-regarded debug teams in the world. I remember when Nintendo games didn't really have these game breaking errors. Sure, there were bugs, but nothing that forced players to restart the entire game. How Nintendo allowed this to happen twice in a single generation is beyond me.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on July 19, 2011, 08:18:21 PM
Now that Gamestop owns Impulse, I wonder if they'll find a way to sell used game downloads.  I have an account thanks to the GalCiv 2 expansions, but now I don't feel bad about forgetting it exists in favor of Steam anymore, since now I'm snubbing a crappy company instead of a great company, i.e. Stardock.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 20, 2011, 03:53:17 AM
@ Adrock

The only reason why I have little sympathy for game makers when it comes to used games is that the games that fall most victim to the used market are the games whose value is inherently to be fleeting.

When a new Madden comes out each year, when a new rhythm game or war shooter comes out every 6 months, a lot of people logically conclude that it is not worth plunking down $60 every time.  It just makes more fiscal sense to trade in last season's version for the new one.

However, developers who aim to craft truly lasting quality? Those are the games people keep - problem solved.

Obviously, there are exceptions and shades of gray ... but speaking generally, that's my philosophy.  And don't worry that I'm just trying to justify my own practices ... this generation I've only purchased one used game (because there were no new copies at the moment) and traded in one game (Wii Fit because we got Wii Fit Plus =P )
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chozo Ghost on July 20, 2011, 10:18:01 AM
Instead of releasing a new Madden every year they should release one and then give it roster changes and other addons for a few years until the engine is more or less obsolete and then release a new version and then continue supporting that until that gets obsolete and so on... People shouldn't have to pay $60 every year for a roster change when they could easily do that with a patch or DLC.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Ceric on July 20, 2011, 01:41:00 PM
Instead of releasing a new Madden every year they should release one and then give it roster changes and other addons for a few years until the engine is more or less obsolete and then release a new version and then continue supporting that until that gets obsolete and so on... People shouldn't have to pay $60 every year for a roster change when they could easily do that with a patch or DLC.
So release a Madden Base game for all intents and purposes and DLC the rest.  Like World of Warcaft or anyother MMORPG.  That be cool but, they still cost you $60.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 20, 2011, 02:16:22 PM
@ Chozo Ghost / Ceric

Yes and yes!

That would be a wonderful use of DLC! I've been thinking that about the Madden games for years.  Especially since each game is essentially a roster update ... something you can download during the season of the retail game.

$60 game... say ... $15 each subsequent year for the roster update? Seems fair to me!

... unfortunately, the green-eyed monster currently does not allow for such a model =\
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Ceric on July 20, 2011, 02:20:32 PM
@ Chozo Ghost / Ceric

Yes and yes!

That would be a wonderful use of DLC! I've been thinking that about the Madden games for years.  Especially since each game is essentially a roster update ... something you can download during the season of the retail game.

$60 game... say ... $15 each subsequent year for the roster update? Seems fair to me!

... unfortunately, the green-eyed monster currently does not allow for such a model =\
No competition.  You can charge what you want when you have an exclusive contract.
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on July 20, 2011, 09:25:37 PM
@ Ceric

Yea... pretty sad. =\
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: ProGamer89 on October 02, 2013, 01:18:07 PM
late to the convoy, but I feel there are alot of valid points... In any situation there are two sides, we have seller/developer vs.consumer. and when we look at it we have to take both points into consideration meaning companies want to make money and consumers want to save money so to make these equal out first consumers need to be more active in their lives almost like voting for presidents. like it was mentioned before we get what we ask.for and If we Don ask for better.customer service or better reasonable pricing to the people who can actually do something "not an online blog forum' then they can.give us whatever they feel is fair. Another thing to.consider is just like clothing retail they offer employees perks like discounts on merchandise to give back, they may not be able to offer a 401k but they let gs employees try used games. and they do this because nor only are the employees employees but maybe customers and they see the ends and outs, so while employees get dicked as employees they do to as consumers/customers= shitty attitudes... Gs could be better in areas but you have realize those employees are actually one of us just with that job, so you go there and it's a dummy working hs a local dummy maybe even goes to or went to the you do or did. Its not gamestop global that deals with each and every store it's the stores individualaly, like all the owner does is buy the rights to sell video games under the gamestop name but it's the individual owners/managers/employees who call the shots on things like displays & if they ask if you want to preorder anything a million times... just like if I bought into McDonald's I can choose if my store does the the dollar menu or not, it has to do with how much money I have to put into it and where it's located.. so if we want better employees we have start at home training this new 2013 generation of youths to actually give a **** about things they do or are paid But if you don't like the employees attitude that's when you "get the manager" or whoever is above involved making good service a demand but instead we walk out and write forums complaining to "I'm not listening or the getting done God's "... Gs I think personally yea things to be improved upon but can you find stores like gs anywhere no, and you have to take into consideration location Meany decent to rich area or ghetto the community is what brings the certain prices to quality of employees, you go to a ghetto and your local hair hated female is working you going get ghetto employees..And with this DLC it's about improving on what is already great l, that's considering if the main game is great and you have to factor in release dates of main games etc. like wrestling game including wwe 2k14 has major release of characters plus probably more DLC only because if they gave you everything at once the games would one be traded in more quickly and interests would go down, & consider one person buys a game with every include & tells 20 ppl ain't worth 60 bucks or you give them half your total design making them having to buy the game for themselves to see the total vision... companies have to make just as much money as consumers want to save.. so the way to do this is for consumers to get more involved
.and some areas are more profitable so they can continuously or periodically offer deals & discounts some can't l.... And with this DLC
Title: Re: Stop Going to GameStop
Post by: AnGer on October 04, 2013, 04:56:56 AM
I go to GameStop every time I'm at my parents's place and need PSN cards and the like. I'm not too fond of them either, but they're the only game shop reachable in a few minutes. Usually, I go to XGames (which is sort of like GameStop, but better... also, old games tend to be more expensive, but they'll take your Intellivision for a good price worth its value (yeah really. They do.)

Though I try to order from Austria or Great Britain... because box arts