Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Bloodworth on May 01, 2003, 06:12:31 AM

Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Bloodworth on May 01, 2003, 06:12:31 AM
The official announcement from Nintendo and Konami.


Konami and Nintendo Collaborate to Deliver Blockbuster Action Title to Nintendo GameCube

REDWOOD CITY, CA. - May 1, 2003 - Continuing to broaden the Nintendo GameCubeTM library, Konami and Nintendo today announced Konami will publish a new Metal Gear® adventure exclusive for Nintendo GameCube. Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM combines the thrilling story of the original Metal Gear Solid® game with the jaw-dropping graphics and unparalleled gameplay found in Metal Gear Solid® 2: Sons of LibertyTM. The game is scheduled to ship later this year in North America and Europe, followed by the Japanese launch in early 2004.

Bringing heart-pounding espionage action home to gamers, Metal Gear Solid® is one of the most highly-regarded action series ever created. Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM for Nintendo GameCube will combine stunning next generation graphics and gameplay, an epic storyline and unmatched content designed specifically for mature gamers.

Under the guidance of Konami's Hideo Kojima and Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's exclusive second-party developer, Silicon Knights, is working with Konami to develop the game. Silicon Knights previously developed last year's award-winning Eternal Darkness: Sanity's RequiemTM for Nintendo GameCube.

"I am tremendously excited to introduce a unique Metal Gear Solid® experience to a new audience of gamers as well as collaborate with my mentor in game design, Mr. Miyamoto, on Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM for Nintendo GameCube," says Hideo Kojima, vice president, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.

"Mr. Kojima and I have spoken about this project for some time, and I'm excited our ideas have matched so perfectly," adds Shigeru Miyamoto, senior managing director of Entertainment Analysis and Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. "It's this shared passion for game creation that has allowed us to collaborate to bring a special Metal Gear® project exclusively for Nintendo GameCube."

Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM will be featured at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) on May 14 - 16 in the South Hall at Konami Booth 900 and in the West Hall at Nintendo Booth 2816.

Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 01, 2003, 06:33:43 AM
What can I say. I'm speechless. (Only if it were true.) What really surprised me is that Silicon Knights is developing it, so their mystery game truely was a surprise. If Nintendo has anything left after this they will have E3. The first solid game is the best of the two, and the fact that my sister lent it to someone who promptly moved and left no forwarding address means I will be the first in line to get this title.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: sycomonkey on May 01, 2003, 07:01:05 AM
NOOOOO.   I mean, yeh, this is great for people who like Metal Gear Solid.  But ... I don't.  And that was Silicon Knight's secret game??? NOOOOO.

Oh well.... There's always Too Human.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Ian Sane on May 01, 2003, 07:15:24 AM
Is there anything at E3 that's going to be a surprise?  Not just on Gamecube but on any console?  It seems like lately every company has revealed their lineup.

Well this confirms that it's a remake ("combines the thrilling story of the original Metal Gear Solid game") but that's not really that bad since I never played the original and a remake is better than a port of MGS2.  Plus with a new name the average gamer probably won't know it's a remake so it's not like that will hurt sales or anything.  To the general public it's a new Metal Gear game for the Gamecube.

Silicon Knights' involvement is quite unexpected and in a way disappointing.  Not because I don't think they're a good fit but I wanted to see something original from them.  Like Retro Studios they're a relatively new Nintendo developer and I want to see what else they've got up their sleeve.  Therefore it's disappointing that both SK and Retro are working with existing franchises.  Plus SK is best at creating stories and with MGS the story is already written.

Of course one good thing about SK's involvement is that a remake shouldn't take long so we should be able get Too Human even quicker than if they were working on something else.  We get Too Human and Metal Gear which is a pretty good combo.

