Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => Podcast Discussion => Topic started by: NWR_Neal on February 08, 2010, 12:15:54 PM

Title: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 08, 2010, 12:15:54 PM
Here's the start of what will (possibly( be a semi-regular feature for the Newscast crew and our listeners: Newscast Game Club. All three of us will play a recently released WiiWare game, and talk about it at a little more length, hopefully with forum interaction.

Our inaugural game will be Blaster Master: Overdrive, the Blaster Master remake/re-imagining/sequel. It's available for 1,000 Wii Points right now, so pick it up, play it, and tell us what you think.

We're going to talk about it initially this week when we record, and we'll wrap up discussion on the next episode.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: KDR_11k on February 08, 2010, 12:53:28 PM
I won't be telling you much since it's not out here.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 08, 2010, 01:45:42 PM
I'm down, but I have to reserve my best zingers for RFN. ;-)
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 08, 2010, 01:47:00 PM
KDR - hopefully it'll come out by you during our time with the game.
Jonny - fair enough, sir

Also, while I can't confirm anything, we're going to try to get someone from Sunsoft to guest on the show.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 08, 2010, 03:24:04 PM
Cool idea!  I approve of this.  Not that it matters. :)
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 08, 2010, 03:32:59 PM
Cool idea!  I approve of this.  Not that it matters. :)

Of course it matters!

If no one besides Zach, Andy, and I approved of it, then we'd just be talking to ourselves for no reason. At least we're doing it for a little bit of a reason.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 08, 2010, 04:29:11 PM
I've never actually played the original before (although I've purchased it on VC) so I'll be going into this game with fresh eyes.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 08, 2010, 04:37:10 PM
I love Blaster Master; it's one of my favorite NES games of all time.  The soundtrack was pretty amazing for an 8-bit game, and I loved the almost Metroid-style of the tank upgrades.   If Overdrive wasn't a sort of remake of the orginial, I would have recommended a VC download.  It's very difficult, though.  Sadly, I never could get to the end of the game without using the grenade-pause cheat to deal damage on some of the vulnerable bosses.

Some time back, I requested it as a selection on Radio Trivia ep. 28 (though I forgot to include my name in the request).  Anyway, I love the music so much that I still have that episode on my mp3.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 08, 2010, 05:07:39 PM
I barely remember playing Blaster Master as a kid, though I certainly did, to be sure. I don't think I "got it" at the time. I'm excited to nab the remake. I'm less tempted to buy the original, though, because people tell me it's crazy hard.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 08, 2010, 05:14:58 PM
I've started playing it now, and boy I can tell you that the lack of continues in the game isn't very fun.  If you don't find a save point, better tread very lightly.  It's a bit too easy to get yourself killed early in the game.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 08, 2010, 05:27:59 PM
Hmmm... I was hoping that they wouldn't go that route.   The original game was too difficult, and it was frustrating to have limited continues.   I have a more-than-full-time job and a family, I won't have time to keep restarting the game.  Bleh.

There's a big difference between challenging a player and then trying to frustrate and defeat them.  I would think that they would have included continues as an option.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 08, 2010, 05:32:04 PM
Well, the game has save points, which I'm guessing the original didn't.  If you die, you merely go back to the last save point.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 08, 2010, 05:32:52 PM
It's also interesting to note that the title screen says Copyright 2009, which means that this game has been done for awhile.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 08, 2010, 08:53:57 PM
A while meaning two months? I have a feeling this was finished or damn near close when Sunsoft USA came back from the grave.

This was one of the NES games I got from my cousin when he gifted me and my brother his collection. I remember it being fun, but balls hard. So...I have a decent memory.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: greybrick on February 08, 2010, 09:14:41 PM
I had a taste of the original BM (blaster master, sickos) through somewhat nefarious means before its VC release and was really taken by the animation. I have been meaning to get it, but Vic's allusion at the time of launch caused me to hold off. I am pleased with my hesitation and will likely be getting this version post haste.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with the 1400 points that will be sitting in my account after the purchase  :(
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 08, 2010, 10:45:23 PM
I started a thread for this game over in Nintendo Console Discussion; momentarily forgot about the Newscast Game Club. I set that one up as a sort of official thread, so I'll try to bring more casual comments to this thread to support it.

