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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: LassePalle on January 22, 2004, 06:27:51 AM

Title: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: LassePalle on January 22, 2004, 06:27:51 AM
Samus will relive her first adventure this February. Find out what the improvements are.

Source: Nintendo News Letter

Nintendo has just released some new info about their upcoming GBA title Metroid Zero. Scheduled to release this February, the game will be an updated remake of the original Metroid for the NES. Apart from improved graphics and sound, the game will have an expanded plot. While the basic story elements will be familiar to fans of the original, new cut-scenes have been implemented to bring the plot further to life. Also, new power-ups can be acquired - some of which stem from other installments of the series, while others - such as the Power Grip and the Zip Line - have never been seen before. What these do is still a mystery.

For more information, you can check out

Edit: Link fixed.  
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Chode2234 on January 22, 2004, 07:22:10 AM
I can't bloody wait, should be just what I need!
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: PaLaDiN on January 22, 2004, 07:25:47 AM
I can't bloody wait either.

They better make it slightly better than the last one though. Less linear, less story.

Heh, I never thought I'd want a game to have less story.  
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: BlackGriffen on January 22, 2004, 08:32:27 AM
"Cut scenes"? Noooooooo!

Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: babaloulou on January 22, 2004, 09:28:59 AM
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 22, 2004, 09:35:50 AM
Fixed the link in Lasse's post.

I'm pumped about these new powers.  I was really disappointed in the lack of new upgrades in Fusion, even though there were some new intrinsic abilities like being able to hang on ledges.  It looks like even some of the recycled powers from other games have been tweaked in various ways for Zero Mission.

Also exciting is that since Zero Mission is based on the original game and therefore will probably reuse much of the old level designs and sequencing, we probably will get a more open, slower-paced experience than Fusion was.

By the way, we are going to have a ton of new information on Zero Mission next week, including impressions of the final version and a review before the ship date.
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Bill Aurion on January 22, 2004, 09:37:49 AM
Ahhh, nostalgia... ^_^
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: dog_from_duckhunt on January 22, 2004, 09:56:27 AM
Metroid: Zero Mission GET!
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Shin Gallon on January 22, 2004, 10:15:00 AM
I am all over this game when it comes out...I've wanted a Super Metroid quality remake of the first Metroid since...well, since Super Metroid. Now if they'll redo Metroid II, we'll be full-circle : )
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Bartman3010 on January 22, 2004, 04:11:42 PM
Reminds me of the Kirby remake...

...whats next?

Must be Super Mario Advance 5: Super Mario Bros.
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Djunknown on January 22, 2004, 04:18:10 PM
Since the creator of Metroid has passed on, those that are carrying the metroid liscense now have to take it in other, subtle directions just as how Nintendo's other franchises evolved.

A little story/cutscene never hurt anyone. My guess is this title will bridge some gaps. As long as it doesn't hold your hand, it should be ok.
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: uwvark on January 22, 2004, 05:03:46 PM
Hmm I don't know if that is going to make it good enough for me to buy. Sure I love Metroid but N is just whorin' out remakes like crazy now a days. Aw I'll probably get it eventually anyway (for the collection).
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Deguello on January 22, 2004, 05:23:47 PM
I'm stoked because *SHOCKHORROR* I hated the original Metroid.  That's a series that gets better with age.
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: mouse_clicker on January 22, 2004, 05:28:51 PM
The original Metroid was incredibly hard- I never actually finished because I just kept dying.
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: BlkPaladin on January 22, 2004, 07:38:55 PM
I finished it several times. But it looks like I get to do it again for the very first time.
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Caterkiller on January 23, 2004, 06:23:58 AM
The original Metroid was one of the hardest games I ever played. I did manage to beat it but not with everything, I didn't even find the screw attack. I just hope this time you will be able to combine power beams or at least switch between them instead of going back and forth.  
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: FroM ThA GamEcAve on January 23, 2004, 06:50:15 AM
The first Metroid was the first game of its kind it was also one of the first games thaty not only allowed you to move freely in the horizontal plane (remember how you couldn't backtrack in SMB?) but elaborated on Kid Icarus' vertical scrolling levels allowing you to not only ascend but descend into the deeper darker depths of zeebes. Alot of you veteran gamers  probabally can reminisce with me- trying to play this game like a traditional side-scroller. After receiving this game I was kinda dissappointed (I  really wanted Kid Icarus) the first few times I played it I found myself dying  way too easy which caused me to allow this game to sit and gather dust.................. fast foward a few years. I was 8 or 9 years old
my parents went away on a business trip and left me completely alone (my Nintendo was my babysitter)
I had gotten tired of trying to escape minus world on SMB (25 times in two minutes yea right!) and needed a change, so I  popped in Metroid after  I realized that this game had (well) hidden powerups , I began exploring.By about 6:00 in the evening I had made it deep into Norfair. This was my first expeirence of a survival horror game . If you tried to correct your step on a small ledge after killing a huge Disega( i think that was what those side hoppers were called in Norfair) Another would pop up just as fast as you scroll the screen making my small fingers work at light speed. The music sent chills down my spine as nightfall hit . I remember taking a break and walking around my house with that music still playing it felt like my house was an extension of Zeebes but, the only enemies were the ghosts of my solitary paranoia I beat Metroid around 10:30 that night and it changed  my tastes for games forever .Prior to Metroid there were very few games that didn't require you just to get from point A to point B (besides zelda anyways) . I must admit that Metroid PRIME  made some of those paranoid emotions surface again ( the research facillities in phendrana drifts [!]) I am VERy intrested to see how they have remastered the great Gumpei Yokoi's masterpeice.  Now they just have to re-release all 4 prevoius metroids in 2.5D  on cube and i'll be able do die a happy man.
PS ... a new KID Icaraus is a must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HORROR !!!!!!!!!
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Ian Sane on January 23, 2004, 07:34:49 AM
Despite the fact that I own every Metroid game but the first one (I don't have an NES but I have played it via another method that I won't get into ) I have never beaten any of them because, well, I suck at beating the bosses.  I love the exploring gameplay style but I've always been bad with game bosses and sure enough there's always one that schools me everytime.

