Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Vanilla Thunder on May 12, 2003, 11:01:34 AM

Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Vanilla Thunder on May 12, 2003, 11:01:34 AM
Well, a list of upcoming first and second party Gamecube and Game Boy Advance title have been released by, who in turn apparently got the information from a popular multimedia magazine in Japan.  The list goes as follows:

Pokemon Channel With Pikachu (GCN, 7/18)
Pokemon Coliseum (GCN, Fall)
Mario Golf (GCN, September)
Mario Kart (GCN, this year)
Mario Party 5 (GCN, this year)
Pikmin 2 (GCN, this year)
Wario World GC (GCN, this year)
Custom Robo GC (GCN, this year)
Star Fox (GCN, release TBA)
Super Mario Advance 4 (GBA, 7/18)
Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Saphire (GBA, Summer)
Legend of Starfee 2 (GBA, September)
Mario & Luigi RPG (GBA, this year)

Note that the Star Fox title listed here is NOT Star Fox Armada from Namco; thus, there are TWO new Star Fox titles coming to the Gamecube, the latter of which is presumably from, dare I say it, Nintendo EAD.  Pokemon Coliseum is most likely a new Pokemon Stadium with two-on-two support, all of the new Pokemon, moves, items, personalities, and traits, and possibly LAN/online capabilities.  A new Mario Party is always fun news, and I'm THRILLED to see the inclusion of a new Mario RPG game, of which Luigi's name is in the title (however tentative that name may be).  All in all a very exciting list, and it doesn't even detail all of the other great Nintendo-only releases like Rebel Strike, The Twin Snakes, and Resident Evil 4.

I just hope Pilotwings GC pops up at E3 in addition to all of this.    
Title: RE: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Biohazard on May 12, 2003, 11:05:05 AM
We'll see, hopefully some of theese games won't dissapoint.  Im tired of going through all this hype just to be dissapointed...anyway hopefully all theese games will be great.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Rhoq on May 12, 2003, 11:15:08 AM
Is Pokemon Channel that "Pokemon Box" thing?

Also, I take it that Pokemon Colliseum is the GC follow-up to the N-64's Pokemon Stadium - would a Game Boy be needed to play Colliseum, or can you play it on it's own?
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 12, 2003, 11:24:59 AM
What's Legend of Starfee 2? Sounds interesting.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ian Sane on May 12, 2003, 11:25:49 AM
"Note that the Star Fox title listed here is NOT Star Fox Armada from Namco; thus, there are TWO new Star Fox titles coming to the Gamecube, the latter of which is presumably from, dare I say it, Nintendo EAD."

I imagine the listed Star Fox title is Star Fox Armada.  'Armada' isn't really an official name, it's just a name that game sites started using.  I really REALLY doubt that Nintendo is working on another Star Fox title so soon.  IGN claims it different but they don't mention how they "know" that.  If they're just making an assumption based on the list that's pretty weak.

Aside from Mario RPG I'm not too surprised by any of this.  The Luigi part is a little scary though.  I mean has there ever been a good game with Luigi in the staring role?
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ninja X on May 12, 2003, 11:25:55 AM
Nice to see a new Mario RPG game...however, I'm somewhat saddened the game will appear on GBA.  Hopefully, they are developing one for the GCN as well.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 12, 2003, 11:28:34 AM
Ian: It's Mario AND Luigi RPG- some of the best Mario games had both brothers headlining them (the whole Super Mario Bros. line ).
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ian Sane on May 12, 2003, 11:29:46 AM
"I'm somewhat saddened the game will appear on GBA. Hopefully, they are developing one for the GCN as well."

Good point.  The GBA has like two RPGs released a month while the Cube gets like two a year.  The Cube clearly would benefit more from this title.  Of course it's possible that this is a port of Super Mario RPG with a different name in which case a GBA release would make more sense.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Vanilla Thunder on May 12, 2003, 11:47:11 AM
Good point, Ian Sane.  It could be the same Star Fox title, so I'm not going to get my hopes up at all.  It's just an interesting possibility, as IGN said that the magazine that was the list's source made it sound as though it was a new, non-Namco Star Fox.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ninja X on May 12, 2003, 11:49:21 AM
I doubt it is a port of Mario RPG for SNES.  For one thing, Super Mario RPG never had Luigi in it.
Title: RE: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ian Sane on May 12, 2003, 11:52:17 AM
True Mario RPG didn't have Luigi in it.  Of course they could always shoehorn him in.  Most of Nintendo's GBA ports have some changes.  I hope it's a new title but I won't be shocked if it isn't.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Ninja X on May 12, 2003, 12:04:06 PM
Perhaps, Ian.  If they include Luigi as a playable character, I see a multiplayer feature happening.  And that would be the kicker that would make me buy the GBA.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: BreakABone on May 12, 2003, 12:10:30 PM

Originally posted by: Rhoq
Is Pokemon Channel that "Pokemon Box" thing?

Also, I take it that Pokemon Colliseum is the GC follow-up to the N-64's Pokemon Stadium - would a Game Boy be needed to play Colliseum, or can you play it on it's own?

 I'm not too sure about the PokeMon Channel game, the reason I doubt it's the PokeMon Box game is

1)Nintendo just titled it, why rename it?
2)PokeMon Box is scheduled to ship at the end of the month, why would Nintendo delay something so basic?
3)The magazine already had a story of the PokeMon Box in the last issue.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Bill Aurion on May 12, 2003, 12:12:55 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
What's Legend of Starfee 2? Sounds interesting.

