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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: RK4ever on February 07, 2003, 04:48:03 PM

Title: Vanessa Z. S... dancing?
Post by: RK4ever on February 07, 2003, 04:48:03 PM
Has anyone seen the trailer of PN03 with Vanessa dancing and shooting lasers out of her hands?   That footage alone made me want to import this game in March.  It's nice to see a developer willing to try something new for a change.   Anyone else excited about this game?    
Title: Vanessa Z. S... dancing?
Post by: Moonwatcher on February 07, 2003, 06:10:18 PM
Getting rid of that gun was a huge improvement in my opinion.  It is nice to see that the game is taking a different direction.  Just hope it dosn't turn out to be as repetitive as what we've seen so far suggests.  I have high hopes though.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Sean on February 16, 2003, 07:38:31 AM
I think everyone's talked about, elsewhere, how the new spastic-ballerina-on-acid style of the lead character is a little...well...odd, at best.  However, if it's fun, so what?  And we all know the graphics are unbelievably killer.  Speaking of killer, Killer 7 looks incredible.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 16, 2003, 07:46:16 AM
Yeah this game looks awesome, if it lives up to my high expectations, its another 50bucks for Capcom/Nintendo.

I think this game will be a sucess, its amazing graphics, new and unique style and Mikamis talent should really make this a hit.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: StRaNgE on February 16, 2003, 07:48:57 AM
i am very looking forward to this game, hopefully it cannot be beat in 2 - 4 hours.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Sir Daniel Fortesque on February 16, 2003, 07:51:59 AM
I'm not sure about having removed the weapon, already a lot of people are starting to complain for it and those dancing moves. Oh well, is what they think anyway. Personally this isn't my type of game, it plays much like Devil May Cry, pure insane action, I think I prefer Resident Evil.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 16, 2003, 08:28:46 AM
What indicates the weapon was removed, this looks more like alternative attacking possibilities.
Im thinking this game will be bigger than DMC, and I also hope to see some other settings/environments then desert and spacestation.  
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Dr Synthetic on February 16, 2003, 09:45:19 AM
I seriously doubt this'll be bigger than Devil May Cry, due to the significantly lower install base of the GameCube, as well as the less "bad-ass" appearance of Vanessa.  I also think that the futuristic setting of the game, while attractive and marketable, doesn't have the same mass appeal that Devil May Cry's setting has.

Then again, if the gameplay is there, maybe it could move a lot of consoles.  Here's hoping it's not just Devil May Cry with different characters and settings.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: bryanee on February 16, 2003, 09:48:59 AM
after downloadin the new trailer i must say i want this, soon as its out in usa it'll be in my grubby british mitts, the visuals are sublime everything is well animated, the dancing kind of moves she has are a little wierd to watch at first but i dont care, and glad theres not poxy gun, it may not have the mainstream attention that devil may cry had but it looks like it will be much better to play.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Darc Requiem on February 16, 2003, 11:03:29 AM
I was hoping for a new trailer, its the same one from last month in a different video format. Well the game still looks cool and I will buy it. Anyone know of a general US release date. I know it hits in Japan next month but as for here I have no idea. Summer, maybe Fall?

Darc Requiem
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Grimlock on February 16, 2003, 11:31:34 AM
I seriously doubt this'll be bigger than Devil May Cry, due to the significantly lower install base of the GameCube, as well as the less "bad-ass" appearance of Vanessa. I also think that the futuristic setting of the game, while attractive and marketable, doesn't have the same mass appeal that Devil May Cry's setting has.

Add to that the fact that it has the same release date as all three console versions of Soul Calibur 2 in Japan (March 27).

Anyway, I think it looks pretty cool.  Hopefully it will be really fun.  
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: BlackGriffen on February 16, 2003, 12:07:55 PM
My god, they've turned her in to a freakin poser! and I didn't see one shark with a laser beam...

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 21, 2003, 02:43:10 AM
GREAT NEWS for all PN03 fans and especially people worried about the game being tedious.

'Neue Infos zu P.N. 03

19.02.03 - Im Actionspiel P.N. 03 stehen Heldin Vanessa neun Kostüme in verschiedenen Farben zur Verfügung. Das schreibt die Famitsu in ihrer neuesten Ausgabe. Mit jedem Anzug verändern sich ihre Fähigkeiten und Angriffsarten. Release: 27.03.03 (Japan).'