One thing I want to stress is that Overload is not actually a remake, but rather a new sequel. If you like it, and I think you will, definitely check out the original NES game to see where all these ideas started. Also note that Overload, while challenging, is not as difficult or as punishing (limited continues, scant resources) as the original Blaster Master.

It's hard for me to avoid being hyperbolic when writing about Overload. It basically feels like someone did a brain scan and made the perfect game to suit all my tastes. Other than lacking Classic Controller support, I find it hard to criticize anything about it after three hours of non-stop playing.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 09, 2010, 12:26:20 AM
Wait...the game is Blaster Master: Overdrive, right? You keep referring to it as Overload.

Unfortunately, I just got back to my dorm room and I'm too lazy/tired to hook up my Wii and download this. Tomorrow's a new day, though.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 09, 2010, 12:28:15 AM
LOL, whoops. I obviously didn't spend too much time on the title screen (or the shop channel, for that matter) before jumping into the action. I'll correct my other thread.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 09, 2010, 02:30:20 AM
Well, I played enough to make it past the first boss.   

Once I realized that I could revisit caves for more weapon power-ups, I had an easier time with him.  That's already one major  change from the original game!  I'm sort of surprised that the game doesn't automatically prompt you to save after defeating a boss...I didn't notice a save portal in the cave with the boss, either.

Other than that, I have no real complaints about the game.  I wonder what other power-ups will be available for the tank.  As long as a hover ability is on the way, I'm cool.  Gotta love the completely trite story setup; I can't argue with a scientist who gets to use big guns and kick buttocks.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on February 09, 2010, 11:32:17 AM

Once I realized that I could revisit caves for more weapon power-ups, I had an easier time with him.  T

Whoa, handn't realized that. Thanks!

I'm enjoying the remake quite a bit. It does have several downsides: the animation seems off to me, I miss the chibi dude in the overhead sections, the strafe and cancel buttons are idiotically placed, and why on Earth did they include that stupid weapon recharge meter with the tank? Also, I wish the tank could jump a bit higher, as right now it feels like it's just doing short hops instead of full blown jumps.

Other than that I think it'll be worth the $10. I've played it for about 40 minutes and just beat the first boss. I really like how the game lets you switch between three types of weapons at your liesure. The ability to shoot diagonally is also an overdue blessing, especially on foot. My favorite feature is the permanent rewards for exploration: in the original I'd hit up one or two caves to max out, and then go straight for the boss, as the loss of weapon level disincentivizes further exploration.

I get a kick out of how deliberately corny the plot is. Has anyone read the Operation Manual? I like how they poke fun at their own plot.  ;D I'm a bit bummed that this is no longer A Boy And His Frog, but I suppose this makes it more in-line with the Japanese original.

They had better include the damned frog boss though.

It's also nice to finally get an idea of what the enemies in the original are supposed to represent. Granted, most of them are still ambiguous blobs of ewww, but it's deliberate this time, so I'm okay with it. One big downer: where are my metroids!? I loved seeing them in the original, but now they're AWOL.  :( And sure, it's probably because of fears of copyright, but it's not like Nintendo's gotten any more litigious since the 80's, and it didn't stop them then!

That reminds me: are there any water areas? I haven't encountered any yet. I hope they didn't remove them, since they add some nice variety to the game. I really liked how the original Area 5 was aquatic, which forced you to abandon your tank in the side-scrolling area and conquer it on-foot. I hope we get something similar here.

Unfortunately, I probably wont' be able to continue the game for the rest of the week, but I'm really digging it so far, and looking foward to hearing your discussion.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 09, 2010, 12:15:19 PM

That reminds me: are there any water areas? I haven't encountered any yet. I hope they didn't remove them, since they add some nice variety to the game. I really liked how the original Area 5 was aquatic, which forced you to abandon your tank in the side-scrolling area and conquer it on-foot. I hope we get something similar here.

The teaser trailer indicates that there are.  The original game had a sub power-up for SOPHIA that could be eventually acquired; that snippet of the teaser trailer seems to indicate that the ability is present in this game as well.

