Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Gamefreak on May 02, 2003, 05:14:56 PM

Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 02, 2003, 05:14:56 PM
If you go to IGN's Top 100 page you'll se they are doing the top 100 games of all time. Every day they are adding ten more games. So far they have 100 through 51...

What do you think of the list? What do you think will make the top ten?

Also, remember this is more like a hundred "greatest" games of all time not hundred "most fun" games of all time. The difference is that "greatest" sort of incorporates several issues, as in the impact the game had, how revolutionary it was, etc, as well as how fun it was...
So just cause you think Advance Wars is better than Resident Evil 2 you should say "how dare they put RE2 a slot higher than Advance Wars". They were both fun, yes, but RE2 was more revolutionary and had much more of an impact. Advance Wars is, yes, probably a lot more fun to most people, but it's not to much different from the other Wars games and didn't induce a whole genre to appear...
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: KirbySStar on May 02, 2003, 05:40:01 PM
I think they should've broken it down into genres.  I remember one site doing the best Adventure games(Monkey Island, Loom, etc.) of all time and that was a much more enjoyable experience.  If they did like top 40 for each genre I'd be happier b/c it is really a matter of opinion in how much a game impacted gaming.  At least they had Sam & Max Hit the Road as 67.  DOTT and The Secret of Monkey Island better be on there.  Those had way more impact on the adventure genre than Sam & Max did.  Yet again this is my opinion and they probably won't follow suit.  IGN's opinion on the top 100 games of all time will be taken into consideration, but it is their opinion and IGN's opinion doesn't stand too high for me anymore.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: The Omen on May 02, 2003, 05:43:39 PM
I'll say this...if Zelda or Mario isn't number one, than I have a serious problem with that list .  And Kid Icarus was much too low IMO
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: JoeSmashBro on May 02, 2003, 05:49:37 PM
Sam and Max was a pretty good LucasArts adventure, but it was nothign comparaed to Grim Fandango, Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2, Indy and the Fate of Atlantis, and Day of the Tentacle. So those 5 games better be there! Either Grim Fandango or MI better be in the top 20. Certainly they're my favorite games of all time. And no, they were NOT influenced by Mario and Zelda.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: PIAC on May 02, 2003, 06:53:31 PM
yes, Monkey Island 1 or 2 better be in there SOMEWHERE
my first ever favorite game still is one of my favorite series'
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 02, 2003, 06:59:13 PM
I'm not sure about Monkey Island, but I'm pretty sure Grim Fandango will be their. As for your favorite game being too low...come on, quit complaining. It's a honor to be on that list at all. Narrowing all the best games ever to just 100 is a hard task, and someone will be disappointed. But if the game is on the list it should be enough. Don't complain about how something should have been 10 higher or something...And besides, there are lots of games to go, so don't say something is too low yet.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: DrForester on May 02, 2003, 07:11:39 PM
i'm pissed becasue they'lll probably leave out Xenogears.

Goldeneye better be on the list.  Perfect Dark better not be.

ICO better be in the top 20...........
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 02, 2003, 07:17:22 PM
Goldeneye will definately be on the list, if not top 10..
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Pale on May 02, 2003, 07:21:18 PM
At risk of getting in trouble for changing the topic to much...

I loved the monkey island games too and I was wondering how the ps2 game stacks up against the originals...any input on that?

Now for on topic...
I personally kind of flipped that pokemon was so low.  Now part of me wonders if gold/silver will be on there higher up, but that seems silly to me as red/blue launched the whole thing.  Basically i think pokemon created the concept of a persistant one player rpg, where people can just keep playing and keep playing.