My big gripe with the original Metroid is the same gripe I have with a lot of NES games: the technical limitations make the game unnecessarily difficult.  Just like how it irritates the f*ck out of me that Link's sword has no range in The Legend of Zelda I can't stand how Samus is unable to shoot diagonally in Metroid.  That just makes the game brutally difficult because some of flying enemies come at you at an angle thus making it nearly impossible to shoot them.  With that technical limitation gone and with a map (another missing element that makes the original too hard) Zero Mission should make for a much more playable Metroid game.  I can't wait even though I'll likely get smoked by some boss I can't beat like always.

While I typically don't care for re-releases and remakes I think remakes of some of the best NES games for the GBA would be great.  Aside from Metroid I'd like to see remakes of Kid Icarus, both Zelda games, and maybe some more obscure stuff like Star Tropics.  Unlike SNES ports these games actually could use a redoing.  It would be nice if they included the originals too for comparison.  
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: KDR_11k on January 23, 2004, 07:35:07 AM
4 previous Metroids? Do you count Fusion here or what?
Title: RE:New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: LJKKJLCM9 on January 23, 2004, 10:41:11 AM
Well, Nintendo as well as other gaming companies had problems with people and emulators.  Whenever they asked someone why they used the emulator, the most common reply was that the great old games weren';t available anymore.  So, what better place to re-release games than on the GBA, bot only do people get the best old games re-made, the games are portable too.  Personally I look forward to every game they re-release.  I am especially looking forward to the megaman collection games being released.  The best games are the old one, and I can't wait until every game is eventually re-released...
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: Ian Sane on January 23, 2004, 10:54:13 AM
My usual beef with Nintendo's GBA re-releases is that they always make slight changes to the game.  Now in the case of Zero Mission it's cool because it's a complete remake.  However the GBA versions of A Link to the Past and Yoshi's Island are not full-on remakes but Nintendo still adds all these irritating changes like voice samples.  As a result the GBA version is not a full on remake and is also NOT the same game that was released on the SNES.  Therefore in order to play those games as they were originally played you still have to either use emulation or own the SNES version.

It also bugs me that we're expected to pay $30 for each Mario game seperately when ten years ago we could get four Mario games on one SNES cartridge.  If it's an old game I shouldn't be expected to pay full price for it.  They should come in collections like Midway Arcade Treasures or Sonic Mega Collection.  Those re-releases are amazing because not only are the games in their original form but you also get a whole bunch of them for the price of one.
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: vudu on January 23, 2004, 10:55:43 AM
they day they re-release mc kids is the day i shoot myself.
Title: RE: New Metroid Zero Info
Post by: FroM ThA GamEcAve on January 23, 2004, 01:16:45 PM
Metroid Fusion? Of course!!. Just to keep everything consistent .Also a gba veraion of Metroid 2 would be nice!

Yes the first Metroid had some control issues but really what games did'nt  back then?. (Even the first SMB had sluggish control) I mean were talking 1986- a time when if you fell down the same path that you traveled up, the screen wouldn't scroll and you would die. When I mentioned "Survival Horror" earlier,  a BIG part of that horror  WAS the lack of a diagonal shot  and unless you had the screw attack or the ice beam you would constantly be firing and backing up a little - only to scroll another copy of the enemy back on the screen. Back then you had to figure out alternatives to sloppy control, we are spoiled theese days !!. As for remakes, of course we want to see new franchises  but honestly theese companies know the have a "sure bet" releasing a revamped classic title.  Kid Icaraus is a title that I know everyone wants to see re-released , but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was trying to figure out a new way to play it. Really that game WAS a test of several ways to improve on the traditional side scroller. you can see Marios' influence, some early vertical scrolling even some Zelda-esque duengeon crawling. To bring it into the new day you would see a game that played very similar to the new castlevania on PSpoo (heavy 2.5d influence with some 3D deungeon exploration). Star Tropics would also bea great remake!!! Bring em' on!!!!!!!!!!