Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: shingi_70 on March 27, 2013, 09:56:15 AM

Title: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on March 27, 2013, 09:56:15 AM
Battlefield 4 will not see a release on Wii U, DICE has confirmed.

 Speaking to last night, creative director Lars Gustavsson explained that the decision to skip Wii U was to "ensure that [the team] deliver something good", rather than "risking" the project by stretching the team too thin.

"I think overall for me as creative director, number one is to deliver a really great game and experience," said Gustavsson on the subject of Battlefield 4 on Wii U. "Sometimes, at least for us, it's focus on what you do well and what you know well, and ensure that you deliver something good than trying a bit too much, stretching yourself too thin and risking it.

 "I'd rather play it safe, deliver something really good and then look at the future and what could possibly be done than trying a bit too hard and [failing]."

 Battlefield 4 is the latest high-profile multi-platform title to skip Wii U, joining Dead Island: Riptide and Saints Row 4. (
It's weird I would have assumed that the Wii U would have gotten good support until the PS4/Durango were released. Yet the Wii U cant even get ports of current gen games which is pretty sad.  Right now the system is looking to be mostly for Nintendo games and indies. Even then we aren't sure if the Wii U will still be the main go to indie console in a post PS4 world.
I just find it odd that they don't want to put resources to a console with an install base while its still rumored the game is also in development for PS4 and Durango which has no market share what so ever. I'm also guessing this means the ommiton of Wii U from Madden 25 wasn't a mistake as I previously thought.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 27, 2013, 10:06:33 AM
I can only make the selfish & bitter response of "whatever, I wasn't gonna buy it anyways..."
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on March 27, 2013, 10:28:51 AM
While that's also true for me (I may not have even played a Battlefield game before), this is still a bummer. I want support parity, dammit.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on March 27, 2013, 10:44:26 AM
I'm usually a Halo or Call of Duty guy but was looking forward to trying Battlefield 4 (still probably will on Durango).
My problem is this isn't doing the platform any flavors and will be evident at E3 when we see each console's sizzle reel.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BranDonk Kong on March 27, 2013, 11:05:56 AM
Seriously this is getting sad. Nintendo needs to throw money at some companies to get them on board or something.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: alegoicoe on March 27, 2013, 11:51:25 AM
Although I don't play battlefield games, is always sad to see a company give baseless statements on why their game won't make it to Wii U.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Ian Sane on March 27, 2013, 01:00:52 PM
Since the Wii U looks to be on par with the PS360 instead of the next gen, why would a third party take the time to include it in multiplatform releases when the Wii U will only fit into those plans for a year?  Their staff needs to take some time to get to know the hardware and time is money.  So you're going to invest money on what is effectively employee training for something that you'll consider obsolete by 2014?

And let's not forget that Nintendo pretty much spent the last six years turning away the very market that a game like Battlefield 4 would target.  The Wii U seems to be a very convential follow up to the Wii.  Well the Wii was seen as the casual console and with the Wii U being so similar it's a natural assumption that it would be the same thing.  Considering that consumers aren't buying it and third parties aren't supporting it I think that is exactly what is being assumed.  And for the casuals the fad is over and smartphones are their system of choice for videogames.  If Nintendo wanted to expand their customerbase with their new console then they absolutely should not have made a Wii 2 as that will only appeal to the Wii target market, which mostly ceased to exist over two years ago.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Oblivion on March 27, 2013, 01:58:19 PM
Just because a system has similarly looking graphics doesn't mean it has similar development. See my post in the other Battlefield 4 thread. Basically, the Wii U is too custom for their tastes.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 27, 2013, 02:12:11 PM
Wii U is less custom than PS3 (which is notorious for being a pain in the ass to develop for). The director is essentially saying they are just too lazy to learn how to develop for a new system.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: alegoicoe on March 27, 2013, 02:18:15 PM
They might be putting off development to see if the Wii U sales improve, but by the time sales pick up, certain games (Battlefield4) are just gonna be old like many of the launch titles.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Oblivion on March 27, 2013, 02:52:42 PM
Wii U is less custom than PS3 (which is notorious for being a pain in the ass to develop for). The director is essentially saying they are just too lazy to learn how to develop for a new system.

