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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_pap64 on April 19, 2011, 04:57:24 PM

Title: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: NWR_pap64 on April 19, 2011, 04:57:24 PM

A recent job listing hints at the possibility.

Retro Studios looking to hire several people, according to a recent job listing posted on Gamasutra.

The Austin, Texas-based company is looking to fill the following staff positions:

4/14/2011 Software Engineer (Level 2 or 3)
4/14/2011 Software Engineer (Level 1)
4/14/2011 Graphics/UI Artist
4/14/2011 Game Designer
4/14/2011 Design Manager
4/14/2011 Technical Artist
4/14/2011 Artist - Retro Studios

No specific game title or console is mentioned, but the set of positions hints that the company is gearing up for a new title.

Retro Studios recently worked on Donkey Kong Country Returns, released in November of 2010. The development studio is also known for creating the Metroid Prime series of games.

Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: TurdFurgy on April 19, 2011, 05:18:56 PM
I would like to see them do a Zelda.
To bad they don't need an awesome graphic designer named TurdFurgy, I fit that description perfectly.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Mop it up on April 19, 2011, 05:20:57 PM
It isn't surprising Retro is working on another game, but I wonder if these hirings mean that they are trying to improve development time... unless, did they recently have layoffs?
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Ceric on April 19, 2011, 05:33:15 PM
That looks like recoup from burnout in a development cycle with some added man power.  I doubt it would really have any effect on the timeline.  Think its funny they mention C#.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Kytim89 on April 19, 2011, 05:39:58 PM
I would bet that they are working on Starfox HD for the Wii 2.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: FZeroBoyo on April 19, 2011, 05:40:13 PM
New F-Zero please.  :P: :

Sounds interesting. Perhaps we'll hear something at E3?

Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 19, 2011, 06:09:19 PM
It goes without saying they're working on something. As soon as they finished DKCR they began work on something else. Those who fund studios such as Retro aren't giving them money to do nothing.

Most likely this will be a Wii Next title; possibly Metroid Prime 4.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: ShyGuy on April 19, 2011, 06:11:44 PM
I hope it's not just Prime Trilogy in HD.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: ThomasO on April 19, 2011, 06:12:37 PM

Awesome to know they're working on something.

I would love to work for them, but while I will have a degree in computer science, I satisfy very few of those Software Engineer requirements, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Hallnavy on April 19, 2011, 07:31:11 PM
I would die for a Donkey Kong Wii, much like, if not a remake of Donkey Kong 64.
They've started a donkey kong game allready....So it's not out of reach....

One can hope....
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Ian Sane on April 19, 2011, 07:57:25 PM
I really want to see what these guys can do with something completely original.  DKC Returns was good and all but Retro showed such creativity with Metroid Prime that I am dying to see what they would produce if Nintendo just said "here's the budget and development time frame we're offering, make whatever you want".

DKC Returns was hurt somewhat by the fact that the 2D sidescroller revival was already well underway on the Wii prior to the game being announced.  With Metroid Prime Retro took us into uncharted territory.  With DKC Returns they were really following the lead Nintendo took with NSMB Wii.  Perhaps that is fitting since the original DKC was just Rare following Nintendo's blueprint as well.  But when I think of Rare I think a lot about Goldeneye and Perfect Dark because unlike their other games those were not at all like the sort of games Nintendo themselves made.  Metroid Prime was not a game Nintendo themselves would have made even though it used their franchise.  If Retro didn't make DKC Returns someone else would have.  It's great execution of a very safe and conventional idea.

Retro can make something as good as Nintendo that is not something Nintendo themselves would make.  That is precisely what they should be making because if everyone is just going to make the same stuff EAD is making, why bother using these talented devs?  Might as well farm it out to Artoon or Tose.  The advantage and realistically the whole point of owning these seperate independent developers is that can provide variety and do something different.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: JDE on April 19, 2011, 10:00:37 PM
Wow, I would really love to get a job at Retro.  Sadly, I'm not that experienced with C# yet, and I've still got another year or so before I get my degree anyway.  I can only hope someday I'll be able to push myself into the Game Dev career, and Retro would be a GREAT place to start.

That said, I think they're working on a Star Fox revival.  They seem to be EXTREMELY good at reviving dead/nearly dead franchises, and Star Fox is basically screaming for a revival.  The last console Star Fox game I played was Assault, and that was about 5 years ago.  Come to think of it, it's the most recent one, besides Command, isn't it?  I think that's much too long without a Star Fox game....
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: 4-D on April 20, 2011, 01:56:08 AM
Did some former employees leave after DKCR, as with FFXIII etc.?
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 20, 2011, 02:03:15 AM
In another thread BnM posted some rumors, and one of them is about a Star Fox game which has recently entered development. This is completely in line with the rumor of Retro recently starting development on something.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 20, 2011, 02:06:09 AM
There are new rumors about Retro floating about

- Retro was the one of the first to recieve a Wii2 dev kit and have been deep in a game development ever since on a game "that everyone want them to do". It's supposedly has nothing to do with Metroid (Starfox? Zelda?)

summarized from HERE ( & HERE (
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Mop it up on April 20, 2011, 02:06:50 AM
Although I have never played a game in the series, Star Fox does seem like the type of game that Retro could do well. However, I have my doubts that it is what they are working on. I think that Nintendo will wait and see how well Star Fox 64 3DS sells before they will consider developing a new game in the series.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 20, 2011, 02:51:50 AM
"that everyone want them to do".