I love this game so far!
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 09, 2010, 01:16:03 PM
There is plenty of water in the game, and you can still get out of the tank and swim around. Also, I think you'll understand the energy meter as the tank gets new abilities and weapons. It's very unlikely that you'll deplete the meter with the standard gun, so it shouldn't really be a factor in the beginning.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: ejamer on February 09, 2010, 03:11:39 PM
I'm torn about this idea. 
I really want to hear about Blaster Master: Overdrive and find out if the game is worth buying so soon after having recently downloaded the NES version... but I also want to avoid spoilers or too much information about the game so I can "figure it out" myself if it is worth buying.  Tough line to straddle.
Either way, I'll probably force myself to finish the NES original before buying the new WiiWare version.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 09, 2010, 04:48:30 PM
I'm torn about this idea. 
I really want to hear about Blaster Master: Overdrive and find out if the game is worth buying so soon after having recently downloaded the NES version... but I also want to avoid spoilers or too much information about the game so I can "figure it out" myself if it is worth buying.  Tough line to straddle.

Judging by the fact that Zach and I haven't played it yet and we record tomorrow night, I don't think you'll be hearing much spoiled in this week's episode. We'll have a much lengthier/in-depth discussion of the game for the next show (in two weeks).

And then there's that potential developer/producer guesting on the show thing.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on February 09, 2010, 04:58:08 PM

The teaser trailer indicates that there are.  The original game had a sub power-up for SOPHIA that could be eventually acquired; that snippet of the teaser trailer seems to indicate that the ability is present in this game as well.

I love this game so far!

Thereis plenty of water in the game, and you can still get out of the tankand swim around. Also, I think you'll understand the energy meter asthe tank gets new abilities and weapons. It's very unlikely that you'lldeplete the meter with the standard gun, so it shouldn't really be afactor in the beginning.

Thanks guys, it's good to hear.

But regarding depleting the standard gun, you're wrong. I've already depleted that sucker time and again! I'm just too impatient to sit still for a whole half second.  :P:

I'm torn about this idea. 
Ireally want to hear about Blaster Master: Overdrive and find out if thegame is worth buying so soon after having recently downloaded the NESversion... but I also want to avoid spoilers or too much informationabout the game so I can "figure it out" myself if it is worth buying. Tough line to straddle.

I think they'll handle it well: you can discuss a game's elements without spoiling it (usually). Plus, the game's not exactly plot-heavy. As long as they don't say what the unrevealed upgrades are, I don't see a problem here.

And I like the feature: it's kind of a "Currentactive" to compliment RFN's retroactive. It's nice to have these discussions without having to wait a decade or two.  :D
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 09, 2010, 07:21:55 PM
One big downer: where are my metroids!? I loved seeing them in the original, but now they're AWOL. 
There were Metroids in the original game? Where?
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on February 09, 2010, 09:56:27 PM
One big downer: where are my metroids!? I loved seeing them in the original, but now they're AWOL. 
There were Metroids in the original game? Where?

I exaggerate. But look in Area 1, in the water portions. Sure, they might just be giant jellyfish. Buuuuuut...


Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: greybrick on February 09, 2010, 10:42:57 PM
After playing for a bit, I really wish they hadn't "Overdrived" the music, or at least added an option to play the classic music.

Well, maybe they did and kept it in the same place where they put the Widescreen toggle :(
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 10, 2010, 12:28:51 AM
One big downer: where are my metroids!? I loved seeing them in the original, but now they're AWOL. 
There were Metroids in the original game? Where?

I exaggerate. But look in Area 1, in the water portions. Sure, they might just be giant jellyfish. Buuuuuut...
Oh come on, that's totally a jellyfish. You're just seeing things.  :P
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 10, 2010, 02:31:26 AM this scorpion boss supposed to NOT DIE? I have level 5 weapons (until he hits me) and he ain't goin' down.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 10, 2010, 03:25:47 AM
Seriously, that boss takes way too many hits. The fight is actually boring because of how long it takes.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Crazyjoe on February 10, 2010, 01:00:48 PM
This game is awesome, but just as tough as the original.  The second boss takes forever if you use the standard gun.  Switch to the rocket launcher for the first part of the fight, then finish it off with the standard gun after it changes its attack.  After beating the second boss, I can't figure out how to get to world 3.  Anyone know what to do next? 
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 10, 2010, 01:07:02 PM
After beating the second boss, I can't figure out how to get to world 3.  Anyone know what to do next? 

