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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 02, 2011, 01:19:27 AM

Title: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 02, 2011, 01:19:27 AM
Lets forget about the fact that you have to start from the beginning everytime you time and travel your way back to wherever it was you just died at.

I was in 12 exp. points away from leveling up after skipping the last two (2000pt Attack powerup - skipped 1200 & 1500 to get to it) and I was in a battle where I needed to use my shield spell and my finger accidentally hit the power button.... FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOUUUUUU NINTENDO!!!!
The 3DS closed the game and set my back to the last save point which was aiming for 700pt power up. I had been working on that since earlier in the day and didn't save because I hated traveling back to the swamps again.

It's bad enough that the 3DS is too small for my hands, but do you really need to place power button in the path to the very often used (for this game atleast) start button? Can we get a firmware update that changes an ingame power button push to a suspend state till it's determined by the user that they do want to shut the system down?

Is there anyway to skip back up to the experience I had without having to grind again?
This is bullshit and I'm ready to give up on this game again like I did so many damn years ago.

I think I might fire up Metroid and give that the chance it never got back when I was young instead.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UncleBob on September 02, 2011, 01:59:55 AM
Lets forget about the fact that you have to start from the beginning everytime you time and travel your way back to wherever it was you just died at.

Everytime you time?  Meta.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: KDR_11k on September 02, 2011, 03:14:04 AM
I believe the power button did practically nothing with the initial firmware and only showed the shutdown dialog. Guess Nintendo realized that a button doing nothing was kinda useless.

The start and select buttons on the 3DS are generally garbage, I have a very hard time pressing A+B+S+S in Link's Awakening too.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on September 02, 2011, 07:14:25 AM
I believe the power button did practically nothing with the initial firmware and only showed the shutdown dialog. Guess Nintendo realized that a button doing nothing was kinda useless.

The start and select buttons on the 3DS are generally garbage, I have a very hard time pressing A+B+S+S in Link's Awakening too.

For GB and GBC games you can use the Y button as the select button.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Adrock on September 02, 2011, 08:18:36 AM
I tried all of the Ambassador Program games and the only one I liked/still liked was Super Mario Bros. which suffers due to the controls. Still, they were free so there are no hard feelings and I'm sure I'll try them again. I'm eagerly waiting for the updates and the GBA games.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 02, 2011, 09:02:37 AM

Wasn't this one of those games you got for FREE by EXPLOITING a loophole in the Ambassador program?
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UncleBob on September 02, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
Yeah, you Scambasador.



Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ceric on September 02, 2011, 09:17:23 AM
I had a version of the US manual that said you would start at whatever castle you last beat.  Later manuals had that part corrected.  At one point Nintendo recognized the problem and it didn't get in.  This game would be a lot better if the save system was revamped.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 02, 2011, 11:21:09 AM

Wasn't this one of those games you got for FREE by EXPLOITING a loophole in the Ambassador program?

Depending on how you look at it, I didn't exploit a loophole in the ambassador program, I exploited a 30 day price match policy at the big box retailers. I still bought a 3DS at full price and connected it to the internet before the required date.

But even if I got the game for free, what difference does that make? It's not like I didn't own this game 20something years ago and hated it then too. I cursing Nintendo for the bad placement of the start button and the no (current) button mapping on the VC games.
I'm sorta upset because the 3DS is too small for my hands so shifting my hands to not only grip the thing to play, but then again to hit that start button was already bad enough.

I'm really upset because after all these years, auto save is feature I've just taken for granted.
Save states are an announced feature that haven't been included yet, and I just lost atleast 1-2 hours worth of repetitious grinding and castle crawling that I really don't want to do over again even though I really want to beat this game.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UncleBob on September 02, 2011, 11:57:56 AM
That's why I'm waiting to play Metroid or Zelda 1/2 until we get real save states. :D
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ian Sane on September 02, 2011, 12:13:57 PM
It's interesting to think that both Zelda II and SMB2 (ie: Lost Levels) sucked.  Miyamoto is widely considered a genius but for his two big franchises he royally fudged the first sequel.  Maybe the real testament to his genius is his ability to move on from that and make some of the greatest games of all time with the third installments.

Regarding the power button, what was wrong with the GBA method?  It had a sliding switch on the side and then for some reason they went with the button on the face for the DS.  You the hell accidently turned their GBA off?  It seemed like a foolproof method.  You don't want the power button to be mistaken for normal controller button.  Nintendo's post-DS design for these things comes across like a rookie design mistake.  You figure Nintendo, the masters of handheld consoles would have this stuff figured out.

