Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 12:23:00 AM

Title: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 12:23:00 AM
Plugabugz and UncleBob approached the bridge of the Death Star. The guards at the door noticed them coming and stepped in front of them.

"Halt! State your business!" said one of the two NPC stormtroopers guarding the door. Much to their surprise, Plugabugz and UncleBob fired on them, killing them instantly. They stepped over them and entered the darkened bridge. Strangely, the room was completely deserted.

"Vader! Tarkin! Come out! We have business!" shouted Plugabugz, his eyes glinting crazily. Suddenly, from the shadows all around sprang uncountable numbers of stormtroopers! Plugabugz whipped off his helmet and drew his lightsaber, revealing himself as Luke Skywalker! "Leia," he whispered, "stay close." UncleBob threw off his helmet, and in a flash of white cloth, where UncleBob the stormtrooper had stood, there was Princess Leia in her white robe, blaster in hand! "Bring it on!" she said as she began firing.

Together they blasted stormtrooper after stormtrooper, Luke masterfully deflecting all their blaster fire and Leia picking them off one by one, but more kept coming! Luke was getting tired by now... his light saber moved more slowly... one by one he began missing the blaster fire, and then... searing pain in his left shoulder. He was hit! "Leia, get away! Get yourself out of here! I'll dist--!" But then, another blast knocked him backwards, and another, and another. All Leia could do was watch as Luke Skywalker, aka Plugabugz, lay before her, defeated. She was in shock, but there was no time to react. She had to get out of there!

Just then, a booming voice echoed through the room. "ENOUGH." The blaster fire stopped, and Leia looked around for the source. Ahead of her, the crowd of stormtroopers divided and from between them stepped... Darth Vader!

"You've caused quite a lot of trouble. But that comes to and end here."

"But aren't you going to imprison me so that you can try to torture information out of me?" Leia said, hoping for a little more time to either plan an escape or be rescued by some other random Jedi.

"Not this time. Goodbye, Princess Leia." And with that, Vader drew his lightsaber and dispatched the lovely UncleBob Leia.

"By the way," Vader said in passing as he looked at the bodies of Luke and Leia before him, "Who's your daddy? Yeah, that's right – me." He sighed. "Kids these days... Stormtroopers, deal with this mess," he said, then turned with a swish of his cape and was gone.

As the stormtroopers left the room, Ghost Han could be seen in the corner. "FACEPALM," he said, as Ghost Luke and Ghost Leia materialized next to him. "Can't win 'em all!" laughed Ghost Luke with a cheesy, stereotypical sitcom shrug. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope, or some junk, LOL!" giggled Ghost Leia.


MEANWHILE!!! A tiny one-man ship stealthily approached the Death Star. It latched onto a bulkhead and, scarcely visible, a figure could be seen cutting a tiny person-sized hole, then slipping inside... Who could this mysterious figure be???


The Results!
Plugabugz, aka Luke Skywalker (mafia godfather) was voted out!
UncleBob, aka Princess Leia (mafia goon 2) was hit by Vader!

Note: Insanolord needs to vote today, or he will die due to inactivity. Everyone else is fine. Get those night actions in anytime!

Day 4 begins now!
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on November 12, 2009, 12:26:47 AM
Boom, now that's what I call sweet victory!
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Khushrenada on November 12, 2009, 12:33:40 AM
Why don't I ever stick to my original gut reaction? I never had this problem before in the past. Thank you team.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 01:02:31 AM
Stormtrooper Gary was walking down a corridor (imagine that), whistling a little tune, when he heard a rustling behind him.

"What's going on here?" he wondered aloud, hitting down+B. There was a vaguely familiar-looking older man with graying hair, and boy did he look mean.

"My son. Where is he?" the strange man demanded.

"What are you talking about??" Stormtrooper Gary replied, completely confused.

"My son. Boba Fett. I heard he was here. Talk now, or die." The mysterious man began walking slowly towards Stormtrooper Gary, something that Stormtrooper Gary found quite unsettling.

"Look," he said, backing away, "I have no idea what you're talking about, so why don't we--" but before he could finish, Stormtrooper Gary was dead.

The strange man took Stormtrooper Gary's suit – "Thanks for the threads." – and jogged off down the corridor.


Jango Fett (what?? isn't he dead?) has entered the brawl!

