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Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: tendoboy1984 on August 31, 2013, 10:55:00 PM

Title: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: tendoboy1984 on August 31, 2013, 10:55:00 PM (

Currently it's only for PC via Steam (with gamepad support), but if stretch goals are met, the team will create versions for home consoles (Wii U?) as well.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: broodwars on August 31, 2013, 11:07:55 PM
I'll buy it if it comes out on my console of choice. I will not pay Keiji Inafune to make a nearly-$1 million knock-off of his own work.  Also, Keiji Inafune & his team are more than capable of getting funding from a real publisher.  This isn't the kind of thing that Kickstarter should be used for, as I've said before with other Kickstarters started by developers so they don't have to spend their own money to make games few seem to want to buy.

But hey, our generation has long proven itself obsessed with recapturing our rose-tinted childhood. This Kickstarter will easily reach its goal and probably reach a decent amount of stretch goals as well just off pure nostalgia.

I'm far more interested in Capcom's response to all this, considering they've basically mothballed Mega Man seemingly out of sheer spite for Inafune.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: tendoboy1984 on August 31, 2013, 11:19:36 PM
I wonder if Capcom could press charges for copyright infringement, since this game seems like a direct clone of Inafune's very own Mega Man.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Shaymin on August 31, 2013, 11:20:42 PM
The game will release in 2015

Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Caliban on August 31, 2013, 11:50:13 PM
A year and a half in development ain't bad, but $2.5M for PS3, 360, and Wii U versions? Maybe if it was for PS4 and X1. Kickstarter should enforce a limit of $500K for video game projects. If you raise more, awesome. I wouldn't be surprised if this project reaches its initial goal.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: ShyGuy on September 01, 2013, 12:09:45 AM
But hey, our generation has long proven itself obsessed with recapturing our rose-tinted childhood. This Kickstarter will easily reach its goal and probably reach a decent amount of stretch goals as well just off pure nostalgia.

You are right on there. People keeping chasing the games they played when they were kids, then are disappointed when they don't live up to their memories. The problem is not that the new game isn't good, the problem is no game can make you feel like you're twelve again.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 01, 2013, 02:59:19 AM
But hey, our generation has long proven itself obsessed with recapturing our rose-tinted childhood. This Kickstarter will easily reach its goal and probably reach a decent amount of stretch goals as well just off pure nostalgia.

You are right on there. People keeping chasing the games they played when they were kids, then are disappointed when they don't live up to their memories. The problem is not that the new game isn't good, the problem is no game can make you feel like you're twelve again.

Mega Man 9 & 10 were perfect recreations of the NES games, and New Super Mario Bros. was a nice treat for fans of the old games.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Adrock on September 01, 2013, 04:42:40 AM
Also, Keiji Inafune & his team are more than capable of getting funding from a real publisher.
Just because he can doesn't mean he wants to. Keiji Inafune left a lofty high ranking position at a large publisher because he wanted to develop games Capcom wouldn't let him make. He was tired of Capcom's complacency. As head of development at Capcom, he oversaw all of their games and his superiors still wouldn't listen to him. Why in the world would he want to be shackled to another publisher that barks orders at him, telling him what games to make and how to make them? While Inafune has the experience and clout to get a publishing deal from just about any publisher not named Capcom, it's obvious what he really wants is the freedom to create. Not everyone wants to work for the man. Inafune went indie to... well, be independent.
This isn't the kind of thing that Kickstarter should be used for, as I've said before with other Kickstarters started by developers so they don't have to spend their own money to make games few seem to want to buy.
Kickstarter should be used for whatever the hell people are willing to pay for. That's why it works. If a project meets its goal, surely enough people want to see it happen. In its first day, Mighty No. 9 has already met 1/3 its goal. Call it nostalgia if you want, but maybe people just like these kinds of games and it's not like there's been many of them lately. Capcom sure as hell wasn't going to make a game like this with or without Inafune. Besides allowing Mega Man in Smash Bros. at Sakurai's request, they've practically been pretending the character doesn't exist.