Translated: Heroine Vanessa from action game PN03 has nine different suits in different colors at disposal. This is from the newest Famitus. Every suit changes her capabilities and attacks techniques.

I WANT THIS GAME SO BAD, even more after hearing this. Its also supposed to have a really epic story.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 21, 2003, 05:07:00 AM
No reaction? This news ought to make you happy.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: egman on February 21, 2003, 05:25:24 AM
Hey, I'm happy.

I agree with others on this thread about the dancing thing. It should hopefully set us up for an extrodinary experince and provide us with some interesting gameplay that goes beyond the typical jump, strafe and shoot. Some people might be worried now about the dancing, but I was actually more worried  about the game before because nothing looked interesting about it accept the graphics.

I have to echo my sentiments from a post I just made in the F-Zero thread--These are the best times to be a fan of Nintendo, image and popularity be damned.  
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: couchmonkey on February 21, 2003, 06:54:05 AM
I'm going to go absolutely crazy and say...I wish she was still fighting with guns.  Seriously, I'm the guy who loves cel-shaded Zelda, the guy who owns maybe two M rated games in a collection of nearly 100, the guy who thinks Mario on a tropical island is way cooler than Splinter Cell or Halo.  I'm also the guy who owns every "weird" game to ever be released on the N64, and yet...Dancing?...I mean...dancing?  Your giant guns are no match for my puny dance moves!  Of course, I'm not going to let a silly thing like that stop me from playing the game, but even I thought it was cooler before, and I'm a total fruit.

Someone mentioned the dance moves being "alternate attacks"; this is what I thought at first too but if you watch the original trailer there's no dancing at all, and there's a TON of gunplay.  In the newer trailers Vanessa is never seen using a gun at all.  After going back and comparing the "before and after" trailers, I'm convinced that the guns are gone for good.  Or until Capcom changes its mind again.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: couchmonkey on February 21, 2003, 06:55:51 AM
One more thing!  I don't think dancing is going to improve the game.  I'm not just saying that from the "I want my guns" perspective, I'm saying I don't think the dancing thing is really going to add much to the gameplay that it didn't already have with guns.  But what do I know?  I obviously haven't played the game, that's just my prediction.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Demonhunter on February 21, 2003, 07:03:47 AM
*hoplessly lost* whats PNO3? lol... i'm new here
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: EggyToast on February 21, 2003, 09:21:16 AM
Product Number 3, a new game coming out soon from Capcom.

And I don't see anything about how you have to control her dancing about.  They could just be variations on special attacks (rather than doing a spin jump, drop to the ground, and fire huge beams of energy, she does a spin jump, drops to the ground, and fires huge beams of energy *WITH STYLE!*), or they could just be her getting down with her bad self.  With the frequency of her boppin' around, it looks more like she's just really funky

I mean, she could just be so detached from her job that she's bored and has some headphone-style implants and likes to get down while blowing up robots.  I mean, the way she just stands there in a lot of the movies while robots and gunfire rain around her could definitely mean that she just doesn't give a damn.

Plus a lot of the projectile weapons look like some sort of compressed energy, rather than bullets.  If you're shooting energy, isn't it more accurate if you integrate that into your hands, which are very agile and precise, rather than holding on to a rather antiquated design (the gun) for an entirely different type of weapon?  You'd imagine a hyperfuturistic technology would be better integrated into people instead of held by someone, allowing it to not only be knocked away, but also include all of the limitations of a hand-held weapon.  Kudos to Capcom for actually thinking about futuristic technology, instead of just updating what's around now.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: PaLaDiN on February 21, 2003, 09:21:22 AM
It's a Capcom game for GC.

The only problem I have with this game is the potential repetitiveness. There's only so many times you can see some girl do a half-pirouette-laser-shot in the exact same way every time before it gets old.

Unless it's a real girl ... but I digress.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: EggyToast on February 21, 2003, 11:10:43 AM
As mr. rhoid said above:

Translated: Heroine Vanessa from action game PN03 has nine different suits in different colors at disposal. This is from the newest Famitus. Every suit changes her capabilities and attacks techniques.

So you won't see the same thing each level.  We've only seen one level so far, outside that building and inside, I assume.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: babble on February 21, 2003, 11:31:02 AM
I like the idea of going to a dancing/plasma shooting lady. But I find the dancing, jumping and moving animation REALLY unpolished. It looks like Capcom didn't have enough time to give these animations the smoothness they need. I found the same problems in the old preview when she had the guns. Look at her jump! She doesn't step down before jumping or when she lands. Weird...

