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Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:23:21 AM

Title: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:23:21 AM
Will there be a story?
Will I post another picture of Power Girl?
Stay tuned I guess.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:23:31 AM
Ah, the final announcements.
Vudu - (killed by vote) STARRO!
He conquered no one.
That makes this a townie victory with only 3 townies left remaining. And they are in no particular order:
Stratos - The Batman
JRLibrarian - The Superman
Bustin98 - The Townie
Congratulations gentlemen. However, a big thanks and sincere tip of my hat to all the players for getting so much into the spirit of things and making such crazy decisions for a wild game.
And now the matter of prizes.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:24:00 AM
Winners List:
TJ Spyke
The Unagi
Mop it up

I'm using a bit of a different process to determine the winners than just the flat out whoever's standing at the end wins formula. The reason for that is because sometimes a good player doesn't always make it to the end despite playing well.
There is one last part of the formula I need before completing the Player's Prize list.
I want each player to send me the names of the players they thought were the best in a top 8 format with #1 being the best and down the line to #8. As well, name the 3 worst players in the game with #1 being the worst and so on.
Send me the list in a pm to me.
If you think you were the best player and want to put yourself #1, you may do so. The list is your choice after all. I'll keep the lists private. As well, the player you think was the best doesn't have to have lived the whole game or even won it.
I ask that all players send me a list by 10:00 EST Thursday. Then I shall I compile the final results and post the order of Prize choosing. Players who do not send in a ballot will not be taking out of the running for a prize but it could hurt your standings.
Then Friday, we shall go down the list and players may choose to accept a prize or decline the prize. We'll go down the list until all prizes are gone.
If you wish to solict this thread for reasons why you should be named a top player, you may make a case for yourself. Please keep things civil. Let's not go all Larfleeze on each other. And if you don't know who Larfleeze is, shame on you.
Finally, if you have any questions, ask away.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: ShyGuy on March 02, 2011, 02:25:49 AM
Charlie Sheen
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:27:50 AM
That's winning!
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 02:32:48 AM
It would have been so much more devilish if JR was Starro and Vudu was Superman.

This was fun. I kinda wish there was a thread just for making comic panels for discussion instead of just typing. But I think apdude and I would be the few to post. Nickmitch would pop in once a week with new word balloons. Or new panels but the same word balloon 'Wanna be pals?'

It was rather flattering to be mistaken for Batman or Superman by The Joker, BTW. I got setup with both perfect traps and still managed to live through the explosion. What fun!
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Stratos on March 02, 2011, 02:33:44 AM

RIP Sundy...again.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 02:35:59 AM
Fallen Justice Leaguers shall be immortalized.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: nickmitch on March 02, 2011, 02:39:35 AM
That was a really fun game. It made me feel like Ryan North, but just a little bit. Making the White Lanter Batmite was probably my favorite part. I made it pretty much right after I got noticed that my bid for the white ring won.

I also thought Bustin98 had a role. I was pretty convinced.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 02, 2011, 02:40:37 AM
I guess I was wrong about Bustin98. I had this really odd idea that Bustin was Starro when the Shyguy vote was going on and I thought that he was voting for Shyguy because he wasn't alive at that point and would have killed vudu in the night and the next day shyguy would have brought himself back to life resulting in a tie thus causing the Mafia to win.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: apdude on March 02, 2011, 02:41:40 AM
We knew stratos was batman or superman on day 1 when we tried to kill him.  I investigated him on day 2 but dasmos was killed that night and I just couldn't get enough points on my own to get the trap in time to make the hit on him on day 3.  I bought the trap on day 4 and instead of using it right away (which would have killed him in the gas attack) I was going to save it for day 5 but the joker decided to kill me.  Batman saved from the Riddler by the Joker... So frustrating...
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: nickmitch on March 02, 2011, 02:43:18 AM
I'll admit, Unclebob had me fooled. The point thing should've tipped me off, but instead did the opposite. :/
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 02, 2011, 02:44:40 AM
Question for the few townies who made it to the end.

Did any of you discuss the possibility that Starro was controlling Batman and sending him back false results? It could have been that JRLibrarian was Starro and controlling the investigation to say that Vudu was Starro when he was actually Superman.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 02, 2011, 02:46:13 AM
Ah it seems that Khushrenada is using the same type of voting format for winners that I did when I hosted my game so I guess I have to think about the top 8 players and the 3 worst players and PM them to Khushrenada.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: ShyGuy on March 02, 2011, 02:48:02 AM
I had Superman and Batman reversed on Stratos and JrLibrarian.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 02, 2011, 02:51:50 AM
I had a feeling that Stratos was Batman after I died. That voteout for Mop it up at the start was to much of a coincidence to say it was random.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Stratos on March 02, 2011, 02:52:47 AM
I had Superman and Batman reversed on Stratos and JrLibrarian.

