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Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: tendoboy1984 on September 27, 2012, 09:39:43 PM

Title: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 27, 2012, 09:39:43 PM
I'm changing the topic of this thread to bands that I like (but other people hate).

First up: Matchbox Twenty (including Rob Thomas' solo work)

Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 27, 2012, 09:43:56 PM
To be honest, I am not sure I ever listed to their music. The closest I have come is hearing Rob Thomas sing on Santana's song "Smooth", which I liked.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 27, 2012, 09:52:58 PM
I used to like Mathbox 20 when I was a coming-of-age woman.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Dasmos on September 27, 2012, 09:58:23 PM
Matchbox 20 are horrible, like approaching Nickelback levels of horrible. The only thing worse than their music is their band name.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Adrock on September 27, 2012, 10:10:11 PM
I used to like Mathbox 20 when I was a coming-of-age woman.
+1, sir. Bravo.

At first, I thought, "That doesn't sound like Brandogg at all..." then I thought, "That sounds exactly like Brandogg."
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 27, 2012, 10:12:20 PM
The only good thing about Matchbox 20 was the episode of Always Sunny where the lead singer was in the mental hospital with Sinbad and Dennis.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 27, 2012, 10:45:23 PM
Matchbox 20 are horrible, like approaching Nickelback levels of horrible. The only thing worse than their music is their band name.

At least Matchbox Twenty can write songs. And what's wrong with their bluesy/grunge/pop sound?

Nickleback is decent, better than all that screamo/emo **** that was popular a few years ago. But anything is better than that.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Adrock on September 27, 2012, 11:19:56 PM
Nickleback is decent
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 27, 2012, 11:20:35 PM
Nickelback actually are pretty good, but haters are gonna hate.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Shaymin on September 27, 2012, 11:20:57 PM
... the day that they invent stabbing over IP will be a glorious one indeed.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 27, 2012, 11:27:53 PM
Nickleback is decent

Listen to their newer music.

And if you think Nickleback is garbage, then you might as well throw stones at every other major hard rock band throughout history.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on September 28, 2012, 05:20:09 AM
I hate you and the bands you like!
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Ian Sane on September 28, 2012, 12:22:58 PM
In the late 90s post-grunge like Matchbox Twenty and nu metal pretty much derailed mainstream rock music.  So Matchbox Twenty is not exactly one of my favourite bands.  Still like them better than Nickelback though.  Matchbox Twenty is mostly just boring and lame.  Listening to Nickelback is insufferable.

My brother likes to point out that "we hated Nickelback before it was cool".  In fact we hated Nickelback before THEY were cool.  We hated them when they were getting airplay on Vancouver stations but had not yet broken in the US.  While there is a vindicating feeling that we were "right all along", it's annoying that it's so trendy to hate Nickelback now because people assume I'm just following the trend.  Same with my general hatred of Limp Bizkit and Creed.  EVERYONE hates those bands now.

Of course shitty-but-successful rock bands have existed forever.  Arena rock and hair metal are just as much the butt of jokes as post grunge and nu metal.  The one difference is that those genres are corny and campy.  No, Styx is not a good band but they're so unintentionally silly there's a "so bad, it's good" quality to it.  The problem with post grunge bands is that they're SUPER DUPER SERIOUS.  So when "This Is How You Remind Me" comes on the radio it's not silly goofy fun like "Come Sail Away".  It's like the most self-important serious rock song ever written done very very poorly.  There's no camp, there's no fun.

One has tolerance for music they find silly but zero tolerance for music they just think is outright bad.  And naturally popular music attracts more hatred because you cannot escape it.  I think the Soft Machine totally suck but I never ever hear them in public so it doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Adrock on September 28, 2012, 12:56:29 PM
"I hated Nickelback before you did. Now, hating them is just too mainstream." -Hipster Ian
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Ian Sane on September 28, 2012, 02:41:13 PM
"I hated Nickelback before you did. Now, hating them is just too mainstream." -Hipster Ian

I think what I dislike is that no one thinks of Nickelback hate as a legitimate opinion one may have anymore.  Instead it's just like a thing, you know?  Where as before if someone asked what I thought of the band my response would be considered as my actual opinion.  Now it's like "oh yeah, sure you hate them" and it gets blown off.  Hell the fans will now try harder to get me to like them because they assume I'm just spouting off the cliche.  Surely I don't actually dislike them, I'm just listening too much to the media or the internet or whatever so I owe it to myself to give them a chance.  Years ago anyone who was a fan just took my word for it that I personally didn't like them and left it at that.  Now they gotta try to win me over.