Yes, but look at how long the PS3 has been out compared to the Wii U. Huge difference. The support is already there. Developers have learned how to get around it (with the exception of Bethesda, it seems). The Wii U? They won't even give it a chance this late in the cycle.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: UncleBob on March 27, 2013, 02:57:58 PM
Face it, it's not about the time and investment in programming.
Although for a different game, this about sums it up:

Publisher says it's too much work, would require re-writing the entire code:

Developers say "No, it's easy.  And done.":

Publisher comes back and just says "No, not worth it."

PIEtriots summed it up pretty well in their recent FloatingHeads segment.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: regin on March 27, 2013, 06:20:43 PM
All hope is not lost. If someone at DICE has a kid that likes Smash Bros we might get a BF4 soldier in the roster!
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Seacor on March 27, 2013, 10:58:56 PM
Reminds me of comments made by Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli. 

"We did have Crysis 3 running on the Wii U," Yerli said. "We were very close to launching it. But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that. Since we as a company couldn’t launch on the Wii U ourselves--we don’t have a publishing license--Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die." (

Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Stogi on March 27, 2013, 11:30:15 PM
Yet EA released NFSMW (And the best version of it)? It doesn't make sense.

Someone needs to make Third Party Goggles in the same vien as Drunk Goggles or "See through the eyes of Bender Unit", because I want to see how they view the world.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Kytim89 on March 28, 2013, 01:08:30 AM
If Nintendo were to create an economic situation on the eShop where third parties could ninety percent of the revenue generated from digital sales then I could see EA swallowing their pride and making games for the Wii U, or atleast exclusively on the eShop.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on March 28, 2013, 08:46:58 AM
So the real reason seems that the Wii U isn't in ICE plans for the frostbite engine and doesn't support it
.\ (\)
Eurogamer: Some Wii U owners are disappointed to see Battlefield 4 is not coming to the console. What, exactly, is the reason for that?

 Patrick Bach: The biggest problem we have right now is we don't want to back down from what we see as our low spec machines. We right now don't have support for the Wii U in the Frostbite engine. The reason for that is it takes development time. What should we focus on to create the best possible Battlefield experience? We are now focused on PC and the current-gen platforms, and then there might be other platforms in the future that we can't talk about...

Eurogamer: One of them you can.

 Patrick Bach: Yes, in theory, but we won't. But it's important to understand it's about focus and setting the bar. Where do you start? What's the minimum? What's the maximum? What's the scale in-between.

 Tobias Dahl: We have long experience with scalability. We've always been making PC games. But we don't want to ship different games dependent on the platform. We need to set the limit somewhere, to have the lowest spec for this title.

 Patrick Bach: We could probably make a Wii U game in theory. But to make the most out of the Wii U, that's a different game because of the different peripherals. We want to utilise all the power of each console.

 Eurogamer: Are you saying it's not about the power of the Wii U itself, rather, it's about the controller?

 Patrick Bach: It's everything. We could potentially make a Battlefield port for the Vita. But what would that game be? Is it something we could scale down from what you saw in the gameplay video, or would it have to be a complete redesign of the whole game?

 It's about, where do you put your focus? And the Wii U is not a part of our focus right now.


 Tobias Dahl: Going back to the Wii U, it's also a matter of scope. We can only work with so many platforms per person per day. It's a time-consuming thing to be a multi-platform title.

That also means that at this pace Wii U won't receive
a port of the new army of two
Dragon Age 3
the next need for speed
and around 13 other EA games that will run of the engine
Its funny how Nintendo had EA get on stage and in the developer talk up a possible port of Battlefield when the system can't even run the engine needed to play the game.
Mass Effect 4
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 28, 2013, 11:29:40 AM
Another BS excuse, like him saying they want to use all the features of the system. Does this mean the PS3 version will use PlayStation Move? The Xbox 360 version use Kinect? If not, they are not using all the features. And he essentially says they will support "current" gen systems, and the PS4/XBX 3, but not Wii U.