The entrance is on the right side of Area 1. There's a long pit that you can now hover across.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Lindy on February 10, 2010, 05:36:20 PM
Ah, the grenade pause cheat!  I totally forgot about that in the first Blaster Master.

Played this game for an hour or so the other night.  Pretty awesome, but did they have to make S.O.P.H.I.A. make noise every time it moves?
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Toruresu on February 10, 2010, 09:09:12 PM
Got this game last night because of the recommendations and wow. I couldn't put it down.

Scorpion boss killed me like 7 times, am I getting too old for gaming? Can't wait to explore the whole game.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 10, 2010, 10:30:11 PM
Scorpion boss killed me like 7 times, am I getting too old for gaming?
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Toruresu on February 10, 2010, 11:06:10 PM
Scorpion boss killed me like 7 times, am I getting too old for gaming?

Ah, I knew it! Let's see how old I am when you get COD4:MW:P
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 11, 2010, 02:03:18 AM
I'm really enjoying it so far outside of the asinine control scheme. That bastard scorpion boss is made much harder by the fact that I have to curl my left hand around the Wii Remote in such a way that I might give myself carpal tunnel. Seriously, I have my left hand holding the B button to strafe, I move with the D-pad, and I'm pressing A to change weapons. It's freaking ridiculous.

I just beat the 3rd area, and I was on my way to Area 4 until I got there and died looking for a save point. Now it's bed.

This is kind of like a bite-sized Metroid-ish game. Doesn't seem to be as long or expansive, but it's still fun.

I like the music, but it gets so damn repetitive over time (same song for an area). And those sound effects are too blaring. I find myself turning down the volume because of them.

And that stupid boss comes back in Area 3! WTF?!?!?
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 11, 2010, 10:43:36 AM
I agree with Lindy about the tank making noise whenever it's moving.   Just sort of seems unnecessary.

@Neal...Yeah, I agree about the music, too.  I'm a big fan of the music of the original game.  Repetitive music was acceptable in the 8-bit era (or maybe we just ignored it...but I know it got on my parents' nerves), but it sort of grates a little now.  It's too bad they didn't at least include some more ambient music in the loop. 

I'm behind the rest of you, as I haven't had the time to play for a couple of days. 

I would really like to see this 2D revival of old games continue on Wiiware, in general.  It's what I was originally hoping that Wiiware would accomplish. 

Sometimes, I wonder if A Boy and His Blob would have been more successful if they could have released the chapters on Wiiware over a period of a few months.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: ejamer on February 11, 2010, 11:45:33 AM
One big downer: where are my metroids!? I loved seeing them in the original, but now they're AWOL. 
There were Metroids in the original game? Where?

I exaggerate. But look in Area 1, in the water portions. Sure, they might just be giant jellyfish. Buuuuuut...

AWESOME.  To me, they were always jellyfish before.  From this day forward, they are tributes to Metroid.  ;)
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 11, 2010, 01:14:40 PM
Beat the damn scorpion last night thanks to my new ability to strafe. Still took forever, though. Using my new equipment, I zipped around Area 1 nabbing as many upgrades as I could. Tonight: Area 2!
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 11, 2010, 03:41:17 PM
If you're having trouble with a boss, remember that all three weapons can be upgraded to level 5, and that weapon power-ups regenerate each time you enter a cave. It may seem cheap, but a good strategy is to find an easy cave with at least two weapon pick-ups and just spend a few minutes repeating it. Having juiced weapons will help a LOT on bosses.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 11, 2010, 05:13:09 PM
I just read on the Wikipedia that the developer is working on a patch to address the control scheme complaints that would support the Classic Controller. If true, I'm very happy about it.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: broodwars on February 11, 2010, 05:36:54 PM
I just read on the Wikipedia that the developer is working on a patch to address the control scheme complaints that would support the Classic Controller. If true, I'm very happy about it.