It's a sequal for a game that never came out in the U.S.  I doubt this one will make it either, though I hear it was a great platformer.

That second Pokemon game BETTER be more than a sequal to Hey You Pikachu, or it's gonna get really messy over at NoJ  
Title: RE: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Gamefreak on May 12, 2003, 01:33:29 PM
Um this is a Japanese list. First of all, IGN could be wrong about the two Star Fox thingy, like they said we'll just have to see.
As for Legend of Starfee, it won't make it to the US.
Pokemon Channel is the Japanese name for Pokemon Box.
Pokemon Coliseum is the Japanese name for Stadium...unless they bring the name over too this time. I like coliseum better...
And Custom Robo definately won't make it.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: joshnickerson on May 12, 2003, 01:36:35 PM
I wouldn't mind a sequel to 'Hey You, Pikachu', as long as they don't make it as crap-tastically bad as the original.
Actually, it might also be the long fabled "Pokemon Party" game, which has also been rumored under the name "Pichu Bros. Party Panic", maybe with Pikachu hosting a huge assortment of mini-games.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 12, 2003, 01:36:51 PM
Well, since GBA is region free, I can import Legend of Starfee if I need to. Was it's predecessor also a GBA game?

Gamefreak: Since the names of those games are their Japanese names, it's possible "Star Fox" is just the name of the Japanese version of Armada, which I'm guessing is an American title.
Title: RE: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Gamefreak on May 12, 2003, 01:45:21 PM
Yeah...but we'll find out tomorrow. Yeah Legend of Starfee 1 was also a GBA game...
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: rpglover on May 12, 2003, 01:59:50 PM
well it looks like the mario luigi rpg may be a remake of mario rpg
but i do think that intelligent systems could make it as well- they did make paper mario which was great
the mario luigi rpg could be a game based off of what paper mario was like and made by intelligent systems published by nintendo
one more option could be that square is making a new mario rpg with nintendo and it is being published by nintendo
i would hope for square, but intelligent systems making one could work as well

mario advance 4 will probably be a remake of mario 3 from the nes with updated graphics and gameplay (saving between levels, secrets)
the star fox thing is probably a typo and is probably the one made by namco
we shall see come e3
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: kennyb27 on May 12, 2003, 02:00:51 PM
Any chance the Mario RPG (assuming it is a new game) will be developed by Square?  The idea of two Star Fox's sure sounds intriguing though.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: GoldShadow1 on May 12, 2003, 02:10:54 PM
NO!  Pokemon Channel?  Pokemon Coliseum?  I want a 3D Pokemon RPG!  Aaarrrghhhhhadsafkjvx.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: ruby_onix on May 12, 2003, 04:58:48 PM
"Pokemon Channel" could be an MMORPG for all we know.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Grey Ninja on May 12, 2003, 05:05:12 PM
Pokemon Channel could be the Pokemon game I have always wanted.  (and that wouldn't be a MMORPG).  Yes indeed... a very intriguing list of titles.  I can't wait to see some of them at E3.  
Title: RE: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: KrazyJ1098 on May 12, 2003, 06:15:12 PM
is E3 wednesday?
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: joshnickerson on May 13, 2003, 03:47:59 AM
IGN has pics of the two new Pokemon games up already. One is indeed a "Stadium" style game, with two on two battles included. Interesting to note, is that this time around, you can actually see your trainer on the battlefield and it seems you'll be able to customize how you'll look.

The other one indeed looks like some sort of interaction game with Pikachu and other Pokemon, where you help them put on a TV show... I have no clue.

They also have shots of the new Starfox game... one weird shot has Fox climbing out of his cockpit and taking some shots at a foe with his blaster.

E3 will certainly be interesting this year.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: MadMan on May 13, 2003, 05:05:35 AM

Originally posted by: joshnickerson
They also have shots of the new Starfox game... one weird shot has Fox climbing out of his cockpit and taking some shots at a foe with his blaster.

It's also interesting to note that the ship he's standing on is flying.  You'd think the blasters IN the ship would be better for taking down aircraft.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on May 13, 2003, 05:18:59 AM
its probably for a place the ships cannon cant reach
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: nolimit19 on May 13, 2003, 07:00:06 AM
yea i heard there is 3rd person fighting in this star fox.....the magicbox had something on it last week. i will find it.
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Bill Aurion on May 13, 2003, 08:25:37 AM

look on the left side...It's the starters from G/S.  I wonder how they are in the game when you can't get them in the R/S games
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Vanilla Thunder on May 13, 2003, 10:09:25 AM
Bill, all 386 Pokemon ARE in Ruby and Sapphire.  Well, they're all programmed in there, anyways, but most of the originals are locked, and not available in the main game (or in other words, initially obtainable).  Don't believe me?  Check out this page to see all of the original Pokemon with their Ruby and Sapphire sprites, as made available by people who hacked into the actual ROM.  The new Ruby and Sapphire information, such as their traits, new pokedexes, movesets, and so forth are also available somewhere on the Internet, once again as provided by the hackers.  

Pokemaniacs have known all of this for a while, though, and now it's only a question of how to unlock these Pokemon on your Ruby and Sapphire games.  Pokemon Box, I think, may be the answer.  
Title: NEW: Two new Star Fox games, new Mario RPG, two helpings of GC Pokemon, and more!
Post by: Bill Aurion on May 13, 2003, 10:51:36 AM
I knew that their sprites are in the game, but you can't get them without cheating.  That's what I was implying