Nintendo is notorious for not offering button mapping.  I don't know if it's laziness or some weird powertrip control thing.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 02, 2011, 12:55:01 PM
I should also mention that if you happen to do the 2nd controller trick so that you can save, you don't get to continue playing..... You get taken back to the game starting point and have to work your way all the way back to the area/dungeon you were just in all over again.

Save & Continue (<---the missing option)
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 02, 2011, 12:59:01 PM
Maybe the problem is Nintendo's chief engineer is now the head of the company as a whole, so my theory is Iwata's old position is now being filled by someone less competent. Its the equivalent of Kirk and Spock both being either gone or incapacitated and Scotty commanding the ship instead. The question is, if Scotty is commanding the ship then who is running things in engineering? And I think that's how it is with Nintendo. Ever since Iwata moved from being chief engineer to ship's captain it left a gaping hole in Nintendo's engineering. Who is running things there now? Some nameless disposable red shirt. That's who.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 02, 2011, 01:05:12 PM
Interesting theory, but Iwata worked at HAL, not Nintendo, before he was an executive.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ceric on September 02, 2011, 01:42:57 PM
Zelda 2 really isn't a bad game.  Just a frustrating one squarely due to the save system.  Save states will greatly enhance that game.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 02, 2011, 04:08:30 PM
Yeah, I have a theory that Nintendo made some bad design decisions on the 3DS so that they can later release a revision that addresses these kinds of issues. The power button is in a pretty bad place, it should be moved to where the Start/Select buttons are now, or even combined with the Home button since I don't see a reason for both to exist. Then, Start and Select should be where the Power button is.

I liked Zelda II but I recognize that it has issues, mostly due to the limitations and design philosophies of the NES. Very few NES games have aged well and are still playable today. Of the ten offered, Super Mario Brothers is actually the most playable... and it's the oldest one on the list!
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 02, 2011, 04:12:51 PM
I don't have a problem with the power button, and I would have to go out of my way to hit it. Unless your hands are like the size of Shaq's, I honestly don't see how you could accidentally hit it.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ceric on September 02, 2011, 04:23:12 PM
I don't have a problem with the power button, and I would have to go out of my way to hit it. Unless your hands are like the size of Shaq's, I honestly don't see how you could accidentally hit it.
I will counter argue that I can press all 4 buttons at the same time with my thumb with ease.  Making the button layout not bad for me.  I've hit the Power Button trying to get the Start button.  Its about the same motion for me.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Adrock on September 02, 2011, 04:34:48 PM
When I first got my 3DS, I hit the power button all the time out of habit because it's right where Start/Select is on the DSi.
Yeah, I have a theory that Nintendo made some bad design decisions on the 3DS so that they can later release a revision that addresses these kinds of issues.
I don't think they'd do that on purpose. There are any number of reasons to redesign a product without poorly designing something deliberately. Who says Nintendo even really needs a reason other than it will help sales?
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on September 02, 2011, 04:35:36 PM
I've been playing Zelda II a bit over the past couple days.  I haven't even beaten the first palace, but I've found a heart and magic jar, then decided to go learn Life before beating the first palace, wondering why I never thought of that before.  Mostly what I've found is that the 3DS's controls make the game much harder than it ever was before.

When I played this on my GameCube, I found the analog stick really good for the game.  That was the first time that I ever looked forward to fighting blue Ironknuckles, since it made me feel like such a bamf blocking all their attacks effortlessly while I cut them down.  On the 3DS, I was nearly killed by some bits and a Stalfos.  A Stalfos can't even attack low!  There is no challenge to blocking them, or at least there's not supposed to be.  There seems to be something about where the circle pad's thresholds between left/right and up/down are that I just can't feel out instinctively.  It's really obvious on the world map when I start walking back and forth left and right when I'm trying to move down.  The D-pad is more accurate, but it's not even remotely comfortable to use.

The power button hasn't been a problem yet, and I really like having Y act as select, although that makes me wonder why X can't be start.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 02, 2011, 04:36:53 PM
Of the ten offered, Super Mario Brothers is actually the most playable... and it's the oldest one on the list!
Except for Ice Climber, Balloon Fight, DK Jr., and Wrecking Crew...
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 02, 2011, 04:44:07 PM
I don't think they'd do that on purpose. There are any number of reasons to redesign a product without poorly designing something deliberately. Who says Nintendo even really needs a reason other than it will help sales?
It's probably just me being pessimistic for no reason. There are other possibilities of course, like maybe they just wanted to design it differently than the previous DS systems just to be different. In any case, it doesn't feel like the designers of the system actually used it, since I realized most of its issues after five minutes of playing.

