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Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: walkingdead2 on February 17, 2008, 03:49:36 AM

Title: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: walkingdead2 on February 17, 2008, 03:49:36 AM
i just want to start this out by saying that i at one time managed a game stop... i was not a giant douche bag however.

me-i need an xbox 360 which one's do you have

gse1- i just sold the last one... we do have ps3's in

me-why would i want that (in a sarcastic but condescending tone)

gse1-its more powerfull than the 360

me-yea but all the games i want are on the xbox... and the only reason i would have to get a ps3 is for metal gear and i dont want to pay 500 bucks just for that game

gse1- there all that price

me- and xbox is 500 dollars... where on what planet?

gse1 no 50

me- no the game price isnt what bothers me its the system price i dont want to pay for one game

gse2- the ps3 is way more powerfull 14x more powerfull and your going to see that all the games are going to start comming out for the ps3.

random customer- plus the online is free

me-i dont play online and the ps3 sucks, thanks any way

now unfortunately i couldn't convey they tone in there voice but these guys were really adamant that the ps3 was the way to go.  and in 2-3 years maybe but until then im going to stick with my wii and eventually get a 360.  i just hate how these guys think that they are the only people who know any thing about gaming.

the one thing i wanted to point out to them but there line was getting long and i didn't want to hold up other people is the n64 was more powerful than the ps1, the game cube was more powerful than the ps2 and in some respects the xbox.  yet none of these systems were the dominant one.  specs mean nothing its all about install base.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 17, 2008, 04:45:54 AM
Game Stops are very, VERY dangerous places for fanbois, lol. Probably because the people across the counter is probably a much worse fanboi than you. Or because they're probably trying to meet a sales quota.

Luckily for me, my local gamestop employees know me as that crazy nintendo fanboi who pre-orders a ton, so they keep their mouths shut about my pure nintendo buying habits, and I think they don't even bat an eye anymore when I pre-order games like Dog Island from them. Haha!
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: NWR_insanolord on February 17, 2008, 05:54:41 AM
I must be really lucky to have a GameStop where every person I've ever encountered working there is at least competent and the store manager and another guy who's there a lot are really great people. Half the times I go there I take longer than I expected because I get into a conversation with the guy behind the counter.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Maverick on February 17, 2008, 06:08:49 AM
When they said "no but we have PS3s", why didn't you just say "No thanks, I don't want one."?
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: walkingdead2 on February 17, 2008, 07:48:30 AM
well i thought why would i want that in a clearly sarcastic tone would have given them the idea that i don't want one. 
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Pale on February 17, 2008, 09:03:11 AM
me-i dont play online and the ps3 sucks, thanks any way

^ This makes you look just as silly as them. ^
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: walkingdead2 on February 17, 2008, 11:21:47 PM
why does that make me look sily. cause i dont play online, or i think the ps3 sucks?  i said thanks any way that was polite.  and to say the ps3 sucks is no different than all the people who hated the gamecube cause there were "no good games for it".
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on February 18, 2008, 12:17:42 AM
Speaking of Gamestop, I was in there a couple days back preordering a few games, and there was this one nerdish guy who was whining that PS3 didn't outsell Wii, missing it by 5000 units. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the main reason for that was because the Wii's were being diverted elsewhere.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: NWR_insanolord on February 18, 2008, 12:48:12 AM
why does that make me look sily. cause i dont play online, or i think the ps3 sucks?  i said thanks any way that was polite.  and to say the ps3 sucks is no different than all the people who hated the gamecube cause there were "no good games for it".

Exactly, you were being no different from people who were ignorant jerks, which makes you look silly.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: IceCold on February 18, 2008, 01:04:35 AM
Except a year and a half into the Cube's life, it had several incredible exclusive games. Can't say the same about the PS3.

Plus it was more than twice cheaper.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: walkingdead2 on February 18, 2008, 04:04:12 AM
why does that make me look sily. cause i dont play online, or i think the ps3 sucks?  i said thanks any way that was polite.  and to say the ps3 sucks is no different than all the people who hated the gamecube cause there were "no good games for it".

Exactly, you were being no different from people who were ignorant jerks, which makes you look silly.

i dont think it made me look silly. but if i would have stayed longer i may have.  if it wasn't for the line behind me i was going to inform them how hardware does not sell a system these days.

but what ever to each there own.  when the ps3 is less than 200 bucks i will prbably get one. it will be worth it just for the blue ray player and the few exclusive games it will have then.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 18, 2008, 04:42:38 AM
NEVER! I am a die-hard Nintendo fanboi who'll never own a non-nintendo system!!!

... except for a Game Gear, a Playstation... and a PC.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Caliban on February 18, 2008, 05:31:02 AM
Oh Kairon, you're one big innocent exception.

When I go to my local EB, there are no Gamestops in Canada I think, and if I strike a conversation I usually know just as much as the guys that are selling me the games, heck even their manager is cool.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Chozo Ghost on February 18, 2008, 10:16:26 AM
NEVER! I am a die-hard Nintendo fanboi who'll never own a non-nintendo system!!!

... except for a Game Gear, a Playstation... and a PC.

Ditto. I might buy a second hand PS3 in the distant future when the PS4 comes out, but I'm not going to give my business to an evil company like Sony.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: IceCold on February 18, 2008, 11:36:54 AM
I've never owned a non-Nintendo console. When I could afford to buy one, I didn't have the time to dedicate to it. Hell, at that point and further I haven't even been able to keep up with Nintendo console games.

