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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Adrock on August 31, 2013, 04:50:24 PM

Title: 3DS SD Card Help
Post by: Adrock on August 31, 2013, 04:50:24 PM
Back story: when I did the system transfer to my 3DS XL, I didn't backup my SD card and I thought I lost everything on it. I ended up re-downloading everything and I lost my Swapnotes.

Anyway, today I Streetpassed a friend I've been Streetpassing for over two years now and I only had like five Puzzle Swap panels which was weird because when I Streetpass my brother's 3DS, it shows all the puzzle pieces I've collected from all the panels. Basically, I'm missing a ton of panels, but people can still collect puzzle pieces from all of my panels. I looked it up and apparently, that has something to do with the SD Card (not 100% on this).

I put my old SD card into my XL and it seems all of my old data is still on there. I went into Data Management in the System Settings and under Extra Data, all my data was still in there. When I put the 2GB SD Card into my MacBook Pro, my brother's data and my data were in separate folders. I suppose it got partitioned when I set up my original 3DS for my brother. I know which one is my data on the 2 GB SD Card because I put the 4 GB SD Card into my MacBook Pro and the folder name is the same as one of the folder names on the 2 GB SD Card. Hopefully, I'm explaining this well enough. Here are my questions:

1. Can I get all that old data onto my new 4 GB SD Card that came with the XL? If so, how? I looked it up and Nintendo has instructions on their website, but I wanted to ask here so I can bounce questions off you guys so I don't mess anything (else) up.

2. The old 2 GB SD Card has all the data pre-XL and the new 4 GB SD Card, naturally, has data post-XL. I don't know how to reconcile that. Won't there be duplicate data? I don't know how this stuff works. Does the new 4 GB SD Card have to be cleared out, reformatted or whatever if I want to put the old data on it?

3. I've completed Find Mii I again and also Streetpassed my brother a bunch of times since doing the System Transfer; will that data be lost if I want the old data on the new 4 GB SD Card? I don't think it will because all the people I've previously Streetpassed were still in my Mii Plaza as well as my place in the Find Mii games after the System Transfer.

Since doing the System Transfer, I might have maybe three Swapnotes from Eddie (who, I swear, is the only person who sends Swapnotes), a really early save in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (as in I got the sword from the beach), and a few puzzle pieces using Play Coins when I was trying to figure out what was happening earlier. Really, I just have no idea what specifically goes on the SD Card and what doesn't. The Puzzle Swap thing is kind of bothering me. That's the main thing I'm trying to fix.
Title: Re: 3DS SD Card Help
Post by: Adrock on September 01, 2013, 01:52:37 AM
I Streetpassed my brother again and got all of my Puzzle Swap pieces back. I don't know what happened there.

I'd still like to know if I can get my data from my old 2 GB SD Card then I can delete that data so my brother can get more blocks.
Title: Re: 3DS SD Card Help
Post by: pokepal148 on September 01, 2013, 02:23:36 PM
just go on the computer, plug in the 2gb card and copy/paste all data to the new one.

nintendo has more in depth instructions somewhere i believe