I could tell some people had this going and knew it could pay off if mafia used the wrong traps on the wrong players.

Very fun game. Intense and huge props to UncleBob for a fantastic Joker act and game performance.

I had a feeling that Stratos was Batman after I died. That voteout for Mop it up at the start was to much of a coincidence to say it was random.

It was random, that was the best part. I actually forgot I could search people on day one or things could have gone differently.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 02, 2011, 02:54:20 AM
Who would you have searched first?
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: apdude on March 02, 2011, 02:56:46 AM
If dasmos wasn't killed Day 2 batman probably would have been dead day 3 and dasmos would have had his power.  We would have had 2 investigations and a somewhat joker proof mafia member.  That could have change quite a bit.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Stratos on March 02, 2011, 03:03:21 AM
Who would you have searched first?

Well, I had a bit of the 'search of death' syndrome going. Most of my searches died that night. I searched GP the night she died. I searched you the night you died. Nickmitch was one of the few that didn't die.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: ShyGuy on March 02, 2011, 03:06:35 AM
Was I ever searched?
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: ShyGuy on March 02, 2011, 03:06:58 AM
Also, was the Phantom Zone projector ever attempted?
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: apdude on March 02, 2011, 03:07:19 AM
Well, I had a bit of the 'search of death' syndrome going. Most of my searches died that night. I searched GP the night she died. I searched you the night you died. Nickmitch was one of the few that didn't die.

That happend with my search of shyguy.  I searched him the same night the joker killed him.  I wasn't sure if I could contact him at that point to make a mafia alliance since he was dead but could come back, so I was still on my own.  I guess I should have tried.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 03:07:22 AM
Like I've said before, I only knew for certain that Stratos and Sundoulos were good thanks to the justice league. I thought I made it pretty obvious that I joined. If I made the claims and didn't really join, I would have been outed as a liar.

I didn't think that Starro was controlling Batman as it seemed to many other things were going on. The plan would have been for maybe Starro and Lobo to be the last ones standing, and generally speaking, you strive for every member on the team to survive. Controlling Superman would have been far more effective. And with Vudu not playing, it was conceivable for him to be Superman without being able to question someone being protected without him acting on it.

We just kinda acted on faith that JR was Superman. As far as I know Stratos never even investigated him.

What made part of the game hard was a lack of communication. Between people having late night jobs and others just not participating in discussions, getting people on the right page was a challenge. We (I) suspected everyone of everything. Especially those who talked too much and those who didn't say enough. But the challenge made the game memorable. I am glad for the teamwork that went on behind the scenes that none of you outside of it got to see. I am proud of the results, despite the casualties.

I played the game mostly for the prizes, I admit. The Brightest Day package is attractive to me, for sure. Everyone did a great job with playing the game, creating a top 8 list is going to be difficult.

How would people feel about publishing some of the PMs that occured? Could be insightful and entertaining.

Oh, one more thing: I made myself a huge target and ended up alive. Not many can say that ;)
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 02, 2011, 03:11:11 AM
Yeah I figure that type of thing was happening since Starro wasn't voted out sooner. Oh well. I'm going to look over the game days to decide on what order I should vote.

Bustin sure I wouldn't mind seeing the PMs. It has been a long time since I have seen anybody do a PM retrospective.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 03:13:35 AM
Also, was the Phantom Zone projector ever attempted?

Yes, but too late. So, when you died the second time, you really died. Lobo has been to hell and heaven, but I wonder if anyone tried sending him to the Phantom Zone.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: ShyGuy on March 02, 2011, 03:16:51 AM
Right after I returned to life and posted in both threads, thatguy sent me a pm:

You didn't have to let people know you chose to come back to life... It could have been a secret.

Doh! I had to backpedal and mislead the players after that
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: apdude on March 02, 2011, 03:19:25 AM
Right after I returned to life and posted in both threads, thatguy sent me a pm:

You didn't have to let people know you chose to come back to life... It could have been a secret.