But I really like the rest of what they showed us. Could this be, if the story mode is good, a Perfect Dark replacement?
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 25, 2003, 06:59:44 AM

Well here they are  THE LINK
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: babble on February 25, 2003, 07:13:46 AM
If you go and look around the site linked above, you'll see that they're offering the game at a discount price!?
I don't know how much Yens are worth but here it is on the home page:
Instead of behing 6,800 yens it's gonna be 5,800 Y???

Can anyone convert this?
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Christberg on February 25, 2003, 07:19:09 AM

Originally posted by: babble
If you go and look around the site linked above, you'll see that they're offering the game at a discount price!?
I don't know how much Yens are worth but here it is on the home page:
Instead of behing 6,800 yens it's gonna be 5,800 Y???

Can anyone convert this?

That'd be roughly 50 USD.  Last I checked it's around 100 yen per dollar- granted, that was a WHILE ago.

I'm looking forward to this game quite a bit myself.  It sure would be nice to see more than just the frst level of it though.

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: babble on February 25, 2003, 07:22:06 AM
Ok, but if current new games on GC comes out at 50$US, than this game is gonna be offered at 40$US?

Why cheaper? Capcom realized this game was not all that good and decided to bring it out fast to concentrate on the other games? Would that explain the lower cost?
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 25, 2003, 08:36:09 AM
did you even look at the nine suits?

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Alliedrally68 on February 25, 2003, 09:05:20 AM
Hemmorrhoid, I've never seen that before.  Thanks for posting that!  It looks like the suits might generate element-based attacks, and the different levels must be for varying degrees of power, right?  This game just got a LOT cooler.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hostile Creation on February 25, 2003, 10:06:29 AM
I'm almost definitely getting Killer 7.  I'm not sure about PNO3, though.  Looks good, but I doubt I'll get it.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 25, 2003, 10:27:27 AM
Each and every suit features unique abilities and attacks.
I was much interested in the game and after hearing about it being very epic in story and the nine suits thing I want it more than ever, this is a must buy for me.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hostile Creation on February 25, 2003, 10:29:48 AM
Curses!  Now i'm interested. . . I don't have money for all of these games!
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 25, 2003, 11:04:51 AM
Yeah you should be, after all, PN03 really promises alot.
The amazing graphics are already visible, and if the promised epicness (does that word exist?)
and the obvious variety in gameplay (with the 9suits) its bound to become a HIT. Maybe even one of this years bestsellers atleast in the West.

This game greatly fits in my coming library because its a contrast to other games I plan on buying soon like Zelda, FF:CC, F-Zero,Soul Calibur etc
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: babble on February 25, 2003, 11:32:07 AM
Ok, Hemorroid, we've looked at the 9 suits!

But, don't you think that the animations for her dancing and jumping are not that great!?

Hey, I' m really interested in this game since day one, but I always found that her animations needed a lot more work. Which it seems, that they didn't do.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Riotamus on February 25, 2003, 11:54:33 AM
Has anyone got her phone-number, she looks fitter than a butchers dog, and kicks ass, lol, but seriously, i got a cover dvd on a magazine i get regularly, which had the 'capcom 5' on which included RE4, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7, Dead Pheonix and P.N.03 and all i can say is i'm gonna be skint this year.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: StRaNgE on February 25, 2003, 03:20:22 PM
she is based off your typical raver chick.
which  i think will help boost sales in japan.
the rave scene  has grown over the last  few years over there.

the 9 suits look to be the same suit to me, just  9 different colors.

i never noticed the change they made till now about the  laser shooting from her hand  and not a gun.. when did that happen?
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Darc Requiem on February 25, 2003, 03:42:22 PM
Hey Hemmorrhoid, how many times did you mention the 9 different suits before anyone paid attention? I know it had to be at least 3 or 4 posts? Anyway I appreciate your diligence as it looks like its getting people to discuss the different possibilites of the game. I was kind of getting sick of the "it looks repetitive" posts

