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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: BoB007 on April 02, 2003, 06:00:56 AM

Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: BoB007 on April 02, 2003, 06:00:56 AM
~*~*~*~SPOILERS~*~*~~*~*  --- i think

In the beggining of WW, it said that it is 100 years after the hero of time saved hyrule ( OoT ) or something in that manner. Well, when i was playing, i found that alot of the islands resembled places in OoT. For example, the first dungeon you go to has the dragon from OoT ontop of what seems to be death mountain. And there is also the Deku Tree and and the whale ( Jabu Jabu ? ) from OoT ( all located on different mountains of course ). And the tower of gods ( the temple you have to beat in order to get the master sword ) slightly resembles Hyrule Castle .... kinda.My friend is the one that actually pointed this out to me. Could the lands of WW be Hyrule 100 years later? Just with alot .. .. er TONS of water.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Mingesium on April 02, 2003, 07:06:45 AM
keep playing. your questions will be answered.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 02, 2003, 07:19:01 AM
Actually, there's a part that seems to remark that OoT was hundreds of years ago, so I'm quite curious now.  I thought it was a bit too much for 100 years, so maybe there's no way to tell how much time has taken place.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 02, 2003, 10:04:41 AM
Well from multiple things stated in the game I think the amount of time between Ocarina and Wind Waker is much much longer than 100 years. Maybe more like a thousand or so years.


For one thing the King tells Zelda that the Triforce of Wisdom had been handed down for AGES in the Royal Family. This means that there was already a great deal of time between Ocarina and when the actual flood started. Also the Hyrule Castle you go to in Wind Waker is not the same one from Ocarina. For one thing that castle was destroyed by Ganondorf so he could build his tower. Now I don't know how long it would take to build a castle but I'm sure it would take a very long time. That is of course if they didn't use magic to build it anyway. Also I do not think that the Wind Waker castle is in the same location as the Ocarina castle. When they show that shot of the castle when you first go down to Hyrule I assumed that they had filled the lava pit that Ganon's tower was hovering over with water and then built the new Hyrule Castle on an island in it. However when you go outside and onto the bridge and look around you can see that it is in fact a river not just a lake or pond and that Hyrule Castle is just at the end of that river. All this points to the fact that there is probably a very long period of time between the end of Ocarina and when the flooding occurred.

So how much time is there between the flooding and Wind Waker? Again there is probably more than just a 100 years. The King says that HUNDREDS OF YEARS passed between the flooding and what was going on now. Hundreds of years makes more sense because the majority of people seem to have forgotten about what happened to bring on the flood and even earlier events than that. While some people remember bits and pieces about the Hero of Time it's still pretty much considered a legend and people seem to know even less about the flooding. I don't think that anyone even knows that there was a flood since most everyone acts like that's how things have always been. Maybe there's even more than just hundreds of years. Thousands of years would make even more sense.      
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 02, 2003, 10:33:13 AM

Gibdo: I noticed all of those references, too, about the difference between OoT and WW being much more than 100 years (especially since if Medli, a bird like Rito, is the blood descendant of the Zora sage of the Earth temple- it would take MUCH lnoger than a century for a being to evolve that much), and since Link from OoT is already a legend, which takes lnoger to formulate than a mere 100 years. But if you look at the opening scene, it says that every 100 years a new hero is born, which heavily implies that the Link of WW is the next Link after the one in OoT, and the fact that they worship the Hero of Time so much means there haven't been any Links inbetween OoT and WW, placing WW 100 years after OoT. Very confusing.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 02, 2003, 10:57:59 AM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker

Gibdo: I noticed all of those references, too, about the difference between OoT and WW being much more than 100 years (especially since if Medli, a bird like Rito, is the blood descendant of the Zora sage of the Earth temple- it would take MUCH lnoger than a century for a being to evolve that much), and since Link from OoT is already a legend, which takes lnoger to formulate than a mere 100 years. But if you look at the opening scene, it says that every 100 years a new hero is born, which heavily implies that the Link of WW is the next Link after the one in OoT, and the fact that they worship the Hero of Time so much means there haven't been any Links inbetween OoT and WW, placing WW 100 years after OoT. Very confusing.
First of all the Rito didn't evolve. In the game it is mentioned that Valoo changed them and started giving them their wings long ago. Also it does not say that a new hero is born every 100 years in the intro. Where in the hell did you get that from?

Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: theaveng on April 03, 2003, 07:42:39 AM

So this is the timeline we know so far:

--- OCARINA OF TIME - Ganandorf's first appearance/ Link locks him up.
--- Ganandorf breaks free/Hyrule is flooded to hide the castle.
--- "hundreds of years... ages" pass.
--- WIND WAKER - Link #2 arrives.

I'm a bit confused.  Is Ganandorf immortal?  He would have to be to live hundreds of years.

Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: BoB007 on April 03, 2003, 08:04:02 AM
Im guessing that when you get sealed away, you dont age.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 03, 2003, 08:09:53 AM
Ganondorf remains alive because of the Triforce of Power - which he doesn't lose until the original Zelda game from NES. This is why the first two games will always be at the end of the timeline.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 03, 2003, 10:51:30 AM
"Also it does not say that a new hero is born every 100 years in the intro. Where in the hell did you get that from?"

It said that in he opening! Besides being a well known legend in Zelda games (or at least I thought it was well known), I distinctly remember in the opening scene of Wind Waker (where they explained the backstory, aka Ocarina of Time), they said that a new hero arises to face evil every 100 years. That's why the King of Red Lions was so interested in the Link in Wind Waker, because he very well could be the next true Link.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: faile' on April 03, 2003, 11:24:04 AM
I always thought Zelda was the princess' name, but is that merely a position?  Or, do they believe in reincarnation?  I'm confused about Tetra/Zelda.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: BlkPaladin on April 03, 2003, 11:36:53 AM


Ganon told Link that he was really the reincarnation of the Hero of Time. And the ever 100 years reference in OoT wasn't for a hero to rise up. It was how long it takes for a male to be born into the Thieve's Races. (I forgot the real name it begins with a G)

And yes the Rito are decendent of the Zora people. Because the Zora said the blood line still surrvives which happened to be the Rito. Valo did have something to do with it, but it sounds like they had taken to land long before they were given wings. The Kokri race also changed in that time to look more forest being like. (Simular to what happened to the Lumber Jacks in LttP when Gannon took the Golden Land.)

Its been hundreds of years since the flood and even longer since the Hero of Time left Hyrule. (I kind of found it funny that they called the Triforce, golden forks.) That means it was so long they even forgot the orginal Gods that forged the land and their legacy.

As for the Tetra/Zelda thing, she was the decendent of Zelda and carried the Triforce of Wisdom so in essence so carried the title of Princess Zelda.

As for the Triforce of Power, Wisdom, and Courage I think it was covered in Lttp. But don't they return to the Golden Land now that someone made a wish on it. Meaning that the impailed Gannon, who denounced the Triforce at the end, doesn't have it.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 03, 2003, 12:30:39 PM
"It was how long it takes for a male to be born into the Thieve's Races. (I forgot the real name it begins with a G)"

Yes, it is ALSO a legend that a male is born to the Gerudo tribe every 100 years, but it's also ANOTHER legend that a new hero will arise to fight evil every 100 years.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: McDubJr on April 03, 2003, 01:49:40 PM

Yes, it is ALSO a legend that a male is born to the Gerudo tribe every 100 years, but it's also ANOTHER legend that a new hero will arise to fight evil every 100 years.

No, it is not another legend that a hero is born every 100 years.  You imagined that.  It is not in the beginning of the Wind Waker, that much is for sure.

Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 03, 2003, 02:12:29 PM
"No, it is not another legend that a hero is born every 100 years. You imagined that. It is not in the beginning of the Wind Waker, that much is for sure."

Don't tell me what I imagined! OK, maybe it wasn't in the Wind Waker opening (I SWEAR it was mentioned officially recently, though), but it IS a legend that every 100 years a hero arises to fight evil. That much I know, so don't go telling me I imagined. Obviously you don't know much about the Zelda mythos if you're claiming it's fake, or at least that I "imagined" it. I'm pretty sure it was in something like the LttP instruction book, but it IS true, whether you've heard of it or not, McDub.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 03, 2003, 02:41:18 PM
No, it isn't true.  It's a video game.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 03, 2003, 02:47:36 PM
GOD @#%*&!!! I swear to god- none of you must be hardcore Zelda fans because I KNOW somewhere it is said that every 100 years a new Link comes to fight evil. That's how the whole multiple Link theory got started!!! Everyone would've just assumed it was the same Link over and over again if that legend hadn't come up!
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 03, 2003, 05:02:16 PM
Mouse Clicker you are WRONG. People came up with the multiple Link theory because they noticed that in each game there seemed to be a new Link because each game presented itself as being Link's first adventure. This theory started with A Link to the Past when in the game it seems as though Link meet Zelda for the first time even though they had already met in two previous games. No where has it ever been stated in the games or manuals that a new Link is born every 100 years.

