Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: theaveng on March 31, 2003, 05:38:07 AM

Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on March 31, 2003, 05:38:07 AM
They seem to have disappeared now that Zelda is in their hands.  Maybe they've learned not to judge a game before they've played it.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: ResidentEvil on March 31, 2003, 06:30:51 AM
You've got one right here.  I'd give the game an "above average" rating, but not great.  The graphics still look crayola-ish.  I don't know why people are over-hyping this game as if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  People skipping school just to play a video game?  Nintendo has some really sad fans.  Well I guess just because it's a "Zelda" game and it's the last decent game Nintendo will have on the market until...who knows when, that people put so much time and accolades into a game that will lose its luster, soon.  *Yawn*
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: PorpoiseMuffins on March 31, 2003, 09:35:03 AM
Uhhh... Actually... No.  Why are you here?
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Stimutacs Addict on March 31, 2003, 09:58:32 AM
I pity you for not being able to appreciate this game to the fullest extent.  
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on March 31, 2003, 10:31:30 AM
Don't categorize everyone who wasn't quite happy with the cel-shading into the "too quick to judge" group. I think Wind Waker is easily one of the best games ever made, and certainly my favorite games ever, but I still think I would've enjoyed a Zelda game with a realistic a bit more. Just my opinion.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Laser60 on March 31, 2003, 01:09:24 PM
Its not just nintendo fans who love this game, its nearly everyone.  Look at gamerankings and look at all the ecellent reviews.  It's beautiful.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Grey Ninja on March 31, 2003, 01:41:17 PM
I STILL can't believe there are people who don't like the new style.  I think they should go for a CAT scan or something.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Hostile Creation on March 31, 2003, 05:18:44 PM
Yes, Resident Evil, and I'm sure the series you're named after is the epitome of good gaming.  Gimme a break.

Right on Grey Ninja.  I haven't even played the game yet (oh, one more day I hope. . . accursed Wal-mart should have sent it to me long ago), but I still love the graphics.  My passion, I'm sure, will be doubled when I play the game.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: ResidentEvil on April 01, 2003, 11:36:11 AM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
Yes, Resident Evil, and I'm sure the series you're named after is the epitome of good gaming.  Gimme a break.

I never said it was, dumb@$$.  But it sure as hell does a better job w/ the graphics engine
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 01, 2003, 11:46:47 AM
Richard, cool it with the insults.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 01, 2003, 12:17:52 PM
"My passion, I'm sure, will be doubled when I play the game. "

Doubled is by far the wrong term- I prerfer the phrase quadrupled when referring to Wind Waker.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: ThePerm on April 01, 2003, 12:23:03 PM
pointy chins, less then vissible noses, unaturally colored hair, big people Ocarina of time was anime/manga styled. They really didnt change much. Theoretically switching to a cartoon look is more suiting to zelda. Zelda was always cartoony...hell i remember beign in toys r us playing majora's mask and soem one said it looked cartoony. All theyv doen is taken it a step further. Seriously half zelda games ever were was meeting homesexual characters that looked deformed and parodying them. Don't beleive me ask Tott(of coarse i was exagerating.....but you dont see people dancing around in the mdidle ages with rainbows on their backs always calling you guy...hey guy! i like to dance guy...wanna see my moves guy?). Everyone loved that. If they got rid of that it just wouldnt be zelda.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 01, 2003, 01:20:54 PM
"wtf people Ocarina of time was anime/manga styled"

No it wasn't, man- it just had blocky graphics. REALLY blocky graphis by today's standards.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 01, 2003, 02:32:23 PM
Don't give me graphics engine nonsense. . . I like Space Invaders more than Resident Evil.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but you should expect to be insulted if you disrespect people (especially Nintendo people, loyal fans, as you have noted yourself, and especially especially me).
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 01, 2003, 02:39:56 PM
"But it sure as hell does a better job w/ the graphics engine"