Darc Requiem  
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: JSR on February 25, 2003, 03:52:31 PM
This game looks great. When I first heard about it I thought it might be a good game (coming from such a good game designer) but now that I’ve seen it in motion it looks great! Her dance moves are a little choppy though. Anyway, the nine different suites could turn out to be very interesting. Even though they look the same, one color might increase firepower while another increases speed. Or maybe the suites will be likes Samus’s suites. Of course I could be way off and all they do is change her look.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: KrazyJ1098 on February 25, 2003, 04:24:01 PM
you have to remember that might have been an old feed, remember how crappy metroid prime looked until we saw the final version of it? this games choppiness can and will be fixed. so dont worry, capcom knows what they are doing.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: RahXephon on February 25, 2003, 06:57:07 PM
I agree with krazy.
This game is just gorgeous.  Period.  No questions asked.  It is both bright and dark at the same time.  
I love the whole design of everything, especially the 9 suits.
For those of you who say those moves could get repedative, OoT had the same 3 sword attacks, but no one complained there, because the game was just too good.  I doubt the several moves we have seen will consist of all the possible attacks.  From what i see, the targeting system looks pretty good, and it even appears you can hide in the shadows.  The robots are awsome.
I know some of the story is that her parents were killed when she was young by the robots on that planet, and so she is going for revenge, but i heard that ALOOOOONNNNGGGG time ago.
Anyway this game is definetly on my most wanted list.  It just looks like too much fun to pass up.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 26, 2003, 06:17:22 AM
Great finally you looked at the NINE SUITS!
I think we know too little about this game to be judgemental about it, but so far indications are its a good game if not excellent.
This game is just what we need.

And just like StRaNge said, the girl looks like a raver chick, hell, pack the game with some LSD or Speed and we got the new bestseller in Japan

Back on topic, do you guys think this game will feature more than just those stage designs we saw, like a Fire or City like world?
After all, theres 9 suits and the footage of what we saw only showed one suit, and that was in the space station and the desert part.

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: RahXephon on February 26, 2003, 06:48:33 AM
I do believe there will be many more stages, i dont know if they will be in the woods and stuff, but i believe there will be variations of the same atmosphere.  Like instead of going down the bright hallways, maybe go through dark sections of the building like generator rooms and stuff.  Capcom has been around long enough to know not to make the whole game in the same levels.  I believe we are in for a treat with this one.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on February 26, 2003, 08:26:19 AM
absolutely, this game is slowly beggining to be my most anticipated game after Zelda and F-Zero for the first part of 2003
this game could be a great hit, a huge hit infact

i was a little sceptic at first, but the awesome graphics, the obvious variation, the promised epic storyline and the fact that Mikami is doing this one all changed my mind
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Mingesium on March 02, 2003, 02:21:01 PM
KidTendo put up an interview with the producer.

The game has more stages and environments. The game is an arcade shooter so it doesn't have a deep storyline.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Gonandorf on March 02, 2003, 07:13:07 PM
I know i'll get flamed for this,but i really couldn't help but notice something that bothers me about PN03.the  game-although it has beautiful graphics-does suffer from a limited variation of colors.

Now,i've seen all the trailers released for the games,and i've seen them over and over again.i just can't get over the idea of having to play in a beautifully drawn environemtn with only a few colors on screen.Don;t get me wrong,i'm not one to call for SMSS variety of colors,but the least i expect is something in the level of Metorid Prime.

on the other hand,i'm in for anything Mikami-san chooses to equip Vanessa with.guns,dancing,whatever,as long as it's fun,i don't care which weapon she uses,and perhaps her dancing will be relieving from the tiresom shoot-em-up genre.

i think i talked too much,hehe.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: SilverBack1138 on March 02, 2003, 08:18:21 PM
I'm really excited about these new Capcom games that are coming out like the rest of you.  The only that I'm not really too into is Viewitful Joe.  It just seems too weird for me.  I still give it a try to see if it's better than I think.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: SC5 on March 02, 2003, 08:30:43 PM

Originally posted by: Gonandorf
I know i'll get flamed for this,but i really couldn't help but notice something that bothers me about PN03.the  game-although it has beautiful graphics-does suffer from a limited variation of colors.

Now,i've seen all the trailers released for the games,and i've seen them over and over again.i just can't get over the idea of having to play in a beautifully drawn environemtn with only a few colors on screen.Don;t get me wrong,i'm not one to call for SMSS variety of colors,but the least i expect is something in the level of Metorid Prime.

The choice in the colors are supposed to give the game style man. That's the first thing that stroke me about it, I simply fell to my knees when I saw the different hues of black on white with the occasional bright colors added for beams and special moves. The game is incredibly stylish, and fits extremely well in the high-tech futuristic background it's trying to project. This is what I dreamed games on the new-gen consoles would be like.