This can happen with anything.  If your opinion happens to match a cliche, your opinion is dismissed because it doesn't come across as independent.  You sound like a drone so everyone assumes you don't actually have any sort of relevant opinion.

If you flip it around and say you love the Beatles no one thinks you REALLY love the Beatles.  Surely you're just following some cliche trend opinion, right?  That's not a "real" opinion.  Of course they could legitimately be your favourite band and you could be very familiar with all sorts of bands.  But if you list the Beatles is your favourite band everyone will try to sell you on other bands because surely you know dick about music if your favourite band is such a cliche.  Hell, my favourite band is Led Zeppelin but when I tell someone that they often get this bored look on their face.  "Oh, Ian must not know music.  He just picked one of the most popular bands ever as his favourite.  No point discussing music with him because he'll contribute nothing of interest to the conversation."  Though in high school people actually believed that Zeppelin was legitimately my favourite band because in high school everyone listens to current music and liking something from before you were born is uncommon enough to come across as an independent legitimate opinion.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 28, 2012, 03:45:08 PM
In the late 90s post-grunge like Matchbox Twenty and nu metal pretty much derailed mainstream rock music.  So Matchbox Twenty is not exactly one of my favourite bands.  Still like them better than Nickelback though.  Matchbox Twenty is mostly just boring and lame.  Listening to Nickelback is insufferable.

Matchbox Twenty isn't really a grunge band. They're more of a pop-rock/alternative rock band with some soul influences (in their more recent songs).

Nickleback and Matchbox Twenty sound nothing alike, so they shouldn't be lumped in the same genre. Modern grunge bands are:  Daughtry, Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Three Days Grace, etc.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Ian Sane on September 28, 2012, 05:07:05 PM
Matchbox Twenty and Nickelback don't sound alike but you mentioned 3 Doors Down and they sure sound a lot like Matchbox Twenty to me.  Maybe it's just the Southern drawl in the singer's voice.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: ShyGuy on September 28, 2012, 08:25:01 PM

Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 28, 2012, 09:01:15 PM
Ian Sane that is probably one of the best posts I've read here in a long time (#12).

Nickelback is terrible, and TJ's logic of just hating them because they're popular is absurd, and just shows that he has poor taste in music. 3 Doors Down are very much like Nickelback - though I do have a soft spot for 3 Doors Down because I saw them get booed off the stage at a day-long multi-band concert before. They did do a cool drum solo to show off their new drummer (at the time), and he was legitimately bad-ass, but I still do not enjoy their music...just feel sorry for them. To be fair, they probably didn't choose to be at that show - it was headlined by Godsmack (who also sucks) - not exactly the same genre (unless you consider  bad music a genre). But I digress...

And none of those bands are modern day grunge, they are just pop-rock. Grunge was Nirvana, Alice in Chains (though they could also be considered metal in some instances), Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. Modern day grunge would be bands like Seether, Puddle of Mudd (if they still make music, anyway)...and that's all I can (or care to) think of...I don't listen to the radio anyway.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 28, 2012, 09:02:36 PM
Also Adrock I applaud you for applauding me, and for your excellent grammar at all times.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 28, 2012, 09:06:38 PM
Brandogg, I never said he hated Nickelback because they are popular. I said some people just hate them because it's popular to hate them.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 28, 2012, 09:14:51 PM
Nickelback is emblematic of everything that's wrong with the modern music industry. The hatred isn't really about them as much as it is about the state of current popular music.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 28, 2012, 10:17:07 PM

Modern day grunge would be bands like Seether, Puddle of Mudd (if they still make music, anyway)...and that's all I can (or care to) think of...I don't listen to the radio anyway.

Puddle of Mudd is terrible. They're a poor imitation of Nirvana.

I guess you could call Papa Roach and Chevelle modern grunge/metal (hybrid) bands too. But I don't like categorizing music. People are so focused on categorizing and labeling everything; why can't we just listen to the music we enjoy and not worry about pointless labels?

It seems that only rock music has all these "subgenres". Country, jazz, rap (etc.) stay focused in their "main" genres.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 28, 2012, 10:18:50 PM
Jazz has tons of sub-genres. Country also has several.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 28, 2012, 10:22:10 PM
Jazz has tons of sub-genres. Country also has several.