Also, he did NOT say Wii U can't run the engine, he says that they cant be bothered to port the engine to Wii U.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Louieturkey on March 28, 2013, 03:24:30 PM
He also acted like Wii U is lower spec'd than the PS360, which is a joke, proved by Criterion who happens to have the same publisher.  All I keep hearing is spin every time a game isn't made for the Wii U.  I wish these guys would give a straight answer like Crytek did.  At least then, we wouldn't blame DICE and we'd blame EA for more crap.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on March 28, 2013, 11:31:31 PM
He also acted like Wii U is lower spec'd than the PS360, which is a joke, proved by Criterion who happens to have the same publisher.  All I keep hearing is spin every time a game isn't made for the Wii U.  I wish these guys would give a straight answer like Crytek did.  At least then, we wouldn't blame DICE and we'd blame EA for more crap.

isn't the engine isn't made to support the Wii U yet a valid answer. t
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: bustin98 on March 29, 2013, 09:46:48 AM
Not if they make it support PS4 and Durango, which by definition have a lower install base than the Wii U.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Oblivion on March 29, 2013, 02:02:35 PM
I give it a month. After that, they'll have a higher install base.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 29, 2013, 03:29:03 PM
I give it a month. After that, they'll have a higher install base.

Yes, if they somehow have more sales than any launch system ever. The Wii U is over 4 million.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on March 29, 2013, 03:30:23 PM
While it's not looking very good for Nintendo currently, I'd give it much longer than a month. The Wind Waker HD comes out Q3 and we still don't know what Nintendo's big Q4 title is. My guess is Mario Kart which always sells well. PS4's price also makes changes this quite a bit.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Oblivion on March 29, 2013, 03:38:46 PM
I give it a month. After that, they'll have a higher install base.

Yes, if they somehow have more sales than any launch system ever. The Wii U is over 4 million.

Yet how many people are actually enjoying and using the system on a daily basis? I don't care if the system has a billion sold, if only a few thousand are actually using it, it isn't worth it. I sure haven't been playing mine, but I guess that's because of Persona 4 and Bioshock Infinite.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 29, 2013, 03:43:03 PM
Your statement was based on install base, not how many people use the system. No matter how well PS4/XBX 3 do, they wont overtake Wii U in a month.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: UncleBob on March 29, 2013, 07:03:07 PM
Not only that, but I don't think the PS4 or Next Microsoft System will be out in a month. :D :D :D
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BranDonk Kong on March 29, 2013, 10:02:22 PM
Honestly I don't think PS4 or Xbox 362 will do that well, at least not for a while. I think most people are actually pretty content with the current consoles. But, the Rock would certainly let me know that it doesn't matter what I think.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 30, 2013, 06:05:50 AM
If they'd come out last November, they wouldn't be in much better of a position than Wii U right now. This is what hardware launches look like in the modern age. The PS4 and 720 likely won't even have as much exclusive software as the Wii U in the early months, given the tendency we've seen so far for games this fall hitting both generations of hardware.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Stogi on March 30, 2013, 06:15:12 AM
I finally touched a Wii U and it felt weird. Grandma pussy weird.

Anyway, the benefits are apparent....immediately. My thumb is perfect to interact with that screen, similar to Ian's mom's asshole. All I'm saying is this...If Nintendo fails to utilize what they've made this round, I may..MAY abandon ship. The possibilities are stupid easy, i.e. simple. Get it done and let me enjoy my decision in trusting Nintendo for another generation.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: cubist on March 30, 2013, 12:14:39 PM
I finally touched a Wii U and it felt weird. Grandma pussy weird.

Anyway, the benefits are apparent....immediately. My thumb is perfect to interact with that screen, similar to Ian's mom's asshole. All I'm saying is this...If Nintendo fails to utilize what they've made this round, I may..MAY abandon ship. The possibilities are stupid easy, i.e. simple. Get it done and let me enjoy my decision in trusting Nintendo for another generation.