In any case, here's what I heard about PN03's gameplay. With the points you collect by defeating enemies you can purchase Aegis Suits and "tune up" different abilities. Each of the different Aegis Suits have different maximum limit for Attack/Defense/Energy stats (initially?), and you can "tune up" (customize?) with the points you collect.

Orange coloured gauge is "Energy Drive Gauge". It will deplete with the use of Energy Drive (special attack?).

Green gauge is "Barrier Gauge". When it's empty, it's game over.

You can fill each gauge with corresponding items found in the stages. The number shown is amount of (above mentioned) points you've collected.

By destroying enemies in succession (within certain time), you start a combo, which increases bonus points. Collected points can be used to purchase different Aegis Suits, items, & etc. at the end of each mission. By destroying enemies effectively, you can extend combo which leads to high points (which leads to more "customization").

This is a game that I am very highly anticipating, along with the rest of capcom's 5.

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Gonandorf on March 02, 2003, 10:32:00 PM
Thanks for clearing that up,SC5>i never thought of it that's not to say i wasnt looking forward to the game.In fact i am planning on buying all the five games",with Killer 7 being my personal top.You really helped me adjust my view of the game.Thanks again
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on March 03, 2003, 05:04:02 AM
Yeah my personal top are Killer 7 and PN03, but ill sure buy RE4 and Viewtiful Joe.
I think PN03 is a sleeper hit.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Berto2K on March 07, 2003, 05:52:59 PM
Capcom released a new trailer fot PNO3 today. Quick everyone grab it, hehe, I can handle the traffic with on my space:

PNO3 Trailer (12 MB)
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: rpglover on March 07, 2003, 06:10:45 PM
i just got the new video of it from ign--- this game looks incredible now
we all know the game looked good from before but now it looks better
the video also shows footage of her suits in action
also the moves look a lot less choppy than they did in the first trailer
the animation also looks to be more fluid
if this game isn't too text heavy, it could be a good import title when it comes out
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Gibdo Master on March 07, 2003, 08:23:44 PM
Until watching the new vid I wasn't to sure about this game and the dancing thing. Since they showed off more moves it finally hit me that this is all about sex. It's like the evolution of Lara Croft. In the Tomb Raider games you had a hot big boobed fem fatale but she didn't really do anything sexy. Everything Vanessa does on the other hand is sexy. That's the whole point of those dance like moves. Did anyone else notice that at about 1:03 into the video that she is standing totally still except she is shaking her ass back and forth while shooting something. HOT DAMN I'm not complaining either because this game just looks so kick ass. I have a feeling that everyone will forget about old Lara Croft after this game is released.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Berto2K on March 07, 2003, 08:40:05 PM
I'm still not sure about the whole dance moves thing. But it should work out just fine in the gameplay since its coming from Capcom. Seems to me that Capcom had similar ideas whith this and Viewtiful Joe. Both involve some type of artistic fighting.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: StRaNgE on March 07, 2003, 11:03:15 PM
what are the release dates again?
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on March 08, 2003, 01:48:41 AM

THis games gonna rock. I told you so, soon all doubters will vanish.
Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: CaptainN on March 08, 2003, 07:23:03 AM
Hi guys (and gals) --

Just wanted to throw in my two cents about this latest foray into
"alternative" gaming from Capcom.  Knowing that Shinji Mikami is directly behind a game of this nature is certainly surprising, to say the least. The game appears to be quite an aberration, especially compared to both Dino Crisis and Resident Evil.

I'm not sure I am as excited about this game as some people in this post. The concept resembles Sega's United Artists' Space Channel 5.  Granted, this game is more action-oriented, but thus far, the motion captured dance moves don't look as well-done as SPC5.  The game generally looks like SPC5 meets DMC -- I'm not as sure the gameplay will be as varied, however, as DMC.

Still, the game definitely looks promising. Graphically, the Gamecube is very much proven it can handle more polygons AND look better than the PS2.  I just bought Onimusha II for my PS2, and let me tell ya, graphically, RE on Nintendo makes Onimusha look like a PSOne game. Yes. I mean it.  

I was just thinking about the title -- you notice something?  Yeah, the abbreviation "PNO3" stands for Product Number 3 --- BUT just try saying the individual letters -- P --- N --- O  (Piano?)...

Title: PN03 Discussion
Post by: StRaNgE on March 08, 2003, 01:25:35 PM
wouldn't that be    (P-AN-O)
not                         (P-N-O)
