Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NewsBot on June 07, 2004, 10:53:50 AM

Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: NewsBot on June 07, 2004, 10:53:50 AM
Box your Pokémon for fun…IN A CUBE!  Includes accessories…

UPDATE: There actually is an announced release date: June 12th.  Special thanks to  Afrokenjonny for the tip!

Are you bitter that Nintendo didn’t release Pokémon box with Pokémon Colosseum?  Don’t be: Nintendo of America is finally releasing the monster storage and transfer GameCube software exclusively through the Pokemon Center, either online or at its New York superstore.

The box was free in Japan, and Nintendo knows it can’t just charge $19.95 for an organizer.  Therefore, every Pokémon Box purchase will come with a memory card (251 block card pictured) and a GC-GBA link cable!  Nintendo's even throwing in two complementary, random Pokémon badges.  What a deal!

Along with organizing 1,500 Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire monsters, the software lets gamers play their Ruby or Sapphire GBA game on the GameCube with only a link cable and a GBA—no Game Boy Player needed.

The Pokemon Center does not have a release date on its site, but Pokémon fans can pre-order Pokémon Box right now!

Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 07, 2004, 11:20:39 AM

Now I'll have five link cables and I only paid for one...maybe i should start selling these things...
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Bill Aurion on June 07, 2004, 11:28:46 AM
That's a nice deal!


Ah crap!  *realizes this would make his third link cable*
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: mouse_clicker on June 07, 2004, 11:43:22 AM
Wow, Nintendo's really making this a nice package- I'd buy it in an instant if I had Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. Hell, I'm thinking about buying it simply for the memory card and link cable- that's worth $20 right there.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Ian Sane on June 07, 2004, 11:51:28 AM
"Now I'll have five link cables and I only paid for one"

I know what you mean.  I understand including the cable with one connectivity game but it's overkill to include one with every connectivity game.  Just assume we all bought Crystal Chronicles.

I'm glad NOA is making this available here but I'm still pissed off they didn't include it with Colloseum in the first place.  This seems like a good deal but if you don't need another cable or memory card then you're basically paying $20 for something that's supposed to be free.  Plus you have to pay shipping.  The real blame though should be on NCL as they're the morons that made this a seperate product in the first place.

Plus I think it's quite inconvenient for this to only be available through the Pokemon Center.  The target market is supposed to be kids and they lack credit cards to purchase products online.  Plus as a Canadian I likely will be charged with tariffs and duty and all sorts of other bullsh!t charges that I could completely avoid if this was available in stores.

However due to it's limited accessibility it's possible this could become a collector's item.  Unless they advertise it on TV how many people are even going to know about this?
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 07, 2004, 12:25:07 PM
Doesn't it require a massive amount of memory card space or something?  And thats the reason for including one??
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 07, 2004, 12:27:35 PM
Oh, i got a question?

Is this gonna be compatible with red/green?

Is it gonna be compatible with Colosseum somehow?  Maybe by having both cards in the system at once and the pokemon box disc?
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on June 07, 2004, 12:37:21 PM
Very likely compatible with Fire Red & Leaf Green, but Nintendo probably isn't saying officially yet.  I wouldn't buy it right now if you don't own or plan to get Ruby/Sapphire, just in case.

This package would be an obvious thing to offer for Club Nintendo...
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: mouse_clicker on June 07, 2004, 12:51:55 PM
Ian: You're getting a link cable ($9.95), a memory card 251 ($19.95), two Pokemon patches (~$10), AND Pokemon Box. That's a package worth over $50, and you're getting it for $20- get over it. Look at it as getting Pokemon Box for free while paying for everything else.  
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Ian Sane on June 07, 2004, 01:05:11 PM
"Look at it as getting Pokemon Box for free while paying for everything else."

Well that's the point.  I don't want or need another link cable or memory card 251 so the deal isn't as enticing.  My negativity however is mostly because of the fact that this is even a seperate product in the first place.  Essentially what Nintendo did was split Pokemon Stadium's game modes into two seperate games.  I'm a big Nintendo fan and I love their games but when it comes to Pokemon it's like suddenly everything is a glorified scam.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Syl on June 07, 2004, 01:50:56 PM
I'm just curious..