Yes, I am a hardcore Zelda fan. I have read all the manuals and played and beaten most of the games with the exception of Master Quest and Four Swords making sure to read all the dialog and no where have I ever read anything about a new Link being born every 100 years. It's obvious to me that you are making this up Mouse Clicker. First you try to say it's in the Wind Waker intro when that's complete BS but you are the one telling us we aren't hard core. This thing with the Wind Waker intro is really amazing to me. There isn't even anything in the intro or the rest of the game that you could misunderstand and think it said that a new Link is born every 100 years and yet you try to say it's there? I agree with McDubJr that you imagined the whole thing. Oh, and it isn't mentioned in the Link to the Past manual. Here's a thought why don't you sit down and watch the Wind Waker intro and read the A Link to the Past manual before telling us all how wrong we are. And the only person who knows about this "legend" is you.


Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
I distinctly remember in the opening scene of Wind Waker (where they explained the backstory, aka Ocarina of Time), they said that a new hero arises to face evil every 100 years.
Yes, you distinctly remember something that you imagined while high.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: McDubJr on April 03, 2003, 06:44:49 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
"No, it is not another legend that a hero is born every 100 years. You imagined that. It is not in the beginning of the Wind Waker, that much is for sure."

Don't tell me what I imagined! OK, maybe it wasn't in the Wind Waker opening (I SWEAR it was mentioned officially recently, though), but it IS a legend that every 100 years a hero arises to fight evil. That much I know, so don't go telling me I imagined. Obviously you don't know much about the Zelda mythos if you're claiming it's fake, or at least that I "imagined" it. I'm pretty sure it was in something like the LttP instruction book, but it IS true, whether you've heard of it or not, McDub.

Listen mouse.  Please don't tell me I don't know much about Zelda mythos.  I was probably playing LOZ before you were born

Anyways, you can believe anything you want, as long as you don't mind beliving imaginary things...  But please, if you wish to furnish some proof to prove me wrong, be my guest.    
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Mingesium on April 03, 2003, 08:03:39 PM

Q: The beginning of the game talks about Link getting the green clothes and the passing down of the history, the hero dressed in green, etc. How many different Links are there? This doesn't seem like that was in Ocarina of Time, for example.

Aonuma-san: In our opinions, with the Legend of Zelda, every game has a new Link. A new hero named Link always rises to fight evil.

A new Link appears when there is evil. The amount of time is not a factor.

The 100 years is a male gerudo is born.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 03, 2003, 09:18:01 PM
The closest thing I have ever read to what Mouse Clicker is saying is what the maiden in the Skull Woods Palace said.


...Do you know the prophecy of the Great Cataclysm?
This is the way I heard it...
If a person who has an evil heart gets the Triforce, a Hero is destined to appear...
...and he alone must face the person who began the Great Cataclysm.
If the evil one destroys the Hero, nothing can save the world from his wicked reign.
Only a person of the Knights Of Hyrule, who protected the royalty of Hylia, can become the Hero...  You are of their blood-line, aren't you? Then you must rescue
Zelda without fail.
Here's some more that refers to the Great Cataclysm:


The Hero's triumph on Cataclysm's Eve
Wins three symbols of virtue.
The Master Sword he will then retrieve,
Keeping the Knight's line true.
Like I said this is the closest thing I could find to what Mouse Clicker was talking about but guess what. It says nothing about this occurring every 100 years. In fact it backs up what Mingesium said. It simply says that whenever an evil person gets a hold of the Triforce that a new hero will appear. It doesn't matter whether it's been a hundred or a thousand years since the last hero was around it only matters that there's some bad dude around and that the world needs a hero to stop him.    
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: theaveng on April 04, 2003, 02:21:38 AM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
GOD @#%*&!!! I swear to god- none of you must be hardcore Zelda fans because I KNOW somewhere it is said that every 100 years a new Link comes to fight evil. ...
Mouse_clicker, can you do us a favor?


