Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: renegadeandy on November 23, 2003, 11:31:56 AM

Title: how long will gamecube last
Post by: renegadeandy on November 23, 2003, 11:31:56 AM
hi, just wondering how long u guys think the gamecube will last from now, 1 month, 12 months, 2 years???, what do u think
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 23, 2003, 11:35:46 AM
Until the next gen starts, which should be around mid-to-late 2005...
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: renegadeandy on November 23, 2003, 11:39:54 AM
nah but, i mean, the xbox and ps2 have wqayy more titles coming out
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on November 23, 2003, 11:42:30 AM
I was also wondering if Nintendo would try and keep Gamecube alive longer even after its next console  like Sony did with the PSone.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 23, 2003, 11:57:58 AM

Originally posted by: renegadeandy
nah but, i mean, the xbox and ps2 have wqayy more titles coming out
And since when has quantity been worth more than quality?

Four Swords
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Tales of Symphonia
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Baten Kaitos
Paper Mario
Star Fox GC
Wind Waker 2
Metroid Prime 2
Mario 128
Killer 7
Resident Evil 4
Mario Tennis
Donkey Konga

Ninty has way more quality exclusive titles on the way...
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: SevereTireDamage on November 23, 2003, 12:08:39 PM
With all those titles mentioned, though some are purely speculative, I do think that the GC will last a mininum 8 months from now, though I wouldn't put it past Dec. 2004 since we should all know about next gen systems by then, and all three systems will have the same problem by then.

Here's hoping that we'll get backwards compatibility with the Cube.... it'll definitely help the PS3 sales, and possibly X-Box Next.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 23, 2003, 01:46:14 PM
Wait till Tales of Symphonia comes out, then re-ask the question.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Shadow Link on November 23, 2003, 02:27:12 PM
Resident Evil 4 is going to blow ps2 and xbox completly out of the water.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: PIAC on November 23, 2003, 02:38:21 PM
about five minutes, they all have time bombs built into them you know.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on November 23, 2003, 03:23:50 PM
Thanks PIAC. I almost got blown up but saved myself by putting tootpaste in oatmael and cooking it on high for 5 minutes. Then i put it on top of my gamecube and cover your gamecube with a pair of boxers it fixed everything and it didnt blow up. It saved me and i encourage all of you to try the same.
If your gamecube is ruined because of oatmael dont blame me, blame PIAC. Wait no hes hosting my avatar, blame the scary oatmeal guy.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Mario on November 23, 2003, 03:26:49 PM
GameCube will last longer than Xbox.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 23, 2003, 03:26:50 PM
I don't think that was a timer for a bomb that you saw, it was the timer for the waffle iron...

Now you can't even enjoy yummy, crisp waffles while playing your GC because you got oatmeal all over it...Noone to blame but yourself, not Mr. Quaker...
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: the_zombie_luke on November 23, 2003, 05:57:49 PM
The GameCube will last, as long as their people playing it and enjoying it, long after games stop coming out for it.  
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: THE_BLINK_EFFECT on November 23, 2003, 06:21:00 PM
i think the Gamecube should last to at least to December 2004 but it all depends if the upcoming titles like MGS: twin snakes and FF: crystal chronicles whether they sell well but you never know.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Ocarina Blue on November 23, 2003, 11:18:25 PM
I see no reason why the GC shouldn't outlast the X-Box. The PS2 might be a more ambitious goal, but it's old hardware, and the GC is already beginning to catch up. The GC has many good exclusive games announced, good archetecture and a growing fanbase. People seem to assume that the GC will have a shorter lifespan than the other big consoles, but I see little evidence to support it.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: ghostVi on November 23, 2003, 11:28:30 PM
Depends on how you define "alive" for a console. If it's about getting new games, then it will last years and years after the next gen (meaning N5 etc) console launch. Look at Dreamcast, there are still new games coming out for it in Japan, even really good once (...Ikaruga comes to mind...).