I also feel games like ice climber, balloon fight, sky kid etc. should be on their for revolutionizing the 2 player co-op form of play...

oh and wrecking crew.  
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 02, 2003, 07:47:08 PM
Pokemon created the concept of a persistent one player RPG?....No no, my are mistaken
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Pale on May 02, 2003, 07:54:08 PM
What other games do you have in mind?
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 02, 2003, 07:59:51 PM
Entertainment Weekly and G4 just came up with their top 100. It went like this

1. Zelda (series)
2. Doom

The rest of them are in the Hyrule board in the thread I created.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Mario on May 02, 2003, 08:33:34 PM
I think we should make our own top 100 games ever list! We could like each list our own top 10 games, and the point system can go like this;

1st - 15 points
2nd - 10 points
3rd - 8 points
4th - 7 points
5th - 6 points
6th - 5 points
7th - 4 points
8th - 3 points
9th - 2 points
10th - 1 point

Then afterwards, someone can add up the tally and the game with the most points is number one, second most points is number two etc. up to one hundred? Im game if you guys are...
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 02, 2003, 08:45:38 PM
The best way to get enough different games is do a top 20. I would be willing to do that.
The reader choice award.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Mario on May 02, 2003, 08:49:15 PM
top 20 ay? hmm, i think its easier for people if its only a top 10, its hard to decide what games you will make #17, 18 etc. and how would the point system go?
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Clonester on May 03, 2003, 04:34:32 AM
I have wanted to do something like this for a long time, however, it is essentially a poll, and unless it was given by the mods, it would probably get locked. If is was ok though, I definitely would be all for it. Just as long as everyone else would be as willing to put some time and thought, as well as unbiasness, into choosing their top 10 or 20, or whatever, as I would.

A bit more on topic, I think their top 100 is pretty good so far, although I wish Shining Force II would have been ranked higher. The interesting part will be when they decide the top 20 or top 30. I really hope Chrono Trigger is in the top 5, or at least the top 10. Anything less than that would be unacceptable. Overall, they have put some good guidelines in place for their top 100.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: FFantasyFX on May 03, 2003, 05:07:54 AM
I think if it were limited to a Top 10 (or maybe even Top 20, wouldn't be hard for me, I would have to just look at my IGN game collection scores ), "and" everyone listed clear and concise reasons after each pick about why they choose that game in that spot, the mods might let us get away with it . . . might.   It can't simply be a bare list, each individual has to put some thought into the process of compiling the games.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: TheResidentEvil on May 03, 2003, 05:20:51 AM
Reader choice awars, sounds fun, get PGC to handle it for us.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: )Dark-LInk( on May 03, 2003, 05:51:26 AM
zelda MUST be first tho followed by mario!
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 03, 2003, 08:16:15 AM
Um...i don't think we are prepared for the top 100 or even 20. IGN has played far more games (especially classic ones) than we have. We will limit the list to what we have played a leave out all the good games on other/old systems..
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Meta-Knight on May 03, 2003, 08:52:16 AM

Originally posted by: DrForester
i'm pissed becasue they'lll probably leave out Xenogears.

Goldeneye better be on the list.  Perfect Dark better not be.

ICO better be in the top 20...........

Why?  Perfect Dark was a great game, better than Goldeneye IMO... especially in multiplayer.  As for the single player, well, I prefered PD's because of the improved AI and graphics, and there was much more place for strategy.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Clonester on May 03, 2003, 08:58:48 AM

Originally posted by: Gamefreak
Um...i don't think we are prepared for the top 100 or even 20. IGN has played far more games (especially classic ones) than we have. We will limit the list to what we have played a leave out all the good games on other/old systems..

Quite true for the most part. Perhaps a Nintendo console only top 50, 75, or 100. Stating the thought process and reasonings behind your posts is perfect. Although, many of us here have played more than just Nintendo console games, but I know what you mean. Nintendo consoles, with the NES, SNES, Gameboy (GBC & GBA), N64, and Gamecube, will have more than enough games to base a top games list on. The only major thing that would factor in is the fact that not everyone has played older Nintendo games (like on the NES).
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on May 03, 2003, 11:54:12 AM
true, but these kinda list are as hard as hell to make, especially with the top 100 hundred