Did this respected forum just turn into a "Yo Momma" session? Anyway, the Wii U will move when more first party titles come out.  It's not going to be a month.  It'll take until the release of the next Smash for this doom and gloom talk to be truly over.  Anyone doubt that Smash will move units?
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on March 30, 2013, 01:24:13 PM
If they'd come out last November, they wouldn't be in much better of a position than Wii U right now. This is what hardware launches look like in the modern age. The PS4 and 720 likely won't even have as much exclusive software as the Wii U in the early months, given the tendency we've seen so far for games this fall hitting both generations of hardware.
Maybe but I don't think the PS4 and 720 will have the problem of not having third party support so the initial months hopefully won't look as barren as the Wii U has. I think both consoles will do extremely well on the exclusive front seeing as most of Sony and Microsoft's development teams have moved to next gen game development. I mean looking at the wiki of PS4 games in development it seems pretty lengthy.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: RABicle on April 03, 2013, 09:49:32 AM
If they'd come out last November, they wouldn't be in much better of a position than Wii U right now. This is what hardware launches look like in the modern age. The PS4 and 720 likely won't even have as much exclusive software as the Wii U in the early months, given the tendency we've seen so far for games this fall hitting both generations of hardware.
You're missing the key bit of information our friend shingi_70 mentioned: Frostbite 3.
DICE can't be arsed porting their engine to WiiU, an engine they already have running on PS4. (BF4 will be a launch title) This is terrifying. Frostbite is EA's lead engine. Everything will be on it, Dragon Age 3 and Mass Effect: Subtitle are already announced to be running it. These are games (like BF4) are still 6+ months away from release. And DICE, the wholly EA owned developer of the engine have no plans to port the engine over. This is potentially apocalyptic. As much as we hate them, EA have some huge franchises and almost all of them that aren't sports or developed by Criterion will be using Frostbite. Even the non Critereon NFS games (the bad ones, but still sell jsut as well) are using Frostbite.

However, Nintendo shouldn't take the begging route to get the important game on their system, they should act like EA are stupid and don't deserve them. Talk up bundling CoD MW4 with consoles in November, look into Steam integration, promote Ubisoft 3DS shovelware ahead of EA's etc. Act like EA is the poverty stricken, disease ridden scum they are and kick them in the teeth.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on April 03, 2013, 10:06:53 AM
Wii U Steam integration would be the equivalent to Nintendo palming EA's face and pushing it away.

Also, Mass Effect: Subtitle is perhaps the best title for a game ever.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Shaymin on April 03, 2013, 10:25:55 AM
I wasn't aware EA wanted to promote themselves from AAA to the majors of handheld gaming, so they don't *have* any 3DS shovelware.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: RABicle on April 03, 2013, 10:44:28 AM
Isn't there a slew of Sims3 spinoffs on 3DS yet? I dunno, I was only guessing.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on April 03, 2013, 10:48:13 AM
If they'd come out last November, they wouldn't be in much better of a position than Wii U right now. This is what hardware launches look like in the modern age. The PS4 and 720 likely won't even have as much exclusive software as the Wii U in the early months, given the tendency we've seen so far for games this fall hitting both generations of hardware.
You're missing the key bit of information our friend shingi_70 mentioned: Frostbite 3.
DICE can't be arsed porting their engine to WiiU, an engine they already have running on PS4. (BF4 will be a launch title) This is terrifying. Frostbite is EA's lead engine. Everything will be on it, Dragon Age 3 and Mass Effect: Subtitle are already announced to be running it. These are games (like BF4) are still 6+ months away from release. And DICE, the wholly EA owned developer of the engine have no plans to port the engine over. This is potentially apocalyptic. As much as we hate them, EA have some huge franchises and almost all of them that aren't sports or developed by Criterion will be using Frostbite. Even the non Critereon NFS games (the bad ones, but still sell jsut as well) are using Frostbite.

However, Nintendo shouldn't take the begging route to get the important game on their system, they should act like EA are stupid and don't deserve them. Talk up bundling CoD MW4 with consoles in November, look into Steam integration, promote Ubisoft 3DS shovelware ahead of EA's etc. Act like EA is the poverty stricken, disease ridden scum they are and kick them in the teeth.