If "alive" means producing the hardware - I have no idea, but I'd guess it will be stopped some time after the next gen launch...
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Masterchief on November 24, 2003, 12:27:30 PM

Originally posted by: Shadow Link
Resident Evil 4 is going to blow ps2 and xbox completly out of the water.

I really do enjoy the intelligence of your responce. But every console will have a great game, xbox is getting fable,Arx Fatalis,Ninja Gaiden,StarCraft: Ghost, and halo 2 and a few more im not gonna list(incase they are just over-hyped), gamecube will get a few(dont feel like listing), and I dunno what the hell ps2 will have. but the point is, at this moment no one single game will blow the other consoles outta the water, except for halo2.
But the gamecube is not doing too well, the market of nintendo fanboys is saturated, the price is now that of 2 games, I just dont think it has a strong future. it just seems to me its pulling a sega dreamcast. Sure it will be a classic, but it just wont hold out as long as you would like it to.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 24, 2003, 12:54:22 PM
"no one single game will blow the other consoles outta the water, except for halo2."

- Why so?

"I just dont think it has a strong future. it just seems to me its pulling a sega dreamcast."

- This is your thesis.

"Sure it will be a classic, but it just wont hold out as long as you would like it to."

- This is your first argument.

-- I see no evidence to support the argument.

--- Given the weak argument, the thesis just fell apart.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Ian Sane on November 24, 2003, 12:55:34 PM
The Cube will last until Nintendo's next console launches be that 2005, 2006, whenever.  The only reason Nintendo would ever discontinue the Cube earlier than that would be if they themselves went broke.  Unless they make a new diamond encrusted Virtual Boy that's not going to happen before the next console.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: savanna03 on November 24, 2003, 01:40:58 PM
the games for GCN will last longer beyond the N5 aslong they will put a backward compability on it.  if their is a format for it, i dont think developers will give up on GCN KIT right away and if u dont believe me just ask PSX.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Grey Ninja on November 24, 2003, 01:50:55 PM

Originally posted by: SevereTireDamage
With all those titles mentioned, though some are purely speculative, I do think that the GC will last a mininum 8 months from now, though I wouldn't put it past Dec. 2004 since we should all know about next gen systems by then, and all three systems will have the same problem by then.

Here's hoping that we'll get backwards compatibility with the Cube.... it'll definitely help the PS3 sales, and possibly X-Box Next.

WTF???  Which games are speculative?  Minimum 8 months?  Tell your Mom off for me for smoking crack while pregnant.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Masterchief on November 24, 2003, 02:23:11 PM

Originally posted by: Professional 666
"no one single game will blow the other consoles outta the water, except for halo2."

- Why so?

"I just dont think it has a strong future. it just seems to me its pulling a sega dreamcast."

- This is your thesis.

"Sure it will be a classic, but it just wont hold out as long as you would like it to."

- This is your first argument.

-- I see no evidence to support the argument.

--- Given the weak argument, the thesis just fell apart.

well first, i was joking about halo 2, ha, its going to be great though.
second, yes a thesis I will now get more into
third, dont you guys still have your dreamcasts? Ive got 2 of them.

okay so anyway, any of you sega fans? no dont think so, most of you are nintendo fan boys. Dreamcast did the same thing. Strong fan support and lowered prices got it selling with a FEW good games. but what next? the price drop is an obvious sign, if it was selling well, why would the price need to be dropped. simple logic my dear watson. also online for DC was crappy, which I also notice with gamecube. You have to pay for each game you play, instead of having one centralized server, you have many. Bad idea. So basically its gonna fade, but its worth having the few good games.

oh and btw, thankyou to Professional 666 for being a fu(king moron and making me explain myself.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: cubeboy96 on November 24, 2003, 02:29:52 PM
Omg you loser, The CUBE IS AWSOME its like 2 times faster then anyothe console out there. And its small not like that HUGE Xbox with controlers I dont even like! OMG who would make somthing that retarded, all the games suck for it.

the cube has bettter graphics, i knowthe xbox is faster, but its so big it takles like 20 times longer then the nintendo awsome cube to transfer megapixle poltriangulates. And the the games are better even on a smaller disk

PS2 XBOX sux! Ive always bought nintendo because the system will NEVER go down!  
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Ridley on November 24, 2003, 02:31:44 PM
"most of you are nintendo fan boys."