i mean, the top 5 wouldnt be so hard
or atleast the top one I bet is zelda OOT
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: reyontoyeny on May 03, 2003, 02:09:15 PM
TETRIS! Tetris needs to be in the top 5, if not, the top 3. Tetris is one of those very few games human beings have the natural tendacy to play, even when they aren't playing. It's chemically ingrained into the brain.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 03, 2003, 02:22:32 PM
Um, your post is dumb but I agree Tetris is awesome
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 06, 2003, 05:47:40 PM
Update: holy crap Soul Calibur and Smash Bros. Melee are only in the thirties...and they both beat Halo. If all these awesome games are in the thirties...what the heck will be left for the top 30? I smell a lot of old skool Nintendo hits..
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Unicron on May 06, 2003, 11:54:47 PM
ChronoTrigger (not CROSS!) better be within the 20's, and I hope commandos made it in somewhere, though I feel Thief II should have been lower.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on May 06, 2003, 11:59:00 PM
Every game publication that has ever existed, ever, has done a top 100, and I invariably end up rolling my eyes and frowning at their choices because their opinion often varies from my own.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 07, 2003, 12:36:59 AM
I was surprised Halo was ranked 39th! Heh

Smash Bros. Melee higher than Soul Calibur?  Gimme a break...

Also, I've noticed that not one Mario and Zelda game from 31-100.  Hmmm, I wonder how many will be ranked in the top 30?
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 07, 2003, 03:49:23 PM
Well ssbm may not be as complex as Soul Calibur, but that doesn't matter. The reason people like those two games so much is because they both awesome multiplayer with infinite replay value, and in the end I guess they just decided SSBM melee is more fun. Plus, you can do 1 on 1 duels if you want, but four player is a big advantage.

Update, both Super Mario World games are in the 20's, as well Metroid Prime, Metal Gear Solid, and Punch-Out. Final Fantasy X was in the 90's, and they called that the best FF game of the modern era, and FF3 (6) is already on the list...doesn't seem like seven will make it...

I smell lots of zelda games coming up...Super Metroid should be really really high up.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: TheResidentEvil on May 07, 2003, 04:31:27 PM
Must be int op twenty.



FF 7

Super Mario World


SHould have been:



Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: mariomeatball on May 07, 2003, 04:34:55 PM
I've really enjoyed the list... makes me remember old games... a tear came to my eye today when i saw Tecmo Bowl, what a beautiful game
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: kennyb27 on May 07, 2003, 04:44:13 PM
Ahh, Tecmo Bowl, now that was a great football game.  Reminds me of the time we had a Tecmo Tournament in the football locker room of my school, good times.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 07, 2003, 08:59:01 PM
Ok, 100 to 11 are now up, we gotta wait till friday for the top 10. Here are all the Nintendo games:

91. F-Zero
84. Kid Icarus
80. Excitebike
74. Pilotwings
72. Pokemon Red/Blue
59. Advance Wars
57. Star Fox
46. Conker's Bad Fur Day
36. Super Smash Bros. Melee
33. Wave Race 64
28. Super Mario World
24. Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2
23. Metroid Prime
22. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
19. Goldeneye 007
14. Super Mario Kart

Notice that no Zelda games are on it yet...There will probably be 2 on the top 10, along with Super Metroid, Mario 64, and probably an NES Super Mario...
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: AngusPodgorny on May 08, 2003, 05:20:20 AM

EW's top 100 was a joke.  Grand Theft Auto 3 and Madden 2003 in the top 5?  Please...

Zelda and Mario deserve top 5, certainly.  Although I personally prefer Zelda to Mario, Mario is more of a cultural phenomenon (movies, TV shows, et al) and has a wider appeal than Zelda, so I'd have to put Mario above Zelda.  In this respect, and also considering the fact that I'm an old fart, I'd have to consider putting Pac-man above both Zelda and Mario.  Not only was Pac-man a cultural phenomemon, it helped create the video game industry as we know it.  In the 80s, it seemed like every restaurant in America had a Pac-man (or Ms. Pac-man) machine, and who could resist popping a quarter in and trying your luck?


Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 08, 2003, 04:27:16 PM
Why the heck are you talking about EW's Top 100?
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Ninja X on May 08, 2003, 04:43:07 PM
Seems like a good list.  Game definitely are on there that I did not even know about, like "Alone in the Dark" but the reason (that it pioneered the horror genre) is good enough for that game to be on the list.  