Doh! I had to backpedal and mislead the players after that

I thought they used the phantom projector on you because you said goodbye to the dead thread, then about 5min later sundoulos returned to life, and then you were back to the dead thread.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 03:21:29 AM
If it were me, I would have activated the power ASAP since the Justice League was currently formed. I was always just thinking you were there. At the end I was suspecting that you could be hiding as dead only to come back. But you would need an active mafia to make it work, and Stevey was as good a candidate as Vudu. Though it was hard to miss your oops posting...
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Mop it up on March 02, 2011, 03:23:26 AM
Congratulations to the winners, it was a crazy game, you guys deserve props for making it through to the end.

I want to apologize again to apdude, Dasmos, and Khushrenada for oversleeping on the first day. I don't think it would have changed anything if I were around, there was no way I could have talked myself out of that, but I still didn't mean for that to happen.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: apdude on March 02, 2011, 03:28:41 AM
Sorry Mop It Up.  I tried to make a case for voting off stevey since stevey was jumping on the bandwagon to get points, and I couldn't vote for Maxi because he was hounding me pretty hard and it would have looked desperate.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Mop it up on March 02, 2011, 03:32:07 AM
No worries mate, I wouldn't expect anyone to try to save me on the first day like that. Since the first day vote is often a guess, it's usually suspicious to try to change the vote to someone else. You'd have to have a good reason to do so, otherwise you'd be giving yourself away.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: nickmitch on March 02, 2011, 04:29:54 AM
ShyGuy did expose himself as alive by what he posted in both the day thread and the dead thread. I'm pretty sure he went as far as to say "I'm back" in the dead thread. I'm not gonna look; although, but I do remember seeing it.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Sundoulos on March 02, 2011, 07:12:20 AM
I'll admit, Unclebob had me fooled. The point thing should've tipped me off, but instead did the opposite. :/

He played that very well; he did just enough to leave a shred of doubt as to whether he really was the Joker.  He probably could have bought another day or two had he not used the gas so soon.  At some point in the day, Batman had already investigated him, but by the time word got back to the JL, he had already used the gas. Prior to that, even though UB was a loose cannon,  he seemed to be focused on killing mafia, we thought he was doing more good than harm to the townie the JL decided to keep him around too long.  The game would have looked very different at the end had the gas been more effective.  UB played it very well (and made far more entertaining), but I don't know if he would have made it to the end.

Also, was the Phantom Zone projector ever attempted?

Yes, but too late. So, when you died the second time, you really died. Lobo has been to hell and heaven, but I wonder if anyone tried sending him to the Phantom Zone.

The problem with the Phantom Ray was that we tried to be nice and democratically decide how to use it.  Since bustin98, Shyguy and myself had different work schedules and different times we could send PMs, we couldn't get our act together in time to use it.  We were going to originally use it Shyguy the day that Joker hit us with the gas, but we didn't get a consensus up at the time.

Despite not using the phantom ray, the biggest benefit of the JL was knowning that there were at least two people you could reasonably trust and communicate with openly (even just for a couple of days) since only the hero side could use it. 

That was probably the biggest weakness of the townies were the various posting schedules.  We had a lot of times where people couldn't communicate until the very end of the day (I was one of job keeps me from checking until the end of the day, for the most part), and not everyone could be there; and that resulted in those last minute weird split votes on Day 5 and Day 6.  On day 5, it worked out for us very well.  The person who got most of our points to bid on the black ring didn't send in the auction in time, but we got GP with that changed vote in the 11th hour.  We certainly didn't have any money problems bidding on the last day after that.   On day 6, it obviously didn't work out so well.  (Sorry for changing it on you twice, Stratos!!!)  I had serious doubts about voting Stevey on day 6, and I paid the price (again).

As far as the vote for Stevey went, we thought there was a possibility that Starro was systematically trying to take over various townies and killing them off in an attempt to try to find who Superman was.  This was mostly because we were a bit fuzzy about the extent of Starro's control and how it would change the game if he did get control of Supes.  We thought that it was possible that Stevey had just given the points to buy another day to get to that scenario, and his posts at the end of Day 4 and vote on Day 6 didn't help make his case.   Even though we knew Shyguy was most likely alive, we thought we had the numbers to absorb the risk of voting Stevey out.  It was obviously a ill-advised last minute vote...we didn't make it until 10 minutes before the thread closed for the day.

I want to apologize again to apdude, Dasmos, and Khushrenada for oversleeping on the first day. I don't think it would have changed anything if I were around, there was no way I could have talked myself out of that, but I still didn't mean for that to happen.