Call me a dungeon master throwing a trapdoor over a spike-filled pit at his intrepid band of adventurers. Call it Mario Kart rubber band AI. Whatever. One townie has been replaced with a new killer. The bottom line is, this game needed a killer to be balanced. When nicktmich/Boba Fett was never even able to affect the game because of technical issues (and admittedly, with the townies doing really well, actually), it lost some balance, and the game was likely heading toward a rather anticlimactic end. Think of this as throwing in some cayenne pepper to the pot.

Please note, this is the only "curve ball" I'll be throwing you this game.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Khushrenada on November 12, 2009, 01:07:26 AM
Boooo! You do realize that pretty much all townies are working together and know who has what role? Even with the elimination of the last mafia member, someone or two is going to get screwed out of a win because of this extra hit.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 01:13:58 AM
Boooo! You do realize that pretty much all townies are working together and know who has what role? Even with the elimination of the last mafia member, someone or two is going to get screwed out of a win because of this extra hit.

In a game with the killer, at least two more townies would be dead by now. No one has to get cheated out of anything, especially with the "let a dead townie win" rule. The most valuable player (even if dead) will still get to win.

I suggest you start trying to figure out who the mole is.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 01:25:27 AM
Wow, that is incredible.
That curveball really sucks, but I guess it is sort of fair. This game was weighted for the townies since day 1.

Well, if Thatguy is telling the truth, that I was investigated and came back townie, then I think that pretty much proves my innocence. We've now got two more people to worry about, however. It might be a good idea to try for that last Mafia member first, as I'd think they'd be easier to find than the new killer. That would basically be guesswork at this point.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 01:29:18 AM
Khush just sent me a PM, and I started replying there, but I think it's more useful out here in the thread:

Yes, I've chosen the player already, and the PM has gone out. It was a random choice from the townies.

And I'm not screwing anyone out of a prize. If anything, I'm giving one person a better chance to win a prize. As a townie, that person would almost surely be overshadowed by roled players. But if the killer were to somehow make a go of it, it could give them a chance at the prize.

The townies have done great so far. If I didn't think you guys could overcome this twist, I wouldn't have done it.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Khushrenada on November 12, 2009, 01:35:45 AM
Well, just a little further on the twist. We all know the killer was found on Day 1. He was always screwed. So, we would have had one more townie death, not 2. Moreover, Maxi was given the info on the killer in the hopes the mafia would off him for us. The killer role was always screwed this game. I can't help it if the townies came out swinging.

What about the investigator? If he's investigated a townie before, will he get an update if that Townie's status changes?
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: that Baby guy on November 12, 2009, 02:07:10 AM
I was about to ask about investigated townies, myself.

So we knew who UncleBob was, and his little speech about Pale and holding me accountable was a very thin veil that he was setting up to try to get me voted out tomorrow.  Yeah, we hooked Vader up with the info about UncleBob, because we figured Vader should take the sure kill, and it would be a surprise, so we could key in on mafia moves.

In retrospect, though, we should have saved killing UncleBob for later, since we knew he was Leia, it would have been a better strategic move to vote him out the day after we killed Luke.  Still, having one killer and one identifiable mafia member makes the game easier for all of us.  We've made serious progress very quickly, really.

Wow, that is incredible.
That curveball really sucks, but I guess it is sort of fair. This game was weighted for the townies since day 1.

Well, if Thatguy is telling the truth, that I was investigated and came back townie, then I think that pretty much proves my innocence. We've now got two more people to worry about, however. It might be a good idea to try for that last Mafia member first, as I'd think they'd be easier to find than the new killer. That would basically be guesswork at this point.

That is exactly what happened.  You were investigated on Day 2, came back as a townie.  We weren't sure because you were playing a little funny, but now, you're a townie or the killer for sure.  Definitely not mafia.

Edit:  Anyways, yesterday's actions pretty much mean Pale is the townie or the killer, as well, so he can be removed from lists of who could be mafia, if anyone's marking those things down.

For interest of the record, just to have it, we're down two townies, but have killed the killer and three mafia members, a major portion of which is thanks to Vader, and the instincts and cooperation in Vader's play.  It worked out pretty perfectly, in this regard.

Everyon remaining Storm Trooper should see something along the lines of that there's six people that have the potential to be either Jango Fett or Obi-Wan, while two more, as we understand, are only possible to be Jango Fett.  Lord Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin, unfortunately only can see that seven people have said potential, because they can't include themselves on the save list twice, unlike each individual Storm Trooper.