Actually, the only reason Resident Evil had such good graphics was because only the characters, items, and enemies were done in real-time graphics while everything else, meaning all of the environments, were prerendered, aka FMV (hence 2 discs). Sure it looked great, but EVERYTHING in Wind Waker is done under the Gamecube's own power, and to me that's much more impressive.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Mike-OPN2000 on April 01, 2003, 03:10:00 PM
People who arent videogame programmers dont realize just how difficult the cel-shaded visuals were to pull off.  It does look like a cartoon.  The animation is great, its runs steady at 30fps, and as always is fun to play.  I know there has been some debate about nintendo using same game engine for the sequel on Cube, I personally belive that it would be a shame if they didnt use it.  Just like Majora's Mask took the OoT engine and improved on it, the sequel to WW can do the same.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: rpglover on April 01, 2003, 03:17:23 PM

Originally posted by: Mike-OPN2000
People who arent videogame programmers dont realize just how difficult the cel-shaded visuals were to pull off.  It does look like a cartoon.  The animation is great, its runs steady at 30fps, and as always is fun to play.  I know there has been some debate about nintendo using same game engine for the sequel on Cube, I personally belive that it would be a shame if they didnt use it.  Just like Majora's Mask took the OoT engine and improved on it, the sequel to WW can do the same.

so true- but the zelda cel-shading did a little more
they dont have those thick black outlines on the characters
also i think that zelda also used some of the same animation techniques that is used in the show south park
personally i always liked cel-shading and i think this was a good technique used for zelda
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 01, 2003, 03:31:59 PM
I like this place, because I'm not surrounded by blind, ignorant idiots. . .
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: zumpiez on April 01, 2003, 05:16:42 PM

Originally posted by: rpglover

also i think that zelda also used some of the same animation techniques that is used in the show south park

They used construction paper cutouts?

Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 06:13:52 AM
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 06:13:54 AM
I liked the comment of my brother's wife: "THAT'S a videogame?!?!?  It doesn't look like a ideogame.  It looks just like a cartoon!"  Yep.  It's absolutely amazing.  No strange-looking characters with odd-looking points on their bodies... no pixelation.  Zelda looks beautiful.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 06:13:56 AM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
Zelda was always cartoony...hell i remember beign in toys r us playing majora's mask and soem one said it looked cartoony
EXACTLY.  I've heard people say the the cartoon-look doesn't suit Zelda, but if you look at the designs of older games like Ocarina, Link to the Past, and Legend of Zelda the style was always cartoonish.  Nintendo simply made the graphics match the cartoonish style.

IMHO, people who want an ultra-realistic look don't want to play Zelda (either this game or past cartoonish games).  They should go play Final Fantasy or Baldur's Gate.

Troy (Sidles off)
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 02, 2003, 10:41:15 AM
"EXACTLY. I've heard people say the the cartoon-look doesn't suit Zelda, but if you look at the designs of older games like Ocarina, Link to the Past, and Legend of Zelda the style was always cartoonish. Nintendo simply made the graphics match the cartoonish style."

No, no, no- that was just people who deep down *didn't* like the cel-shading rationalizing Nintendo's choice of the graphical style by saying that's the way it's always been when that's NOT the way it's always been. LoZ was a very early NES game, so I'm sure Nintendo was more focused on getting the graphics to look close to what they were, meaning they had very little room for any kind of "style". A Link to the Past had a pretty cartoony look- not full blown, but the style of the graphics were a big change. The Oracles had a more anime influenced style (that's anime, NOT cartoons), and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were both obviously pushing mainly for a realistic style. Granted the N64 couldn't convey that feeling perfectly, but with a few exceptions saying OoT and MM were cartoony is just a disillusion. Just face it- Nintendo changes the style of Zelda often and that's why *I* finally came to grips and accepted the graphical style, because I realized that all good things come to an end and it's important broaden the game's scope to other fields. Even so, there are many moments in Wind Waker that are decidedly realistic, despite the cel-shading (namely the Tower of the Gods).

What I find funny is if people say a realistic Zelda would've been better, immediatly someone jumps out with the argument that they don't want Nintendo to do the same thing over and over again and wear it out. Yet those SAME people turn around and claim Zelda's ALWAYS been cartoony and so people shouldn't be mad that it's cartoony now. If they don't want Nintendo using the same idea over and over again, why, according to them, are they perfectly content with a cartoon style for all *9* Zelda games?
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 02, 2003, 10:53:19 AM
The cartoon shading and Link's design are new, but the Zelda style is the same.  The majority of characters in OoT and MM have a very cartoony style to them, despite the fact that the environments used more realistic textures.