Chrono Trigger ranks in at 12.  That game is, simply put, the best RPG made as of yet in my opinion. It's nice to see it up there in the top-twenty.  That is fair compared to where EGM placed the game on their list last year (somewhere between 40 and 50, I think).
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 08, 2003, 05:06:41 PM
IGN did mention that Chrono Trigger was the best RPG
It looks like RPG's and FPS's are done for the list, with Chrono Trigger and Goldeneye at the top of their respective genres...
We still have yet to see about adventure and platform games though...I smell a lot coming up
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 08, 2003, 10:47:20 PM
TIE Fighter #11


That is one of the best games I've played.  I have to say the Top 100 doesn't look too bad, they are not forgetting the old classic games.

I wonder how many Zelda games will be in the Top Ten?  Looks like 3...
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 08, 2003, 11:09:17 PM
3 or 2...Or better yet they will put the whole series in one slot. That way everyone wins; the other games don't get slots stolen, and all the Zelda games get the recognition they deserve...but so far they haven't grouped series's together....
Only ten slots left, and they haven't even mention any Zelda games, Super Metroid, any NES Mario game, Super Mario 64, Starcraft, Tetris, aaaahhh too many good games for only 10 slots!
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: SCF on May 09, 2003, 08:07:04 AM
Well so far i've been happy with most of the numbers. Tony Hawk 2 at 20 is very good, GTA 3, MGS also have good numbers. One that I'm impress with its number is Mike Tyson's Punch Out! and not because I think the game is lame or something like that, but I'm impress that by giving this game the number 22 in the top 100 is a very respectable thing to do. I have fond memories of this game when I remember going to a friend's house to watch him fight Macho Man, King Hippo and others ( I didn't had a NES at that time I had a Sega Master System!!! ).Now if Nintendo makes a new Punch Out game for the GC I'll be in h eaven. Metroid Prime in the number 23 spot deserv that number too.Chrono Trigger better than Mario Kart? hmmmm I don't think so. I would have switch those slots. From what I heard Castlevania SOTN is the best castlevania ever made so I guess that number is right too. The only thing that bothers me is... where is MK and Street Fighter 2, lets hope its in the top 10 cause i've not seeing them in the list. If someone has correct me if i'm wrong. A sure bet is that we will see a Zelda, Mario,FF game in the top 10, im not so sure if we'll wee a DK Country in the top 10 but here's to guessing.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Syl on May 09, 2003, 11:47:25 AM
surprisingly, i did agree with the top 5 or so.  I don't understand why X-Com was so high up in the list, I've played it, it was a great game, but not THAT great..

heh, nintendo ruled the list... as they should =)

still a very flawed list in general... had alot of the games that deserved to be up there on it, but the ranking and area was just very awkward.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: The Omen on May 09, 2003, 12:38:39 PM
Wind Waker should be on there if MP and Halo was an ok about Rush n attack or Shadowrun?
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Ninja X on May 09, 2003, 01:07:47 PM
Wow.  Gret top ten list if you ask me.  Super Mario Bros deserves that spot.

Omen, Read the Ocarina of Time summary again.  They decided to use just the best one out of the 3D Zeldas, my guess.  That is, and should be, Ocarina of Time.  Metroid Prime is the only 3D Metroid ever released.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Clonester on May 09, 2003, 02:41:20 PM
Remember that the criteria for this list is based more on how much the game influenced a genre or the gaming world moreso than how great a game is (although the latter weighs heavily as well). Thus, Ocarina Of Time was given the #2 (not Wind Waker, even if it is the better game) because it had a tremendous influence on 3d games, huge environments, camera angles, controls & camera, graphics, etc. Mario Bros was #1 because it is the very game that defined modern games. It is the "mother" really of the games and platformers we play today, even if there were games before it. And Super Metroid and Metroid Prime were listed separately because they each added different things. Ocarina Of Time and Wind Waker were mentioned together because the things they have established in the gaming world are quite similar in many regards.