Of the ten offered, Super Mario Brothers is actually the most playable... and it's the oldest one on the list!
Except for Ice Climber, Balloon Fight, DK Jr., and Wrecking Crew...
Hm, I thought they all released alongside or after Super Mario Brothers but I'm probably thinking of US release dates and you're talking Japanese ones.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 02, 2011, 05:14:57 PM
Hm, I thought they all released alongside or after Super Mario Brothers but I'm probably thinking of US release dates and you're talking Japanese ones.

You also forgot about the arcade. SMB first released on the NES in September 1985 (Japan). Ice Climbers was released in arcades in 1984, Balloon Fight in 1984, Donkey Kong Jr. in 1983, Wrecking Crew never in arcades. If you go by just the NES releases, WC came out 3 months before SMB, DK Jr. 26 months earlier (June 1983, compared to September 1985 for SMB), IC by 8 months, BF by 8 months too.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 02, 2011, 05:20:13 PM
Yeah, I was pretty foggy on the dates of the others, I just knew that Super Mario Brothers was an NES launch title and went from there. I probably should have gone with "one of the oldest" as I had originally planned to write.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Oblivion on September 02, 2011, 06:29:03 PM
I think it's hilarious because I've never accidently hit the power button. And I've owned a DSi since the DSi launch! Actually, it does help that my power button doesn't work half the time.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Luigi Dude on September 02, 2011, 07:14:22 PM
Zelda II is an example of a game that badly NEEDS a remake.  At it's core, it's actually a great game but has several flaws that really drag it down and for a lot of people make it way too frustrating to enjoy.  The thing is, all of Zelda II's flaws are easily fixable, like making it so you don't have to start over from the very beginning every time you die.  Just fixing things like that would make the game 100 times better and actually playable for the masses.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: noname2200 on September 02, 2011, 07:26:00 PM
I love Zelda II, although I know I'm in the minority. It's fast, fluid, really challenging, but rarely cheap.

I don't even really mind being sent back or losing experience with each game over: it strikes me as a fair penalty for dying, but one that's not too harsh. Most places, even far-flung ones, can be re-reached fairly quickly, thanks to the game's fairly tight design, and experience only exists in this game to reward the player's persistence, not to make the game beatable: this is strictly an action game, with the RPG elements being tacked on to make the game easier for players who prefer things to be (a little) less challenging.

I agree though that the start button would be better if it was mapped to the X Button.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 02, 2011, 10:52:12 PM
Interesting theory, but Iwata worked at HAL, not Nintendo, before he was an executive.

I thought he was largely involved in the design of the Gamecube and GBA?
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Oblivion on September 02, 2011, 11:04:45 PM
I cannot stand more than 30 seconds of this game at a time.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 03, 2011, 05:09:15 PM
I love Zelda II, although I know I'm in the minority.
I liked it too, it's one of my favourite NES games and one of the few I can still stand to play today. At that same time, I can understand why anyone who didn't play it (or at least owned an NES) during its time wouldn't like the game. Like many NES games, it shows its age, and it can be a frustrating game if you don't know where to go and what to do. If I played it for the first time today, I probably wouldn't like it either.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 03, 2011, 05:20:34 PM
I don't think I ever played the game until I got the Zelda Collector's Edition disc for GameCube and don't know if I even played it then either.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 03, 2011, 06:04:07 PM
So, the ending to this game is kind of weird, huh? You've presumably got two Princess Zeldas around, and Link's making out with the older one.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: broodwars on September 04, 2011, 01:03:53 AM
I disagree that this was ever a "great game", but it was always an interesting one with some good ideas that just were never done well.  One thing's for sure, though: the game is a royal chore to play, and there are sections of it that are just unfair difficulty-wise.  The only way I'd ever like to see a true "remake", though, is if it was a smaller game released on Nintendo's digital download service.  The Zelda games are similar enough that I think any larger project would be pretty redundant, especially since the 3D games have incorporated and improved upon some of the mechanics this game started.  I'd certainly pay for a modern 2D digital download remake, though, just to have a version of the game that's actually playable.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 04, 2011, 02:13:50 AM
Zelda II is the reason why there was never a Zelda III
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 04, 2011, 02:27:25 AM
For the record, I just got past the island palace and traveled across the sea.
It's not so bad once you get the hammer and can get back to where you where with relative ease.