There is an endless number of ways that could be interpreted. I don't there's any one single thing that "everyone" would agree that they want them to do.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 20, 2011, 09:21:57 AM
I felt there was room for at least one sequel to DKCR. If I had to guess, I'd say they were working on a game for the Super Wii and going by form, I'd say it was an already established Nintendo IP. They proved they can switch from one genre to another quite seemlessly so it could be anything. My guess? F-Zero Future.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Ceric on April 20, 2011, 10:08:17 AM
I'm hoping their allowed to finally make there Mascot game.  Even if its just one.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Ian Sane on April 20, 2011, 12:11:49 PM
There is an endless number of ways that could be interpreted. I don't there's any one single thing that "everyone" would agree that they want them to do.

I don't know about that.  A first person shooter would probably please everyone.  The FPS genre has been practicaly non-existent on Nintendo consoles since Perfect Dark.  There is sufficient demand in Nintendo themselves providing an FPS exclusive to match up against Halo, Resistance and Killzone.  We know Retro is more than capable of making an FPS because of Metroid Prime and as an American dev they are likely the only Nintendo team that would work on such a project.
At the very least I can imagine someone making the assumption that an FPS would be a game "that everyone wants them to do".
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Louieturkey on April 20, 2011, 03:13:38 PM
I really want to see what these guys can do with something completely original.  DKC Returns was good and all but Retro showed such creativity with Metroid Prime that I am dying to see what they would produce if Nintendo just said "here's the budget and development time frame we're offering, make whatever you want".
No way will Nintendo do that again.  It's what they did originally and Retro couldn't get anything done.  When Nintendo first commissioned them to make GC games, they had four games planned.  Only Metroid Prime ever came from that and it was finished only after Nintendo completely bought the company, fired the founders, and cancelled the other three projects.   

Retro requires Nintendo to give them focus or nothing will happen and Nintendo will just waste money.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Louieturkey on April 20, 2011, 03:18:28 PM
At the very least I can imagine someone making the assumption that an FPS would be a game "that everyone wants them to do".
Call to Arms: Dark Ops confirmed?
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 20, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
I would love to see Retro get the chance to make their own GoldenEye/Perfect Dark or Conker's BFD.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Stogi on April 20, 2011, 03:26:46 PM
Not surprising that they are working on something, but what would be interesting to hear is what platform they are working on.

I, for one, would love to see a Wii 2 launch title. Maybe Raven Blade? :)
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 20, 2011, 03:32:13 PM
Well, I'm sure you've read the "rumors" but I hope we find out for sure at E3.

Of all the titles they had cancelled, Raven Blade was the one I was looking forward to the most.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: JDE on April 20, 2011, 03:36:15 PM
Ooh ooh!  I just had an awesome thought.  While I would love for them to be working on either Star Fox or Metroid, I wonder if they would be able to bring back Eternal Darkness?  Is there anything preventing that IP from being brought back?
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Chozo Ghost on April 20, 2011, 03:48:56 PM
A first person shooter would probably please everyone.

Not true at all. Believe it or not, there are lots of people who don't like FPS games.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Ian Sane on April 20, 2011, 04:39:55 PM
No way will Nintendo do that again.  It's what they did originally and Retro couldn't get anything done.  When Nintendo first commissioned them to make GC games, they had four games planned.  Only Metroid Prime ever came from that and it was finished only after Nintendo completely bought the company, fired the founders, and cancelled the other three projects.

I would assume the founders who were canned could be blamed for the initial ineptitude.  Realistically it isn't the same Retro.  Besides it would't be like Nintendo would not be overseeing things the whole time anyway.

Not true at all. Believe it or not, there are lots of people who don't like FPS games.

Well nothing is liked by everybody.  But if one was to make a blanket statement about some game everyone would like the FPS genre is so vastly popular right now it seems like the sort of genre one would pick.  Somebody made this blanket statement so we might as well guess at what he was referring to.  I think FPS is a good bet.
Title: Re: Retro Studios Gearing Up for a New Title?
Post by: Caterkiller on April 20, 2011, 06:28:03 PM
I'm crossing my fingers for Star Fox. They are the revival kings and F-Zero hasn't strayed from great quality at all. I'm going to say it is Star Fox. Oh man give us a speedy 16+ mulitplayer online please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing but flying tanks and the occassional submarine!