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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Pikkcuber on October 26, 2003, 04:19:14 PM

Title: Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Pikkcuber on October 26, 2003, 04:19:14 PM
Nintendo has a lot of franchises, so much so that they can be spread out to accomadate for steady sales.  But we've been seeing a blitz of good titles coming at us for the holiday season(mario kart,mario party5, zelda tetras trackers kirbys air ride,pikmin 2) and some in the late winter early spring months.  BUt do you think that nintendo should halt production of some games (animal crossing,mario 128, paper mario, Donkey Kong GC, Metroid Prime 2, a new zelda) so they would have so hot titles for the N5 when its launched.  It would suck having a mario realsed a couple monthes before the N5, so the N5 doesnt have one.  I think they should not hurry the animla crossing 2 devlopment, that game takes time.  Paper mario is proably still in the early stages.  So what do you guys think.  I always like to not hurry game productions so you get  a better product but if they dont hurry they might have to make that game for the N5.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: XBR on October 26, 2003, 04:28:11 PM
Super Mario RPG came out right before the N64, and N64 had Super Mario 64.  So their is no reason why they cant have two killer apps in the works.  One to benefit Game Cube and one to benifit the N5!
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 26, 2003, 04:30:27 PM
The only titles that I think will be pushed back are Pilotwings and Animal Crossing 2...At least I hope they push back AC2; I want even more interaction than the first one

All I can say is this: Next year's E3 will more than make up for this year's "lackluster" showing...
Title: RE: Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Mario on October 26, 2003, 04:57:27 PM
I'd rather have more games on NINTENDO GAMECUBE thank you very much.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Armed on October 26, 2003, 05:01:56 PM
Yes, i am hoping that animal crossing 2 will also be pushed bak to the next console so then they can add more into the game maybe online capabilities and more stuff to do because animal crossing is fun until u pay off everything then it gets kind of dull.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Dynamitega on October 26, 2003, 06:14:40 PM
I just hope they call their next system N5... it's so slick, stylish, and pardon me, "non kiddy".
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: The Omen on October 26, 2003, 06:57:44 PM
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Urkel on October 26, 2003, 07:43:19 PM
I've been thinking that a good name for the next Nintendo console would be the Nintendo Phoenix. The name would represent Nintendo's rise back to the top of the game industry.

Assuming Sony screws up, big time.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: NotRimmer on October 26, 2003, 08:01:00 PM

Originally posted by: Urkel
I've been thinking that a good name for the next Nintendo console would be the Nintendo Phoenix. The name would represent Nintendo's rise back to the top of the game industry.

Assuming Sony screws up, big time.

I find this disturbing, mostly because I had a dream a few nights before the Spaceworld where Nintendo announced their next console would be the "GameCube" where they announced the name as Phoenix.  
Title: RE: Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: robofish on October 26, 2003, 09:14:23 PM
How does the word phoenix make you think of something rising?  Could it be subliminal thought from the 007 game codenamed "Phoenix Rising?"  I don't think phoenixes have to rise... what if they dove instead?  Anyway, I am eagerly awaiting Pilotwings no matter what console it comes out on.  I LOVE that game.  And I am excited at the probability that this will be the first backward compatible Nintendo console!  Woohoo!
Title: RE: Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Ocarina Blue on October 26, 2003, 09:35:34 PM
Well, the phonex rose from the ashes, to live again.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: akdaman1 on October 26, 2003, 09:58:41 PM
actually nintendo wont want too many first party games at launch casue they just take all the spot light while third part games get ignored.
Title: RE:Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Nintendo on October 26, 2003, 10:50:59 PM
You can never be sure, but here's a couple of games I think they might hold over to the N5:

Donkey Kong Adventure
Fire Emblem RPG
Game Zero
N5 Wars
Kirby Adventure
Mario 128
Metroid Prime 2
Pilotwings 3
Pokemon 3D RPG
Golden Sun RPG
Too Human
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Redemption
Half-Life 2
Pikmin 3
Punch-Out 3
Super Monkey Ball 3
Super Smash Bros. 3
Time Splitters 3

Bold ones are most likely to appear on N5 (along with the next Mario Parties I guess hehe), but with all the dev delays I wouldn't count the other out though.
Title: RE: Gamecube titles that might be held over to N5?
Post by: Bloodworth on October 26, 2003, 11:37:05 PM
This is just another fancy poll.  It's still too early to start that guessing game.