After you do that, please (notice the politeness)... please do the following two things:
(1) Turn on Wind Waker and just sit and watch the opening.  Does it say there anything about 100 years?  No.

(2) Load up your emulators, play Link to the Past and Legend of Zelda, and take a screenshot of where it says there's a hero every 100 years.  You see, it's one thing to THINK the game says something... it's entirely different to provide proof.  Show us the, proof.  THEN we'll profusely apologize and admit you were right.

BTW, I'll be playing Link to the Past next week, so if I spot anything in reference to "a hero every 100 years" I will take a screenshot.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: yellowfellow on April 04, 2003, 04:52:33 AM

is it possible that this is what you are remembering mouse_clicker?
nowhere do i remember it saying a new hero rises up every 100 years and i've finished every zelda (except the cd-i ones) AND used to fantasize about zelda before bed... wait... scratch that.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: BlkPaladin on April 04, 2003, 07:22:15 AM
(Spoiler at the end of Paragraph)

I own all of the Zeldas and beaten each one and dowled out all of each game's secrets, the only thing that comes close is a Guardo male child being born every 100 years and they would lead the race. They weren't nessarily evil, one of them was the Sage, it was just that Gannon was evil and he wanted the cool winds of Hyrule, since the desert winds only brought death.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: BoB007 on April 04, 2003, 08:33:30 AM
WTF .... stop bustin MouseClickers balls .... You guys are looking WAAAYYY too into this ..
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 04, 2003, 09:01:52 AM

Originally posted by: BoB007
WTF .... stop bustin MouseClickers balls .... You guys are looking WAAAYYY too into this ..
Umm, Mouse Clicker brought this on himself. He's telling us that we don't know what we are talking about and freaking out but when a bunch of people make post proving him wrong we're busting his balls. Interesting. Besides as I recall Mouse Clicker has done this kind of stuff in the past were he has tried to prove something completely wrong despite what everyone else is saying.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: ThePerm on April 05, 2003, 03:34:27 PM
miyamoto said 100 years in a press confernce however...translations could be screwed up and a hundred years can be hundreds of years.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 05, 2003, 05:18:18 PM
I am pretty 99% sure Miyamoto HIMSELF said Wind Waker takes place 1000 years after OoT
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gamefreak on April 05, 2003, 07:31:40 PM
About the male Gerudo being born every 100 years, I'm pretty sure Ganondorf was the last one. After the end of Ocarina of time the Gerudos went extinct sooner or later. The last traces of them might be the thiefs from A Link to the Past (like Blind), but then again maybe not....
Ganondorf is immortal as long as he has the Triforce of Power, that's why they have to seal him away, because he can't be killed.

Also, has it occured to anyone that the Wind Waker link might not be the 2nd link? A Link to the Past may very well have taken place between Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask (which have the same Link) and the Wind Waker. So it might be: Link beats down Ganon in Ocarina of time, then goes back in time and goes through the Majora's Mask thingy, then dies, then another Link rises and beats Ganon after he breaks the seal (Link to the Past), but after this time, Hyrule is flooded, and then some time later, the Wind Waker takes place. That way, the Imprisoning war may be talking about Ocarina of Time, and the Wind Waker intro may be talking about both Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past. Notice in the intro it said that a hero always rose to fight evil, but this time the hero did not appear. Well for a hero to always rise, it must have happened before. (link to the past).

Of course this is just my quick speculation...
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: yellowfellow on April 06, 2003, 06:24:47 AM
well, i i know miyamoto stated that there are two dimensions; one where adult link seals away ganon, and the other where link returns to his childhood.   Now, the WW was stated to take place after the former, which makes sense since the



Therefore, i think you could think of alttp and the other zeldas to occur after Oot, while in another separate and parallel existing dimension WW is taking place.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Dirk Temporo on April 06, 2003, 07:04:01 AM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
GOD @#%*&!!! I swear to god- none of you must be hardcore Zelda fans because I KNOW somewhere it is said that every 100 years a new Link comes to fight evil. That's how the whole multiple Link theory got started!!! Everyone would've just assumed it was the same Link over and over again if that legend hadn't come up!

