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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Wolverine02 on August 20, 2003, 01:56:56 PM

Title: Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Wolverine02 on August 20, 2003, 01:56:56 PM
Out of all of the them,which do you think has done the bet job at showing off Gamecube's power?

Hal:Super Smash Bros. Mellee
Retro:Metroid Prime
Factor 5:Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2
Silicon Knights:Eternal Darkness

I think Retro Studies did the best because it had great graphics and had a huge world wih no loading times.
Title: RE: Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Grey Ninja on August 20, 2003, 02:31:30 PM
Factor 5.  No question about it.
Title: RE: Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Don'tHate742 on August 20, 2003, 02:56:51 PM
I agree, especially becuase SW: RS 2 was released so early and still is as impressive as it was 2 years ago....

Metriod had the most attention to detail.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: mouse_clicker on August 20, 2003, 03:04:27 PM
All of them have done amazing things with the Gamecube, but I, too, feel that Factor 5's relly pushed the Gamecube the farthest. Rogue Leader, in my opinion, is still on the ebst looking games around and Rebel Strike blows it out of the water.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Gup on August 20, 2003, 03:22:27 PM
Either Factor 5 or Retro Studio.  I can name many games that look better than ED and SSBM, but I'd have to scratch my head hard to think of something that looks better than MP and SW2:RS.  Metroid Prime, in my opinion, is the nicest looking video game to date.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: kennyb27 on August 20, 2003, 04:02:42 PM
Factor 5.  Rogue Squadron's engine is the best to date and they completely tossed it for Rebel Strike for a better one.  How can anyone top that?
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Hostile Creation on August 20, 2003, 05:13:24 PM
I think SSBM had the most attention to detail.  And it's an awesome multiplayer game.  Metroid Prime is also great.  Dunno about the other two, but those two are beyond wonderful.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: mouse_clicker on August 20, 2003, 05:49:52 PM
That depends on your definiton of detail. SSBM's character models are indeed detail, but look at the inside of the cockpits in Rogue Leader- not only are they filled to the brim with gadgets and screens, but I'm fairly certain they're accurate to what those ships' cockpits would actually look like. And speaking of detail, Eternal Darkness paid an insane amount of attention to historical accuracy. I believe Denis once said they completely removed a meticulously crafted beautful stained glass window from one level because that particular level took place shortly before stained glass windows were invented.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: rpglover on August 21, 2003, 03:56:28 AM
factor 5 has pushed the gamecube to great limits- and that game was created in only nine months time!!!
silicon knights has the most attention to detale though- and i like that- the stained glass window thing is true- not many people are going to realize that stuff playing through that great game, but they are very nice touches- retro did a very great job with prime though- the engine they had was spectacular and the graphics and presentation were very well done- it felt exactly how a metroid game should in 3d- which is what we all wanted- hal with ssbm didnt push the gamecube as much as factor 5 or retro, but it did add in a crapload of hidden characters, stages, trophies, and other things of that nature- and it was all very well done- all those developement studios should be commended for the great games they made on the gc
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on August 21, 2003, 10:23:20 AM
when it comes to graphics, Factor 5 no discussion

when I think about GCN2 I wonder what amazing things Factor 5 will be able to do there
Title: RE: Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: KnowsNothing on August 21, 2003, 10:39:19 AM
all of them BUT HAL.  SSBM was an amazing game, but compared to the historical accuracy and the innovative sanity meter of ED, the first metroid game in years succesfully brought into 3D AND first-person , and the most amazing graphics to date with Rougue Squadron, SSBM seems mediocre.

but best? hmmmm.......I don't know, it's a tie between Retro Studios and factor 5.
Title: RE:Hal,Retro,Factor5,Silicon Knights
Post by: Walking In Shadow on August 21, 2003, 11:41:45 AM
Technologically, Factor 5, no doubt about it.