Good.  This game would be many times more playable with a more standard controller with better button size and placement.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on February 11, 2010, 06:40:20 PM
I just read on the Wikipedia that the developer is working on a patch to address the control scheme complaints that would support the Classic Controller. If true, I'm very happy about it.

If this is true, I hope they add CC support and, most important of all, that they map the grappling hook to its own button. I'm okay with switching between the cannon and drill, and I really like how the hook is used, but switching to/from it all the time gets monotonous.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 12, 2010, 04:53:55 AM
That would actually be possible. Patching WiiWare games is easy because all they have to do is put the new version up on the Shop Channel and everyone can go download the game again. It wouldn't create an additional "patch file" or take up more data, either. I hope it happens, because the control issues are my only major complaint about the game.

Nintendo has already done this once, with ExciteBike World Rally, though nobody seems to know what the update did.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 12, 2010, 08:15:21 AM
Bit.Trip Beat also was patched, as was the VC version of Starfox 64.  There's a precedent for this.  Personally, I'd be absolutely thrilled if this game got patched.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Toruresu on February 12, 2010, 12:27:47 PM
Just beat boss #2 on my first try! Either it was too easy or I'm getting better at this game. So far, so good!

You know what I'd like to see? An episodic Metroid WiiWare game, with each game being 1 area as big as the Blaster Master map.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Seacor on February 12, 2010, 01:04:24 PM
Gradius Rebirth also received an update which included enhanced visuals, background music, changes to the scoring system and leaderboard.

Overdrive still has room to have another 100 blocks packed in, so I am sure they can throw in classic controller support, randomized level music (more than one repetitive track per level) and a couple more music tracks  :cool;
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on February 12, 2010, 01:09:50 PM
Gradius Rebirth also received an update which included enhanced visuals, background music, changes to the scoring system and leaderboard.

Overdrive still has room to have another 100 blocks packed in, so I am sure they can throw in classic controller support, randomized level music (more than one repetitive track per level) and a couple more music tracks  :cool;

That's odd. One of the game's North American publisher said that they were originally going to add a voice over for the intro, but they had to cut it because they'd hit the 42 meg limit. Maybe I just don't understand how the block system works, but if there are still a hundred left free, that explanation stops making sense.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Seacor on February 12, 2010, 01:22:38 PM
That's odd. One of the game's North American publisher said that they were originally going to add a voice over for the intro, but they had to cut it because they'd hit the 42 meg limit. Maybe I just don't understand how the block system works, but if there are still a hundred left free, that explanation stops making sense.

The Wiiware size cap limit is 40 MB (Nintendo, time to raise the cap).  Roughly 320 blocks would be the largest a Wiiware title can be.

Blaster Master: Overdrive is 232 blocks.

I've seen titles using up to 319 blocks (Tales of Monkey Island - chapter 5).
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on February 13, 2010, 07:47:19 AM
Just beat the second boss, I'm really enjoying the game too! For a game that came out of nowhere it feels pretty polished and more importantly it is FUN. That first boss took me two tries, the tedious pattern wears you out after a bit but I finally beat him. The second boss battle went by so fast though.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 14, 2010, 11:25:03 AM
Having a bit of trouble in Area 4.  I died 4 or 5 times in a row trying to navigate past those guns.   Also, I'm having difficulty finding the boss.   I'm sure there's something obvious that I missed.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Crazyjoe on February 14, 2010, 08:21:12 PM
I just found the level 4 boss.  It's up in the very top right of area 4, in the room that looks like a long rectangle on the map.  To get up there, you have to make a precise jump up from the level below.  The room below has three of the green satellite looking things.  Get past them and go to the next room on the far right. Use your hook and go up and to the left, back into the room with the satellites.  Get on top of the last satellite on the left and use you hook to attach to the ceiling above and to the left.  Hook on and then hover down and to the left to get to the path that leads to the boss. 

Hope that helps, it took me hours to figure this part out.  Let me know if you have any luck on the boss, he kicks my ass every time. 
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 14, 2010, 10:31:37 PM
Thanks, I  finally happened to find it earlier today.  I also found that using the drill on the satellites works pretty well in that room.

