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Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: Khushrenada on February 24, 2009, 10:41:15 AM

Title: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Khushrenada on February 24, 2009, 10:41:15 AM
Agent S came running up to Mayor Khushrenada. "Sir, we have a situation. Someone has posted a threatening note on the town message board. Everyone is upset. You'd better check it out." Mayor Khushrenada hurried over to the what the hubbub about. There he found Dr. Shrunk teaching people how to look scared, worried and frightened. Mayor Khushrenada checked the note over. It read:

Dear citizens of Beanerville,

   Greetings! My name is Cube. And I come in the name of the Emperor of Penguins, Lord Chilly Willy. I have traveled far and across many lands from my homeland of Pittsburgh to come here. I have done so for one reason. To help establish the might of the Penguin Empire. Already operatives from around the world have gone forth and brought mighty cities and nations to their knees. Pingu in the South Pole, The Penguin in Gotham, Opus in Bloom Country and Feathers McGraw, posing as a chicken, in Britain. We have done so because we recognize the truth for greatness. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao Zedong. Our political power is skyrocketing. Now, you will face the might of the Penguin Empire. My goal is simple. To destroy this town just as I have destroyed many others. And by that, I mean, blowing this town and everyone in it off the map. At first, I was afraid that I might not be able to accomplish my goal. But thanks to the panic you have incited amongst yourselves, you have reduced your number without requiring me to lift a wing. I thank you for that and promise to make your deaths swift and painless in return. Do not try to escape as I have now been able to booby trap all exits from this village. Your lives are ticking down to their final hours.

Deepest regards,

The townsfolk murmured among themselves about what to do in the face of such a gloomy situation. "I don't think we should kill anybody," said Lucky. The townsfolk agreed. Killing one another was just playing into Cube's hands. It was going to make it easier for him to kill them all. "If we leave a lot of people alive, he'll have to keep waiting and maybe then we can smoke him out," Jack, Czar of Halloween added. The townsfolk agreed that seemed to be the smartest choice. "But we can't hope to sit and wait around for the Bomber to slip up," Mayor Khushrenada argued, "Do you think Tom Nook and Crazy Redd are going to also sit around when they are trying to gain control of this town. We know they both have help and we just caught a helper yesterday. Let's keep at it." But the villagers had made up their minds and went home and locked their doors tightly. Mayor Khushrenada shook his head and went home wondering how this crisis was going to end.

That night, the Coons gathered together to plan strategy after this latest development. During the meeting, Tom Nook noticed they were getting low on snacks. "Hey, Plugabugz. Jack! Czar of Halloween, wake up!" he shouted. Jack came to. "Oh, sorry boss. I didn't mean to nod off there," he apologized. "Yeah, well make yourself useful. We could use more candy," Tom Nook groused. "Sure thing. I'll just run home and get some," he said. Jack quickly hurried to his home. He rummaged through his kitchen, grabbing all the snacks he could carry. He turned to leave and that's when he saw a terrifying sight. Standing there in the doorway, was a cat with no face! Jack let out a girlish scream. The cat slammed the door behind her and walked straight over to the trembling Jack. "Hello there," the cat said with a voice coming from nowhere, "My don't you have a lovely pumpkin face. Let's see what you look like under that big ol' mask." With that, the cat grabbed the pumpkin head of Jack, exposing the fact that he was a raccon beneath it. The cat then put the pumpkin on top of her own head. "Now I have a lovely pumpkin head and a face," the cat stated. "Don't hurt me," Jack whimpered, trying to sound tough, "I'm Tom Nook's #2 henchman. If you do anything to me, he and our organization will hunt you down and make you pay." "I'm sure they would, if they knew you were dead!" the cat replied menacingly, "However, I'm an expert at stealing identites. Maybe you've heard of me. I'm Blanca, master of disguise. I had come to this village to retire and lead a simple life. A goal I had accomplished until now. But it has become obvious of late that if I want to survive, I'm going to need to make a change. Tkaing your identity and joining Tom Nook sounds like a sure bet at this point. Now, I only require one last thing to make sure no one knows the truth about me." "What's that?" asked Jack. "Your face!" Blanca cried. With that, she grabbed a large amount of candy that was lying around and shoved it down Jack's throat, causing him to choke and die. Then, she removed his face. SHE REMOVED HIS FACE!!!!! That's just all kinds of wrong. "Now, no one will know that I am not who I appear to be," she said. Then she gathered up the rest of the candy and headed off to Tom Nook's hiding spot. "There you are," Tom Nook said, expaserated, "We were wondering if maybe you had gotten yourself killed." "Don't be silly," answered Blanca. "Hey, are you wearing a dress?" Tom Nook asked, looking over Blanca. "Yes. I decided to change into something more comfortable," Blanca replied. ".... Alright then. Now as I was saying, we have the materials needed to catch Crazy Redd, we just need to ....." Tom Nook droned on. Blanca's plan had worked and she was now a part of the Coon mafia with no one the wiser.

