Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: Dcapo1989 on November 04, 2011, 12:52:03 PM

Title: Original Chiptune Album
Post by: Dcapo1989 on November 04, 2011, 12:52:03 PM
Hello everyone, I have just finished a new 15 track chiptune album inspired by my love for old school gaming. (

Video Games were an essential part of my childhood. Not only did they provide me with a way to escape the problems of my youth but games like Zelda, Mega Man and Final Fantasy are what inspired me to begin writing music in the first place. This album is a reflection on my favorite childhood memories as a gamer and a tribute to the games that inspired me to pursue music as a career. The album takes inspiration from early NES game soundtracks in style and form but also extends track lengths to add development and uses various synth sounds to add texture and detail that wouldn't have been possible with the original system.
Please visit my Bandcamp profile to listen.

Daniel. ( (