I've lost against the fourth boss three times so far, and I think I almost had him one of those times because his attack pattern changed.   I just alternate between hitting the boss with the laser and grenade launcher, and switch to the spread shot when the little bats show up.  I usually try to save at least one flash bomb in case I get in a tight spot with all the little bats that appear.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Rize on February 14, 2010, 11:41:28 PM
It's hard for me to avoid being hyperbolic when writing about Overload. It basically feels like someone did a brain scan and made the perfect game to suit all my tastes. Other than lacking Classic Controller support, I find it hard to criticize anything about it after three hours of non-stop playing.

I just beat it... that last boss is one tough cookie.  It's an interesting diversion for only ten bucks, but honestly I think the original smokes this game in almost every way (the exceptions being that this one has much better boss fights and slightly better over head cave design and gameplay (if you can forgive the terrible choice of using the B button for strafing)).

What makes the first game so much better is the level design and graphics.  Overdrive is just caves and more caves. It's so lame.  And most caves were just a big rectangle with platforms going back and forth across the span of it (whether vertical or horizontal).  I don't know how well you recall the original game, but it had levels with a variety of shapes.  It had so much more personality.  Just look: (

Meanwhile, can we stop ripping off Castlevania's whole-castle-on-one-screen map and start ripping offSuper Metroid's method of having individual areas with their own maps instead?  That's how the original BM was designed (though with no map screen) and it allows for more freedom since the bits andpieces of the levels didn't have to meet up exactly.

You know, I think they butchered most of the original music too. The newinstrumentation is gaudy, and the old melodies are sometimestranscribed incorrectly (perhaps deliberately) or else smothered with new melodies that sound out of place.  And at the end of the game over music, that "noise" used to make me think of Jason's pet Frog... now it sounds like a fart.

I guess it's worth 10 dollars, but man I would have gladly paid 40 for a real Blaster Master sequel on the DS or something.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 17, 2010, 10:25:56 AM
Finally!...Finally beat that bat boss!!!  Argh.  I had to play it five or six times to do it.  It would have been nice to have a save point at the beginning of that cave.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 18, 2010, 04:36:16 AM
Does anyone else find the grenade weapon to be mostly useless? When it could be used alongside of the regular gun in the original, it meant getting in close was an opportunity to cause more damage. Since it is now independent, and there is a delay before it can fire when switching to it, it isn't usually worth it to try and use it. I also can't tell what increasing its level really does.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: broodwars on February 18, 2010, 04:41:10 AM
Does anyone else find the grenade weapon to be mostly useless? When it could be used alongside of the regular gun in the original, it meant getting in close was an opportunity to cause more damage. Since it is now independent, and there is a delay before it can fire when switching to it, it isn't usually worth it to try and use it. I also can't tell what increasing its level really does.

It's hard to say for certain, but I experimented with the Grenade Launcher when I was first leveling it up and it looked like the AoE increased as the weapon leveled.  As for its usefulness, it's the only weapon I've found that can destroy those little circular spawning points and I've found it useful (maybe essential in the case of the Area 2 boss) against the Areas 2 and 3 bosses.  But yes, it is practically useless in general combat.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 18, 2010, 04:44:37 AM
What is "AoE"?

Those two instances you mentioned are the only times I would ever use it. But the circular spawning points were annoying, because it was difficult to shoot all of the enemies that came out and have enough time to switch to the grenade launcher and get a shot off before more came out. I usually ended up using the blue bomb item that sometimes appears from defeated foes.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: broodwars on February 18, 2010, 04:46:38 AM
What is "AoE"?

It's an RPG term that means "Area of Effect".  In other words, the blast radius of the weapon.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 18, 2010, 08:29:41 AM
The grenade launcher can destroy the heavily armored turrets in one shot, even at a low level, but a fully powered-up laser can take it out fairly easily, too.   I have used the grenade on some of the bosses 2, 3 and 4 when the opportunity presents itself, and it's pretty effective.

If nothing else, if I'm about to get hit, I sometimes switch to the grenade so that the power of that weapon will be decreased instead of either of my lasers. 