On another side of the village, more momentous events were happening. Lucky hobbled across a bridge and made his way over to Mayor Khushrenada's house. He knocked on the door and rang the bell but it was no use. Mayor Khushrenada is a sound sleeper. Lucky thought about busting down the door but knew he wouldn't be able to. With all the trouble in the village, Mayor Khushrenada had reinforced every point of entry into the house with extreme amounts of security. Lucky instead quickly wrote a message for the Mayor and stuck it in his mailbox. Then, he quickly left and made his way over to the police station. Hurrying inside, Lucky hobbled over to a chair and collapsed in it. He took a moment ot unwind and relax. Then, he began to undo the bandages wrapping him up. As he undid the bandages, they revealed that Lucky was actually Detective Blackfootsteps Copper! Detective Copper sat back in his chair after finally taking off the disguise. "I always wondered what was underneath the bandages. I never would have guessed, however, that Lucky was actually an alias for you Detective Copper. You're a very smart man. Too smart actually," a voice shouted out. "Who's there!" Copper shouted, sitting upright in his chair and scanning the room for the source of the voice. "Why, it's me. You're old pal, Crazy Redd. And like you, I have a disguise of my own. But mine is a little better than yours," explained Redd. Then suddenly, Redd's head appeared a few feet from Copper, floating in the air. "What the devil is this?" Copper asked, flabbergasted. "A little costume I picked up from those wonderful sisters, Mable and Sable. Ah, how we miss thee. Terrible tragedy. But, at least there was some good news from it all. I inherited this wonderful invisible cloth from them. Oh Able sisters. For me? You shouldn't have. You really, really, shouldn't have," Redd explained. Then, he flipped up the hood and his face disappeared again. "Now, Mr. Copper. We are almost even. I know you're secret and you know mine. There is just the matter of my friend Decoyman. You remember Decoyman I'm sure. Using your lucky disguise, you were able to learn his identity and how he had been working for me. You helped kill him. I was wondering how word of this would have gotten out and have been watching in secret when I notice this limping dog each night go to our Mayor's house and then disappear come morning time. So, I decided to follow him home. Mommy, can you keep me? Ha Ha Ha. So, now, I will repay the favor. You have used your power to kill my friend. I use my power to kill you," Crazy Redd blathered. Detective Copper kept scanning the run for a sign of Crazy Redd while slowly trying to reach the silent alarm of a nearby desk. Suddenly, one of the spears that he and Booker used to protect the game began to rise and float on its own. The tip pointed at Copper. Copper lunged over to press the button on the desk but before he could reach it, his whole body was pulled back. He had been impaled as the spear went through him and the chair, pinning him in place and he died.
Then he ran out singing into the night:

I betcha won't catch me, man, Fox News, C-Span
Back-to-back broadcasts, shows all weekend
Can't catch me, man, Fox News, C-Span
Back-to-back broadcasts, shows all weekend
Won't catch me, man, Fox News, C-Span
Back-to-back broadcasts, shows all weekend
Bugged-out burglarin', hurdle secret service men

I ain't seen green since I don't know when
I'm gonna kill the Black-foot-steps
I don't make no money, don't make no sense
I'm gonna kill the Black-foot-steps
You gotta pay those bills, you gotta get that rent
I'm gonna kill the Black-foot-steps
Another year older and deeper in debt
I'm gonna kill the Black-foot-steps

The next morning, Mayor Khushrenada awoke and found the note in his mailbox. "Sir, I have found the whereabouts of Cube. Meet me ASAP." It was signed with a pawprint. "Hot dog!" Khushrenada exclaimed, "This is going to change everything. I think things are going to turn out all right for us villagers yet." He spent the rest of the day drowning his sorrows at the Roost.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Khushrenada on February 24, 2009, 10:41:33 AM
Announcement post.


No one died in vote.

Blackfootsteps - Detective Copper (killed by foxes)
Plugabugz - Coon #2 (killed and replaced by Blanca)

Voting ends at Midnight EST.

I knew the foxes would strike back. Well, we are edging closer and closer to a tense mafia standoff. What role will the bomber play?

Today is a Coon hit day.

People who need to vote today:


That should be all.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2009, 10:42:58 AM
3 seconds after my edit in the dead thread Day 7 comes. I must be magic.