No, that got started because Shigeru Miyamato came out and directly said that there was more than one Link. Anyway, Wind Waker is A LOT more than just 100 years afterwards. The King Of Red Lions says himself that it's "hundreds" of years since the original hero.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chasefox on April 06, 2003, 09:42:55 AM
In response to the statement about when the game takes place, it's 100 years after Adult Link beat Ganon.  This is according to Mr. Aonuma, not Miyamoto.  You can see it at  Here is the quote:  "Where does The Wind Waker fit into the overall timeline of the Legend of Zelda?

Mr. Aonuma: In terms of the storyline, we've decided that this takes place 100 years after the events in The Ocarina of Time. We think that as you play through the game, you'll notice that in the beginning the storyline explains some of the events in The Ocarina of Time. You'll also find hints of things from The Ocarina of Time that exist in The Wind Waker.

There's also a more complicated explanation. If you think back to the end of The Ocarina of Time, there were two endings to that game in different time periods. First Link defeated Ganon as an adult, and then he actually went back to being a child. You could say that The Wind Waker takes place 100 years after the ending in which Link was an adult."
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chris150 on April 06, 2003, 11:50:13 AM

Mr. Aonuma: In terms of the storyline, we've decided that this takes place 100 years after the events in The Ocarina of Time. We think that as you play through the game, you'll notice that in the beginning the storyline explains some of the events in The Ocarina of Time. You'll also find hints of things from The Ocarina of Time that exist in The Wind Waker.

The intro seems to contradict that statement.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chasefox on April 06, 2003, 02:24:43 PM
The whole thing where it says "quote:" is the quote.  It's all understandable if you read through the whole thing.  It's not my opinion at the bottom, that's what Mr. Aonuma says.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chris150 on April 06, 2003, 02:57:18 PM
I know that. But have you watched the intro to WW? It disproves that it takes place 100 years after. More like hundreds like The King of Red Lions says. Or maybe 100 years after OoT is when Hyrule gets flooded...
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 06, 2003, 05:13:02 PM
Yes, Aonuma said that the game takes place 100 years after Ocarina, but he also said that every Zelda game has a new Link when that is not true. Yes, there is more than one Link but some games like Ocarina and Majora's Mask have the same Link. I think Aonuma was just generalizing things. There is more than one Link so he says that every game has a new Link even though that's not right. There is a great deal of time between Ocarina and Wind Waker so he says that there is a 100 years between the two even though that's not right.

In my opinion the game should be taken as the final word on this issue. When the game uses words and phrases like "ages" and "hundreds of years" there is clearly more than just a 100 years between Ocarina and Wind Waker. Also the fact of the matter is that a 1,000 years makes a whole hell of a lot more sense than a 100 years.  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: RahXephon on April 06, 2003, 09:36:25 PM
i wish there was a flash back seen showing the goddess burying hyrule in water and carrying the people above land, that would be cool.  Anyway, time is only a matter of preception, and cannot accurately be measured, especially if every statement contradicts every other.  

Someone said it takes a while to become a legend, thats not rue, because he could save the day, everyone finds out it was him, and immedieately praise him, especially that he saved their lives.

You think they should make a zelda game where the two universes from OoT should combine, allowing you to initially play as both kid and adult (Thta could make some insane puzzles) and the goal is to unite both of them to give them enough power to finally finish of Ganondorf in the last 2 games.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chasefox on April 07, 2003, 12:36:39 PM
No Chris150, I haven't played WW.  I'd probably understand what your saying and I would probably take yourside once I see it.  I just listed that quote to show what he said.  I thought it might be helpful.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Gibdo Master on April 07, 2003, 05:45:50 PM
If you haven't played the game then why we're you arguing with us. The whole point of the thread was that Aonuma said one thing while the game says another. We knew what Aonuma said from the beginning of this whole thing.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: odinfire on April 08, 2003, 11:55:46 AM
I know everyone likes to have continuity in stories (i.e. how fans create fantastic continuity sequences for the Friday the 13th films) but has it occured to anyone that the games can just stand on their own.  Personally I like to think that each game I play is a new story and I like to think of it that way.

I know Wind Waker is supposed to have continuity after Ocarina of Time but there are crucial things that are left unanswered and I think its intentional.  What gets me is that I dont think the creators even know what the hell is going on.  My questions...