Edit:  Just saw IGN's score for the game.  The game has a few hiccups, but, man, 6.5 seems really low.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Rize on February 18, 2010, 11:34:50 AM
While the game is worth playing, I think 6.5 is about right.  It almost seems unfinished.  The art in Areas 1 to 4 is just a palette swap (it's probably a place holder for real art).  The art in the cave systems is mostly identical except for the ice and fire levels (and the last level which has a palette swap for darker colors).  The game is visually monotonous for much of the time.  Classic Controller support seems downright obvious, but didn't make the cut.  Then when you look at the gameplay, itself the enemy and level design on the side scrolling portions is fairly questionable.  Once you get past the controls and visuals, the overhead sections are relatively well designed with steadily increasing challenges and good boss fights (they did very well considering that they stuck with the original game's method of weapon upgrades which is highly questionable).
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 18, 2010, 01:09:20 PM
I'm still annoyed with the controls, but what's really starting to grate on me is that the screen moves forward poorly--more than half the screen is BEHIND you, which makes running into enemies a near certainty in many situations. It's also annoying, as Andy pointed out on the podcast, that you can't shoot down.

I got around to beating the fourth boss last night, and after looking around in vain for the 5th area, I decided to quit and play RE5 instead.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: NWR_Neal on February 18, 2010, 01:49:16 PM
I'm having similar problems as Zach. It's fun, but there's too many things blocking it from being great. The controls, the slow scrolling, the save points, the boring cave level design, etc.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Crazyjoe on February 18, 2010, 03:46:53 PM
Seriously, has anyone here beat the level 5 boss?  I've spent hours trying to beat it, and it just seems impossible.  I've been playing video games for 15 years now, and this may be the most difficult boss I've ever went up against.  Please help!!
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 18, 2010, 04:30:21 PM
I seem to remember Jonny saying to use the bomb on the 5th boss...
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Crazyjoe on February 18, 2010, 05:34:23 PM
Wow, thanks for pointing that out, just beat the 5th area boss.  I got so frustrated I watched a Youtube clip of how to beat it, and the guy used a combo of the bombs and the other guns, which is totally wrong.  I used the same strategy, and would have fights that went literally ten minutes before I lost all my life.  You have to shrink the boss, and if you aren't fast enough, it grows back.  The thing is, you can only shrink it by using the bombs.  The first two guns DON'T DO ANY DAMAGE, despite the fact that the boss flashes as if it's hurting him!!.  WTF!!  Why do they make it look like you're damaging it when you're not??  I guess that's what I get for cheating and looking on Youtube. 
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: broodwars on February 18, 2010, 05:36:34 PM
Wow, thanks for pointing that out, just beat the 5th area boss.  I got so frustrated I watched a Youtube clip of how to beat it, and the guy used a combo of the bombs and the other guns, which is totally wrong.  I used the same strategy, and would have fights that went literally ten minutes before I lost all my life.  You have to shrink the boss, and if you aren't fast enough, it grows back.  The thing is, you can only shrink it by using the bombs.  The first two guns DON'T DO ANY DAMAGE, despite the fact that the boss flashes as if it's hurting him!!.  WTF!!  Why do they make it look like you're damaging it when you're not??  I guess that's what I get for cheating and looking on Youtube.

I had the same issue with the second boss, where he was flashing when I was shooting him with 2 of the guns but didn't actually take damage till I hit him with the grenade launcher.  What can I say?  Sunsoft got lazy with this game.  It's not like this is the only instance where they were.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 18, 2010, 05:44:57 PM
So when you guys say "bomb," you mean "grenade launcher," right? Because I meant the single-use full-screen affecting bomb.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Crazyjoe on February 18, 2010, 05:54:25 PM
Oops, yeah I meant grenade instead of bombs.  The single use bomb works well on the 5th level boss, but mainly as a defensive move when there's too many things trying to kill you. 
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 18, 2010, 09:11:10 PM
Rize, are you davidst439 on GameFAQs? Because if not, somebody is copying you:
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: vudu on February 19, 2010, 01:49:34 PM
Rize is former staff member David Trammell, so it's a pretty good chance they're the same person.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Rize on February 19, 2010, 02:54:43 PM
Rize is former staff member David Trammell, so it's a pretty good chance they're the same person.

