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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: EasyCure on September 17, 2009, 05:40:58 PM

Title: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 17, 2009, 05:40:58 PM
I rush outta work a few mins early today so I could rush over to my doctor and hopefully get some medicine before I go away for the weekend.

I drive a few mins away and get on to the highway when seconds later I feel my car lose power and immidiately pull over to the little bit of shoulder that's left before its too late. My car won't start.

I sneak out of my car hoping I don't get hit by someones sideview mirror and look uinder the hood, knowing I have zero skills in this dept but hoping I get lucky and find something obious awry. Nothing.

I call for help from my stepfather who's a mechanic, sorta, and he says he'll be over ASAP and as the phone call ends, a H.E.L.P. truck arrives. Some chubby older guy with one squinty lazy eye comes out and has me pull over to the shoulder a little more before checking under my hood. Even he couldn't find anything wrong.

Now I'm just *waiting*

Please reply to this and bring the LOLs, as a favor to your good ol' buddy EasyCure. You can say whatever you want, mock me all you want, just make sure its funny dammit.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 17, 2009, 05:45:35 PM
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on September 17, 2009, 05:48:56 PM
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Plugabugz on September 17, 2009, 05:50:16 PM
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Stogi on September 17, 2009, 05:55:02 PM
Aren't you hispanics suppose to be good at fixin' POS cars? :)

Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: GearBoxClock on September 17, 2009, 05:55:36 PM
Does it have gas?
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on September 17, 2009, 06:06:01 PM
I would like my car back Easycure.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 17, 2009, 06:21:08 PM
You're hispanic? Why don't you just ask one of the 9 other guys in the back seat if they know anything about fixing cars?

I know... I know, I coulda done better... let me try again.

Did you try whistling? It won't make your car start, but some other hispanics should hear the call and show up outta nowhere to help.

really people!? your such a tough crowd....

that's fine, I got nothin. I'm outta here

No.... save your pity claps
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Stogi on September 17, 2009, 06:24:30 PM
Maybe you should write your ese. :)
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: vudu on September 17, 2009, 07:56:40 PM
Don't you work at a car dealership?  You'd think that A) you'd know something about cars or B) you'd have someone to call who could fix and/or tow your car.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BranDonk Kong on September 17, 2009, 08:41:06 PM
Get it towed to your dealership and swap it out with another car.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Mop it up on September 17, 2009, 10:19:48 PM
I guess there was no easy cure for your car.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: nickmitch on September 17, 2009, 10:28:26 PM
Write a poem about it and post it to your live journal.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 18, 2009, 08:49:56 AM

quack quack


Isn't that for quitters?


Yep, thats what I did.

Aren't you hispanics suppose to be good at fixin' POS cars? :)


No, we're good at... wait a minute...

I would like my car back Easycure.

How the hell did GP beat you to a "hispanics steal cars" joke? Really Stogi? Wow...

You're hispanic? Why don't you just ask one of the 9 other guys in the back seat if they know anything about fixing cars?

I know... I know, I coulda done better... let me try again.

Did you try whistling? It won't make your car start, but some other hispanics should hear the call and show up outta nowhere to help.

really people!? your such a tough crowd....

that's fine, I got nothin. I'm outta here

No.... save your pity claps

Pft, the 9 other guys were all asleep, duh. I couldn't whistle for more help, because the only other guys around were on the opposite side of the highway selling oranges.

Maybe you should write your ese. :)

I shot him an email after this post, but he didn't get back to me in time.

Don't you work at a car dealership?  You'd think that A) you'd know something about cars or B) you'd have someone to call who could fix and/or tow your car.

a. It just goes to show how imcompotent these people are that they would hire someone that knows next to nothing about cars. Don't get me wrong, I know how to change my own oil, change a tire and brakes etc but when it comes to the engine? Forget about it. Besidies, I work at a car dealership not strictly a mechanics shop. You don't have to be a technician to work here.

b. They're too by the book here sometimes and though I coulda had someone look at it (eventually) in our shop, I still woulda had to pay our crazy ass prices. $129/hour labor rate plus whatever special order parts they'd have to order (since we don't carry Mitsubishi parts).. no thanks.

Get it towed to your dealership and swap it out with another car.

They barely have enough loaner cars to give to our needy clients. That's a no go, and didn't i say be funny!?

I guess there was no easy cure for your car.


As for the rest of you, minus nickmitch for beating that poor dead horse..

I must say, thank you. Pretty much everyone up until vudu made me chuckle and helped me from being too stressed out about having my car die the day before I go on vacation. I appreciate it, I really do. Hell, I love you guys ok not really, but thanks for bringing the funny

Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 24, 2009, 08:34:56 AM

So on my last day in New Mexico, I get a phone call from my stepfather who was handeling my car issues while I was gone...

The part that he and his mechanic suspected to be the cause of my engine failure wasn't the problem, so they dug deeper and the mechanic found something wrong with the engine and suggested it be replaced. It'd cost me a little over $1000... Not gonna happen, sorry car :(

I just can't see myself spending that much to replace an engine on a '98 mitsubishi galant with well over 150,000 miles on it. I'm better off getting a "new" car that will hopefully last me as long as this one has and hope i get as lucky as I did with this one.. In the 5 years I've had it I've never had any major problems with it, and because I could change the oil/tires/brakes etc myself I never had to pay any hefty service bills on the thing.

