Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Shaymin on December 30, 2019, 12:00:00 AM

Title: Nintendo Downloads - January 2, 2020
Post by: Shaymin on December 30, 2019, 12:00:00 AM

Pizza delivery for... I. C. Weiner?

"One game? That's all we got? One goddamn game?"

"You can't say goddamn in the Downloads column!!"

"Who cares, nobody's reading it anyway."

- Harry Doyle and Monty, Major League (1989)

For this last downloads of 2019, or the first one of 2020, we have apparently traveled back in time to 2015. North America has one game as of press time, Europe has three (though one of them is a classic Nintendo franchise game in the new Brain Training), and Japan has... NONE. The only thing going up on the eShop there is whatever Arcade Archives game Hamster will shadowdrop sometime during New Year's Day site time. So what do we do?

Well, the holiday sales are dropping off by the end of the week, or we could take advantage of my medical leave so I can run down some stuff that piques my interest that was missed during that time. So let's do that.

Anyway, some things to check out as you enjoy the mid week break. Take care on the roads tomorrow night if you're travelling because it'll be amateur hour on the roads, and we'll see you in 2020.

North America

Switch eShop

Link-a-Pix Deluxe (US$7.99/C$9.99)

Battojutsu ($4.99/$6.99: Monday)

New 3DS eShop

Silver Falls - 3 Down Stars ($25.99/$32.99)

Switch Archives

Penguin-kun Wars ($7.99/$9.87)


Switch Retail

Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training For Nintendo Switch (€26.99/£24.29: Friday)

Switch eShop

Lastfight (€29.99/£24.99: Monday)

Link-a-Pix Deluxe (€7.99/£6.99)

Jurassic Excite (€5.00/£4.49: Monday)

Switch Archives

Penguin-kun Wars (€6.99/£6.29)


Penguin-kun Wars (¥838)

Title: Re: Nintendo Downloads - January 2, 2020
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on December 30, 2019, 11:45:02 AM
Wow what a dead week
Title: Re: Nintendo Downloads - January 2, 2020
Post by: Khushrenada on December 30, 2019, 12:27:08 PM
Clearly, all game production has switched to PS5. R.I.P. Switch.