I was really impressed with this list. One of the best Top 100 lists I've seen, and they kept to their criteria well. It was nice to see Chrono Trigger at #12, the second best RPG on the list, and only because FF2 (or 4) was really the first huge modern type RPG. FF2 really brought character development and plot development to the fore, and was one of the first to do so. Chrono Trigger is perhaps gaming perfection, especially for RPG's. It took everything and made it PERFECT. It is still considered by many, including myself, not only the best RPG ever, but also the best game ever. If it was a best game list, I would have liked to see it higher, but it was a perfect placement based on the criteria IGN set for the list.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: phil1984 on May 09, 2003, 05:35:38 PM
0verall I liked this list, much better than some of the other top 100 lists that have been circulating however (as always) I feel that there were some great games that missed the cut..... Here are just a few of them:

Marathon (Bungie):  Before Halo and when Bungie was a Mac only company they released a first person shooter that was more advanced than any at the time.  It had an evolving story line that was unheard of for a shooter back then.  I would of placed it around 50th.

Donkey Kong Country (Rare):  The game that saved the SNES from an early exit.  Kick ass graphics and great gameplay to Boot.  I would of placed it somewhere around 80th

Myth (Bungie):  Bungie continued there fine form when they released Myth for Mac and Pc back in 1997.  It was a RTS game with a difference; it was purley tactical, no need to micromanage at all.  A top 50 game for sure.

Super Mario Bros 3 (Nintendo):  This was a travesty of justice in my opinion!  By far and away my favourite Mario Brothers.  I would of placed it top 5 at least.

Escape Velocity (Ambrosia):  Another Mac only game.  Think of it as an updated Elite (if you know that game)  A classic game that made my PC using friends extremely jelous back in 1996.  I would of placed it Top 50.

Total Anhilation (Cave Dog): In my mind as good an RTS as any, definatly up there with Starcraft.  I would of placed it Top 40.

Heroes III (3DO):  A great Turn Based Strategy game.  It really should of been found somewhere in the list.

Well those are just a few of the games I would of placed in the Top 100 but overall I am pretty impressed with IGN's effort.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: VideoGamerX on May 09, 2003, 06:20:24 PM
I can't believe they thought Final Fantasy 2 was better than Final Fantasy 3, and that they didn't even list Final Fantasy 7. They did bother to list Final Fantasy 10... very strange.

Furthermore, no mention of Donkey Kong Country. They had some brainfarts on leaving certain titles out. They listed Super Mario Brothers and seem to figure that Super Mario World is way on down the list. They neglected Super Mario Brothers 3.

I also don't recall seeing the original Legend of Zelda. They did bother to list the original Super Mario Brothers.

It's subtle inconcistencies like these that hurt the list. They needed a little more than a couple of weeks to come up with this, but it's a good list. I'll say this much, there are a ton of games deserving to be on that list that did make it. I'm just surprised at some of the ranking. SEGA got a bit of the shaft when it came to Sonic the Hedgehog, but all of those games are great. I'm very happy to see Street Fighter II getting some props.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: dmcollin on May 09, 2003, 07:17:11 PM
i personally loved ff2, ff3 is great but ff2 was ff1 with a more linear path and a very good story.
i am a little confused though, did they bundle games to gether for system, like mario 1-3 and n64 versions of zelda?  Because their list seems a little off.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: PaLaDiN on May 09, 2003, 08:04:11 PM
I agree, FF7 shoulda been on there.

WW isn't on there because it's too recent, not because it's a bad game.

I also wish Grim Fandango was in the top 10 somewhere... but oh well.

And OoT is overrated. I went back and played it a few weeks ago, and it just didn't click like the first time I played it, it just wasn't fun with all the hype worn off. Great games should be timeless... but this one wasn't. I think too many people are relying on their great memories of the game. LttP definitely shoulda been higher than OoT, IMO.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 09, 2003, 08:21:20 PM
I think OoT is timeless...I beat Master Quest and just as much fun as the first time.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: The Omen on May 09, 2003, 08:21:58 PM
Well, although OOT was the best of the 3d Zeldas, WW started a whole new veiw on the Zelda series.  The cell shading is incredible, and I thought just for haVIng the balls to change a successful formula warranted a placement...
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 09, 2003, 08:27:55 PM put WW in would mean to take something else out. So it comes down to...Does WW deserve to be in the Top 100, enough to kick out Pitfall which is in the #100 slot? The list wouldn't be complete without Pitfall. After all, it was the first platformer.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: nolimit19 on May 10, 2003, 12:41:47 AM
i thought that it was extremely odd that ff7 didnt make it. these guys are hard core with there old school games. they should do just a console game list.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Artimus on May 10, 2003, 02:47:13 AM
I can't believe no Super Mario Bros. 3 (Mario World AND Yoshi's Island, but no Bros. 3!?!?!), FF2 over the FAR superior 3, and no FF7? It's a decent list, but it's extremely...unpolished.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: PIAC on May 10, 2003, 03:13:05 AM
yeah mario 3 should have been included, but still its their opinions i guess. overall not a bad list, i would have had wind waker and monkey island 2 in there somewhere, ohwell
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 10, 2003, 03:40:08 AM
The Top 100 was not bad.