All need to vote today.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Khushrenada on February 24, 2009, 11:04:02 AM
Almost correct Vudu. TheFleece voted yesterday. The rest of the names you have are correct.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2009, 11:08:04 AM
Call me vudu again and I'll hunt you down.


or am i...
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: TheFleece on February 24, 2009, 11:10:07 AM
The setting is grim for Townies- there are any left.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2009, 11:17:12 AM
The bomber and his apprentice are going to be pivotal. Like Spak was saying in the dead thread, everything has to go right for the townies to have any chance. We can still pull off a win from here, but it's bleak.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Pale on February 24, 2009, 11:22:33 AM
Well one of the two people from yesterday has to get voted out. I'm going with...

unvote nickmitch

BFS was the cop, but he obviously wasn't sure about any of his votes yesterday so either his investigation of the individual came back townie and he thought they were a godfather, or he hadn't investigated them.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NWR_insanolord on February 24, 2009, 11:30:02 AM
Man, with my deep hatred of Dasmos I really wish I'd been paying enough attention to break the tie last night. Better late than never, though, so VOTE DASMOS.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NuclearSpeed on February 24, 2009, 11:58:50 AM
Can we get a school set up in this town my math skills failed me last night and I didn't realize there was going to be a tie to be broken. With that it does seem like on of those two should be voted out, and I will wait to hear arguments from both before voting on them, but since my first vote was mafia, I'll stick with my second choice and go with unvote thefleece

Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: nickmitch on February 24, 2009, 02:01:59 PM
Well, let's see here.  If BFS was the cop, and he was voting for Dasmos, I think that anyone who voted in yesterday's tie would vote Dasmos unless they were on his side (I'm looking at you, Pale.)
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 24, 2009, 02:07:18 PM
Well, let's see here.  If BFS was the cop, and he was voting for Dasmos, I think that anyone who voted in yesterday's tie would vote Dasmos unless they were on his side (I'm looking at you, Pale.)

Can't argue with that logic, actually.  Sorry Dasmos, gotta go with this.

Vote Dasmos
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Pale on February 24, 2009, 02:58:52 PM
Well, let's see here.  If BFS was the cop, and he was voting for Dasmos, I think that anyone who voted in yesterday's tie would vote Dasmos unless they were on his side (I'm looking at you, Pale.)
I'll gladly change my vote to Dasmos if it were a tie again. I talked to BFS and he wasn't sure about either of you. I've had a hunch you are bad. He had a hunch Dasmos was bad.  Both hunches are valid in my mind.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: vudu on February 24, 2009, 06:00:31 PM
It sucks that we lost BFS, but you guys seem to be glossing over the fact that we also killed a Coon.  Now we can do some analytical work!

Here are Plugabugz voting records:

Day 1:  stevey
Day 2:  (no vote)
Day 3:  (no vote)
Day 4:  nickmitch
Day 5:  nickmitch
Day 6:  nickmitch

Well, ****.  That wasn't as helpful as I had hoped.  However, considering nickmitch was in peril on both days 5 and 6 I think we can reasonably assume nickmitch is not a Coon (although that doesn't get him off the hook for possibly being a Fox).

Change of subject

I'm thrilled everyone's finally working to vote out Dasmos, but we don't need to worry about him today.  As I detailed in day 5 ( Dasmos is a member of the Fox mafia.  Tonight is a Coon hit so Dasmos isn't a threat.  We need to try to find the godfather of the Coon mafia to prevent them from killing someone tonight.  I say we wait on Dasmos until tomorrow night.  If we're lucky he'll turn out to be the godfather of the Foxes and then they'll forfeit their hit tomorrow night.

So who's the Coon godfather, you ask?  Good question.

Here's all I know:  I've been in contact with BFS since day 4.  He investigated Pale and nickmitch, both of which turned up townies.  (Everyone else he investigated has already been killed.)  I know that BFS was also in contact with both TheNorthSea, NuclearSpeed and TheFleece.  I do not know if he told any of them his role (but considering he told me there's a good chance he confided in them, too).  Since the Foxes killed BFS last night I think any of them could potentially be a Fox.

However--and this is a big however--keep in mind that Sable died on day 4.  The Coons had a perfectly good opportunity to kill BFS on day 5, but they didn't.  Why?  My theory is because they didn't know BFS was the cop.  If true, that means that it's likely that none of these people are on the Coon side.  That means the remaining Coons could be either DrewMG, EasyCure, or Insanolord.  To add an extra layer of complexity, remember that Blanca killed a Coon last night.  Blanca could easily be one of those people that I mentioned earlier, so technically none of them are off the hook yet.

Short version:  We should vote out DrewMG, EasyCure or Insanolord today.  We should vote out Dasmos tomorrow.

