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Messages - pichael

Pages: [1]
I can understand people getting frustrated that they couldn't play the game longer then he 3 set hours, no more then me because I was working and could try any of them, but you have to realise that;

1) if you like it that much they want you to buy it so don't want to give away too much from their new IP

and more importantly

2) this was a stress tests of the server. I doubt that there will be more people online at once who buy the game then try it for free and condensing it to select times pushes everyone online at once to see how the servers cope.

I thought it was a good idea Nintendo done it this way instead of day one thinking "Fingers crossed it all goes well"

TalkBack / Re: R.I.P. Louie the Cat 1998-2013
« on: July 30, 2013, 12:49:42 PM »
Awwww. I never normally comment on articles but this had made my day sad. I remember from the good old Planet GC days. Bless him.

Very strange.

I'm in the UK. Got up and read NWR as usually. Seen the post about the update. Thought awesome. First software update. Lets take a look.

Checked my system notification light, nothing. Opened it, still nothing. Opened the notifications section. Still nothing. Made sure all my settings were on for auto download etc and they were. Then thought great NOE have neglected the UK once again (We don't have any E3 videos on our eShop). Maybe we will get the update later today. Out of curiosity I thought I would check the manual update and there you go. It downloaded and installed.

The only thing i can think of is that I had Zelda (GBC) on hold. I didn't think this would affect anything though.

Very Strange. lol

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