One tip though. Don't beat any palaces until you have already done all your grinding in the swamps. You get an automatic level up after every palace boss and it's pretty easy to level up past 1500exp in the swamps.
Also don't pick up any Link dolls you find. They give you a free life, but they only show up once and you only get to use them once, so just memorize where they are and save them for later.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: SixthAngel on September 05, 2011, 02:22:54 AM
I love Zelda II.
So do I.  I also never thought starting at the palace or losing experience was too much of a penalty.   Once you get a few items everwhere opens up so well.

I love the way Link's abilities grow.  In the beginning spiders dropping down are a pain in the ass but later on you are upward thrusting them in the face and using spells like jump to leap over boomerang throwing guys.

I never got stuck because of the difficulty until the maze of death to get to the final palace.  That place always kicked my ass so I would have almost nothing left when I got to the final palace.  Save the 1ups for that BnM.

As long a tips are being given out I'll give one.  Stab every Darknut statue in the face, they sometimes drop bags of experience.  Of course sometimes a real darknut comes out and you have to fight him but it's worth it.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Sundoulos on September 06, 2011, 01:02:16 AM
So, the ending to this game is kind of weird, huh? You've presumably got two Princess Zeldas around, and Link's making out with the older one.
I had often wondered if the bizarre story was byproduct of the bad translations...I guess not, though.

Count me among those who love this game, warts and all.

Even after defeating the temple bosses, I always avoided putting the jewels in the statues until I needed them for the final experience levels.  It makes you do some backtracking, but you avoid having to do a bit of grinding late in the game.

I always loved the swordplay mechanics in this game.  The controls were tight, and the knockback that you saw when you connected with a Stalfos or Darknut seemed just right.  The only thing that was missing for me in Zelda II was the variety of items that was found in Zelda I.   The majority of the weapons in Zelda 2 simply functioned as keys to get to the next area of the game.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on September 06, 2011, 01:46:15 AM
Not a big fan of Zelda II but I appreciate how many elements from it were used in later games, whether it was the magic meter, to the side scrolling sections, towns, more structured world design (but that is can be debated as to whether it was a good or bad influence compared to Zelda 1's go anywhere world) amongst other things. It was an innovative game that just didn't come together, maybe even because of the 1 year development time (Something that likely impacted SMB2 Japan as well).

Also Miyamoto had a different role for Zelda II, he was the producer, someone else directed the game (Similar to Zelda now, where Aonuma produces and someone else directs). So yeah I appreciate what Zelda II did for the series, and even for gaming, but do I think it is a good game? Not really.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ceric on September 06, 2011, 09:15:11 AM
I love Zelda II, although I know I'm in the minority. It's fast, fluid, really challenging, but rarely cheap.

I don't even really mind being sent back or losing experience with each game over: it strikes me as a fair penalty for dying, but one that's not too harsh. Most places, even far-flung ones, can be re-reached fairly quickly, thanks to the game's fairly tight design, and experience only exists in this game to reward the player's persistence, not to make the game beatable: this is strictly an action game, with the RPG elements being tacked on to make the game easier for players who prefer things to be (a little) less challenging.

I agree though that the start button would be better if it was mapped to the X Button.
I have to disagree a bit here.  I think that Sending you all the back to the start and the experience loss is to much.  One or the other.  I've always thought that.  This game has the potential to be great with some more polish.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 06, 2011, 01:58:26 PM
Experience lost & sending you back to the beginning after "Game Over" is one thing, but you even lose the experience and get sent back to the beginning after saving too. now that sux.

And honestly, after getting the hammer, getting sent back is a minor annoyance.
After realizing how leveling up works, losing experience is a minor annoyance too.

I have 3 level ups to go to be maxed out at 8 on everything
(6 strength, 7 magic, 8 health)
and if I had realized that I automatically level up after putting the stone in every temple, then I wouldn't have done them right away until I was at 5 on everything. Beat the boss and then leave, do a little more grinding and level up. Come back later and put the stone in and level up again.

Before you have your downward thrust, swamps is the place to level up easily. (obvioulsy attack the slime and not the monster)
After your downward thrust is obtained, then head over to the sands across the ocean. hundreds of experience in minutes. And you want to do all that grinding the hard way in the early levels.

Quick Question.
Hows much further in the game do i have to go if I just used the flute to make the squid/octopus monster move to open up the southern path?
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Caliban on September 06, 2011, 02:31:06 PM
Quick Question.
Hows much further in the game do i have to go if I just used the flute to make the squid/octopus monster move to open up the southern path?

You have 2 more temples to beat.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on September 06, 2011, 05:20:04 PM
Quick Question.
Hows much further in the game do i have to go if I just used the flute to make the squid/octopus monster move to open up the southern path?