You know what I just realized?  There are no chickens in Wind Waker - what a jip!
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 02, 2003, 11:02:05 AM
No chickens, but pigs, Dan!. They serve the same purpouse as well- wack them enough with your sword and you die.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: rpglover on April 02, 2003, 01:21:04 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
No chickens, but pigs, Dan!. They serve the same purpouse as well- wack them enough with your sword and you die.

yeah that is true- they after you wack them enough they chase after you- fast and they take one whole heart away when they hit you
so if you want to die fast in ww- kill a pig
although i do like the cuccoos better though
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: thepoga on April 02, 2003, 02:01:40 PM
yeah the chickens were pretty funny. BUT now u can chuck a pig from atop a cliff and into the ocean. lol.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Koopa Troopa on April 02, 2003, 02:16:41 PM

EXACTLY. I've heard people say the the cartoon-look doesn't suit Zelda, but if you look at the designs of older games like Ocarina, Link to the Past, and Legend of Zelda the style was always cartoonish. Nintendo simply made the graphics match the cartoonish style.



(that's anime, NOT cartoons)

I didn't realize there was a distinction to be made... I guess "cartoons" are written better... and have more depth.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 02, 2003, 02:35:01 PM
"I didn't realize there was a distinction to be made... I guess "cartoons" are written better... and have more depth. "

So who's judging things NOW. Come on, man- this is not the place for bashing of anything. Supporting one plea on non-flaming only to turn around and flame something yourself is very hypocritical. Animated features can be divided into 3 loose groups to me-
cartoons, which are pretty much humorous and meant to make people laugh--Western animation, which isn't humorous and is more of a serious movie that has been animated--and anime, which is Japanese animation- they are largely serious (although include more comedy than American animation) and are in a distinc anime style.

I can understand if you're not a fan of anime- I wasn't and to a degree I'm still not (I really only enjoy things like DB/DBZ and the Gundam series), but don't bash things simply because you don't like them. That makes you just as childish as anyone saying Zelda is kiddy because it looks like a cartoon. You'd also be surprised by some anime series' depth, or movies, like Princess Monoke. Besies, saying they're poorly written is pretty ignorant of you seeing as the reason the dialouge is stiff is because all anime shown in English has to be translated from Japanese, which rarely produces a perfect English copy.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 05:34:57 PM

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
"EXACTLY. I've heard people say the the cartoon-look doesn't suit Zelda, but if you look at the designs of older games like Ocarina, Link to the Past, and Legend of Zelda the style was always cartoonish. Nintendo simply made the graphics match the cartoonish style."

...LoZ was a very early NES game, so I'm sure Nintendo was more focused on getting the graphics to look close to what they were, meaning they had very little room for any kind of "style". A Link to the Past had a pretty cartoony look- not full blown, but the style of the graphics were a big change. The Oracles had a more anime influenced style (that's anime, NOT cartoons), and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were both obviously pushing mainly for a realistic style.
I apologize mouse_clicker, but I do not understand your argument?  Why make this distinction between "anime" and "cartoon"?  Isn't "anime" simply a Japanese word which means cartoon?  Anime, cartoon, animation... it all means the same thing: A movie made using hand-drawn frames.

Also, I have to disagree that Ocarina/Masks was realistic.  The games had goofy-looking and goofy-acting characters all over the place.  The *style* of the game was cartoonish (or anime-ish) even if the graphics were not.  Both games had the cartoon/anime-style of humor.


Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
What I find funny is if people say a realistic Zelda would've been better, immediatly someone jumps out with the argument that they don't want Nintendo to do the same thing over and over again and wear it out. Yet those SAME people turn around and claim Zelda's ALWAYS been cartoony and so people shouldn't be mad that it's cartoony now.
Well... I'm not "other people".  I have my own thoughts separate and often completely different from them.  Please don't put other people's words in my mouth.  Thank you.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 05:34:59 PM
After playing Wind Waker the cartoon (or anime)  (or animation)... I seriously doubt I would enjoy a realistic graphics style.  No funny-looking people running around.  No amusing jokes.  No throwing girls against walls and seeing stars around their heads.  Basically, it would be extremely boring and not suit Zelda at all.