Jazz, jazz fusion, swing, big-band, etc.

Country, country-rock, country-soul, bluegrass, etc.

But like I said earlier, I don't care about categorizing or labeling music. Just listen to what you like, whether it's rock, metal, rap, R&B, country, techno, or any of the endless subgenres that people make up on a montly basis.

And dubstep is the worst music ever. :D
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 28, 2012, 10:42:17 PM
Chevelle is more Progressive Rock...I wouldn't consider them grunge. Papa Roach...they're just terrible.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 28, 2012, 11:17:09 PM
Papa Roach...they're just terrible.

Finally, we agree on something!
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: Morari on September 29, 2012, 12:06:21 AM
Same with my general hatred of Limp Bizkit and Creed.  EVERYONE hates those bands now.

Wait right there! I know that there were some people that managed to trick themselves into liking Creed at one point or another, but I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone has ever done anything but hate Limp Bizkit.
Title: Re: Matchbox Twenty
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 29, 2012, 12:09:46 AM
Limp Bizkit were pretty good for a few years. I haven't listed to any of their albums after Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water though.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: ShyGuy on September 29, 2012, 01:08:38 AM
I too like Matchbox Twenty


Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on September 29, 2012, 01:45:42 AM
It's all very dependent upon context for me. I have an old circle of friends who still listen to Metal (something which I still have an appreciation for but which I've kind of grew out of) and amongst them they'd hate most of the bands I now listen to (mostly folk, Indie & blues).
Whereas, amongst some people the fact that I can enjoy bands like Sepultura is unbelievable.
My point being, don't listen to anybody else and just dig the music you're into (as long as it's not Nickelback, Coldplay, Greenday or any other band I hate).  ;)
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 29, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Music is probably the type of entertainment where what other people like is the least relevant to you, as opposed to something like television, where ratings are everything and there are limited slots available, meaning if you don't like what's popular there aren't many options. With music, the indie scene is thriving, and lots of artists are succeeding outside the traditional establishment. If you don't like the top 40, you never have to hear it, and can focus on any number of other bands that better fit your tastes.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 29, 2012, 02:02:54 AM
Music is probably the type of entertainment where what other people like is the least relevant to you, as opposed to something like television, where ratings are everything and there are limited slots available, meaning if you don't like what's popular there aren't many options. With music, the indie scene is thriving, and lots of artists are succeeding outside the traditional establishment. If you don't like the top 40, you never have to hear it, and can focus on any number of other bands that better fit your tastes.

It's too bad that there isn't an "indie TV" scene, where people can self broadcast their own shows. Well, I guess you can consider Youtube that, but I'm talking about actual television.

The gaming and music industries are allowing people to self-distribute their own works, so why can't TV let people distribute their own shows? I'm talking about actual television, not websites.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 29, 2012, 02:19:07 AM
That's because their are only a finite number of spectrums to broadcast TV on. The closest you have are public access channels. TV shows can be self-distributed too, just online (same with video games, you don't see self-distributed video games physically anymore, except in rare cases).
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 29, 2012, 03:05:49 AM
That's because their are only a finite number of spectrums to broadcast TV on. The closest you have are public access channels. TV shows can be self-distributed too, just online (same with video games, you don't see self-distributed video games physically anymore, except in rare cases).

Then the answer is obviously internet TV. Everything else is switching to the internet, but TV still relies heavily on cable providers.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 29, 2012, 03:13:03 AM
There already is Internet TV too, you even mentioned it in your post. There is original comment on YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc. People still prefer watching on TV's of course.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on September 29, 2012, 03:41:15 AM
There already is Internet TV too, you even mentioned it in your post. There is original comment on YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, etc. People still prefer watching on TV's of course.

No, by "internet TV" I mean TV channels that are supplied through the internet, like AT&T's U-Verse... Or is that not the same thing?
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Morari on September 29, 2012, 01:44:37 PM
Maybe once we stop letting the cable companies write the laws, we can see such progress for distributed television. Really though, I get by just fine as a "cord cutter". I have a couple of set top boxes built up and a Netflix account. There are plenty of device options out there to buy nowadays as well. Boxee Box, Rokou, Google TV, etc. Television is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.

