Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: BlackNMild2k1 on November 14, 2003, 01:10:06 PM

Title: Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on November 14, 2003, 01:10:06 PM
I have a good friend that manages a Major videogame retail store, and he has brought it to my attention that not oly the Xbox but also the PS2 will be having a (temporary?) price drop soon.  
'Soon' as in as early as wednesday next week but definately before Thanksgiving, and by price drop i mean from $179.00 ----> $99.00.  
That will be in absolute direct competion with the Gamecube cutting into the nice and cushy price buffer that GC has been taking advantage of.

I can't say for sure this is 100% true, but my friend isn't the type to just make it up from no where.
so if anyone else can also confirm the validity of this rumor please do.
Title: RE:Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: Avinash_Tyagi on November 14, 2003, 01:19:03 PM
Doubtful, since both systems are not making much if any money at their current price points, why would they risk hemmoraging money by dropping it by $80 dollars, especially MS.
Title: RE:Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: AERO on November 14, 2003, 02:29:17 PM
I'd say doubtful only becuase thats one hell of a price drop.

But if it did occur I wouldn't look at it as a crazy move. Both have the cash to make it happen. And if ps2 does is xbox will follow. I believe that was almost directly quoted.  
Title: RE:Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 14, 2003, 03:03:20 PM
Sony doesn't need the price drop, since PS2 sales are still far higher than the XBox's or Gamecubes, and Microsoft can't afford a price drop. It's false.
Title: RE: Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: manunited4eva22 on November 14, 2003, 03:54:34 PM
Do you guys just cut and paste this off some other forum that made a template?  I swear its the same thing every time.
Title: The NWR Conspiracy - Fight The Front Page
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on November 14, 2003, 04:39:49 PM

I've tried to tell this story several times before, but due to the extensive efforts of the NWR forum staff to cover it up, I have not been successful. That is why I am having to bury this truth in this ancient text in hopes that they do not discover it immediately and you actually have time to read it.

The last 3 attempts to tell of this NWR conspiracy have been erased of the face of the internet with no trace that it had ever existed in the first place. The post were made, they were then erased and there were no edit tags to be found.

Well, now onto the conspiracy.

Earlier today, NWR posted a news story in which there was a factual error. This error was pointed out by forum user in the first reply (#1) to which I also commented on in the third reply (#3). I then went about my day only to return to the computer several hours later to find that not only has the news story been corrected, but the original 1st post that corrected the main story was gone and replaced by a post from a completely different poster. Not only that, but my comment in my reply about the correction was missing too, only there was no edit tags to the post.... as if it were never changed. But you will now notice that my post is no longer #3, but now #2.

Having seen what had conspired, i used the abbreviation tags to hide the truth in a follow-up post as sort of an "encrypted" message to be discovered by other forum members. Moments after that text had been in place no sooner had it been removed... once again, without a trace.

Realizing that they were onto me, I then edited that same post with a little message to the conspirators instructing them to stop what they are doing and quit trying to hide he truth. Afterwards I went to the Funhouse and created a Lone thread to which I was to post the details of this conspiracy, even citing in the first line that it may be erased before you got a chance to read it. I was most certainly not wrong about that.

That is once again why I am burying the truth here, were it will hopefully one day be discovered by someone that does not seek to cover up the truth, but to share it.

The news story in question:
[/color]Nintendo's Expansion Ports (

The Factual error:
NWR Staff Member, Dan_X
stated that Rob was connected to the NES through one of the expansion ports on the bottom of the unit
Quote from: recreation of original news story

First up is the Famicom and NES. Unlike the NES, the Famicom came with hard-wired controllers. Any extra controllers and peripherals could be plugged into Nintendo's first expansion port, which was located at the front of the machine. This port was used to host light guns, 3D shutter glasses, keyboards, extra controllers, R.O.B. and other items.

So spread the word, don't let them bury the truth like they have already attempted on 3 separate occasions.
The Truth is out there. Fight the Front Page.
I want to believe.

Original Post:I actually hears this from the mouth of a friend of mine, he Manages a big videogame retail shop and said that this is all supposed to be a big surprise to all shoppers just before the thaksgiving holiday shopping spree.  Its all suppossed to be on the hush hush and I'm not supposed to know, but if it is true then I think i will be owning a PS2 and/or maybe a Xbox along side my GC com this thanksgiving holiday
Title: RE: Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: KDR_11k on November 14, 2003, 11:29:35 PM
If that's true... Yay, we'll get rid of Microsoft!
Title: RE: Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: ghostVi on November 17, 2003, 01:51:22 AM
Thanksgiving seems to be the real thing out there Wasn't the cube supposed to be $80 in Walmart just after the day?
Title: RE: Rumor Report - PS2 & Xbox
Post by: thecubedcanuck on November 17, 2003, 03:18:38 AM
My local EB store has the x-box and 5 games for 229.00 canadian, I saw numerous poeple buying them on the weekend, and the 5 games are pretty much brutal.

As for the price drop, I honestly believe a short term (3 day weekend) price drop is very much a possibility.