Anyone have a favorite?
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: TheFleece on February 24, 2009, 06:15:56 PM
Nice track work, Vudu. I was in brief contact with BFS and he didn't tell me his role at all. Most of everyone I've been in touch with is dead now.

Vote DrewMG since he's first on your list and it's in alphabetical order.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2009, 08:11:50 PM
While vudu is completely wrong about me being mafia, I do like his don't-vote-out-Dasmos-today attitude, because basically I have done nothing wrong. I have been in the dark the entire game, basically trying to piece together the mafia from voting patterns & posts. I haven't been influenced by anyone else (except on the day we voted out NovaQ  :-[) and besides that NovaQ blunder I haven't voted for anyone who has been confirmed as a townie. (e.g. dead because even if people came up as townies in BFS's searches they easily could be godfathers.)

Oh I did vote for Maxi on Day 1 though, but retracted the vote.

Well, let's see here.  If BFS was the cop, and he was voting for Dasmos, I think that anyone who voted in yesterday's tie would vote Dasmos unless they were on his side (I'm looking at you, Pale.)
I'll gladly change my vote to Dasmos if it were a tie again. I talked to BFS and he wasn't sure about either of you. I've had a hunch you are bad. He had a hunch Dasmos was bad.  Both hunches are valid in my mind.

He wasn't sure about me, so basically he hadn't even investigated me? That blows nickmitch's logic out the window. A "hunch" from the investigator is as good as a "hunch" from anyone else, here's my little "hunch": Seeing as Isanolord has been hanging in the threads, but not voting and now he's trying to jump on the easy target (me: read the rest of the posts for reasons why). I think Isanolord is mafia, vudu seems to think it's possible too.


e: edited my vote in order of self-preservation. Hopefully someone will come to their senses and realise how ridiculous they're sounding.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: nickmitch on February 24, 2009, 09:18:15 PM
Well, let's see here.  If BFS was the cop, and he was voting for Dasmos, I think that anyone who voted in yesterday's tie would vote Dasmos unless they were on his side (I'm looking at you, Pale.)
I'll gladly change my vote to Dasmos if it were a tie again. I talked to BFS and he wasn't sure about either of you. I've had a hunch you are bad. He had a hunch Dasmos was bad.  Both hunches are valid in my mind.

I've actually been talking with BFS since he investigated me.  Even if he had initial doubts about me (which were well deserved at the time) I'm sure I earned his trust at some point.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 24, 2009, 11:34:03 PM
Okay, so the reason you guys are voting for me is due to process of elimination after tons of theories and hearsay?  You're going to potentially vote out one of the three remaining townies on the CHANCE that ALL of vudu's theories might add up, and even then you're only getting a 33% accuracy rate!  Come on guys, we have the chance to get rid of someone who has been POINTED AT BY COPPER as being mafia.  Isn't that far more convincing evidence than putting together 3 theories, taking what's left, and GAMBLING on the result?
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NuclearSpeed on February 24, 2009, 11:48:16 PM
well since we got rid of a mafia member with a tie yesterday and I haven't heard of the great of an argument to just throw dasmos under the bus, I know BFS was voting for him, but does anyone know for sure that he investigated him and it came back mafia?? or was he one he hadn't gotten to and was just a hunch??

so for now i will vote DrewMG and will wait for proof or persuasion.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on February 24, 2009, 11:54:20 PM
No one knows for sure if BFS investigated Dasmos or not, but certainly he thought he was guilty, or he wouldn't have voted for him.  Copper is the one player in this game that we can trust 100%, and if we throw away the clues he gave by pointing toward Dasmos, then we haven't really used him.  We don't exactly have a whole lot of resources left here, and if you ignore what he was trying to get done yesterday, you're throwing away another townie resource.

I say it is way too late in the game to be throwing away a sure vote like Dasmos.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Khushrenada on February 24, 2009, 11:57:58 PM
EDIT: Modify, dang you. Why won't you give me a modified time?

Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: TofuFury on February 24, 2009, 11:59:28 PM
Vote DrewMG
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Pale on February 24, 2009, 11:59:51 PM
vote drewmg
Title: Re: Mafia XXXI: Day 7.
Post by: Khushrenada on February 25, 2009, 12:01:54 AM
Final Tally:

DrewMG - 5
Dasmos - 3

Also, Easycure has failed to vote within 3 days. Bye bye.

Get those night actions in. Also, as you may have noticed, the next day info doesn't get posted until around 10:40 am EST or so. The reason is because this week, I get into work a little bit later than last week and so, I can't start the day until later. But night actions are still due by 7:00 AM EST. No slacking!