Troy (Sidles off)
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 02, 2003, 05:36:30 PM
"Well... I'm not "other people". I have my own thoughts separate and often completely different from them. Please don't put other people's words in my mouth. Thank you. "

And did *I* say otherpeople = theavenge? No. Don't put words in MY mouth. I was one the subject and adressed something that pissed me off- I never said you personally did that.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 02, 2003, 05:47:10 PM
I apologize.

Now please answer my other questions.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: RahXephon on April 02, 2003, 08:09:56 PM
First of all, there is a distinction between anime and cartoon.  IIf you go to buy a cartoon in a store, you go to animation.  Buy anime at the ANIME section.  Video stores ALWAYS keep this seperate.  Also onlione.  Type in cartoon under AMAZON, you will most likely get no cartoons.  Now try anime..... no cartoons.  There are far to many points that make an anime an anime.  Character is one.  Also that things usual flow on a day to day basis, where stuff is remembered.  The drawing style is diffrent also, i dont meen look, but the actual techniques used to acheive it.  Many things to seperate them.  VERY IMPORTANT, THERE ARE MANY THINGS YOU CANT DO WITH REAL GRAPHICS AND STILL HAVE IT LOOK RIGHT.  The particles on ROOST ISLAND would be 2d in a 3d real world. Watch ALL of EVANGELION, then tell me anime is just a cartoon, or even better, watch Grave of the Fireflies.    

About WW, it is ANIME STYLE.  Dont any of you know Hayashi Miyazaki.  He won an oscar this year for spirited away.  The graphic style are the same almost.  And the new WW look is the best thing i have ever seen in a game.  If they go back to "more" realalistic, which basically means pixelated characters that move funny and act like lifeless zombies instead of people, then i will be quite angry.  Ninetndo has put a new technology to the greayest use it has ever seen.  It is perfect.  I cant stand to play OoT because WW is too nice looking.
"my friend says, why is the water only one color, i said becuase you are playing an animation in motion.  Then he saw the snot kid on Offset and started laughing hysterically."
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: ThePerm on April 02, 2003, 08:27:59 PM
the only thing really real looking about ocarina was the water, castle, and grass textures. Everything else was very cartoony. The roads, the npcs, link, enemies.  You cant say its that the graphics are pixalted, polygonal, and blocky because you could look at similar games at the time like metal gear(although it had some anime character icons in the select transmissions), goldeneye, and final fantasy 8(and thats a bit of a tweener...the characters ahve rerealistic lighting and texturing...proportions,...etc but the faces still have big eyes and pointy chins and colorful hair....but compare 8 to the movie and yeah.....) Anywyas Ocarina was pretty cartoony and i always realised that.

anime vs cartoons
There really is no difference between cartoons and anime. Anime follows more similar styles set by Osamu Tezuka who was actually inspired by disney and betty boop and has devloped in a way that makes for continuous storylines wheras american cartoons always seem to reset with each episode. American cartoons dont follow a similar stlye at all. They pretty mcuh all look different. Most Anime is usually based after a manga(a japanese version of the comic book most commonly in black and white) and very few mangas become cartoons. I really like anime...its a thing that entertains me. I think pretty much they have devloped to be superior to american cartoons because the way their method has allowed hem to get more done. The only   series of american cartoons iv seen are disney, loony toons, and the simpsons when i talk about style. Everythign else is just way out there.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 03, 2003, 02:35:16 AM
For the distinction between anime and cartoons, just compare Dragonball Z and Loony Tunes. Yeah, they're both animated but that's what their similarities end. Their art style is vastly different, the emotion they're trying to convey is usually different (Loony Tunes is humorous and DBZ is generally serious), the dialouge is vastly different. Maybe where the misunderstanding is is in that I don't view "cartoons" as any animated feature by as  cartoony exaggerated and humorous ones in particular. Anime is very different from this.