The crystal count on the pause screen is a hint to that.  Once you've placed all the crystals, the barrier at the final palace lifts.  So, yeah, you should have two left: the annoying Hidden Palace and the epic maze-like Great Palace.

Also, since there's not a very informative manual for the game on 3DS, and you might not figure it out on your own, the hammer can clear forests.  That's only important one time.

I really don't recall the game having sufficient hints built in for most of the late game content.  If it hadn't been for Nintendo Power, I'd never have finished it.  On this play-through, I've just reached the Island Palace.  I'm well ahead of where I usually am on levels somehow, too.  Probably from stopping to kill most of the bubbles I saw.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 07, 2011, 06:51:11 PM
So, the ending to this game is kind of weird, huh? You've presumably got two Princess Zeldas around, and Link's making out with the older one.
I had often wondered if the bizarre story was byproduct of the bad translations...I guess not, though.
I think I'm missing something because I don't understand what you mean. How are there two princess Zeldas?
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 07, 2011, 06:57:26 PM
This Link is the same Link as in Zelda 1, several years later. In Zelda II, it is revealed that a Princess Zelda was put under a sleeping spell many generations ago, and this is the Zelda that you're rescuing, but the Zelda from the first game is presumably still around.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 07, 2011, 07:01:43 PM
Huh, really? That's strange. I always thought that Zelda was put under a spell where she would go into a deep sleep should Link happen to defeat Ganon, and since he did so in Zelda 1, he now had to break the spell in Zelda II. I guess I'll have to pay closer attention to the story the next time I play the game.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Sundoulos on September 07, 2011, 10:51:35 PM
I don't think that it's explicity spelled out in the game, it's just sort of implied by the old manual.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 07, 2011, 10:55:40 PM
It is from the original Japanese manual though, not just something NOA made up. They even specifically say "another Zelda." I think it's interesting that the story originates several Zelda elements though. It explains the literal "Legend of Zelda." It introduces the Triforce of Courage, Link's tie to the Triforce, and the mark on his hand, Impa, etc. And it doesn't even have Ganon (unless you die).
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 07, 2011, 11:31:12 PM
Oh yeah, I remember reading that in the GBA manual. It says that every royal female child after that will be named Zelda, so I guess there are more than one.

And it doesn't even have Ganon (unless you die).
This may sound stupid, but I've always thought that Zelda II has the best game over screen. Some recent games have long or elaborate cutscenes when you fail, but Zelda II gets right to the point.

Game Over
Return of Ganon
*evil laughter*
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UncleBob on September 07, 2011, 11:38:56 PM
It explains the literal "Legend of Zelda."

I've always loved the fact that the only game that actually talks about the "Legend of Zelda" is also the only game not titled "The Legend of Zelda"...
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: MegaByte on September 07, 2011, 11:41:03 PM
That irony did not escape me, but it was called The Legend of Zelda 2 in Japan.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on September 08, 2011, 04:16:46 PM
Well, I finally died for the first time.  It wasn't even from falling.  I got bounced between some stupid, pathetic Leevers on the way to the island maze.  Just sad, really.  The last hit killed me after I cast Life, before it restored enough hit points for me to survive the next blow.  And I was hoping for a no death run, too.  Oh well.  Now I'm gunning for a no Game Over run, I guess.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: noname2200 on September 09, 2011, 04:57:15 PM
I have to disagree a bit here.  I think that Sending you all the back to the start and the experience loss is to much.  One or the other.  I've always thought that.  This game has the potential to be great with some more polish.

That's fair. I think it boils down to what Mop said: playing this game near its release builds a tolerance to its weaknesses. Compared to games of the time, Zelda II's penalties are a slap to the wrist, when the norm was a caning.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Ceric on September 09, 2011, 05:08:21 PM
I have to disagree a bit here.  I think that Sending you all the back to the start and the experience loss is to much.  One or the other.  I've always thought that.  This game has the potential to be great with some more polish.

That's fair. I think it boils down to what Mop said: playing this game near its release builds a tolerance to its weaknesses. Compared to games of the time, Zelda II's penalties are a slap to the wrist, when the norm was a caning.
I don't think it is because of the time it takes to get back to were your going is a HUGE penalty.  Even for that time.  Shoot I owned and played this game when it was released and it still annoys me.
Title: Re: Zelda II: F#(k This Game!!!!!!!
Post by: Mop it up on September 09, 2011, 07:24:23 PM
It could have been worse. At least you keep any levels you gained even if you lose the points you had towards the next level. Final Fantasy makes you reload your save if you lose.