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NWR Interactive => Podcast Discussion => Topic started by: NWR_Josh on September 25, 2012, 11:18:12 AM

Title: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: NWR_Josh on September 25, 2012, 11:18:12 AM

The ultra-violent, quasi-open world brawler makes the cut.

Our list of the ten best third-party Wii games continues, with No More Heroes coming it at number four. Josh and Carmine discuss Travis Touchdown's first Wii outing (plus his second for a bit) and why the "adult" brawler is one one of the best Wii games.

Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on September 25, 2012, 11:29:14 AM
I'm acutely aware of the multitude of gameplay issues and design problems with No More Heroes, but it's style, characters and story are soooooo my cup of tea that I choose simply to ignore them. Before playing No More Heroes I would always argue that Killer 7 was a mess and that style does not trump good gameplay. I'm still of that opinion, but No More Heroes is one of very few games which almost manages to overcome it's poor design with sheer style.
This is perhaps a little contradictory, but I don't believe No More Heroes is one of the best third party efforts on Wii, but it's definitely one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: xcwarrior on September 25, 2012, 11:55:34 AM
First game was amazing. I have the second one on my shelf, I'm sure I will enjoy that one as well.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: ejamer on September 25, 2012, 01:28:07 PM
I really enjoyed No More Heroes, but wouldn't call it one of the 10 best third-party titles because there are so many rough edges and visible flaws. The problems are generally overcome by the interesting design and off-beat humor - but they remain very noticeable the entire time you play.

Aggregate rankings like these always produce some odd results, with lesser games that get played by many people ranking higher than polished games that only get played by a few. But seeing No More Heroes at number 4 is still a bit of a surprise.

Keeping my fingers crossed for personal favorites Rayman Origins, Rabbids Go Home, Dawn of Discovery, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Little King's Story, and House of the Dead Overkill (among others)... but it's not looking good for the underdogs in that list.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: Kairon on September 25, 2012, 02:21:22 PM
I'll definitely say that some of the games I felt really strongly about didn't make the cut, both first AND third party. But I'm really happy No More Heroes did.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: Lithium on September 25, 2012, 03:16:14 PM
I prefer the second game, but I'm glad at that the series has some representation at least
also the game also had a pretty kickass soundtrack, kudos for the song selection
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: Evan_B on September 25, 2012, 07:42:20 PM
Josh Max is the ****.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: EasyCure on September 25, 2012, 08:35:20 PM
Easily one of my favorite Wii games if I had to pull a list off the top of my head. If measuring my sheer enjoyment (instead of nitpicking like graphics, gameplay or audio), I'd honestly put NMH higher than even some 1st party Nintendo games.

Travis Touchdown is one of my favorite characters now, but there isn't honestly anything special about him - and I think that's what makes him so likable as a character. He's a this uber-geek who goes to great lengths for the promise of sex he probably isn't going to get anyway.. but in his head he's "the ****". How awesome is that?

I was giddy one Halloween when I saw someone dressed like Travis. So cool!
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on September 26, 2012, 08:32:45 AM

Travis Touchdown is one of my favorite characters now, but there isn't honestly anything special about him - and I think that's what makes him so likable as a character. He's a this uber-geek who goes to great lengths for the promise of sex he probably isn't going to get anyway.. but in his head he's "the ****". How awesome is that?

I also love his little character quirks. The fact that he's an amoral and apathetic killer, yet he's still directed by the childish sentiment that a boy should never hit a girl. The few occasions in the game in which Travis is serious usually revolve around women and his distaste for harming them (which to an extent shows his caring side, but which is also further proof of his sexism). He's just full of contradictions. The fact that in the second game he rails against what is effectively a supra-corporation, yet continues to frequent fast food joints and stylish fashion stores. The fact that he want's to take the Association down and yet quite clearly wants to be at the top of it. Unlike alot of video game characters, Travis actually feels like a character with motivations, tastes and interests (Which in Travis' case are all pretty messed up, but at least he has them).
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: NWR_Neal on September 26, 2012, 03:17:16 PM
I love the style of the No More Heroes games, but the gameplay never really thrilled me. I played through most of 1, but then the story/style didn't push me enough to complete it. I got bored of 2 even faster.

I can see why people like them, but I just ultimately come down on the "it's cool, sort of." camp. I do think Travis' character is wonderful, though, for all the reasons people above described.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: marty on September 26, 2012, 04:04:06 PM
As a beat em up fan, I like NMH, but it is not a good game and I could not recommend it to anyone that likes good games.  It's far too clunky for how much the game relies on repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition as well as the really punishing bits that feel like a huge waste of time ie: driving, jobs, 1-hit lose scenarios that you drove to and will have to drive to again.  Still, the game got motion controls right and was fun for a bit.  It's a shame the sequel didn't fix most of the games fundamental flaws.

A goodish bad-game.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: ejamer on September 26, 2012, 04:08:45 PM
Driving is such an interesting part of No More Heroes. It's clunky, and has some odd issues... but there is also a lot of nuance to the controls. The problem is they just aren't documented anywhere, so you have to figure everything out yourself.

By the end of the game, you should be a near expert on the bike, whipping around corners, boosthing, dooing wheelies and hairpin turns... all with no problems.
Title: Re: Best of the Wii: No More Heroes
Post by: ShyGuy on September 30, 2012, 11:10:36 PM
I liked the random battles you run into in the parking lots and such.