I was shocked Mario 3 wasn't on the list.  I mean, it pushed the genre further.

Other games I felt should have made the list:

Jet Set Radio - how could they not include this game?  It was completely original.  And if we are talking about how a game influenced a genre, this is it.  The cel-shading technique.  How many developers are copying this technique?  Yeah, I thought so.

Super Monkey Ball - this game is pure fun and addictive.  And a great multiplayer mode.  How could it be left out?  If not that, then Marble Madness should have made it.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Syl on May 10, 2003, 04:24:49 AM

Total Anhilation (Cave Dog): In my mind as good an RTS as any, definatly up there with Starcraft. I would of placed it Top 40.

Heroes III (3DO): A great Turn Based Strategy game. It really should of been found somewhere in the list

I second you about that, those are my 2 favorite computer games without a doubt.  

Heroes III should have DEFINATELY been on there, i can't understand why they left it off.  TA should have been on there, but i do believe that they only have 2 RTS on that list total...
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Nintendo Gamecube on May 10, 2003, 06:59:23 AM
I'm just happy Tetris made top 5, and Nintnedo pretty much owned the top 10 and 20.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Hemmorrhoid on May 10, 2003, 08:03:44 AM
I think the list was great, its surprising how many current well rated games missed the list, but those guys at IGN know the history of gaming.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Ninja X on May 10, 2003, 08:20:19 AM
Many of you complain when two or three of your favorite games do not make it on the list...

As for Super Mario Bros. 3, I am not sure why they decided to not put it on the list.  I guess many of them thought it was a big upgrade of the original Mario Bros.  Super Mario World and Super Mario World 2 were both different from each other in their eyes and that can be justified.

Final Fantasy 7 is highly questionable.  To include FFX, but not to include the game that popularized the series in America...very questionable.

And I am glad for once Final Fantasy II beat Final Fantasy III.  Final Fantasy II was the game that introduced many RPG concepts such as classes.  It was also the first to have memorable characters, and one of the first to have a plot.  Final Fantasy III may have been great, but it did not really introduce new features or concepts to the RPG genre as a whole.

Remember, the criteria for this list is how revolutionary a game is, the game's influence in its respective genre and the game industry, and how fun it is back then and now.

On a side note, Tetris dominated in EGM, EW, and IGN's list.  In EGM, it held the #2 rank, only behind Super Metroid.  In EW, it held the #3 rank, behind Doom and Zelda.  In IGN, it held the #4 rank.  Glad to see all three publications put it in their top five.  
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 10, 2003, 08:40:18 AM
I think the biggest missing games are...

Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 3
Total Annihilation

And as for FF7, I think they could have put it in place of FFX, but nowhere near the top ten...

I personally would have OoT as 1, Super Metroid as 2, and Super Mario as 3, but I guess IGN is looking into the whole picture, and I'm just looking at which game I myself had more fun with. But Super Mario Bros. has brought joy to the hearts of more people than any other video game.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Nintendo Gamecube on May 10, 2003, 09:35:52 AM
Well, if you read the description of why they put the games in their spots, you might get a better idea of why or why not games made it. (I can probably bet you people just browsed through the list, rather than readng the descriptions)

As pointed it, it was how the game affected the industry of gaming, not just how good it was. And Mario was definitely the game that affected the gaming industry, and he still does. Just goes to show you, that good games last for years, but great games last for-ever.