I'm not sure, but I think Stratos has voted for you first in 2 out of the last 3 games.   :P:
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: that Baby guy on March 02, 2011, 10:51:06 AM
What a game.  You folks are lucky vudu didn't actually use his ability.  And lucky Mop it up didn't tune in on the first day.  By Day 2 or 3, she sent me a list with nearly everything figured out already.  Granted, she did know her mafia from the start, but she looked at things from the perspective of who I would pick, and saw UncleBob's flamboyant Joker for exactly what it was.

For the record, a brief detail of ways to earn points.
The three known ways were posting, posting pictures, and winning the best roleplay for the day.

The slightly more obvious secret ways to earn points:
Post first in a day to earn one point.
Post last in a day to earn one point.  UncleBob's post-locked posts didn't count for winning this.

Less obvious ways to earn points:
Refer to a player by his or her character name for a point. This was slightly difficult to keep track of during the game, because for whatever reason, I had no idea Ted Korp was the Blue Beetle.
If you asserted a player that was in the mafia was in the mafia, chances are you received a point. The assertion had to sound "certain." For example "Khushrenada is mafia" opposed to "Khushrenada could be mafia.  This was very difficult to measure.  I don't believe I gave out this bonus at all, but I may have, and just forgotten to make a note about it.
If a player outed his or her role in public before Khush or I revealed who he or she was, the player received two points. The player had to have a role other than a normal townie.  UncleBob cleverly was rewarded this point for a post he made that listed what he could be. Like the rule above, the player had to use certain terms. Maybe later I'll find the post, but Khush and I both agreed it was worth the reward.
Any player who sent at least one point each day received a bonus point. UncleBob was the first one to earn this one, but other people earned it easily as well.

As you know, I added in bonus points for certain activities as the game developed.
Any player who publicly seemed to "grieve" the death of another lost earned two points.  This was tough to measure, because I typically looked for sorrow expressed.  A few players earned this bonus, most notably, I believe one of Bustin98's pictures "grieved" the corruption and death of a mafia member, surprisingly earning him  the only points that day from this bonus.
Lastly, added just a day too late, any player that publicly asked for people to share points received a bonus point. Why added a day too late?  Stogi/The Unagi had publicly asked for points every day before this bonus was added.  The day it was added, he did not, and the day after that, IIRC, he was dead.

Player kills through hits and votes were worth a set number of points.  Townies were worth 10 points. Mafia members were worth 15. Superman and Batman were both worth 20. Killing the Joker was worth a total of 25 points.  If a player was voted out, the point worth was simply divided by the number of voters who targeted the player, rounded down.  A player worth 10 points would garner three voting players 3 points each, rounded down from 1.3333.  The Orange Ring doubled the raw points the player would receive, and the doubling was done before the round-down.  If a player was worth 1.8 points per voting individual, rather than receive 2, the Orange Ring would give 3 points.

Notable item usage:
As far as I recall, Blue Rings were the most purchased auctioned item. IIRC, absolutely none were used.  Indigo rings, despite offering just as great a voting swing with no voting penalty the next day, were a less-sought after item, in general.  Despite this, IIRC, they were used twice.  The downside of the Indigo Ring to the Blue Ring is that the Indigo Ring didn't garner a player an extra share of the points from the vote out, where the Blue Ring would triple a player's point share.

The Orange Ring went to UncleBob.
The Red Ring Went to UncleBob.
Without having the Orange Ring, because he hit mafia members and earned so many points of his own accord, he would have almost certainly been able to buy all the items he bought.  The Orange Ring did grant him enough items to attack a protected player with Kryptonite and the Perfect Trap, but those points were wasted, as the protection was not broken.

The White Ring went to Nickmitch.
The Black Lantern went to GoldenPhoenix.  In retrospect, had GoldenPhoenix shared all of her points to ShyGuy, the item would have been won by the space mafia.  Things happened the other way around, and while GP won the item, she took it with her to the grave.  On this day, the townies all placed all their points with jrlibrarian, giving him over 100 points.  Early in the day, before everyone shared points, he held 47, and bid that number.  He did not place another auction bid until well after the day was over (70,) and so given a change in mafia bidder, the results could have been disastrous for the townies.

I think that covers all the big items in the game, and the point system. I was really impressed with the level of participation the townies had in this game.  I was a little disappointed that it took the Black Ring to bring townies to share points to obtain items, as I was certain alliances had been formed, and while shaky, it is likely that the Orange and Red rings could have found better homes had players shared points.

After UncleBob won a bid of 0 points, stevey copied the strategy every day, except for the one day where no bids were placed on one of the items, another oddity stevey noted out.