Yep :)   That was self plagiarization.  My account for rize there was lost.  I no longer have the email associated with it.

I'm still annoyed with the controls, but what's really starting to grate on me is that the screen moves forward poorly--more than half the screen is BEHIND you, which makes running into enemies a near certainty in many situations. It's also annoying, as Andy pointed out on the podcast, that you can't shoot down.

I got around to beating the fourth boss last night, and after looking around in vain for the 5th area, I decided to quit and play RE5 instead.

The original game featured secondary weapons for the vehicle which provided downward attacks.  It apparently didn't make the cut in Overdrive.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Sundoulos on February 19, 2010, 04:53:07 PM
Yeah, I do kind of miss the homing missiles.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 19, 2010, 07:45:40 PM
You can't shoot down in Metroid, either. It makes platforming a lot more interesting while in the tank. Early on, you have to use good timing and just be very quick to shoot. Later, the drill is extremely useful for taking out small enemies, including ones below.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 19, 2010, 08:14:14 PM
Have you played Super Metroid? You can shoot downward in that game.
Unless you were specifically referring to the NES Metroid, in which case, never mind.

Yep :)   That was self plagiarization.  My account for rize there was lost.  I no longer have the email associated with it.
Ah, I see. I was just wondering because I have seen people copy stuff as their own.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 21, 2010, 12:52:51 AM
Super Metroid is the third of the series... and you still can't shoot straight down, even in that one.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Halbred on February 21, 2010, 01:12:52 AM
You can shoot straight down in every Metroid game while falling, can't you? I KNOW you can in  the original, pretty sure you can in Metroid 2.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Mop it up on February 21, 2010, 01:21:25 AM
You can shoot straight down in Super Metroid when you jump in the air and press "down" on the D-pad. I'm pretty certain that you can not shoot down in the original Metroid or Metroid 2, but I'm not sure. Does anyone want to check to confirm?
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on March 01, 2010, 05:53:35 PM
I took a little time off from Overdrive but finally beat Boss 7 (which is very cool, by the way) and cleaned up Area 8. Now I'm saved right before the final boss cave...

For those wondering, the crab is the only repeated boss, which means it was probably a deliberate reference to the first game.

The final upgrade was disappointing at first, as the effect is subtle. But after getting around Area 8 for a while, I'm starting to appreciate it more. I think I've found every upgrade in the game except one health notch for Alex, and hopefully that's in the final boss cave. It would be awesome if beating the final boss gave you a secret tank ability that could be used to mess around the overworld post-game, but Dave/Rize probably would have mentioned that.
Title: Re: Newscast Game Club Discussion - Blaster Master: Overdrive
Post by: noname2200 on March 01, 2010, 07:03:54 PM

For those wondering, the crab is the only repeated boss.

Are you sure about that? I recall that the Area 2 boss returned in Area 5 as well. Am I just misremembering?

Anyways, I just gave the podcast a listen. I'm sad to hear that you guys were so turned off by the game. I personally really enjoy it, and I think it gets better as it goes on. That said, I agree that the game has so many bizarre decisions in it: we've covered the controls already, and the save points were not placed as well as they should have been, but I also have to say that the level design felt really uninspired when compared to the original's. The boss battles also last a bit too long for my taste, although I think the bosses themselves are great overall. The Area 6 and 7 bosses in particular were really cool. And oddly enough, I think this game is much harder than the original.

In the end, I think the game is a worthy follow up to the original Blaster Master, but it also feels like a series of missed opportunities. I would have loved it if they had updated a lot more features; being able to permanently power up your guns a la Metroid, for instance, or perhaps fighting a boss battle inside your tank. Even having more varied backgrounds would have been nice: there is more variety starting with Area 5, but it's sad that the first screen of the game obviously had a ton more attention paid to it than anywhere else. (And for the record, the original took place underground, but there was still a lot of variety between the areas, both in the fore-and-backgrounds. I know someone in the podcast asked that).

So it's a missed opportunity, but I'm still looking forward to seeing what else Sunsoft has up its sleeves.