So is the 1019 coming out soon?  otherwise i may have to pick this up..

Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: mouse_clicker on June 07, 2004, 01:55:49 PM
Pokemon Box is an organizer, Ian- it's not even a game!
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: MattCrafty on June 07, 2004, 01:56:05 PM
I saw the memory card 1019 in a store the other day, but I really don't need that much space.
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: novastar512 on June 07, 2004, 02:08:33 PM
wow that is a great deal.  Like does it say how much shipping is? Cause i do live in canada, but we soooo get gyped across the border. Arghhh I wish stupid nintendo could sell it directly, since more people are likely to go to these web sites, and they are also distributed across US and CDN.

Oh well i guess I will just buy a link cable for my 4 swords GC elsewhere.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 07, 2004, 03:38:28 PM
For once I do kind of agree with Ian on this whole thing.  The main reason the original stadium games were so cool for me was because of the great organization and ease of transfer between games without doing 50,000 trades.  Of course, if I look at it as a trade off for actually having a story mode in Colosseum, I'm not complaining.... but if they put this organization in there as well it would make for a much sweeter package.

It would also be INCREDIBLY nice, as someone (jonny?) said above, if all of us who have both ruby/sapphire and colosseum registerred at just got a nice little email saying we were being sent the disc..

edit: wait, R/S was before the whole pin number thing wasn't it...
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on June 07, 2004, 06:13:24 PM

Originally posted by: MattCrafty
I saw the memory card 1019 in a store the other day, but I really don't need that much space.

It was a third-party card, then.  The official Memory Card 1019 isn't out yet...I think late summer, early fall is the plan.
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Berto2K on June 07, 2004, 06:36:52 PM
Nope, its the official Nintendo one Jonny.  Check here: Nintendo 1019 card.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 07, 2004, 06:52:07 PM
Yeah it was in a wal mart ad in nintendo power for an early june release... Kind of snuck up on me too.
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: MattVDB on June 08, 2004, 06:46:10 AM
So, I read here a few weeks ago that somebody was planning on buying a mem card 1019 today (today is the offical release day), but then I saw them in Wal*Mart last week.  Just like they did with the GBA NES series, they released them a bit early.  You should check out the new GCN demo disks as well; they have an add for the memory card on there.
$30 seems a little steep to me right now for 1 memory card though.  I know it is cheaper than buying a lot, but so far, I haven't filled up my 251, so why am I complaining?
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: KazarSanaga on June 10, 2004, 08:52:17 PM
I wonder where Afrokenjonny got his information. At it says "Ships July 12th"and dosen't even give a date.  I'm confused. I orderd mine sonn after hearing about it being released. I'm just getting confused because I want to know when I'm gonna get it. Is it gonna be June 12th like PGC says, or July 12th like says?  
Title: RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Jale on June 10, 2004, 09:27:02 PM
I doubt the offer will make it to my side of the Pond.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on June 11, 2004, 05:33:41 PM
I too would like to know why there is a mix up in dates....  July 12th seems to be the real release date...  This came in my email when i ordered...

"Dear Mike! has received your order. Pokémon Box will be shipped to
you on July 12th, 2004. Please keep this email as a receipt."

So i'm guessing its July 12th and not June 12th.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Mario on June 11, 2004, 08:04:09 PM
Yay.. now every country has Pokemon Box except Australia.
Title: RE: Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
Post by: Pale on July 08, 2004, 06:49:01 AM
Well pokemon box shipped early cause i have it.  BLAH, its only a memory card 59 though... argh.

edit... But it IS the cool dual colored one from japan so thats sweet... I dunno if enough people care to make it worth updating the news story but...

The game is out and shipping now.
It takes up 59 blocks and comes with a memory card 59.
The memroy card 59 is dual colored.
I'll get back to you all on whether it works with colosseum (unless that is already common knowledge)

edit again:
there doesn't; seem to be anyway to access your colosseum memory card in the other slot.  BOOO