Prove it.

"the price drop is an obvious sign, if it was selling well, why would the price need to be dropped."

It's selling well BECAUSE the price dropped. Check your facts.

"oh and btw, thankyou to Professional 666 for being a fu(king moron and making me explain myself."

Flaming someone for disagreeing. How mature of you.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on November 24, 2003, 02:34:48 PM
Ahahahahahaha, cubeboy and masterchief have the same IP

This thread is now for comedy purposes only and will be moved to general chat.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Nintendo Gamecube on November 24, 2003, 02:56:12 PM
No surprise there, another anti-Nintendo fan trying to preach us that Nintendo sucks...Doesn't he realize it is hopeless and he will ultimately fail.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Swordsplay on November 24, 2003, 03:09:33 PM
I guess this will be locked in about a millisecond.


Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 24, 2003, 03:14:44 PM
I've thoroughly enjoyed Shenmue, Shenmue II UK, Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 (featuring Virtua Cop 2 which I use my imported Walter PPK light gun with!), House of the Dead 2, and Confidential Mission.  However, this library pales compared to the great games in my larger N64 library.  However, this library pales in comparison to the great games in my larger GameCube library.

My GameCube makes-a good-a COFFEE.

I will not pay $49.99 to play "last year's" PC shooters.  And I'm certainly not paying to play GameCube games online.  The whole console online scene is a mess, in my coffee-blinded eyes.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 24, 2003, 03:18:39 PM

With all those titles mentioned, though some are purely speculative

The only one of those titles we don't have an official confirmation is coming out for the Gamecube is Mario 128 because there's a possibility it could be pushed back for Nintendo's next console. Otherwise, that is a completely false statement.

I don't know about quality, since obviously none of us have played it, but Resident Evil 4 graphically blows everything else out of the water, including Halo 2.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Swordsplay on November 24, 2003, 03:21:04 PM
Half life 2 has killer graphics to
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 24, 2003, 03:26:50 PM
Indeed it does, but it's also a PC game and I was referring to consoles. Still, I don't think it looks better than RE4, and Re4 is still roughly a year away, while Half Life 2 is due out early next year, and was supposed to come out this year.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Swordsplay on November 24, 2003, 03:30:29 PM
i think theyll last longer, as long as they think of new zeldas and 3d beautiful graphic Metroid games.

Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Jdub03 on November 25, 2003, 08:01:46 AM
What does it matter how long gamecube will last.  When it quietly dies, the next nintendo system will be out to enjoy.  Play what you like.  If you dont like what you play.  Dont play it.
Title: RE:how long will gamecube last
Post by: Swordsplay on November 25, 2003, 08:06:29 AM
I think nintendo has to think of a new character.  Maybe a mutant or a dragon or something to boost sales, that would be cool.
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: ghostVi on November 25, 2003, 11:08:58 AM
Masterchief, there's really no point comparing Gamecube to Dreamcast, Dreamcast died for 2 reasons, combined AFAIK: 1) Sega was in financial trouble at the time and 2) Sony's PS2. They just didn't have the cash to fight, that's all.

Nintedo is in no financial trouble right now, they are competitive and they DO fight for GC's market share (and are winning).

BTW I love my Dreamcast, it's really sad Sega didn't manage to push it more...

And yeah, a nintendo dragon would be real cool
Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Swordsplay on November 25, 2003, 11:15:36 AM
yes it would.

mmmm dragon

*drools over dragon avatar*

Title: RE: how long will gamecube last
Post by: Jdub03 on November 25, 2003, 11:48:07 AM
Why do you like dragons so much Swordplay