I haven't heard who's been identified today, and honestly, I think it would be safer for investigated players, thanks to the existence of Jango, to stay secret, in order to not disrupt townie alliance possibilities, and have "clean" players killed off by the mafia.  This actually hurts Mop_it_up, I'd say, because of what I said yesterday, though today's events could not be foreseen.

All this said, this game still has a chance to grow interesting.

What would be humorous, though, is if the killer and the mafia kill each other simultaneously.  I'd find it entertaining, at least.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stratos on November 12, 2009, 03:19:10 AM
Well, I was kicking myself all night at work because I was afraid I had sealed Khush's fate by not switching to Pale before leaving. I didn't have time to come and switch my vote between running errands and going to work so it was stuck as Plugz. I'm glad it turned out the way it did.

Is changing the game like that and adding someone legal or have a precedence? It feels a bit wrong to know someone was added like that. Though I guess since it is decoyman's game he can kinda do what he wants.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 03:48:40 AM
Vote Stratos

Don't think I've gotten distracted and forgotten about our duel, hon. Things have gotten boring around here. Entertain me.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stratos on November 12, 2009, 03:54:14 AM
We'll, only just for tonight, baby. Tomorrow morning we have to get down to business. Bring it.

Vote Mop it up

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 04:01:48 AM
Hey, there might not be a tomorrow. For the both of us, at least. With there now being two people with the power to kill, the chance of something happening to you or I has increased quite a bit since the first day. Might as well duel whilst we still can.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stratos on November 12, 2009, 04:02:43 AM
Hey, there might not be a tomorrow. For the both of us, at least. With there now being two people with the power to kill, the chance of something happening to you or I has increased quite a bit since the first day. Might as well duel whilst we still can.

But remember, love, Tomorrow Never Dies.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 04:04:33 AM
I'm going to make tomorrow the day that you worried about yesterday, but you won't know why until it is too late.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: that Baby guy on November 12, 2009, 04:38:29 AM
Well, I was kicking myself all night at work because I was afraid I had sealed Khush's fate by not switching to Pale before leaving. I didn't have time to come and switch my vote between running errands and going to work so it was stuck as Plugz. I'm glad it turned out the way it did.

Is changing the game like that and adding someone legal or have a precedence? It feels a bit wrong to know someone was added like that. Though I guess since it is decoyman's game he can kinda do what he wants.

It does.  I like the idea.  What kind of a game master doesn't what the game to be fun?  And it can't be fun if it's too easy, right?  So now it's more fun, I like the idea :)

Edit:  Also, I even did it in my last game :p
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Pale on November 12, 2009, 07:52:17 AM
Hurray! See I wasn't lying.

I'm not the new killer.  I don't know who to vote for.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 10:26:57 AM
Let's debate over here, ( guys. I can be convinced either way.

Give me your arguments for or against. I'll even put up a poll.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Khushrenada on November 12, 2009, 11:26:17 AM
Well regardless of what happens, we might as well take care of the last remaining mafia member and block one hit.

Un-VOTE NUCLEARSPEED. Haven't done a good job voting. Why start now?

Sorry man. I was hoping you were a townie this game since you were actively voting and not lying low but it is obvious you are Obi-Wan. Good game.

Townie alliance might as well have one last day of comradrie before suspicion tears us apart.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: NuclearSpeed on November 12, 2009, 01:50:17 PM
You got it all wrong. I am a townie, but if I were Obi-Wan, then would you really want to kill me?? Obi-Wan would only become stronger.

In an effort to save myself vote mop-it-up
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on November 12, 2009, 02:04:18 PM
::grins with extreme satisfaction:: The rebels are falling left and right. Corpses of their leaders are starting to litter the ground, the empire may finally accomplish what the separatists could not, the destruction of the Jedi Order and bring peace to the galaxy. The Sith will rise again.

Let me meditate on who the next victim will be.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: vudu on November 12, 2009, 02:10:32 PM
Death will not stop me from finding the droids I am looking for.

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: NWR_insanolord on November 12, 2009, 02:47:20 PM
See, now I know for future reference, playing mafia in the week leading up to finals is a bad idea.

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 03:08:09 PM
The thread was locked right before I got to post my opinion so here it is:

I strongly disapprove of this rule change.

It almost feels like you're punishing the townies for playing too well. I understand that you want to host a good game, but it isn't fair to change things when a game doesn't play out the way that you wanted it to. No one could foresee the events that took place on day one, you can't really account for users being unable to visit. But things happen in Mafia, and when they do, you just have to let them happen.

