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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Killer_Man_Jaro on September 24, 2012, 03:13:00 AM

Title: Prope Uncertain If Rodea The Sky Soldier Will Ever Be Released
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on September 24, 2012, 03:13:00 AM

Game director Yuji Naka is unsure of the project's fate, but wants to work on Wii U.

Rodea The Sky Soldier may never see release on Wii despite having been completed for a year, according to Prope founder Yuji Naka.

In an interview with Polygon, the co-creator of Sonic The Hedgehog expressed a great deal of uncertainty when as to the release plans of his sky-based action game, which was announced for both Wii and 3DS, and indicated that the team at Prope had not heard from the Japanese publisher, Kadokawa Games, for some time.

"We have finished developing the Wii version and we have already submitted it. That was around a year ago. But it seems like they are still considering the [details of] the 3DS version," said Naka.

The 3DS version of Rodea is being developed by Kadokawa Games, and Naka remained cautiously optimistic that it was still on target for release next year.

"It might be close to being finished, but we haven't spoken to Kadokawa in a while, so I'm not sure. Kadokawa never said they're not going to sell it, so I would guess they'll release it sometime in 2013 or so," Naka continued.

"That has to get cleared up. Because of that, I'm not sure what's going to happen to the game. However, I'm very confident we were able to create a new type of action game. I really want a lot of people to play this game."

When Naka was asked about his plans for Wii U, he revealed that he had already begun drafting ideas for the system.

"Whenever there is new hardware, I feel like creating something for it. Following the announcement of the Wii U, I've been writing a bunch of game concepts. I'm hoping to be able to create a game for Wii U," Naka said.

However, he seemed less enthused about the idea of moving Rodea over to the new console due to the nature of how the game played and controlled.

"One unfortunate thing about the Wii U announcement: it doesn't come with a Wii Remote, so Rodea and all the other Wii titles I created, people won't be able to play it with a Wii Remote. They'll have to use the Wii U GamePad," said Naka.

"I created the game specifically for the Wii Remote, so it's going to turn into a totally different experience. I'm really down about that because Rodea is a really good game."

Initially unveiled early in 2011, Rodea The Sky Soldier is a game based around flying and aerial combat. The Wii version is controlled by clicking on points in the environment, causing the protagonist, Rodea, to arc through the air towards these points. Last year, XSEED stated that they were interested in publishing the game for a North American release, although it is unknown if anything will come of this.

Title: Re: Prope Uncertain If Rodea The Sky Soldier Will Ever Be Released
Post by: joshnickerson on September 24, 2012, 10:08:45 PM
"One unfortunate thing about the Wii U announcement: it doesn't come with a Wii Remote, so Rodea and all the other Wii titles I created, people won't be able to play it with a Wii Remote. They'll have to use the Wii U GamePad," said Naka.

Naka, were you unaware that there are approximately six zillion Wiimotes scattered throughout the globe? It ain't gonna be that difficult for someone to find one.
Title: Re: Prope Uncertain If Rodea The Sky Soldier Will Ever Be Released
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on September 25, 2012, 12:23:32 PM
For the last X number of years, I've wanted this game