1. Why dont Link and Zelda ever shack up?  I thought this was one reason why in the end of Ocarina of Time they show them meet and freeze frame.  In addition if Link actually went into the future and defeated Ganon of the future and then came back in time, wouldnt that sort of create some sort of circle.  Wouldn't that freeze framed meeting at the end of Ocarina of Time be the Link and Zelda's first meeting.  AGAIN???  Therefore she would be showing Link whats going on inside the window?  I guess that would depend on exactly what time Zelda sent Link back.  But I always thought that is what the ending was clearly trying to depict (at least until Majora's Mask).  PLEASE CORRECT ME IN MY THINKING IF I AM NO WHERE NEAR CORRECT.  THIS ISSUE GIVES ME QUITE A PERPLEXING HEADACHE.

2.  Look at Wind Waker closely...  Zelda is a decendant of the King.  BUT she has pointed ears like the forest people... i.e... Link.  Perhaps they never get together because they are in fact related.  Brother and sister.  Ocarina never really explains this.  We just begin with Link being a ditched forest kid.  Who exactly is Link's mother.  Perhaps the "Queen" of Hyrule strayed from the King for a night and Link was concieved.  She couldn't keep him as all hell would break loose in the family and she sent him to the forest.  My question is what exactly is Links heritage, why is it intentionally ignored, and where does Grandma and the present Link fit in.  Why does Zelda have pointed ears and yet the King is human?  What exactly did happen to Link in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask?  I was kinda hoping Grandma in Wind Waker would have been some sort of decendant of Zelda herself therefore explaining why she had the "Hyrulian shield" in her possession.  I THOUGHT that perhaps Zelda and Link might have gotten together at one point explaining how the current Link is a decendant.  But I dont know.  Again... ANOTHER PERPLEXING HEADACHE.

I guess Ive raised more questions then I have tried to answer but I think its really important to trying to establish a timeline.  (If indeed it can be done sucessfully which I cant really see happening unless its contrived).  The only real asset is the ability to pass through time.  Evidently the Wind Waker has that ability too.  Time warping seems to be the only real answer.

Oh and one more thing and it really really annoys the hell out of me...  Why is it "Hylian" and not "Hyrulian"?  I can never quite understand this.  I must be missing something or quite a lot.  And just so you know, Im 30 years old, bought and played every Zelda game from beginning to now.  I am a loyalist, in other words, Im not a newbie to the series, just a little confused.

Please help and I look forward to any comments.        
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: rodtod on April 08, 2003, 03:24:31 PM
odinfire, on the topic of Link and Zelda getting hooked up, Nintendo usually stays away from serious romance. I mean, look at how they poked fun at the idea of love via those two lovers in OoT! 'Course, this is because the Zelda series is one childhood fantasy after another. Honestly, kids can't discuss such topics as love and marriage without snickering. So Nintendo just doesn't bother.

Not to be rude, but for WW, Princess Zelda isn't exactly high up on the beautiful princess list. She's only 12-ish! As for the OoT Zelda (when Link is an adult), I think her voice was a bit of a turn-off to Link. Quote: "alhglkahgkw!!?"

as for the second point, there is a good possibility that Zelda and Link are related. here's a hypothetical monster: What if Link's mother was also Zelda's mother? What if she was the queen of Hyrule? I mean, I've always wondered why there's a princess, yet never a queen (we've already seen the king). Just something to ponder  
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chris150 on April 08, 2003, 04:14:31 PM

Look at Wind Waker closely... Zelda is a decendant of the King. BUT she has pointed ears like the forest people... i.e... Link.

Actually, in OoT all Hylians have pointed ears and i think the forest people have round ears. Also i thought King Hyrule did have pointed ears, maybe just not that noticable.

In response to Link's mother, The Deku Tree in OoT said that Link's mom was gonna die but before she did she left Link with the Deku tree to protect Link from the wars in Hyrule. Link's dad could've been a soldier that died in the war too.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Marcus Arillius on April 08, 2003, 07:08:18 PM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
No, it isn't true.  It's a video game.  

Thank God someone has a grasp on reality and is able to make a distinction between it and a video game.  