I've been on the losing end of something like this, in my very first game in fact. It sucks. But you didn't see me screaming for rule changes. There's always next game.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: vudu on November 12, 2009, 03:16:14 PM
I see you screaming for a rule change now.  ;)
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 03:17:09 PM
Thanks for the discussion and input, everyone. I'm keeping everything in mind for if I host again NO MORE TWISTS EVARRRRRR, even if the game gets boring/short. But the decision's been made this time:

Jango who?
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 03:18:00 PM
Fine. But no matter what happens, in my eyes, every current living townie is a winner.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: vudu on November 12, 2009, 03:21:18 PM


Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stogi on November 12, 2009, 03:59:06 PM
*strokes chin* Trust amongst friends dwindles in the ruff.

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on November 12, 2009, 05:05:31 PM
Can the rebels be eliminated once again tonight? We'll see

vote nuclearspeed
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Dasmos on November 12, 2009, 05:15:20 PM
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stratos on November 12, 2009, 05:25:39 PM
Vote Nuclearspeed
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 06:32:26 PM
Lame, guys. I put up a poll and everything, and the overwhelming result was to leave Jango – people wanted to keep playing, because it's fun to win, but it's also fun to play.

But the decision has been taken out of my hands, and that sucks. But you know what? That's fine. Writing and hosting and all the related stuff is time-consuming, and this'll let me have more time for Rune Factory Frontier (a game you should all check out if you haven't already, because it is awesome).

Three and a half hours left for voting.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Khushrenada on November 12, 2009, 06:38:35 PM
Hey. When you're hot, you're hot. Plus, you made the extra work for yourself. I told you to let it go. I didn't like this sudden change. Clearly, fortune favored me and didn't like this change in the game either.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Stratos on November 12, 2009, 06:39:43 PM
I'm tempted to make a joke, but I'll save it for the end thread.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: vudu on November 12, 2009, 06:43:34 PM
Lame, guys. I put up a poll and everything, and the overwhelming result was to leave Jango – people wanted to keep playing, because it's fun to win, but it's also fun to play.

But the decision has been taken out of my hands, and that sucks. But you know what? That's fine. Writing and hosting and all the related stuff is time-consuming, and this'll let me have more time for Rune Factory Frontier (a game you should all check out if you haven't already, because it is awesome).


Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on November 12, 2009, 06:45:54 PM
Anyone that criticizes the emperor will be slaughtered by my hand.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 06:53:38 PM
Actually, I don't have Mario Kart. :-[ Haha. But that screen is still awesome.

But I don't quit yet! There's still work to be done!

*forcelightning Khush* :P

edit: Oh wait, I know if I force lightning Khush, that'll end with me being thrown down a pit. Never mind.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: vudu on November 12, 2009, 07:12:11 PM
Actually, I don't have Mario Kart. :-[ Haha. But that screen is still awesome.

The closest thing I have to Rune Factory would be this.


Ooh--can you fish in Rune Factory?  If so, ta-da!

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on November 12, 2009, 08:42:35 PM
Might as well join the crowd.

Vote Nuclearspeed
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: that Baby guy on November 12, 2009, 09:41:57 PM
Actually, I don't have Mario Kart. :-[ Haha. But that screen is still awesome.

But I don't quit yet! There's still work to be done!

*forcelightning Khush* :P

edit: Oh wait, I know if I force lightning Khush, that'll end with me being thrown down a pit. Never mind.

You could always claim to be a clone.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: that Baby guy on November 12, 2009, 09:42:44 PM
vote Pale

Because NuclearSpeed clearly is going to lose the vote deal thing.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: Mop it up on November 12, 2009, 09:51:21 PM
Lame, guys. I put up a poll and everything, and the overwhelming result was to leave Jango – people wanted to keep playing, because it's fun to win, but it's also fun to play.
To be fair, you don't even know which five people voted "yes" in your poll. It might not have even been five people who are still in the game.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE – DAY 4
Post by: decoyman on November 12, 2009, 10:05:58 PM
Alright, that'll about do it. For tonight, nuclearspeed was voted out. Will write something up later on.

Edit: That "something" will be a conclusion, as NuclearSpeed was in fact Obi-wan. I'm too bushed tonight. I will give you a thread so you can talk about it if you like, though...