I am very happy to see Nintendo making so many deals with third parties like this.  If they can make deals to get these sort of collaborations available at their next console's launch they will have a big advantage.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: RahXephon on May 01, 2003, 07:20:41 AM
i for one am trully exicted.  I am sure that SK will put some new spice to the seires.  It is a remake dont forget, there doing it all over from the ground up.  Expect big big things from this game.If these graphics trully do parallel RE:remake as they say, then it is going to be unbelievable.  I mean we trully are having a treat with this.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: bonestormer on May 01, 2003, 07:58:55 AM
I have to agree with a lot of these posts so far. How ever much I like SK, WTF? Why isn't Konami doing it (I guess did we really believe they would make a game for GC that didn't have Mickey in it)? I said it before but I did NOT want MGS on GC to be developed by Nintendo in any way. Plus it just means SK time spent on this and not some other new or Too Human game.

Then again since it really is just a remake, I don't care either way.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Army_F_body on May 01, 2003, 08:34:04 AM
Looks like Nintendo's second golden age is upon us!!!
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: GaimeGuy on May 01, 2003, 11:43:38 AM
*6 months ago*
"Why won't Konami  make MGS for GC?!"


This proves my point that people always need to bitch about Nintendo.  
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: ruby_onix on May 01, 2003, 11:45:36 AM
From PGC's preview:


Fast forward to the year 2003, and things have suddenly changed. A few months ago Mr. Miyamoto let it slip that there was indeed a Metal Gear Solid game in development for GameCube. Since then everyone has been wondering if this title is an entirely new game, a port of MGS2: SoL, or a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid.

I was hoping it'd be a remake of the original Metal Gear, not the original Metal Gear Solid.


It's understandable how much Nintendo will be pushing this title, as it marks the first time since the NES that the Metal Gear series has graced a Nintendo console.

You forgot about "Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel" for the GameBoy Color.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on May 01, 2003, 11:58:45 AM
Game Boy is not a console.  A console sits on a shelf.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Locke Cole on May 01, 2003, 12:01:29 PM

Originally posted by: GaimeGuy
*6 months ago*
"Why won't Konami  make MGS for GC?!"


This proves my point that people always need to bitch about Nintendo.

LOL, didn't you look underneath the logo of the Planet Gamecube Forums.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 01, 2003, 12:08:39 PM
Seriosuly, what's all the fuss about Silicon Knights making MGS:TS? It's OBVIOUS SK is an extremely talented developer (and if you think ED's their only style, you're sorely mistaken), Dyack is a huge Metal Gear fan (he cares about the series probably more than you do), AND Hideo Kojima, the series's creator, is supervising the whole thing, WITH his slef-proclaimed mentor in game design, our beloved Miyamoto. If there's anything wrong with that, please tell me now.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 01, 2003, 12:46:07 PM
Knowing Nintendo's love of hideing old games in new ones we may see the orginal in some form on it especially if the GBA is involved. I'm very excited that Silicon Knights is involved it means that the proper attention will be pay to it and it frees up Konami and Nintendo to do other things. The down side to this is it means we have to wait longer for Too Human.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 01, 2003, 12:47:40 PM
.... And since it called Twin Snakes they may make a form of the game as an introduction, who knows these questions should be answered by E3.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: GaimeGuy on May 01, 2003, 01:03:16 PM
Yes, I've seen the banner, thank you very much. But it isn't the case just here, but EVERYWHERE.  For as long as I can remember, people have been  complaining, hoping for a Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid game on the GC.  Now, they're getting one, and all anyone can do is complain that  three great developers  are working together on it.    If anything, we should be GLAD that SK is also working on it:  Do you have any idea how  much  more work can get done more quickly with three companies working together?    There's no reason to complain, people.  I don't see anyone going "Skies of Arcadia sequel is going to slow down Virtua Fighter Quest!!!  WHAT IS SEGA DOING?!"  Every time  Nintendo  delivers, people just complain:  As I've already stated, this case with MGS on GC, and  another recent example is  Mother 3:  People had been complaining for YEARS about not getting a Mother 3, and then when recently it was announced,  everyone just got upset about the fact that  it was on GBA, and not on GC.  I guarantee if it were on GC in 3-d, there'd be just as many people complaining that Mother should always be in 2-D.    I guess people will never shut up until Nintendo becomes the leader in userbase, again. :/  
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BiLdItUp1 on May 01, 2003, 01:34:40 PM

