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NWR Interactive => Podcast Discussion => Topic started by: stalfo on March 15, 2018, 11:51:00 AM

Title: Episode 77 - Anchors Aweigh
Post by: stalfo on March 15, 2018, 11:51:00 AM

The boys talk Pacman Championship Edition 2 Plus, Kona, Steredenn: Binary Stars, and Swim Out. Then it's the return of our Compatible segment where we take a look at the wonderful Circle Pad Pro!

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Casey kicks off 77’s What We’ve Been Playing with the game that didn’t make the cut last week - and that is Pacman Championship Edition 2 Plus. Frantic quick gameplay sessions is the hook here, which is pretty similar to the other game he’s been playing, the roguelike shmup Steredenn: Binary Stars. Steredenn is brutally tough, but in a fun rewarding way (and not a frustrating throw your Switch way). Perry on the other hand has been playing a mix of games with the Canadian cold as winter thriller game, Kona and the cute little puzzle game Swim Out. Let us just hope he doesn’t mix the two and end up going for a swim in one of those freezing Canadian lakes.

Moving along to the eShop, it’s a doozy, but really it’s one of the more “tame” weeks, only bolstering 18 games. I know, what a time to be alive … meanwhile we’re just hoping to not suffocate! As for the News front, it’s easily our lightest week in forever, but mainly due to us covering all the Nintendo Direct related news in episode 66.5, which we highly recommend checking out if you missed it!

COMPATIBLE IS BACK BABY! Yessiree Bob, it’s been a hot second, but we’re happy to have another segment of Compatible, this time featuring the wonderfully strange 3DS add on -the Circle Pad Pro. This bad boy added some serious real estate to your 3DS, but most importantly it gave us a second circle pad to work with. After a nice discussion, we close out the show with a piece of listener mail that asks us what developer we’d love to see stolen away from a competitor to make games for the Switch!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact by tweeting us  or by send us an email!

Title: Re: Episode 77 - Anchors Aweigh
Post by: MattCaruso on March 20, 2018, 12:34:59 PM

thanks this is an excellent podcast. We listened to him together with a friend on the way to Arizona