Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => NWR Feedback => Topic started by: Matt on July 05, 2003, 09:40:38 PM

Title: 1 Minute Edit Delay
Post by: Matt on July 05, 2003, 09:40:38 PM
I've noticed that there is a 1 minute delay between posts and edits.

While I realize and like the 1 minute delay between posts [it helps slow down spambots], I am wonering why a 1 minute delay for edits is needed.  Often I would like to edit a post just to fix a typo or something, but I don't bother because the delay slows it down.
Title: 1 Minute Edit Delay
Post by: mouse_clicker on July 05, 2003, 10:19:58 PM
Yeah, this kind of annoyed me too- I don't encounter it too often now for some reason, but Rick says the board doesn't distinguish between full fledged posts and edits, so there's not much they can do about it, if anything. I definitely know what you mean, though.
Title: 1 Minute Edit Delay
Post by: Grey Ninja on July 05, 2003, 11:52:24 PM
Yeah.  I am famous for editing posts in the first 5 seconds after I posted it as well.  It irritates the hell out of me when I have to wait a full minute to add that extra paragraph I decided to write after I hit reply, or fix the glaring spelling error I made in the last second.

But, you just have to learn to live with it.  FuseTalk is cheaper than PHPbb.  
Title: RE: 1 Minute Edit Delay
Post by: Gamefreak on July 06, 2003, 10:02:53 PM
Huh? Isn't PHPbb free and open source?.......
Title: 1 Minute Edit Delay
Post by: Grey Ninja on July 07, 2003, 07:03:02 AM
Yes, but apparently it consumes more bandwidth.