When UncleBob died, he held a blue ring.  I can't recall if that would have done him any good to have used it. Apdude, TJ Spyke, and Bustin98 also had blue rings. The blue ring, itself, is the rarest ring on the spectrum, aside from the Orange Ring and the White Ring, IIRC, which is what made the demand a bit interesting, from my perspective.  Khush and I never spoke about implementing a Violet Ring.  I guess Carrol Ferris wanted nothing to do with our game.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 02, 2011, 12:25:14 PM
I was so relieved when nickmitch told me he won the white ring. But it was funny (sad) that two townies were bidding on it. Were there other bidders as well? And I had hoped that when it was said that the JL could come back that bringing Sundoulos back would be the ticket. UB was being a bit silly with his requests for it. To me, it was obvious to grab the white ring to bring it back.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on March 02, 2011, 03:22:44 PM
Interesting game, we were kind of handicapped though with vudu away. Also the night Uncle Bob died I believe I had my hit on Bustin, not UncleBob (I could be mistaken, been a lot of stuff going on this week and mafia, honestly, isn't a top priority lol) like Stevey's theory made it out to be with me not being online. Also it was a gamble with the black ring, looking back I should have given my points to shyguy but I just didn't know how the tie vote was going to go.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Dasmos on March 02, 2011, 06:55:44 PM
If dasmos wasn't killed Day 2 batman probably would have been dead day 3 and dasmos would have had his power.  We would have had 2 investigations and a somewhat joker proof mafia member.  That could have change quite a bit.

If we had managed to vote out UncleBob on Day 2, this would have been a very different game. I would have had his power, would have been a day away from gaining Stratos' power and then who knows what could have happened.

What a game.  You folks are lucky vudu didn't actually use his ability.  And lucky Mop it up didn't tune in on the first day.  By Day 2 or 3, she sent me a list with nearly everything figured out already.  Granted, she did know her mafia from the start, but she looked at things from the perspective of who I would pick, and saw UncleBob's flamboyant Joker for exactly what it was.

Yeah, I thought about this too, as soon as Khush said he and you had picked the mafia teams I started to think about who you would choose.

I'm sorta upset that I didn't get to play the gam elong enough for items and points to have any real effect on how I played. That really seemed like a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: UncleBob on March 03, 2011, 12:18:57 AM
It was rather flattering to be mistaken for Batman or Superman by The Joker, BTW. I got setup with both perfect traps and still managed to live through the explosion. What fun!

I didn't know for certain, I just wanted you to die for publically shunning me. :(
I was a little confused on how the items worked at first, thinking I could just buy and use the Kryptonite/Perfect Trap and it would make Superman/Batman vulnerable for the day.  At first, I had planned it all out, then thatguy cleared things up for me, so I just went with what I had, slightly modified.  If I had spent more time on it, I would have done things a little differently.

With that said, I still think using the Kryptonite on you, then attacking you should have worked.  :D

Batman saved from the Riddler by the Joker... So frustrating...

Only the Joker gets to kill Batman. :D

UncleBob cleverly was rewarded this point for a post he made that listed what he could be.
Was it my "sooo serious" comment?  I was proud of that one. :D

Lastly, added just a day too late, any player that publicly asked for people to share points received a bonus point.

Curious, did it count as me publically asking for points when I asked people to return the points I gave them? :D

The Orange Ring went to UncleBob.
The Red Ring Went to UncleBob.
Yes, yes I did. :D

After UncleBob won a bid of 0 points, stevey copied the strategy every day, except for the one day where no bids were placed on one of the items, another oddity stevey noted out.

I was super-proud of that strategy.  No one really knows this, but I got screwed the first day and received Zero points.  As such, my only option was to submit a bid for zero points.  I didn't expect it to work... heck, I didn't even expect thatguy to allow it. :D

When UncleBob died, he held a blue ring.  I can't recall if that would have done him any good to have used it.

Nope - I won it the night I died, so I couldn't have used it anyway.