I'm going to stay optimistic about the whole thing. It's sad to let my car go, being my first car and all and having a ton of good memories with it (like when we froliced in a meadow?), but I'm actually glad this happened when it did. I was going to get the car ready for winter and change my brakes and tires, but now I don't have to spend that money and just go out and get something new. The only negative out of all this is I was getting ready to spend some of my savings on buying myself an apartment and getting the **** outta my parents apartment. Now I have to decide to get a good used car (and there's a nice '04 mitsu-galant I found this morning that reminds me of my old '98.. so pretty) and spend a little extra buying from a dealer, or go dirt cheap and buy an unpredictable car second hand and still have a little $$$ leftover to get my apartment, and just hope the car last long enough to not put any more dents in my wallet.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BeautifulShy on September 24, 2009, 08:48:00 AM
I personally would get a new car. Less likely to have problems in the near future. That's just me though.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 24, 2009, 09:04:06 AM
I personally would get a new car. Less likely to have problems in the near future. That's just me though.

I'd love to but I don't have the sorta money to spend on a new car (which can still have its share of problems). Thats why I'm considering the thought of a pre-owned car, it's new-ish and can get a dealer warranty that'll help out should some problems arise (assuming those problems are covered anyyay). My last resort is to get a (considerably) dirt cheap used car from a private seller.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 24, 2009, 12:33:52 PM
Too bad you missed the Cash For Clunkers program already.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 24, 2009, 03:47:42 PM
Too bad you missed the Cash For Clunkers program already.

Don't remind me. My girlfriend keeps throwing that in my face.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Mop it up on September 24, 2009, 05:46:53 PM
I guess there was no easy cure for your car.
I take it you don't like puns?
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 24, 2009, 07:15:37 PM
I guess there was no easy cure for your car.
I take it you don't like puns?

easycure - fixed

mop it up - as for your pun.... (
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Mop it up on September 25, 2009, 07:52:23 PM
But puns are the only thing I know how to do which doesn't get misconstrued as something else.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on September 25, 2009, 08:27:08 PM
But bums are the only thing I know how to do
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on October 15, 2009, 08:38:27 PM
I meant to bump this thread sooner..

I got a new car. By new I mean "new to me" since its pre-owned.



This '02 galant is a pretty nice upgrade from my old '98 model that died on me the day i made this thread. I'm not particularly fond of the color, especially considering I had a few other galants in mind before setteling on this one (best deal) that were actually red/reddish.

There was another '02 model but the guy was asking for a little too much, but it looked just like my old car that it woulda been sweet to get and pretend i just got a really good detailing job on it ;) Then there was th is '04 i was looking at that has a differnet body style.. fucking thing was beautiful but way more than i was willing to spend at the moment so that was outta the question.

I've been driving this new car for a few days now and I love it. It's a thousand times better than my old galant; it was maintained better, there's very VERY minor cosmetic damage and just handles better. My only complaint about it (besides disliking the color) is the stereo isn't as good as my last car but then again none of it was mitsubishi motors official parts like this one.. gotta fix that.

Oh, and the coolest part?


Former owner was Master Shredder?
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: that Baby guy on October 15, 2009, 08:39:53 PM
...I think that's a tramp stamp...

EasyCure's new car is a whore!
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on October 15, 2009, 08:46:07 PM
...I think that's a tramp stamp...

EasyCure's new car is a whore!

Well i wouldn't mind riding a whore for 30 mins before work every morning...
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on October 15, 2009, 08:52:25 PM
The foot symbolizes being walked all over. TRAMPled indeed. or Foot Soldier company car.

Seriously though, Galants are nice cars from what I hear.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on October 15, 2009, 09:02:59 PM
The foot symbolizes being walked all over. TRAMPled indeed. or Foot Soldier company car.

Seriously though, Galants are nice cars from what I hear.

You're the only person to say that in the few weeks i've been looking for a car. The only reason I was looking into getting another Galant is because the '98G was my first car and considering it had over 100K miles when i got it back in like 2005, it lasted a pretty damn long time without any major problems. I changed the oil, tires, brakes and wipers myself whenever it needed them, and had to replace the battery and one of those little terminals that connects to the battery post once.. but that was it. Meanwhile My mothers Impala constantly had to be taken in for servicing becuase of warning lights, engine problems, power steering issues.. etc.

I just figured I'd try my luck with another Galant since its what I knew. My gf and her family insisted I look into getting a Honda, or Toyota, cuz they swear by them, and didn't seem to fond of Mitsubishis. Her older sisters first car was a Mitsu and it was horrible from what I hear, and now her younger sisters boyfriend is driving a Galant and its a peice of crap too.. But again, i'd rather just stick with something I know. Once I put a few more miles on it (its got about 80k now) i'll be sure to keep my eye on the timing belt, which was the demise of my last car, and get it replaced when it needs to be.

Even if this car only last me the 4 or 5 years that the other one did, i'll be happy with it considering i got it used and all. By then I'll hopefully be making better money than I am now and will have a little more money to spend on something thats actually NEW.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Dasmos on October 15, 2009, 10:05:03 PM
I'm seriosuly only a couple months away from buying a 2003 Galant VR4, which is the twin-turbo 4WD version. Very nice cars.
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on October 15, 2009, 10:07:05 PM
I'm seriosuly only a couple months away from buying a 2003 Galant VR4, which is the twin-turbo 4WD version. Very nice cars.

Join the club and get one with a tramp stamp! We can be hot sexy bitches riding around in hot sexy whore cars together!
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: Stogi on October 15, 2009, 10:14:18 PM
"Makin' some motherfuckin' money" - Butters
Title: Re: Ah crap!
Post by: EasyCure on October 16, 2009, 09:54:56 AM
"Makin' some motherfuckin' money" - Butters