Skies of Arcadia sequel is going to slow down Virtua Fighter Quest!!! WHAT IS SEGA DOING

That's because Sega-AM2 isn't making Skies of Arcadia sequel. I think we complain because we're spoiled and we're too damn tired of rehashes. Seriously, the only Nintendo published game on GameCube that's a completely new franchise that wasn't previously started on n64 was Pikmin. But hey, I'm happy, this should do something about their image, which j00ny should take into account...
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 01, 2003, 01:39:16 PM
Exactly Gaimeguy: there's absolutely no reason to complain. If antyhing, this is BETTER than any of us had hoped for.

Bilditup: Yes, Pikmin was the only new franchise, but Nintendo's already got more franchises than any other developer could handle. The new installments to their currents games have innovated (SMS, WW, MP, Mario Kart, just about all of them). Funny how it's always people complaining that Nintendo's not innovating when I don't see MS or Sony doing any better of a job.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Grey Ninja on May 01, 2003, 03:20:36 PM
I SO wish that that this forum didn't censor profanity.  I have so much profanity I want to say right now, but can't say because the damn censor won't allow it.  Suffice it to say that it's happy swearing though.  

This is TOTALLY AWESOME news.  It might not be a great seller to the PS2 or Xbox crowd, but you can be sure that this title just hit really high in my most wanted list.  This game is like a dream for me.  I am looking forward to it so much you would not believe it.  A next-gen Metal Gear Solid remake on a NINTENDO system is just REALLY COOL!  I don't have to worry about the game being crappy, as Metal Gear Solid is freaking awesome.  I am almost jumping for joy right now.

Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Kulock on May 01, 2003, 04:35:13 PM
A remake is nice... but... what happened to new-makes? Did I miss when those went out of style? So much time and effort invested to deliver a game pretty similar to the original. It's such a weird trend the past two or three years. Yeah, financially it sort of makes sense, especially for big-budget titles like MGS where the planning and design work alone probably cost as much as this remake will to produce, but still... why can't we have something ENTIRELY new? I'm not bitching for the sake of bitching, but everyone applauds seeing the same game they saw years ago, like the idea of getting a completely new game is so far out it just can't be done. It's not just accepting and being thankful for getting the game, it gets APPLAUDED. That just... doesn't make sense to me.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: OzmodiusPrime on May 01, 2003, 05:12:36 PM
Whatever you may feel about a remake of MGS1, it's still a good thing for Nintendo..  Now that the "Nintendo Trifecta"  (Mario, Metriod, Zelda) is out, they need a big name or two to keep the public eye on them.  Frankly, aside from GTA 3, there is NOTHING bigger as far as brand recognition then Metal Gear Solid.  I, for one have NO problem with a revitited MGS1.  A lot of people consider it to be a better GAME then MGS2 (i.e., better story, better characters, MORE gameplay time vs. cinematics), so this is cool.

Besides, who's to say Konami isn't planning to pull a GC Resident Evil and make some changes to the game to keep it somewhat new?  

As far as Silicon Kinghts working on the game (that has me floored), judging from the brillliant work on ED (one of my favorite games of all time), it'll kick a$$.  I also think that SK may have somethine else up their sleeves, but that's my opinion.  Definitely a must purchase for myself at least.  
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Gamefreak on May 01, 2003, 05:35:58 PM
Maybe it's just me...but does anyone find it funny that Miyamoto is overseeing such a violent game? OK, so it's not as gory as Eternal Darkness was...and he helped out with that....But if he doesn't have a problem lending some suggestions and whatnot to M rated games how come EAD is so afraid to make at least one game not rated E? Not that I want EAD to, but you'd think he wouldn't even get near such violent games
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: RickPowers on May 01, 2003, 06:55:41 PM
EAD isn't "afraid" of anything.  It's just not THEIR style, that's all.  You make what you know best.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 01, 2003, 07:29:39 PM
That is the orginal purpose Nintendo added Retro and Silicon Knights, to make the T and M titles that some of the user base wanted and they are good at making these titles. So EAD could concentrate on the titles they make the best. They could make a title like Metal Gear Solid but I doubt it would have a ambeance that Silicon Knights could breath in such a title.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Grey Ninja on May 01, 2003, 08:10:49 PM
Think of it this way.