A little more on topic, I accidentally saw a band out at the pub last night. I later realized that they must have been scheduled there for a while, as I had seen their posters all over town. Their sound was a little raw, but surprisingly good for the genre... especially for this town's abysmal music scene. Anyway, I grabbed one of their flyers... their website is It looks like they have a few videos up on their YouTube account, it's just too bad the quality sucks.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 29, 2012, 01:47:24 PM
The cable companies don't write the laws. There is just a finite amount of space, it's literally not possible to have an unlimited amount of TV channels. There is nothing stopping people from releasing TV shows online (and plenty of those exist). Sometimes they even get turned into real TV shows (like Children's Hospital).
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 29, 2012, 04:11:16 PM
I too like Matchbox Twenty



LOL That would have been funny if Clint Eastwood sang those lyrics right after or during his conversation with the empty chair.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Ian Sane on October 03, 2012, 12:06:08 PM
Same with my general hatred of Limp Bizkit and Creed.  EVERYONE hates those bands now.

Wait right there! I know that there were some people that managed to trick themselves into liking Creed at one point or another, but I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone has ever done anything but hate Limp Bizkit.

Well SOMEBODY was buying those Limp Bizkit albums.  A quick look at Wikipedia says that two of their albums were number one in America.  I doubt the band members have that many friends and relatives.

Music is probably the type of entertainment where what other people like is the least relevant to you, as opposed to something like television, where ratings are everything and there are limited slots available, meaning if you don't like what's popular there aren't many options. With music, the indie scene is thriving, and lots of artists are succeeding outside the traditional establishment. If you don't like the top 40, you never have to hear it, and can focus on any number of other bands that better fit your tastes.

You ever go into a restaurant or a store?  Ever watch a sporting event on TV?  You can't escape top 40.  I may change the station when a band I don't like is on the radio but if I'm eating dinner at a restaurant and some crap song comes on I'm stuck hearing it.  The only bad music you can avoid is obscure stuff.  Like I don't like death metal and that sort of stuff is pretty much never played publicly so I never have to hear it.

There's a song, that I can't remember the title of, that LMFAO does (at least I THINK they do) that's very annoying.  It's in some car commercial with hamsters and Halo lookalikes.  I never listen to stations that play that song but I used to see that ad all the damn time.  I would hit mute on my remote ASAP but sometimes someone else has the remote and they're too damn slow or the remote is far from reach and I can't get to it quick enough without hearing part of the song.  Some terrible songs cannot be escaped from.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: shingi_70 on October 03, 2012, 01:36:44 PM
I guess Lana Del Ray.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: King of Twitch on October 04, 2012, 04:33:40 PM


I met a girl at a dance who said she liked Matchbox 20. The first song I looked up on youtube was that song^ Man, that is one terrible band.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Ian Sane on October 04, 2012, 05:13:46 PM
I don't think I've ever met a girl that has had compatible music tastes with me.  They all like country or really terrible pop or bands like Nickelback and Matchbox 20.  I've written it off as a gender differences thing and figure it's not important enough to be a dealbreaker.  But then I'm not married and I am a musician so maybe incompatible music tastes has been a bigger deal than I suspect.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: lolmonade on October 04, 2012, 08:08:10 PM
I saw the title of this thread, and thought "This is a tendoboy thread".

Lo and behold....
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: AnGer on October 15, 2012, 06:52:21 AM
I think it should be the other way around...

Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: EasyCure on October 16, 2012, 11:20:22 PM
I got excited when I saw a new (to me) thread about music but I'm pretty disappointed.

Music is one of the few things I'll agree with Ian on and I agree that people will dismiss your opinion on something if it's become cliche. Nickleback hate is a great example, but there are other examples as well. I knew a lot of potheads in high school and they absolutely loooved Sublime and Bob Marley. Some may have been legitimate fans, others were probably doing it because it was cool and I guarantee they've come across the same problem; their opinion is dismissed because it's become cliche.

Anyway, trying to get the thread back on track.. it's hard for me to throw out a band that I like but many other people don't, for a few reasons:

1. My taste in music has grown so eclectic that I like a lot of things that most may not of even heard of, because generally most people just stick to one form of music, the main genres (rock, hip-hop, pop, country, jazz).

2. I don't know as many people in my personal life anymore that are as into music as I am. What I mean is, while everyone is going on and on about popular hit shows like The Walking Dead, I'm so far removed from the conversation because I'd rather be listening to the Day of the Dead soundtrack than the show, so I picture myself on my own little island of music far far away from everyone else.