I like Mega Man though I've only played a few of the games. I have no special attachment to the character, especially compared to certain others. While I am interested in hearing more about Mighty No. 9, I haven't contributed to the Kickstarter because the Mac version is a stretch goal and I'd want it on Wii U anyway which is an even higher stretch goal. I simply disagree that this game should be off-limits to Kickstarter because Inafune can find a publisher. I consider that unfair. Outside of anything illegal or unethical, I don't think any creator, unknown or well-known, should be limited in their pursuit of artistic integrity, freedom, and expression, even if it's not my cup of tea.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Sundoulos on September 01, 2013, 09:04:42 AM
This makes me wish that Megaman Legends 3 could have been on Kickstarter.  That probably would have been successful as well. 

This does wake me wonder how closely someone could imitate a known IP without being sued for it.

Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 01, 2013, 10:34:27 AM
He came up with the Mega Man design - but it still seems like a risky move.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Adrock on September 01, 2013, 10:58:48 AM
Looks can be decieving. All we've really seen is some art. As long as Inafune is not reusing assets or source code, this should be fine.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: ShyGuy on September 01, 2013, 01:09:21 PM
There have been some pretty blatant (and admitted) rip-offs of classic games in the indie scene already.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Sundoulos on September 01, 2013, 03:53:53 PM
Yeah.  It's just that the high-profile nature of Inafune's departure from Capcom that made me wonder about it.   I can imagine the hate that would be pointed in Capcom's direction if they attempted to issue some sort of C&D.

Just noted that the kickstarter has nearly acquired 2/3 of it's goal; 30 days left.

As broodwars said, I would also be interested in seeing Capcom's reaction to this.  If nothing else, maybe it will show them that there is still some interest in the Mega Man franchise.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: RedBlue on September 02, 2013, 02:42:06 PM
And it has been funded.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Soren on September 02, 2013, 11:26:49 PM
Jools from Renegade Kid had offered his services to create a 3DS version.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Wah on September 02, 2013, 11:30:37 PM
looks cool! ;D
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: shingi_70 on September 03, 2013, 12:11:28 AM
suck it Capcom.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: UncleBob on September 03, 2013, 12:19:40 AM
Jools from Renegade Kid had offered his services to create a 3DS version.

I asked him this via Twitter, but not sure I'll get a response.  Anyway, it wasn't that long ago that Jools was going on about how he was through working for other people and wanted to create his own, original work.

Seeing him jump on this is *nice*, in a way... but I'd still like to see more of Jools.

I suggested MiniNo9, a 3DS project spear-headed by Jools that serves as a tie-in to the main game, not just a port. :D
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: shingi_70 on September 03, 2013, 12:47:18 AM
How big is renegade kid?

Right now they're working on

The 3D horror game
Mutant Mudds 2

Granted mighty isn't hitting till 2015.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Adrock on September 03, 2013, 08:23:44 AM
I'm considering contributing to the Kickstarter once it gets closer to its console stretch goal as I have no interest in playing this on a computer. Given how quickly it reached the regular goal, I think it'll hit the stretch goals by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Ceric on September 03, 2013, 10:13:46 AM
I think it be folly to think the Keiji Inafune is trying to copy Megaman.  Megaman has always been so much his creation.  More so then his other work.  Its not very surprising that in the same genre he would solve the problems in a Megaman style.  Not to mention his team are former Megaman Vets.  I be very surprised to find them design something in this genre that didn't at some level feel like Megaman.  That be like me coming on the forums and posting in Russian.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Soren on September 04, 2013, 06:22:35 PM
The console stretch goal has been lowered to 2.2mil.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: Adrock on September 04, 2013, 09:36:28 PM
Interesting. They probably didn't need to do that considering how much support they've been getting. When all is said and done, Comcept will likely have crushed the original console stretch goal by a fair margin, but hey, I'm not complaining. They just made it that much easier for me to get what I want. They've already cleared $1.5 million in less than a week.
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: RedBlue on September 17, 2013, 10:03:58 AM
It is now a Wii U game
Title: Re: Holy Kickstarter! Keiji Inafune creating a new "Mega Man" style game!
Post by: ShyGuy on September 18, 2013, 12:05:15 AM