But that won't work since EA will easily spin that into the narrative that Nintendo purposely has been sabotaging third party relations. That also doesn't fix the problem of Frostbite running on the system.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on April 03, 2013, 11:17:21 AM
It's not supposed to fix the problem; it's supposed to make it look like it doesn't matter. Nintendo can't force EA to port Frostbite and if EA is so unwilling to, Nintendo's hands are tied. They're better off making deals with companies more willing to be partners.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on April 03, 2013, 01:39:22 PM
It's not supposed to fix the problem; it's supposed to make it look like it doesn't matter. Nintendo can't force EA to port Frostbite and if EA is so unwilling to, Nintendo's hands are tied. They're better off making deals with companies more willing to be partners.
I guess but who is there left to partner with other than say Ubisoft. I guess were going to find out by E3. But ignoring EA doesn't really fix  or make the problem looks like it doesn't matter. Currently the Wii U won't be getting Forstbite 3 or Unreal Engine 4. What are the chances that it will be able to run Panta Reha, Luminous Engine, or Cry Engine 4. 
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on April 03, 2013, 01:57:21 PM
Who said Wii U wasn't getting Unreal Engine 4? Mark Rein said Epic will not port it themselves, but specifically said another company can if they want.

Nintendo washing their hands of EA until they stop expecting Nintendo to grovel is the only course of action. EA took their ball and went home. Nintendo clearly reached out to them which is why EA was present during their E3 press conference in 2011. They just didn't want EA to have them by the nuts by relying on Origin which is understandable if that was the case (sounds legit).

There are plenty of companies to partner with who aren't being as ridiculous as EA. Getting GTA5 on Wii U would be a really great start and I hope that happens at E3. If Nintendo can get some momentum, not having EA begins to be less of a problem until eventually EA is on the outside looking in. The caveat is that Nintendo has to get that momentum somehow.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on April 03, 2013, 10:42:38 PM
But what company other than Nintendo would take the time out to port the engine too Wii U. I'm increasingly thinking the Wii U will be for Nintendo, indies, and select Japanese games if sony can't hook them onto PS4.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Oblivion on April 03, 2013, 11:21:47 PM
You better watch out shinji, the whole forum may jump on you.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on April 03, 2013, 11:39:26 PM
You better watch out shinji, the whole forum may jump on you.

For what being Logical. Expecting developers to put extra work into an engine to get a game onto Wii U and it still probably won't run as well as the other consoles. Than what happens to the newly made engine. No developer is going to be the one to port the engine to Wii U and share it free of charge.  I get everyone was expecting this too be Nintendo's reckoning during E3 2011 and I even got lost into the Hype train. Yet after E3 2012 which was pretty much Nintendo's biggest moment to shine we saw nothing.
I'm okay with the fact that the Wii U won't be a third party slayer and wil have to live on Nintendo and indie games. The problem which should have been addressed during the Wii days is that Nintendo's first party development is too small and Japan focused.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 04, 2013, 12:26:38 AM
Nintendo should just port all the engines themselves.

then hand them back to the developers, so they can make up a whole new list of excuses as to why their games aren't gonna make the jump to the Wii U.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 04, 2013, 12:38:37 AM
If Nintendo wants to see third party support without outright buying it, that seems like the best course of action. Port Unreal 4, port Frostbite, and make it as easy as possible for developers and publishers to support your hardware.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: UncleBob on April 04, 2013, 12:44:39 AM
Nintendo should just make the third party games themselves.  Seems like it'd save everyone the trouble.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Kytim89 on April 04, 2013, 03:26:52 AM
Nintendo should just port all the engines themselves.

then hand them back to the developers, so they can make up a whole new list of excuses as to why their games aren't gonna make the jump to the Wii U.

I mentioned before that Nintendo should turn their development resources that make casual games towards porting over games and engines themselves.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 04, 2013, 10:15:52 AM
Nintendo should just make the third party games themselves.  Seems like it'd save everyone the trouble.

yes, they should port the engine, then port the game (with exclusive features/enhancements) and give the third parties 90% of the profits. Everybody's happy now.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: KeyBilly on April 04, 2013, 10:27:34 AM
I'm with Shingi in that I don't mind the Wii U being primarily a console for Nintendo, indie, and select Japanese games.  If a new Assassin's Creed or other big third party title comes out, I'd rather play it on a more powerful system anyway.  With Steam, prices drop fast, and even a modest PC can play games at a higher resolution, with a better frame rate, and with better effects than current consoles.