The best way to figure out which games are the best, are to play them after they've been released for five years. If they still give you that queezy feeling inside, you know the game is great.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: kennyb27 on May 10, 2003, 09:48:55 AM
After glancing over this list for the third time (don't ask).  I gained a further insight into just how great Shigeru Miyamoto is.  I mean, just imagine it.  Three out of the arguably top five games of all time were developed and created by this genious.  I don't really have anything new to say with this post especially since 99% of you agree with me, I just wanted to get that out.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 10, 2003, 10:10:29 AM
Yup, he created 3 of the top 5 games...and Nintendo created 4 of the top 5 And Nintendo brought Tetris to the masses too...which is the only other game in the top 5
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: TheResidentEvil on May 10, 2003, 01:08:56 PM
Where was WW, where was FF seven? Where was MM?

What the hell.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 10, 2003, 01:20:34 PM
Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, while quality sequels, I don't think deserve to be on the list. They aren't the games that you talk on and on about to your girlfriend, telling her how good it is, for years. They aren't the games that you could pick up in 10 years, like A Link to the Past, and still consider it one of the most brilliant things you've ever played. You've played them before, in the form of Ocarina of Time, and that's the game that will still impress you after all those years.

As for FF7...well I guess that should be on their somewhere, near the larger numbers...

The main games I see missing that I believe deserve to be on the list are Super Mario Bros. 3, Total Annihilation, and The Legend of Zelda.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: bootang82 on May 10, 2003, 03:17:25 PM
No matter what games you put on the list, everyone is gonna have some opinion about it. With that said, how could the possibly leave out the Original Legend of Zelda. It did change how games were played after it came out after all. By not having it on the list (when it should be in the top ten), it kinda makes me think about what the point of having a "greatest games" list really is.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: GoldShadow1 on May 10, 2003, 03:42:52 PM
The idea of a top 100 list is rather rediculus if you ask me... there's simply no way to gauge a game's greatness to that degree of accuracy, it totally depends on the tastes of the writers.  A top ten list,  perhaps, but not a top 100 list, that's simply stupid.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 10, 2003, 05:30:05 PM
"and Nintendo created 4 of the top 5"

No, Nintendo made 5 of their top 10 games- Super Mario 64, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, and Super Mario Bros.
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 10, 2003, 11:33:59 PM
Yes they made 5 of the top 10...but they made 4 of the top 5. Jeez...
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Munky on May 11, 2003, 06:53:28 AM
I think they did a good job of their list. The thing I hated most was how poor of a rank Halo got, when it clearly deserves top 10.
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: VideoGamerX on May 11, 2003, 07:48:19 AM
What does it deserve top 10 for? I don't think it redefined anything.

As for the list, I think they did a good job with it, too. They made a few obvious mistakes, though. I can see their choices on Final Fantasy, but they still somehow missed ranking the original Legend of Zelda. If a Link to the Past is worthy of top 10, then my guess is that it ought to be up there. I understand why Ocarina of Time ranks higher than LttP (LttP redefined 2D adventure gaming, borrowing from what the original started).

If they are going to rank like that, then Super Mario Brothers 3 definitely deserves a spot somewhere on there. It redefined what the original started, introduced a flying power up, a 3/4th's overhead view of a map for Mario (same as in Super Mario World). It also introduced 7 other world bosses and broke the mold of battling Bowser 8 times. It introduced item storage to the series as well.

Still a great list.  
Title: RE: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Gamefreak on May 11, 2003, 10:34:22 AM
Yeah Super Mario Bros. 3 and Legend of Zelda should really be there. I guess they didn't want Nintendo to have all 10 of the top 10 and had to decide on which to leave out. Even with 6 of the top 10 in Nintendo's hands IGN is really getting bashed as a Nintendo fanboy in loads of non-Nintendo forums. Trust me, I've seen it, and it ain't pretty.  
Title: What do you think of IGN's Top 100 games ever?
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 12, 2003, 08:51:33 PM

Originally posted by: Gamefreak
Even with 6 of the top 10 in Nintendo's hands IGN is really getting bashed as a Nintendo fanboy in loads of non-Nintendo forums. Trust me, I've seen it, and it ain't pretty.

Well, I guess they are jealous they have not played the Nintendo greats!

BTW, I really should get my NES out and play Super Mario Bros. again.