What I can say, though, is that in high school I had a few friends, all musicians as myself, that seemed to hate on one of my favorite bands at the time; The Ramones.

This one friend loved **** like Led Zeppelin and Pearl Jam.. god he fucking jerked it to Pearl Jam, I swear. Anyway he didn't like most of the punk bands I listened to at the time, but if he heard me listening to the Ramones or saw me wearing their ****, he'd rant on and on about how much trash they were and he just thought they were so beneath him.

Meanwhile the friends I had that listened to modern punk acts like NOFX, The Offspring, etc weren't fond of the Ramones either, and I didn't get it. I know everyone has their opinions but considering they were fans of the genre that the Ramones arguably help build, I thought they'd have at least some respect. NOPE.

But anyway, these days I listen to so much.. I don't listen to the radio at all, but like Ian said - You can't really escape Top 40 stuff. There's a lot of pop stuff out there than I can enjoy though, if I have a party I HAVE to put on some LMFAO for my friends and I dig it. Then there's stuff that I didn't realize was mainstream until later, like that Gotye song "Somebody that I used to know". A friend sent me a cover of that awhile back, I dug it, then one day when I was in a rental car and was stuck with the radio, I heard a guy singing the song and though "wait i know this!"

For the curious, this is what I've been listening to a lot of recently:

The Chromatics
Gym Class Heroes
mc chris (lower case, no dice, REWIND!)
the Drums
Aesop Rock

but that might change soon :p
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: BranDonk Kong on October 16, 2012, 11:24:07 PM
Cake is a great band.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Stogi on October 17, 2012, 01:46:47 AM
2. I don't know as many people in my personal life anymore that are as into music as I am. What I mean is, while everyone is going on and on about popular hit shows like The Walking Dead, I'm so far removed from the conversation because I'd rather be listening to the Day of the Dead soundtrack than the show...


It's funny. I just stumbled upon Miriam Makeba, a now deceased prominent African artist, and I played one of her songs for my mom. She was shocked not because it was about 65 years old, but because my father knew her! He invited her to play at Cornell for his international club.

Music is hard too explain. On the one hand it's hard not to be a cynic, on the other hand there are songs that I need to hear again, and on the feet there is music I don't really enjoy but simply moving to it and feeling the energy of those around you is enough to enjoy the experience itself.

I feel like I'm constantly at odds with those three feelings. Let's take an example...

When I'm at the bar and Top 40 is bumping:

If I'm outside on the patio having a conversation, I'll probably mention a snide remark about the music. I'll probably mention how the producer was paid 100+ thousand dollars for this bullshit. I'll probably mention how this music is killing the industry.

If I'm inside dancing to it, I'll love it for what it is because this girls ass is swaying and pushing to the beat. I'll love it because everyone is smiling. I'll love it because people are silent.

At some point, I might hear a beat and be like "Damn, this would be amazing if Rihanna would just shut the **** up." And later I go and find it online as an instrumental and listen to it again.

Those three things happen all the time, to a great or small degree whether I'm at the bar or at a show or even a quite place like a cafe.

Music is amazing and finding a new song is like finding a new recipe that you don't have to cook, but you get to taste it all the same.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Ian Sane on October 17, 2012, 02:03:02 PM
You know a movie or TV show is much easier to objectively determine as good or bad.  There is typically a story so if the film's story is incoherrent, the film sucks.  There is some internal logic that has to be followed.  It's easy to dismiss a bad film with "that makes no sense".  Of course there are specifics like the camera angles or pacing being poor where it is entirely up to opinion.

But music is almost ALL like that.  There isn't really the logical flow that a narrative has to have.  There are some things that are objective like being out of tune or playing bum notes or falling out of time with the rest of the band but how often do acts like that get any exposure?  Usually if you don't like a song it's because you don't like the melody or arrangement or voice of the singer or the mixing.  Nobody says that Popular Band X sucks because the guitar player constantly hits the wrong note and the bass player can't keep time with the rest of the band.