I don't mean to argue that the Wii U is too weak, but rather that it does not need to be the ultimate console, getting every game, to be worthwhile.  As with the Wii, it will probably be a great console with a very different library than the competitors.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Adrock on April 04, 2013, 10:39:39 AM
Nintendo should just make the third party games themselves.  Seems like it'd save everyone the trouble.

yes, they should port the engine, then port the game (with exclusive features/enhancements) and give the third parties 90% of the profits. Everybody's happy now.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: shingi_70 on April 04, 2013, 11:19:45 AM
I'm with Shingi in that I don't mind the Wii U being primarily a console for Nintendo, indie, and select Japanese games.  If a new Assassin's Creed or other big third party title comes out, I'd rather play it on a more powerful system anyway.  With Steam, prices drop fast, and even a modest PC can play games at a higher resolution, with a better frame rate, and with better effects than current consoles.

I don't mean to argue that the Wii U is too weak, but rather that it does not need to be the ultimate console, getting every game, to be worthwhile.  As with the Wii, it will probably be a great console with a very different library than the competitors.

As much as I love the PS3/360 games Library the Wii had a ton of weird odd ball games that wouldn't have gotten made on the HD twins.
I do wonder if the Wii U will be the go to for niche Japanese games though. I could see them moving to the PS4 after being on the PS3 for so long.  Even before that I could see them sticking with PS3/Vita for a while to come.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Ian Sane on April 04, 2013, 12:31:16 PM
Porting the engines if no one else is going to, and no one else will if the creator of the engine won't do it, is a great idea.  Hell, it's pretty much a requirement.  If Nintendo isn't willing to do that, they're pretty much doing jack **** nothing to attract third party support and if Nintendo doesn't care, I won't either and they can just ride off into irrelevance with their heads up their asses.

This Nintendo-games-only routine was a huge FUCKUP on the N64, not what should be the standard expectation of a Nintendo console.  Though I figure if Nintendo actually gave a **** about it they would have fixed it by now.  If you have the best selling console of a generation but have the WORST third party support you either have no idea how to get other companies to support your system or you just don't care.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: UncleBob on April 04, 2013, 01:08:26 PM
They don't care and neither do I.  So, win. :D

If Nintendo can have the best selling console with the worst third party support, they've got to be doing something right.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Mop it up on April 04, 2013, 07:34:51 PM
I cared during the N64 and GameCube times, because back then third-parties actually made games that appealed to me and I had to have a PS1 and PS2 to get complete variety. But I never really felt like I was missing much just having a Wii, I considered getting an Xbox 360 or PS3 at numerous times throughout the generation but never saw enough games to make it worthwhile. This next generation appears as if it will follow that same trend. Wii U and 3DS will be more than enough for my needs.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 04, 2013, 08:06:59 PM
Nintendo should just make the third party games themselves.  Seems like it'd save everyone the trouble.

yes, they should port the engine, then port the game (with exclusive features/enhancements) and give the third parties 90% of the profits. Everybody's happy now.

Did I put too much sarcasm in that!? I'll try to scale it back some :P
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: cubist on April 05, 2013, 01:25:30 AM
The more and more I troll these forums, the more likely I'm believing in the notion that Nintendo should have a dev that just ports $#!+ to the Wii U.  Maybe Nintendo Software Technology can be the porters.  Hell, I'd even go as far as reviving Silicon Knights and having them be the Porter House Steak in this situation based on their work with Twin Snakes.  Hmmm...or both. 
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Stogi on April 05, 2013, 03:20:40 AM
If the Wii U turns out to be a Nintendo only console, I'll be pissed simply because of the waste in potential.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: Kytim89 on April 06, 2013, 09:57:17 PM
There is no way that this drought of support can go no past this year's E3. Nintendo needs to announce a avalance of third party support going towards the end of the year. This would include a reveal of the next Call of Duty and GTA V being for the Wii U day and date as the other versions of the games. Nintendo needs to have their own first party games available as well. This is pure ridiculousness.
Title: Re: Battlefield 4 won't be coming won't be coming to WIi U.
Post by: pokepal148 on April 06, 2013, 10:02:37 PM
There is no way that this drought of support can go no past this year's E3. Nintendo needs to announce a avalance of third party support going towards the end of the year. This would include a reveal of the next Call of Duty and GTA V being for the Wii U day and date as the other versions of the games. Nintendo needs to have their own first party games available as well. This is pure ridiculousness.
this is EA being an asshole, nothing new