As for OoT, I guess it's all a matter of perception. I thought nearly all of the locations were realistic and only some of the characters were cartoony (King Zora, the townspeople, that guy on Lake Hylia). I'm not saying the game was ultra realistic, but in my opinion it's not cartoony, either.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 03, 2003, 07:46:18 AM
Okay then.  I repeat my comments, but revised:

Zelda was always anime-ish.  Goofy characters/ oddbal humor/ strange coloring of faces and hairstyles.  Zelda was always anime-ish.  Nintendo simply made the graphics match the style.

TRIVIA: I remember when "anime" was called "Japanimation".  
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Bloodworth on April 03, 2003, 07:59:04 AM
Heh...well Anime was only called Japanimation in America.  Actually...I'm fairly sure that in Japan anything animated, including American works, is called anime.  So all this silly bickering is kind of pointless then.

And also, Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli films are on a completely different level.  I know people that won't even refer to it as anime.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 03, 2003, 02:52:10 PM
People in Japan must have just called it "imation". . .

While it's a good arguement, and it does make a point, I don't think it really matter if OoT was cartoony or not.  WW is cartoony no matter what, and it's still a good game regardless, whether the old ones were similar in style or not.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: rpglover on April 03, 2003, 03:20:57 PM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
Heh...well Anime was only called Japanimation in America.  Actually...I'm fairly sure that in Japan anything animated, including American works, is called anime.  So all this silly bickering is kind of pointless then.

And also, Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli films are on a completely different level.  I know people that won't even refer to it as anime.

yeah its so true
and miyazaki's works are pure genius its just not right to call them a cartoon or anime
if any of you have not seen princess mononoke- do it now- you will not be dissapointed
they got many high quality actors and actresses to voice the characters
and the story and animation is so good- its god like
its one of my favorite movies in animation form
also- akira was really good but i dont think he made that one
his new one- spirited away- looks damn awesome- i cant wait to see it
animation movies are just a way to express yourself- as they did with zelda
just because its a different style doesnt mean you have to deprive yourself of it
like zelda- the style is different but the gameplay is still unmatched and almost perfect
anime movies may be drawn but they can be just as good as your regular movies with real actors
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 03, 2003, 03:57:23 PM
Princess Mononoke was cool.  Cowboy Bebop is the only anime I even vaguely like, and it's rather western and more mature, relatively speaking.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 04, 2003, 02:26:47 AM
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 04, 2003, 02:26:49 AM
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: theaveng on April 04, 2003, 02:26:50 AM
Can you guys please stick to Zelda?  There's a separate "general" forum for anime discussions.  I wish to discuss Zelda, not Princess Mononucleosus or whatever her name is.

Originally posted by: theaveng

Zelda was always anime-ish.  Goofy characters/ oddbal humor/ strange coloring of faces and hairstyles.  Zelda was always anime-ish.  Nintendo simply made the graphics match the style.
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: rodtod on April 08, 2003, 03:13:35 PM
This may be a late post, but just wanted to say this...

The very title of this thread is flame-bait. Don't bash ResidentEvil for thinking WW looks "above average", that's his opinion.

You know what's ironic? The fact that a good deal many of you all hated the look of this game when it was first unveiled, and yet you are now bashing people who behave similarly. I remember that PGC chat during the Spaceworld unveiling. The chat had to be put on hold because so many people were bitching about Nintendo ruining everything, that the graphics looked terrible, and that you'd never forgive Miyamoto for what he'd done.

Well guess what, you bought the game anyway, and it turned out to be possibly the best Zelda ever. Who's complaining now? Maybe people who are able to avoid being hypocritical.

Just my $0.02  
Title: Where are the cell-shading naysayers?
Post by: GoldShadow1 on April 12, 2003, 10:23:37 PM
I like the style of Wind Waker.. at times.  I'm not a huge fan of Link's character design (I'd kill for a cel-shaded version of child Link from OoT instead), and some of the environments seem rather simply colored, like a Flash animation on a web site.  Some things, like water and lava and whatnot, are great, and I am a huge fan of the swirling smoke effect.  I could seriously see a next-generation version of this game so complex and breathtaking that it makes this game look terrible, while still keeping the cel-shaded style.  I would especially like to see more detail in the textures.  Still, I can't think of anything that could beat the feeling of sailing to a mysterious destination while dawn peaks on the horizon.