Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Lindy on January 22, 2011, 11:14:43 AM

Title: A Change at the Top
Post by: NWR_Lindy on January 22, 2011, 11:14:43 AM

I, for one, welcome our new directorial overlord.

Two years ago, I took the helm of Nintendo World Report as its Director, an achievement that marked the pinnacle of my tenure at this website.  It's been a great run at the top, but everything must come to an end, and it is with bittersweet emotion that I am stepping down as Director of Nintendo World Report effective today.

Why, you may ask? It's nothing too drastic or dramatic, really; I'm not succumbing to a terminal illness, I'm not embarking on a tour of the Far East to "find myself", and I'm not leaving to start a Sony-focused website (that one's for you, NWR forumites).  Simply put: it's life, man.  The Director's chair demands an individual with more free time than I've had lately, and likely will have going forward, so I decided that it would be best to let somebody else handle the day-to-day operations of NWR.  And that individual is current Senior Editor, Neal Ronaghan.

Yes, Neal is now the head honcho.  The big cheese (head?).  Or, as I refer to him, the Rona-MAN.  Neal is no stranger to readers of the site, with consistent high-quality output in the form of news, reviews, interviews, and event coverage, and he's coming to the position with lots of experience, passion, and great ideas for the future.  I congratulate him on the promotion!  All of our readers should give him a huge round of applause, and thank him for all of his hard work.

Of course, this top-level shuffling affects others as well.  Features Editor extraordinaire James Jones will be moving into the Senior Editor role that Neal is leaving, a promotion that he has definitely earned.  In addition to being one of the Four Horsemen of our Radio Free Nintendo podcast, James has been instrumental in keeping many major features on-track over the last couple of years.  He also does a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes that readers will never see, so this promotion is more than deserved.  Look for some more staff shuffling as we work to get our management structure back in order over the next few months.

As for me, I'll be stepping back, but not stepping away.  There's still plenty for me to do behind the curtain, and I'm still going to be pestering James and making Greg eat my bullets on RFN.  My last act as Director is to pull a Jonny Metts and declare myself a Contributing Editor, a title that may change per the whims of Neal (Cho Aniki Correspondent? Bald Gamer Advocate? The possibilities are endless).  Regardless of my designation, I'll still have a hand in making Nintendo World Report the best independent Nintendo website on the interwebs.

Take it easy everybody, and thanks for reading! I'll see you out there.

Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Enner on January 22, 2011, 11:22:27 AM
Thank you for all the good work. I hope this change will benefit all!
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: NWR_Lindy on January 22, 2011, 11:23:25 AM
It was my pleasure!  Thanks for reading.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Arbok on January 22, 2011, 11:28:25 AM
Thanks for all your efforts and improvements that NWR saw with you at the helm, Lindy.

(...does this mean the Lindy avatars will vanish?)
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: TJ Spyke on January 22, 2011, 11:36:05 AM
I think you did a great job, so it is a little disappointing to see you step down. Still, I am sure Neal will do a good job and you will still work on the site.

The King is dead. Long live the King.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Dannymcl on January 22, 2011, 11:54:05 AM
Please stay on RFN, the crew need someone to poke fun at and annoy the hell out of (apart from Greg having to pay loadsa money for the 3DS). :( 
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: TheFleece on January 22, 2011, 12:04:07 PM
Wow. Lindy you set a good tone for the whole site after it was redesigned. I like the work Neal does, he's super dedicated and has heart. I think James' new position will only fuel an evolved strain of his amazing madness. Congrats to everyone and on a personal note for myself I've been surrounded by new beginnings this whole month and it's made me excited for this year. Hopefully now, Lindy can work on his gaming back log ;)
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Retro Deckades on January 22, 2011, 12:55:13 PM
As a relatively new visitor to the site (being such a Nintendo fan, its one of my biggest regrets -- arriving so late, I mean) Lindemann has been the only site director I have known. I thought he did a great job. Well done, sir.

As for Neal and James, I am a fan of their work and look forward to what's next. Congrats!
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: broodwars on January 22, 2011, 01:00:10 PM
By any chance, did Voldemorte once apply for Directorship here and was turned away?  Because this seems like the 3rd site director we've lost due to "lack of time".
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: NWR_Lindy on January 22, 2011, 01:12:10 PM
But that's life, isn't it?  Things change, sometimes you have a lot of time, sometimes you don't.  Life was drawing me away from being able to work on the site at a constant rate, so I figured it'd be better to roll with it. <cue Steve Winwood>
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 22, 2011, 01:16:47 PM
Excellent work Lindy, though we all know you are secretly developing a Sony fanboi site, you just don't want to reveal that Death Star yet. ;)
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on January 22, 2011, 04:23:54 PM
Three cheers for Jon. Thank you for keeping this website to a consistently high standard all for our benefit. I hope you'll be able to continue your podcast endeavours; the show just wouldn't be right without you.

On the flip side, good luck, Neal. I look forward to your forthcoming reign as dictator... um, director.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: NWR_insanolord on January 22, 2011, 04:24:07 PM
I understand; you want to devote more of your time to not playing games.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Shaymin on January 22, 2011, 04:35:48 PM
I was just going to say, this frees up more time to search for a cure to Lindemann syndrome.

Thanks for the work Jon, and I for one welcome our Ronaghanian overlords.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Crimm on January 22, 2011, 04:59:50 PM
My title is still in flux, so I'm not buying the business cards just yet. "Senior Editor" doesn't fit me, so for now I'm Mondo Editor. When I discussed the then unannounced changes with a triumvirate of now-former site directors I felt very comfortable that the site is going to be in good hands. We have a lot of very fantastic staff members. Although Jon didn't mention it, we recently gained a Content Editor in the ever-devoted Karlie Yeung.

Please stay on RFN, the crew need someone to poke fun at and annoy the hell out of (apart from Greg having to pay loadsa money for the 3DS). :( 

He'll be sticking with us. And the Lindy avatar stays until I can't stand looking at it anymore. I didn't arrange this because he was Site Director, I arranged it because he is Jon Lindemann. Also, @JonLindemann  ( on.

I think James' new position will only fuel an evolved strain of his amazing madness.

Wait, what?! Oh you're gone!
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: RABicle on January 23, 2011, 07:37:42 AM
Will Jeff Shirley be getting a promotion?
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Urkel on May 18, 2011, 11:44:39 PM
I am stepping down as Director of Nintendo World Report effective today.

I'll be stepping back, but not stepping away.

Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: NWR_insanolord on May 19, 2011, 01:56:18 AM
Bumping a 4-month-old thread just to troll Jon Lindemann. If that's not worth an applaud I don't know what is.
Title: Re: A Change at the Top
Post by: Crimm on May 19, 2011, 12:27:37 PM
Bumping a 4-month-old thread just to troll Jon Lindemann. If that's not worth an applaud I don't know what is.

I've sent Jon text messages about being late for RFN, while I was late myself, just assuming he was also late.

I was right.

Unrelated, how did we have a talkback called "A Change at the Top" and NOBODY make a bald joke?