Would Stephen King be a good children's book writer?
Would Dr. Seuss make a good horror writer?
Would Disney make a good action movie?
Would Britney Spears make a good singer?  

My point is that EAD doesn't make violent games.  To do so would be to go against what they do best.  We love EAD for their game making skill at what they do best, by making games for all ages.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: ThePerm on May 01, 2003, 10:21:48 PM
what are yoiu talking about grey ninja! Dr seus books are scary as hell!
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 01, 2003, 11:35:05 PM
You got it right about Britney Spears!
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: BlkPaladin on May 02, 2003, 04:07:32 AM
I seen you stayed away from asking wheather Disney would make a horror more which they did. Even though it really hard to find it unedited version. (For some reason Disney seem ashamed they made this movie which is one of the only movies I have ever found scarry.) Some Thing Wicked This Way Comes is the only Disney movie before they bought Touch Stone Pictures (Yes Disney owns this movie house so in a way they do make some good action movies.) that recieved a Rating of R.
Title: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: Kulock on May 02, 2003, 11:40:08 PM

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
Think of it this way.

Would Stephen King be a good children's book writer?

You actually don't know Stephen King that well. (I don't mean on a personal level, but you'd be surprised what he has done, and what he can do, I hear his "On Writing" recommended CONSTANTLY.)


Would Dr. Seuss make a good horror writer?

Some of his books are scary enough as it is... "Tiny little people live on that flower... SO DON'T STEP ON IT OR THEY'LL RISE UP AND KILL YOU." (Okay, so that's an alternate ending to Horton Hears a Who, close enough. ;P)


Would Disney make a good action movie?

Actually... well, you did put in the qualifier "good", but there are several names Disney has gone under or owns for popular movies, such as action... Touchstone, I think Miramax, et cetera.

And even if you discounted all those, some might rate a few of Disney's animated features as good action movies, although they usually lean more towards "Adventure." Like Aladdin for example. :P


Would Britney Spears make a good singer?  ;)

Make one? Out of what, spare parts she has lying around?


My point is that EAD doesn't make violent games.  To do so would be to go against what they do best.  We love EAD for their game making skill at what they do best, by making games for all ages.

I guess the thought is that maybe EAD would be good at more mature-themed games, and just doesn't know it yet because they seemingly haven't attempted to stretch out and try their hand at it. We don't know they're "limited" (don't get me wrong, I love EAD's games, just speaking from a developmental capability here) to only making "all ages" games. Don't forget even _Miyamoto_ mentioned they were being a little creatively styfuled when Hiroshi Yamauchi was "Executive Producer" of every Nintendo game project, and when even Miyamoto says he was being limited, you know that man (Yamauchi) had an iron fist on what Nintendo put out to the market, and that was that. It's possible they had the idea or inkling before, but not really the OK to do so.

The secondary point could be this: Some gamers always complain mature-themed games are "style with no substance." So, if a dev house famous for quality gameplay could get that right mix together for their own project, it'd really be a highly-regarded game that both casual gamers and the hardcores would take note of.

I don't think anyone's for "forcing" EAD into making a game they don't want to make, but it'd be an interesting project to see if they tried.
Title: RE: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: ThePerm on February 14, 2004, 07:37:19 AM
man i can't wait till this comes out
Title: RE: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
Post by: SearanoX on February 14, 2004, 08:10:06 AM
Dunno if it is here, but generally thread revival is looked down upon, if not illegal...
