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3DS Likely Available Worldwide Early Next Year

by Neal Ronaghan - June 17, 2010, 6:49 am EDT
Total comments: 2 Source: Eurogamer

Reports indicate that at least one territory may get the handheld this year.

Eurogamer is reporting that a source at Nintendo has indicated that the Nintendo 3DS may launch in one territory (Japan, Europe, or North America) in 2010, and that it will be available worldwide by early 2011.

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010:

Apparently the internal goal is a worldwide holiday launch this year, but if that is not possible the system could slip into next year. Nintendo did not reveal any information about the system's price or its release date at their Tuesday press conference.

Be sure to check out all of our coverage of E3 2010 to get our thoughts on the system and the 3DS games being shown on the show floor.


Spak-SpangJune 17, 2010

I highly doubt Nintendo will get a world wide launch this year...but it is also a no brainer that it will release everywhere in 2011. 

If Nintendo launched the 3DS anywhere this year it would probably be Japan, and potentially the US market...though honestly I see the US market having too many things going for it this year with the DS and Wii lineup...so February/March of next year would be great. 

Personally, I am hoping for a November launch this year so my parents can ship me a 3DS for my Birthday.

AVJune 17, 2010

March is the 3rd month in the Year

D is the 4th letter of the alphabet

March 4, 2011 for USA is my prediction. ( 3/4/11)

since Europe does the day/month backward it will be

April 3rd, 2011 for them. (3/4/11)

Japan needs it to release this christmas as sales has fallen dramatically for the DS line up, and I doubt the sales will peak up if they know a 3DS is coming soon.

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