Plus I've just never been interested in enough games on other consoles.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 18, 2008, 11:41:43 AM
I've pondered owning a second hand XBox 360... but with the hardware failure rates on those things, and the high price to begin with, I decided it was a very bad idea.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on February 18, 2008, 11:44:33 AM
I've pondered owning a second hand XBox 360... but with the hardware failure rates on those things, and the high price to begin with, I decided it was a very bad idea.

Kairon hates good games. Confirmed!
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 18, 2008, 11:47:35 AM
Kairon hates expensive broken hardware.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on February 18, 2008, 11:52:01 AM
Kairon hates expensive broken hardware.

Buy a new one and you get the 3 year warranty!
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 18, 2008, 11:53:10 AM
Oh yeah? How much does one of those cost?
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Chozo Ghost on February 18, 2008, 04:35:17 PM
I've pondered owning a second hand XBox 360... but with the hardware failure rates on those things, and the high price to begin with, I decided it was a very bad idea.

On the other hand, now would be an excellent time to purchase a second hand PS2 or original Xbox. At this point they are bound to be dirt-cheap, and us diehard Nintendo Fanbois and Fangoils can sleep soundly knowing we aren't helping undermine our beloved company.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: DAaaMan64 on February 18, 2008, 08:02:48 PM
I was actually thinking about buying a original xbox.  I wanna play phsyconauts.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 19, 2008, 08:13:48 AM
I've pondered owning a second hand XBox 360... but with the hardware failure rates on those things, and the high price to begin with, I decided it was a very bad idea.

On the other hand, now would be an excellent time to purchase a second hand PS2 or original Xbox. At this point they are bound to be dirt-cheap, and us diehard Nintendo Fanbois and Fangoils can sleep soundly knowing we aren't helping undermine our beloved company.

But Okami and Bully are already coming to the Wii! I just have to hope and pray for Psychonauts now... which I'm pretty sure ain't gonna happen. Gametap has psychonauts don't they?
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Smoke39 on February 19, 2008, 08:34:34 AM
I think it does.  So does Steam.  It's awesome.  Milkman level ftw.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: vudu on February 23, 2008, 12:53:42 AM
Gametap has Psychonauts FOR FREE.  I played it for the first time back in December.  It was totally rad.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Chozo Ghost on February 25, 2008, 04:35:19 PM
Gametap isn't actually free...
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: vudu on February 25, 2008, 04:51:08 PM
The free version is.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: LuigiHann on February 25, 2008, 05:07:10 PM
Oh, nice to see someone else talking about GameTap here. Every time people talk about spending 6 or 9 dollars on a Genesis or Neo Geo game, I cringe.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Kairon on February 25, 2008, 06:23:51 PM
Oh, nice to see someone else talking about GameTap here. Every time people talk about spending 6 or 9 dollars on a Genesis or Neo Geo game, I cringe.

But...that's my purpose in life! T_T
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: LuigiHann on February 25, 2008, 07:07:28 PM
Oh, nice to see someone else talking about GameTap here. Every time people talk about spending 6 or 9 dollars on a Genesis or Neo Geo game, I cringe.

But...that's my purpose in life! T_T

It only really bothers me when the game happens to also be free on GameTap. It's just a waste. I'm horrified to think that people will be paying money for C64 games...
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on February 25, 2008, 07:21:57 PM
Nintendo takes capitalism to greater levels.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on February 26, 2008, 08:34:08 AM
Oh, nice to see someone else talking about GameTap here. Every time people talk about spending 6 or 9 dollars on a Genesis or Neo Geo game, I cringe.

Well the main problem I have with gametap is that its a subscription based service and once your subscription is up the games that you play on gametap go poof. And considering the service is more than 100 dollars a year by the price margin people would probably want to spend some money on VC games or classic compilations.

But...that's my purpose in life! T_T

It only really bothers me when the game happens to also be free on GameTap. It's just a waste. I'm horrified to think that people will be paying money for C64 games...

The main problem I have with gametap is once your subscription is up the games that you played you have no access to because its a subscription based service. Also a lot of people on cheapassgamer use gamelagoon to get "free" Wii points and MS points. And I'd rather own games rather than rent them on a subscription based service because I like to own things if I pay for them and not have them temporarily. And I do agree that 9 dollars is a lot for neogeo games on VC thats why I rather buy the inevitable SNK arcade and fighter compilations. For the genesis VC games for me it depends some are on the genesis compilation disc or if they are VC exclusive.
Title: Re: a conversation with 2 game stop employee's
Post by: darknight06 on February 26, 2008, 07:26:23 PM
I swear it's like some of you guys want this stuff for free or something.  For something like KOF94 $9.00 is STEALING compared to how much that cartridge would probaly still go for.  Same goes for games like Gradius 2 PC Engine Super CD ROM2 (It had exclusive stuff to be found nowhere else) and ESPECIALLY Gate of Thunder, both of which are worth WAY more than their VC asking prices.  I remember when the average Neo Geo game was $250 for the home title.  You will see most of SNK's games in a compilation, but the other 2 are almost guaranteed not to see any apparence anywhere other than the VC and the PC Engine.