So people are more passionate about their musical tastes because there is so much left entirely to opinion.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on October 17, 2012, 05:54:54 PM
Sometimes I wish more music was just instrumental, without any vocals or lyrics. I know plenty of rock bands make instrumental music, but what about rappers, pop artists, electronica, etc.?
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: TJ Spyke on October 17, 2012, 07:36:56 PM
Most instrumental songs are just not that good IMO. There are some good ones, but they are rare to me. I think I only listen to them when I want something relaxing in the background.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: EasyCure on October 17, 2012, 11:04:03 PM
Music is amazing and finding a new song is like finding a new recipe that you don't have to cook, but you get to taste it all the same.

This, too.

PS Hook me up with that Rihanna instrumental lol

@Tendoboy1984 & TJSpyke - Here ya go:

Explosions in the Sky "Six days at the bottom of the ocean" ( - Starts off slow but the build-up is a fucking journey

Anamanaguchi "Mermaid" ( Not your average chip-tunes.

Blockhead "It's Raining Clouds" ( - Ok so he uses some voice samples in there from time to time but there's no traditional verse/chorus structure so I still count this as instrumental, this track especially.

Cinnamon Chasers "Luv Deluxe" ( - Their album isn't fully instrumental but this song fills the electronica void.

Com Truise "Glawio" ( Ok, this guy's all electronica, and this song is one of my favorites. Put the volume up on the best stereo you have and prepare to journey through the galaxy.

Empire of the Sun "Country" ( I dunno if this song fits into the pop-genre, but these guys are a bit of a pop-rock band so close enough right? Plus @2:10 always seems to remind me of Water Land Theme from SMB3! ( haha

I'm either too lazy or I can't pinpoint ( Four Tet's particular sound ( but, regardless, it's all good (

Gym Class Heroes ( have always had a way of blending rock/pop/hip-hop nicely, this instrumental is very chill.

Not gonna lie, I got into Hudson Mohawke ( cuz of this show. His other stuff ( is good too!

The Internet "Violet Nude Women" ( if you're into trip-hop

M83 "I'm Happy, She Said" - Can't say much about this song, I just love it.

[url=]Skream "Tortured Soul" ( - I know dubstep gets a lot of flak but it isn't as new as everyone makes it seem.. These both came out in 2006 (

Steve Aoki "The 80's" ( - doesn't just remix ****.

VHS or Beta "Solid Gold" ( - These guys mix rock and disco (and aren't all instrumental).This song is notably disco, but I'd also recommend Nightwaves (

ok, kids, I spent way too long sharing some of my favorite instrumentals with you (literally went through my entire music library hand picking these). Enjoy!
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: kraken613 on October 18, 2012, 01:33:11 PM
Cake is a great band.

Hell yeah it is!
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: bustin98 on October 18, 2012, 01:50:17 PM
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: EasyCure on October 18, 2012, 06:44:14 PM

Don't get me started. You saw my last post.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on October 22, 2012, 12:29:56 AM
Anyone else a fan of big band/jazz music? I'm currently listening to Harry Connick Jr. who (in my opinion) is the best modern big band singer out there. He perfectly captures the musical styles of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.

It's a shame that big band music isn't popular with our generation. I'm 27 and I've always loved jazzy music. Of course, it may be because my dad's family is Italian American descent (all of them are from New York).

Are there any other big band/jazz artists like Harry Connick Jr. and Michael Buble?

EDIT: I found a new guy called "John Stevens". According to a quick Google search, he was on the 3rd season of American Idol.

Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Oblivion on October 22, 2012, 12:49:16 AM
I just realized that Matchbox 20 is the band with Rob Thomas in it. I really like his singing voice. :\
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: tendoboy1984 on October 22, 2012, 01:01:41 AM
I just realized that Matchbox 20 is the band with Rob Thomas in it. I really like his singing voice. :\

What about the singers I posted above your comment? (big band/jazz style music)
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: Oblivion on October 22, 2012, 01:07:27 AM
I like jazz, but not with vocals.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: toddra on October 29, 2012, 12:44:38 AM
I will probably get some hate for this but for me the 90's were the worst time for rock music. Every band I liked either came from the late 70's to early 80's. Nothing has come out in the last decade that I can even tolerate at all. I used to be really into rap music but I grew up. Now all I can listen to is 80's pop and lot's of Kylie Minogue. The only 90's band I really did like was Garbage, I got into No Doubt when they came out but I think that was just because it was cool to like them.
Title: Re: Bands that I like (but other people hate)...
Post by: EasyCure on October 29, 2012, 08:22:56 PM
Iansane said the same thing and I was able to get him into new music, kind of.