UB was being a bit silly with his requests for it.
If vudu had actually been playing the game, the Space Mafia would have had a pretty darn good chance of winning.  You got lucky. :D

On another note, had the Space Mafia managed to bring me back with the Black Lantern, I planned to talk thatguy into letting me turn on them and kill everyone anyway. :D
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 04, 2011, 04:06:23 PM
Alright. The tabulations are done. I've posted the order in which the Prizes will be chosen. Now I'm going to make a seperate thread for handing out the prizes so no need to start posting here. I just want to do a once-over and check if there is anything else I want to send out.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 04, 2011, 05:29:11 PM
I might not be near a computer when prize selection opens. So if my turn comes and there are still prizes left, then anything will be fine.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 04, 2011, 05:44:40 PM
We can wait. I just don't want this going on for a week waiting for people to come by. If you can't make it until tomorrow, I have no problem waiting.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 04, 2011, 05:55:43 PM
I will be home tomorrow, that is for sure. I am just going over to my gf's tonight.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: UncleBob on March 04, 2011, 11:12:15 PM
Yay.  I did good.  Didn't expect to rank that high.  Out of curiosity, if I had included myself as #1 on my own list (or, included myself at all) would that have helped my rank any? :D
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 04, 2011, 11:31:23 PM
It may have launched you into second place over Shyguy but there was no taking away first place from Bustin98. I was surprised at how highly he placed on most people's list. He was the clearcut MVP. I'm surprised how well he placed compared to the other two townies who made it to the end but I guess he was the biggest townie force/leader in the end because most mafia members and townies listed him as their #1 choice.

To his credit, he was the only non-roled townie to survive and unlike Superman/Batman who had some protection from death, he was the vulnerable the whole game yet he did outlast 15 other players. The truth is, no one played a flawless game. Everyone made mistakes and that's why this game really did come down to the last day. I've hosted some games where I could see how things were going develop and end by like the 3rd of 4th day. This game we couldn't call although when Shyguy was killed, we were pretty sure how it was going to end. But if Vudu or someone else had been Starro, who knows, right? That's the appeal of the game. You could play the same game 5 times in a row and get a different each time. C'est la vie.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: UncleBob on March 04, 2011, 11:35:32 PM
Yeah, Mr. Green Jeans played a great game.  Space Mafia deserve props for the Weekend At Bernie's game they played.

I honestly have no idea what prize I'm going to pick... it's been so long since I read comics (I did finally get around to picking up the complete Bone a few years ago and read it... damn, that's good stuff... if you've never branched out very far from Superhero comics, go out right this second and pick up the complete Bone.  100% worth it.).  Anyway... Always was a Batman fan, so the Batman/Final Crisis set looks nice - but so does that Blackest Night set... but either one I get, I'm going to be completely lost and I probably won't want to spend the cash to pick up a bunch more comics... might need to swing by B&N and see what they have in TPBs...
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: jrlibrarian on March 04, 2011, 11:36:51 PM
You can always go to your library and pick up lots of TPBs. I'm really sick this weekend, so I stopped on my way home at the library and got about 20 books. That'll last me a while, and it gets my mind off things. And best of all, it's free.  :D
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on March 05, 2011, 04:20:37 AM
Maybe I missed something but on the 24th we put our hit on Bustin, or at least I thought I did (maybe Shyguy put it on someone else) so if he was vulnerable all game why did the hit fail?
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: that Baby guy on March 05, 2011, 07:06:27 AM
Maybe I missed something but on the 24th we put our hit on Bustin, or at least I thought I did (maybe Shyguy put it on someone else) so if he was vulnerable all game why did the hit fail?

You did pay attention to prior events in the day. Superman chose to protect Bustin. After that, on the same day as your hit, the Joker tried to kill Bustin with laughing gas, using kryptonite and the perfect trap against him, believing he could be either Superman or Batman.  Bustin lived.  You placed the hit on Bustin before this, but came back and never changed the hit afterward, and Superman's protection lasts into the night.  As such, Bustin lived through the hit.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: bustin98 on March 05, 2011, 08:00:27 AM
See I knew I was in trouble that day. Voting JR out the day before was beneficial.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: Mop it up on March 05, 2011, 07:19:00 PM
Both Mafias were kind of handicapped, since they each had one player who was inactive. Who knows how different things would have been if that weren't the case.
Title: Re: Mafia XLVIII: DC Universe. Wrap-up.
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on March 05, 2011, 09:29:15 PM
Maybe I missed something but on the 24th we put our hit on Bustin, or at least I thought I did (maybe Shyguy put it on someone else) so if he was vulnerable all game why did the hit fail?

You did pay attention to prior events in the day. Superman chose to protect Bustin. After that, on the same day as your hit, the Joker tried to kill Bustin with laughing gas, using kryptonite and the perfect trap against him, believing he could be either Superman or Batman.  Bustin lived.  You placed the hit on Bustin before this, but came back and never changed the hit afterward, and Superman's protection lasts into the night.  As such, Bustin lived through the hit.

Ok makes sense, probably would have caught that if I had more time to dedicate to the game and reading the rules a bit closer.