If you really want to know, why don't you guys write Shiggy or Nintendo and ask?
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: rodtod on April 08, 2003, 07:44:07 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
GOD @#%*&!!! I swear to god- none of you must be hardcore Zelda fans because I KNOW somewhere it is said that every 100 years a new Link comes to fight evil. That's how the whole multiple Link theory got started!!! Everyone would've just assumed it was the same Link over and over again if that legend hadn't come up!

mouse_clicker, are you sure you're not refering to a Gerudo legend? Only once every 100 years, a Gerudo male is born. So, for this culture, men are very rare, and very valuable.

Could that be it? I've often confused random trivia too, so don't worry about it. But if there is a tale saying a new hero appears every century, then the Hylians spend a good 99 years feeling helpless and insecure.
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: RahXephon on April 09, 2003, 10:35:33 PM
are people with pointed ears elfs or just geneticly diffrent, like hair coloring.  I know in OoT they are, but WW seems to be diffrent, which make sme wonder.  There are no adulty with pointed ears, i wonder if they grow out of it.  OoT link was only 17, so he is still a kid.  I know as a zelda fan  i should know these answers but i dont... so uh, tell me please
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: nitsu niflheim on April 10, 2003, 09:10:29 AM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
Ganondorf remains alive because of the Triforce of Power - which he doesn't lose until the original Zelda game from NES. This is why the first two games will always be at the end of the timeline.

THink about this.

If the King of Hyrule could plead to the Goddess' to flood Hyrule, why couldn't he have just pleaded for them to save the land, instead of flooding the land (which is stupid in itself, but this way Nintendo can conveniently get the game they want)?  And why at the end did he use the Triforce to wash away the castle instead of saving the land?  By my account Zelda 2: Adventures of Link should be the last game in the series, and if Hyrule was flooded in Wind Waker, which is set about 100 years after Ocarina of Time and before A Link to the Past, then how would the New Hyrule (it would have to be new since Old Hyrule was destroyed in Wind Waker) have their towns named after the Sages in Ocarina of Time? (I thought it a wonderful idea to give the Sages the same name's as the towns in Zelda 2, BTW) How would New Hyrule know about the Sages to name the towns after them?

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is where Ganondorf becomes pig-man Ganon, or at least Nintendo wants us to think.  The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is where Ganondorf is already Ganon -aside from his short stint as the wizard Ahgnamin (sp?) and the instance of the Dark World being corrupted by him and became pig-man Ganon (I thought he was pig-man Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time at the last battle?, there are holes and inconsistencies in the stories.  How can he become pig-man in Ocarina when in A Link to the Past, the corruption of the Golden Land ala Dark World turns him into Ganon?)  This would make sense (him becoming pig-man in A Link to the Past; because in the very first The Legend of Zelda game, it is just pig-man Ganon and he his killed at the end and the whole premise of Zelda 2: Adventures of Links is about the forces of evil trying to resurrect Ganon.

The only thing I can think of is that The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker takes place after the events of all the other previous Zelda games, meaning that every Zelda game previously has been within a 100 year time period.

1.   The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.   The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
3.   The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
4.   The Legend of Zelda
5.   Zelda 2: Adventures of Link
6.   The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
7.   The Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of Season's
7.   The Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of Age's
   (The true ending of the Oracle games have pig-man Ganon in the process of being resurrected)
8.   The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

By my calculations, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is now the last game in the series story-wise, it would rule out a New Hyrule, at least until the next Zelda game, but doesn't help to fill in the gaps about the first truth of pig-man Ganon.  Was the pig-man Ganon at the end of Ocarina not really pig-man, but merely a form Ganondorf took on out of rage, and that he wasn't forever connected to the form, being that his corruption of the Golden Land into the Dark World making him pig-man Ganon by reflecting his true form (of course if he had the Moon Pearl he could just reverse the effects, or was he corrupted to the point that it was permanent?)

So, when did Ganondorf really become Ganon?

Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 10, 2003, 10:25:04 AM
For all we know, the OoT and WW Ganon could be someone completely different than the LttP Ganon...We really don't know...What we need is more story input from future Zeldas, which I am sure will fill in the gap inbetween the already existing sections of the series
Title: Zelda WW = OoT 100 years later ?
Post by: Chris150 on April 10, 2003, 04:04:25 PM
I thought King Hyrule said to wash away Hyrule, not completely destroy it. Maybe in a future Zelda game someone gets the Triforce and wishes for Hyrule to be restored.